diff --git a/lang/es.json b/lang/es.json index dac5da5c..9a8e4535 100644 --- a/lang/es.json +++ b/lang/es.json @@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ "message.display_skin.title": "Mostrar Skin", "message.display_skin.message": "Selecciona un archivo de una skin de tu ordenador o escribe el nombre de un jugador", "message.display_skin.upload": "Subir Skin", - "message.display_skin.name": "Usuario", "message.display_skin.reset": "Restablecer", "message.invalid_plugin": "Archivo de plugin inválido, lee la Consola", "message.load_plugin_app": "¿Quieres permitir a este plugin que haga cambios a tu PC? Carga sólo plugins de personas en las que confíes.", @@ -419,11 +418,7 @@ "menu.preview.perspective.normal": "Normal", "menu.preview.quadview": "Vista Cuádruple", "menu.preview.stop_drag": "Parar la Colocación del Fondo", - "menu.uv.mapping": "Mapeado del UV", - "menu.uv.mapping.export": "Exportar", "menu.uv.mapping.rotation": "Rotación", - "menu.uv.mapping.mirror_x": "Invertir X", - "menu.uv.mapping.mirror_y": "Invertir Y", "menu.uv.texture": "Textura", "cube.color.light_blue": "Azul claro", "cube.color.yellow": "Amarillo", @@ -689,8 +684,6 @@ "action.element_colors": "Colores de Cubo", "action.element_colors.desc": "Muestra los colores de cubo en el borde", "texture.error.file": "Archivo no encontrado", - "texture.error.invalid": "Archivo inválido", - "texture.error.ratio": "Aspecto de ratio inválido", "texture.error.parent": "Archivo de textura proveído por el modelo padre", "message.recover_backup.title": "Recuperar Modelo", "message.recover_backup.message": "Blockbench fue cerrado sin guardar. ¿Quieres recuperar el modelo?", @@ -1151,12 +1144,10 @@ "dates.weeks": "%0 Semanas", "dates.year": "%0 Año", "dates.years": "%0 Años", - "message.drag_background": "Arrastre el fondo para mover su posición. Mantenga presionada la tecla Shift y arrastre hacia arriba y hacia abajo para cambiar su tamaño. Haga clic aquí para guardar la posición", "message.installed_plugin": "Exitosamente instalado el plugin %0", "message.installed_plugin_fail": "Falló la instalación del plugin %0", "dialog.share_model.title": "Compartir Modelo", "dialog.share_model.expire_time": "Tiempo de Expiración", - "dialog.share_model.copied_to_clipboard": "Enlace copiado por portapapeles", "dialog.share_model.failed": "Falló la subida del modelo", "action.import_java_block_model": "Añade un Modelo de Bloque/Item de Java", "action.import_java_block_model.desc": "Añade un Modelo de Bloque/Item de Minecraft Java desde un archivo json al modelo actual", @@ -1526,9 +1517,6 @@ "panel.timeline": "Línea de Tiempo", "action.pan_tool": "Pan Tool", "action.pan_tool.desc": "Tool to navigate in the viewport and the texture editor", - "message.set_background_position.title": "Ajustar Posición del Fondo", - "message.set_background_position.position": "Posición", - "message.set_background_position.size": "Tamaño", "mode.start.recent.favorite": "Señalar como Favorito", "mode.start.info": "Info", "mode.start.target": "Objetivo", @@ -1789,5 +1777,98 @@ "settings.only_selected_bezier_handles.desc": "Hide handles of bézier keyframes that are not currently selected", "settings.embed_textures": "Embed Textures", "settings.embed_textures.desc": "Embed texture file content in .bbmodel files", - "action.selection_mode.cluster": "Cluster" + "action.selection_mode.cluster": "Cluster", + "dialog.copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard", + "data.reference_image": "Reference Image", + "message.delete_reference_image": "Are you sure you want to delete this reference image? This cannot be undone.", + "message.add_reference_image.message": "Select where to load the reference image", + "message.add_reference_image.project": "Add to this project", + "message.add_reference_image.app": "Add to all projects", + "message.import_particle_texture.import": "Import Particle Texture", + "message.import_particle_texture.message": "Would you like to import a texture file to be used for your particle?", + "message.save_codec_selector.title": "Save