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synced 2025-03-01 16:37:01 +08:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/JannisX11/blockbench
This commit is contained in:
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Partikel Tickrate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tickrate für Partkeleffekte in Ticks pro Sekunde. Standardwert ist 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Bewegungspfad feststellen",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Sperrt den Bewegungspfad auf die momentan ausgewählte Gruppe"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Sperrt den Bewegungspfad auf die momentan ausgewählte Gruppe",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
"message.invalid_file.message": "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier json : %0",
"message.invalid_model.title": "Fichier modèle invalide",
"message.invalid_model.message": "Le fichier ne contient pas de données de modèle valide",
"message.child_model_only.title": "Modèle enfant vide",
"message.child_model_only.message": "Ce fichier est un enfant de %0 et ne contient aucun modèle.",
"message.child_model_only.title": "Modèle fils vide",
"message.child_model_only.message": "Ce fichier est un fils de %0 et ne contient aucun modèle.",
"message.drag_background.title": "Positionner l'arrière-plan",
"message.drag_background.message": "Faites glisser l'arrière-plan pour le déplacer. Maintenez shift et glissez vers le haut et le bas pour changer sa taille.",
"message.unsaved_textures.title": "Textures non sauvegardées",
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
"menu.preview.perspective.normal": "Normal",
"menu.preview.quadview": "Affichage quadruple",
"menu.preview.stop_drag": "Arrêter le positionnement en arrière-plan",
"menu.uv.mapping": "Mapping UV",
"menu.uv.mapping": "Mappage UV",
"menu.uv.mapping.export": "Exporter",
"menu.uv.mapping.rotation": "Rotation",
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_x": "Miroir X",
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
"message.image_editor_missing.message": "Sélectionnez le fichier exécutable de votre éditeur d'image",
"message.image_editor_missing.detail": "Blockbench n'a pas pu trouver d'éditeur d'images sur votre ordinateur. Sélectionnez le fichier exécutable de l'éditeur d'images que vous utilisez.",
"action.update_autouv": "Mettre à jour l'UV automatique",
"action.update_autouv.desc": "Met à jour le mapping UV automatique des cubes sélectionnés",
"action.update_autouv.desc": "Met à jour le mappage UV automatique des cubes sélectionnés",
"category.uv": "UV",
"status_bar.saved": "Le modèle est enregistré",
"status_bar.unsaved": "Il y a des modifications non enregistrées",
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@
"action.toggle_mirror_uv": "Miroir UV",
"action.toggle_mirror_uv.desc": "Active/désactive la réflexion UV selon l'axe X des cubes sélectionnés.",
"action.toggle_uv_overlay": "Changer l'overlay UV",
"action.toggle_uv_overlay.desc": "Si activé, affiche toutes les superpositions de mapping UV au-dessus de la texture.",
"action.toggle_uv_overlay.desc": "Si activé, affiche toutes les superpositions de mappage UV au-dessus de la texture.",
"menu.texture.blank": "Appliquer aux faces non texturées",
"dialog.scale.select_overflow": "Sélectionner le débordement",
"dialog.create_texture.compress": "Compresser l'étalon",
@ -796,7 +796,7 @@
"message.cleared_blank_faces.message": "Blockbench a trouvé %0 cubes sans texture. Voulez-vous retirer ces éléments ?",
"message.wireframe.enabled": "Vue squelettique activée",
"message.wireframe.disabled": "Vue squelettique désactivée",
"dialog.project.box_uv": "Boîte UV",
"dialog.project.box_uv": "Encadrer UV",
"dialog.convert_project.title": "Convertir le projet",
"dialog.convert_project.text": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir convertir ce projet ? Vous ne pourrez pas revenir en arrière.",
"dialog.create_texture.double_use": "Conserver l'occupation de textures multiples",
@ -830,13 +830,13 @@
"action.sidebar_left.desc": "Ouvre l'interface pour les UV et les textures",
"action.sidebar_right": "Éléments",
"action.sidebar_right.desc": "Ouvre l'interface pour éditer les éléments",
"action.uv_turn_mapping": "Tourner le mapping UV",
"action.uv_turn_mapping.desc": "Fait tourner le mapping UV de 90 degrés",
"action.uv_turn_mapping": "Tourner le mappage UV",
