diff --git a/lang/pt.json b/lang/pt.json index 7e46883d..fda88f59 100644 --- a/lang/pt.json +++ b/lang/pt.json @@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ "dialog.plugins.web_only": "Apenas para o aplicativo da web", "dialog.plugins.app_only": "Apenas para o aplicativo da área de trabalho", "dialog.plugins.author": "por %0", - "dialog.plugins.show_less": "Recolher", "dialog.create_texture.folder": "Pasta", "dialog.create_texture.resolution": "Resolução", "dialog.input.title": "Entrada", @@ -358,8 +357,6 @@ "action.screenshot_model.desc": "Fazer uma captura de tela recortada do modelo do ângulo atual", "action.screenshot_app": "Fotografar Aplicativo", "action.screenshot_app.desc": "Tirar uma captura de tela de toda a aplicação", - "action.toggle_quad_view": "Alternar Visão Quad", - "action.toggle_quad_view.desc": "Alternar o modo de 4 pontos de vista", "action.import_texture": "Importar Textura", "action.import_texture.desc": "Importar uma ou mais texturas do seu arquivo do sistema", "action.create_texture": "Criar Textura", @@ -632,8 +629,6 @@ "action.eraser.desc": "Ferramenta borracha para substituir cores em uma textura com transparência", "action.color_picker": "Seletor de Cores", "action.color_picker.desc": "Ferramenta para escolher a cor dos pixels na sua textura", - "action.open_backup_folder": "Abrir Pasta de Backup", - "action.open_backup_folder.desc": "Abre a pasta de backup do Blockbench", "switches.mirror": "Espelhar UV", "language_name": "Português", "message.plugin_reload": "Recarregados %0 plugins locais", @@ -743,7 +738,6 @@ "message.wireframe.enabled": "Visualização de estrutura de arame ativada", "message.wireframe.disabled": "Visualização de estrutura de arame desativada", "dialog.convert_project.title": "Converter Projeto", - "dialog.convert_project.text": "Tem certeza de que deseja converter este projeto? Você não pode desfazer esta etapa.", "dialog.create_texture.double_use": "Manter ocupação de textura múltipla", "dialog.model_stats.title": "Status do Modelo", "dialog.model_stats.cubes": "Cubos", @@ -926,7 +920,6 @@ "dialog.resize_texture.fill.transparent": "Transparente", "dialog.resize_texture.fill.color": "Cor", "dialog.resize_texture.fill.repeat": "Repetir", - "dialog.resize_texture.fill.stretch": "Esticar", "dialog.scale.element_pivot": "Elemento do Pivô", "dialog.scale.selection_center": "Centro de Seleção", "dialog.create_gif.length_mode": "Modo Comprimento", @@ -1567,9 +1560,9 @@ "uv_editor.scale_uv": "Scale UV", "action.preview_scene": "Preview Scene", "action.preview_scene.desc": "Change the model preview scene", - "preview_scene.minecraft_overworld": "Minecraft Overworld", - "preview_scene.minecraft_nether": "Minecraft Nether", - "preview_scene.minecraft_end": "Minecraft End", + "preview_scene.minecraft_overworld": "Overworld", + "preview_scene.minecraft_nether": "Nether", + "preview_scene.minecraft_end": "End", "dialog.project.modded_entity_flip_y": "Flip Y Axis", "preview_scene.studio": "Studio", "format.image": "Image", @@ -1873,5 +1866,95 @@ "dialog.open_url": "Open URL", "reference_image.image": "Image", "uv_editor.rotate_uv": "Rotate UV", - "projects.start_screen": "Start Screen" + "generic.error": "Error", + "projects.start_screen": "Start Screen", + "message.invalid_link.message": "The shared model \"%0\" that you are trying to load is either invalid or has expired.", + "message.plugin_dependencies.title": "Plugin Dependencies", + "message.plugin_dependencies.message1": "The plugin requires these dependencies:", + "message.plugin_dependencies.message1_update": "The plugin %0 has been updated and now requires these dependencies:", + "message.plugin_dependencies.message2": "Do you want to install them to continue?", + "message.plugin_dependencies.invalid": "Unfortunately the plugin cannot be installed, it has an invalid dependency:", + "message.preview_scene_load_failed": "Failed to load preview scene. Check your internet connection.", + "dialog.convert_project.text1": "Convert the project into a different format.", + "dialog.convert_project.text2": "Use conversion at your own risk. Formats have different features and restrictions, so converting will in some cases break parts of your project.", + "dialog.convert_project.text3": "You cannot undo converting, that is why by default a copy will be created.", + "dialog.unsaved_work.title": "Unsaved Work", + "dialog.unsaved_work.text": "The following projects contain unsaved changes. Do you want to save your changes?", + "dialog.unsaved_work.discard_all": "Discard All", + "dialog.unsaved_work.save_all": "Save