diff --git a/lang/fr.json b/lang/fr.json index be6eb059..9d0605fc 100644 --- a/lang/fr.json +++ b/lang/fr.json @@ -247,7 +247,6 @@ "category.blockbench": "Blockbench", "category.edit": "Édition", "category.transform": "Transformer", - "category.filter": "Filtre", "category.view": "Vue", "category.display": "Paramètres d'affichage", "category.textures": "Textures", @@ -390,7 +389,6 @@ "menu.file": "Fichier", "menu.edit": "Édition", "menu.transform": "Transformer", - "menu.filter": "Filtre", "menu.display": "Affichage", "menu.view": "Vue", "menu.file.new": "Nouveau", @@ -743,7 +741,6 @@ "dates.yesterday": "Hier", "dates.this_week": "Cette semaine", "dates.weeks_ago": "Il y a %0 semaines", - "mode.start": "Accueil", "mode.start.new": "Nouveau", "mode.start.recent": "Récent", "format.free": "Modèle libre", @@ -1116,10 +1113,6 @@ "settings.antialiasing.desc": "Active l'anti-aliasing dans l'aperçu. Redémarrez Blockbench pour appliquer les modifications.", "action.timeline_frame_back": "Sauter d'1 image en arrière", "action.timeline_frame_forth": "Sauter d'1 image en avant", - "action.ik_enabled": "Active IK", - "action.ik_enabled.desc": "Activer la cinématique inverse pour cet os", - "action.slider_ik_chain_length": "Longueur de la chaîne IK", - "action.slider_ik_chain_length.desc": "Longueur vers le haut de la chaîne des os IK", "panel.bone.ik": "Cinématique inverse (Expérimentale)", "settings.particle_tick_rate": "Fréquence des particules", "settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Fréquence de rafraîchissement des effets de particules, en rafraîchissements par seconde. 30 par défaut.", @@ -1190,7 +1183,6 @@ "mode.start.keymap_preference": "Prérérence de commandes", "mode.start.keymap_preference.desc": "Si vous êtes nouveau sur Blockbench et êtes habitué à un autre logiciel 3D, vous pouvez sélectionner une keymap pour faciliter votre transition. Vous pouvez changer de keymap ou des commandes particulières plus tard dans les paramètres.", "mode.start.select_keymap": "Sélectionnez une keymap", - "message.recording_gif": "Création de GIF en cours. Cliquez ici pour interrompre.", "message.load_keymap": "Voulez-vous vraiment charger cette keymap ? Cela va écraser vos commandes actuelles.", "message.keymap_loaded": "Keymap chargée", "dialog.convert_project.current_format": "Format acuel", @@ -1423,5 +1415,67 @@ "status_bar.selection.edges": "%0 arêtes", "action.selection_mode.edge": "Arête", "message.cannot_re_import.title": "Le modèle ne peut être réimporté", - "message.cannot_re_import.message": "Ce format d'export de modèle ne peut être réimporté vers Blockbench. Assurez-vous de sauvegarder votre modèle en tant que fichier de projet." + "message.cannot_re_import.message": "Ce format d'export de modèle ne peut être réimporté vers Blockbench. Assurez-vous de sauvegarder votre modèle en tant que fichier de projet.", + "generic.default": "Default", + "units.pixels_per_meter": "%0 Pixel par mètre", + "mode.pose": "Pose", + "modifier_actions.resize_both_sides": "Resize in both directions", + "modifier_actions.resize_one_side": "Resize in one direction", + "modifier_actions.draw_line": "Draw line", + "modifier_actions.drag_without_snapping": "Drag without snapping", + "modifier_actions.stretch_keyframes": "Stretch keyframes", + "modifier_actions.resize_background": "Resize background", + "modifier_actions.select_multiple": "Select multiple", + "modifier_actions.select_range": "Select range", + "modifier_actions.drag_to_duplicate": "Drag to duplicate", + "modifier_actions.uniform_scaling": "Uniform Scaling", + "modifier_actions.snap_direction": "Snap Direction", + "message.no_valid_elements": "Aucun élément valide sélectionné...", + "dialog.add_primitive.shape.plane": "Plane", + "dialog.save_angle.rotation_mode": "Rotation Mode", + "dialog.save_angle.rotation": "Rotation", + "dialog.save_angle.fov": "FOV", + "settings.hide_tab_bar": "Auto-hide Tab Bar", + "settings.hide_tab_bar.desc": "Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open", + "settings.status_bar_modifier_keys": "Suggest Modifier Keys in Status Bar", + "settings.status_bar_modifier_keys.desc": "Display context aware suggested modifier keys in the status bar", + "settings.ground_plane": "Ground Plane", + "settings.ground_plane.desc": "Show a floor plane below the model", + "settings.preview_paste_behavior": "Default Preview Paste Behavior", + "settings.preview_paste_behavior.desc": "Select the behavior when pasting something into the preview in Edit mode and multiple options are available", + "settings.preview_paste_behavior.always_ask": "Always Ask", + "action.new_window": "New Window", + "action.new_window.desc": "Opens a new Blockbench window", + "action.export_collada": "Export Collada Model (dae)", + "action.export_collada.desc": "Export model and animations as dae file to use it in other 3D applications", + "action.paint_mode_uv_overlay": "UV Overlay", + "action.paint_mode_uv_overlay.desc": "Display the UV map as an overlay in paint mode", + "action.bake_animation_into_model": "Bake Animation into Model", + "action.bake_animation_into_model.desc": "Bake the currently displayed animation frame into the model. Only applies rotation and position, scale is ignored.", + "action.keyframe_interpolation.step": "Step", + "action.set_ik_target": "Set IK Target", + "action.set_ik_target.desc": "Select the target bone that should be moved by this null object via Inverse Kinematics", + "menu.action_control.type.tab": "Tab", + "menu.action_control.type.angle": "Camera Angle", + "menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode": "Sure? Streamer Mode is enabled", + "menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode.desc": "Are you sure you want to display recent models?", + "menu.tools": "Outils", + "menu.file.recent.more": "View More...", + "menu.null_object.lock_ik_target_rotation": "Lock IK Target Rotation", + "menu.animation_file.import_remaining": "Import Remaining Animations", + "edit.loop_cut.offset": "Offset", + "edit.extrude_mesh_selection.extend": "Extend", + "cube.color.pink": "Rose", + "cube.color.silver": "Argent", + "dialog.plugins.offline": "No internet connection", + "dialog.create_texture.pixel_density": "Pixel Density", + "dialog.create_texture.pixel_density.desc": "The pixel density of the texture, in pixels per meter. The size of the texture map may differ depending on the amount and size of elements.", + "panel.skin_pose": "Pose", + "panel.skin_pose.none": "None", + "panel.skin_pose.natural": "Natural", + "panel.skin_pose.walking": "Walking", + "panel.skin_pose.crouching": "Crouching", + "panel.skin_pose.sitting": "Sitting", + "panel.skin_pose.jumping": "Jumping", + "panel.skin_pose.aiming": "Aiming" } \ No newline at end of file