"action.uv_turn_mapping.desc": "Fait tourner le mappage UV de 90 degrés",
"action.remove_blank_faces": "Retirer les faces vierges",
"action.remove_blank_faces.desc": "Supprime toutes les faces non texturées de la sélection",
"menu.uv.select": "Sélectionner des cubes",
"web.download_app": "Télécharger le logiciel",
"uv_editor.turned": "Mapping UV tourné",
"uv_editor.turned": "Mappage UV tourné",
"display.reference.crossbow": "Arbalète",
"dialog.settings.search_results": "Résultats de recherche",
"settings.animation_snap": "Aligner les animations",
@ -1156,8 +1156,8 @@
"panel.keyframe.post": "Post",
"generic.all": "Tout",
"message.small_face_dimensions.title": "Dimensions des Faces imcompatibles",
"message.small_face_dimensions.message": "La sélection contient des faces inférieures à 1 unité dans une direction. Le système de cartographie Box UV considère toutes les faces inférieures à ce seuil comme ayant une largeur de 0 pixel. La texture de ces faces peut donc ne pas fonctionner correctement.",
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "Le format actuel prend en charge les cartes UV par face qui peuvent gérer de petites dimensions de face. Allez dans \"Fichier\"> \"Projet...\" et décochez \"Boîte UV\".",
"message.small_face_dimensions.message": "La sélection contient des faces inférieures à 1 unité dans une direction. Le système de mappage Encadrement UV considère toutes les faces inférieures à ce seuil comme ayant une largeur de 0 pixel. La texture sur ces faces est donc susceptible de ne pas fonctionner correctement.",
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "Le format actuel prend en charge les cartes UV par face qui peuvent gérer de petites dimensions de face. Allez dans « Fichier » → « Projet… » et décochez « Encadrer UV ».",
"dialog.plugins.outdated_client": "Requis une nouvelle version de Blockbench",
"dialog.plugins.outdated_plugin": "Le plugin n'est pas à jour et ne fonctionne pas avec cette version de Blockbench",
"settings.motion_trails": "Trainée de Mouvement",
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Fréquence des particules",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Fréquence de rafraîchissement des effets de particules, en rafraîchissements par seconde. 30 par défaut.",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Verrouiller trajectoire",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Verrouille la ligne de trajectoire au groupe actuellement sélectionné"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Verrouille la ligne de trajectoire au groupe actuellement sélectionné",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -1174,5 +1174,6 @@
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "Lock Motion Trail",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
@ -821,7 +821,7 @@
"action.save_project": "保存项目",
"action.save_project.desc": "保存当前模型为项目文件",
"action.save_project_as": "另存为项目",
"action.save_project_as.desc": "Saves the current model as a project file at a new location",
"action.save_project_as.desc": "将当前模型以项目文件的形式保存在其他位置",
"action.export_over": "复写模型",
"action.export_over.desc": "通过覆写文件来保存模型、材质和动画",
"action.add_locator": "添加定位器",
@ -1091,22 +1091,22 @@
"settings.render_sides.auto": "自动设置",
"settings.render_sides.front": "外围",
"settings.render_sides.double": "内部与外围",
"generic.enable": "Enable",
"generic.disable": "Disable",
"generic.redacted": "Redacted",
"dialog.project.layered_textures": "Layered Textures",
"dialog.select_texture.import_all": "Import All",
"dialog.skin.layer_template": "Layer Texture",
"generic.enable": "启用",
"generic.disable": "禁用",
"generic.redacted": "修订",
"dialog.project.layered_textures": "纹理分层",
"dialog.select_texture.import_all": "导入所有",
"dialog.skin.layer_template": "纹理结构",
"about.version.up_to_date": "目前为最新版本",
"about.version.update_available": "Version %0 is available",
"settings.category.application": "Application",
"settings.streamer_mode": "Streamer Mode",
"settings.streamer_mode.desc": "Hides sensitive information like recent models",
"about.version.update_available": "版本%0可用",
"settings.category.application": "应用",
"settings.streamer_mode": "拖动模式",
"settings.streamer_mode.desc": "隐藏信息,比如最近的型号",
"settings.automatic_updates": "自动更新",
"settings.automatic_updates.desc": "Automatically download new versions and keep Blockbench up-to-date",
"action.rotation_space": "Rotation Space",
"action.focus_on_selection": "Center View on Selection",
"action.focus_on_selection.desc": "Align the camera to face the center of the current selection",