All", + "dialog.resize_texture.mode": "Mode", + "dialog.resize_texture.mode.crop": "Crop/Expand", + "dialog.resize_texture.mode.scale": "Scale", + "dialog.plugins.is_installed": "Installed", + "dialog.plugins.is_disabled": "Disabled", + "dialog.plugins.disable": "Disable", + "dialog.plugins.enable": "Enable", + "dialog.plugins.dependencies": "Depends on:", + "dialog.view_backups.open_folder": "Open Folder", + "dialog.share_model.reference_images": "Include Reference Images", + "dialog.share_model.too_large": "Failed to upload: Model is too large", + "dialog.share_model.too_large_references": "Failed to upload: Model is too large. Try without reference images.", + "settings.stretch_linked": "Link Stretching", + "settings.stretch_linked.desc": "Stretch the cube in all directions with the same value", + "settings.grids": "Show Grids", + "settings.grids.desc": "Show or hide all 3D grids", + "settings.double_click_switch_tools": "Switch Tools on Double Click", + "settings.double_click_switch_tools.desc": "Double click the viewport to switch between tools", + "settings.outlines_in_paint_mode": "Selection Outlines in Paint Mode", + "settings.outlines_in_paint_mode.desc": "Display element selection outlines while in paint mode", + "settings.json_indentation": "JSON Indentation", + "settings.json_indentation.desc": "Indentation style for exported JSON files", + "settings.json_indentation.tabs": "Tabs", + "settings.json_indentation.spaces_4": "Spaces: 4", + "settings.json_indentation.spaces_2": "Spaces: 2", + "action.slider_stretch": "Stretch", + "action.slider_stretch.desc": "Stretches cubes multiplicatively on the %0 axis without changing the UV", + "action.view_backups": "View Backups", + "action.view_backups.desc": "Browse the list of auto-saved project backups", + "action.search_outliner": "Search Outliner", + "action.search_outliner.desc": "Search for specific element names in the outliner", + "action.mirror_modeling": "Mirror Modeling", + "action.mirror_modeling.desc": "Enable Mirror Modeling on the X axis. All changes you make in the viewport will be reflected to the other side, unless specifically disabled on the element.", + "action.allow_element_mirror_modeling": "Allow Mirror Modeling", + "action.allow_element_mirror_modeling.desc": "Choose whether the selected elements can be affected by mirror modeling", + "action.switch_face_crease": "Switch Face Crease", + "action.switch_face_crease.desc": "Switch in which direction the quad folds in the middle", + "action.clear_unused_texture_space": "Clear Unused Texture Space", + "action.clear_unused_texture_space.desc": "Clear parts of the texture that are not UV-mapped to any elements", + "action.split_screen": "Split Screen", + "action.split_screen.desc": "Select a viewport split screen mode", + "action.split_screen.single": "Single", + "action.split_screen.double_horizontal": "Double Horizontal", + "action.split_screen.double_vertical": "Double Vertical", + "action.split_screen.quad": "Quad", + "action.split_screen.triple_left": "Triple Left", + "action.split_screen.triple_right": "Triple Right", + "action.split_screen.triple_top": "Triple Top", + "action.split_screen.triple_bottom": "Triple Bottom", + "action.uv_project_from_view": "UV Project from View", + "action.uv_project_from_view.desc": "Automatically generate UVs for the selected faces from the perspective of the 3D view", + "action.graph_editor_other_graphs": "Display Other Graphs", + "action.graph_editor_other_graphs.desc": "Whether the graph graphs of the axes that are not selected are displayed", + "action.graph_editor_include_other_graphs": "Include Other Graphs", + "action.graph_editor_include_other_graphs.desc": "Whether the graph editor includes the graphs that are not selected in the view", + "action.set_ik_source": "Set IK Root", + "action.set_ik_source.desc": "Select the root bone of the chain that should be moved by this null object via Inverse Kinematics", + "edit.loop_cut.cuts": "Cuts", + "panel.element.stretch": "Stretch", + "preview_scene.minecraft_plains": "Plains", + "preview_scene.minecraft_cherry_grove": "Cherry Grove", + "preview_scene.minecraft_snowy_tundra": "Snowy Tundra", + "preview_scene.minecraft_sunset": "Sunset", + "preview_scene.minecraft_night": "Night", + "preview_scene.minecraft_desert": "Desert", + "preview_scene.minecraft_underwater": "Underwater", + "preview_scene.minecraft_coral_reef": "Coral Reef", + "preview_scene.minecraft_lush_cave": "Lush Cave", + "preview_scene.minecraft_deep_dark": "Deep Dark", + "generic.navigate_forward": "Forward", + "generic.navigate_back": "Back", + "action.element_render_order": "Transparency Render Order", + "action.element_render_order.default": "Auto", + "action.element_render_order.behind": "Behind", + "action.element_render_order.in_front": "In Front" } \ No newline at end of file