"settings.automatic_updates.desc": "自动下载新版本并保持Blockbench更新",
"action.rotation_space": "旋转的范围",
"action.focus_on_selection": "选择中心视图",
"action.focus_on_selection.desc": "将相机对准当前选区的中心",
"action.jump_to_timeline_start": "转跳到动画起点",
"action.jump_to_timeline_end": "转跳到动画终点",
"menu.help.updating": "更新中(%0%)",
@ -1115,27 +1115,27 @@
"menu.animation.loop.once": "播放一次",
"menu.animation.loop.hold": "停止于最后一帧",
"menu.animation.loop.loop": "循环播放",
"interface.streamer_mode_on": "Streamer Mode Enabled",
"generic.reset": "Reset",
"generic.restore": "Restore",
"keys.mousewheel": "Mousewheel",
"interface.streamer_mode_on": "启用拖动模式",
"generic.reset": "重置",
"generic.restore": "恢复",
"keys.mousewheel": "鼠标滚轮",
"message.delete_animation.title": "删除动画",
"message.delete_animation.message": "该动画已从 Blockbench 中移除。是否同时在已保存的文件中删除该动画?",
"message.reset_keybindings": "确定要重置所有快捷键?",
"message.no_animation_to_import": "没有可导入的动画",
"dialog.material_instances.title": "Material Instances",
"dialog.material_instances.title": "材料实例",
"dialog.animation_import.title": "选择需要导入的动画",
"dialog.create_texture.padding": "Padding",
"settings.fov": "FOV",
"settings.fov.desc": "Camera Field of View. Default is 45",
"dialog.create_texture.padding": "填充",
"settings.fov": "视野",
"settings.fov.desc": "摄像机视野,默认是45",
"settings.sync_color": "同步颜色",
"settings.sync_color.desc": "Synchronize the color between different Blockbench instances",
"settings.dialog_drag_background": "Position Background",
"settings.dialog_drag_background.desc": "Show \"Position Background\" dialog",
"settings.sync_color.desc": "在不同的Blockbench实例之间同步颜色",
"settings.dialog_drag_background": "背景",
"settings.dialog_drag_background.desc": "显示“背景”对话框",
"settings.minify_bbmodel": "压缩项目文件",
"settings.minify_bbmodel.desc": "保存时将项目文件编写为单行代码",
"action.edit_material_instances": "Edit Material Instances",
"action.edit_material_instances.desc": "Edit material instance names for bedrock block geometries",
"action.edit_material_instances": "编辑材料实例",
"action.edit_material_instances.desc": "编辑图形的材质实例名",
"action.save_all_animations": "保存所有动画",
"action.save_all_animations.desc": "保存所有当前加载的动画",
"action.keyframe_interpolation": "插值",
@ -1144,24 +1144,24 @@
"action.keyframe_interpolation.catmullrom": "平滑",
"action.timeline_focus.hide_empty": "隐藏空通道",
"menu.file.preferences": "首选项",
"menu.animation.blend_weight": "Blend Weight",
"menu.animation.blend_weight": "混合权重",
"menu.animation.save": "保存",
"menu.animation.properties": "属性",
"menu.animation.file": "文件",
"menu.animation.snapping": "Snapping",
"menu.animation.snapping": "拍摄",
"menu.animation.open_location": "打开文件所在位置",
"panel.keyframe.add_data_point": "添加关键帧数据点",
"panel.keyframe.remove_data_point": "移除数据点",
"panel.keyframe.pre": "前",
"panel.keyframe.post": "后",
"generic.all": "All",
"message.small_face_dimensions.title": "Incompatible Face Dimensions",
"generic.all": "全部",
"message.small_face_dimensions.title": "不兼容的界面维度",
"message.small_face_dimensions.message": "选区中存在小于1个单位的立方体。Box UV 将对该类立方体视作0像素宽度处理,因此该类方块的贴图可能出现异常。",
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "The current format supports per-face UV maps which can handle small face dimensions. Go to \"File\" > \"Project...\" and uncheck \"Box UV\".",
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv": "当前的格式支持每面UV贴图,可以处理小的面尺寸。进入“文件”>“项目…”,取消选中“框UV”。",
"dialog.plugins.outdated_client": "需要更新版本的 Blockbench",
"dialog.plugins.outdated_plugin": "插件已过时,不适用于当前版本的Blockbench",
"settings.motion_trails": "运动轨迹",
"settings.motion_trails.desc": "Show motion trails in the animation editor",
"settings.motion_trails.desc": "在动画编辑器中显示运动轨迹",
"settings.antialiasing": "抗锯齿",
"settings.antialiasing.desc": "在预览启用抗锯齿。重启应用改动",
"action.timeline_frame_back": "上一个关键帧",
@ -1171,8 +1171,9 @@
"action.slider_ik_chain_length": "IK链的长度",
"action.slider_ik_chain_length.desc": "IK骨骼链的向上长度",
"panel.bone.ik": "反向运动(实验功能)",
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "Particle Tick Rate",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30",
"settings.particle_tick_rate": "粒子频率",
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc": "粒子效应的速率,单位为每秒。默认是30",
"action.lock_motion_trail": "锁定运动轨迹",
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "锁定运动轨迹到当前选择的组"
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc": "锁定运动轨迹到当前选择的组",
"menu.animation_file.unload": "Unload Animation File"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user