Model Format", + "message.save_codec_selector.message": "Select a format to save the model in.", + "message.save_codec_selector.project_file": "Blockbench Project (.bbmodel)", + "message.save_codec_selector.both": "Both", + "message.display_skin.username": "Username (Java)", + "message.palette_locked": "The palette is locked", + "dialog.project.default_uv_mode": "Default UV Mode", + "dialog.project.default_uv_mode.description": "Default UV Mode of the project. The UV mode can also be changed per cube.", + "dialog.export_options.title": "Export Options", + "dialog.edit_texture.preview": "Preview", + "dialog.proportional_editing.range": "Range", + "dialog.proportional_editing.falloff": "Falloff", + "dialog.proportional_editing.falloff.linear": "Linear", + "dialog.proportional_editing.falloff.hermite_spline": "Smooth", + "dialog.proportional_editing.falloff.constant": "Constant", + "dialog.proportional_editing.selection": "Selection", + "dialog.proportional_editing.selection.linear": "Linear Distance", + "dialog.proportional_editing.selection.connections": "Connections", + "dialog.mirror_painting_texture_center.middle": "Middle", + "dialog.mirror_painting_texture_center.custom": "Custom", + "dialog.settings.reset_to_default": "Reset to Default", + "keybindings.item.num_slider.increase": "Increase", + "keybindings.item.num_slider.decrease": "Decrease", + "settings.always_show_splash_art": "Always Show Splash Art", + "settings.always_show_splash_art.desc": "Always display the splash art on the start screen", + "action.slider_palette_color": "Switch Palette Color", + "action.slider_palette_color.desc": "Cycle between the colors in the palette", + "action.proportional_editing": "Proportional Editing", + "action.proportional_editing.desc": "Proportionally affect surrounding vertices when editing parts of a mesh", + "action.limit_to_palette": "Limit to Palette", + "action.limit_to_palette.desc": "Limits the colors of the texture to those in the currently loaded palette", + "action.edit_reference_images": "Edit Reference Images", + "action.edit_reference_images.desc": "Turn on reference image mode to add or edit reference images and blueprints", + "action.add_reference_image": "Add Reference Image", + "action.reference_image_from_clipboard": "Reference Image from Clipboard", + "action.reference_image_list": "Reference Images", + "action.connect_uv_faces": "Connect UV Faces", + "action.connect_uv_faces.desc": "Connect the selected UV faces to the last selected UV face", + "action.merge_uv_vertices": "Merge UV Vertices", + "action.merge_uv_vertices.desc": "Snap the first selected UV vertices to the last selected UV vertices", + "action.bedrock_animation_mode": "Bedrock Animation Mode", + "action.bedrock_animation_mode.desc": "Select the mode to edit animations for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in", + "action.bedrock_animation_mode.entity": "Entity", + "action.bedrock_animation_mode.attachable_first": "Item 1st Person", + "action.bedrock_animation_mode.attachable_third": "Item 3rd Person", + "timeline.amplify": "Amplify", + "menu.options": "Options...", + "menu.palette.lock_palette": "Lock Palette", + "menu.uv.export": "Export UV Mapping", + "menu.uv.flip_x": "Mirror X", + "menu.uv.flip_y": "Mirror Y", + "menu.mirror_painting.enabled": "Enabled", + "menu.mirror_painting.configure_texture_center": "Configure Texture Center...", + "reference_image.position": "Position", + "reference_image.size": "Size", + "reference_image.rotation": "Rotation", + "reference_image.opacity": "Opacity", + "reference_image.visibility": "Visibility", + "reference_image.clear_mode": "Clear Mode", + "reference_image.layer": "Layer", + "reference_image.layer.background": "Behind Model", + "reference_image.layer.viewport": "Above Model", + "reference_image.layer.float": "Above Interface", + "reference_image.layer.blueprint": "Locked Blueprint", + "reference_image.scope": "Scope", + "reference_image.scope.project": "Just this project", + "reference_image.scope.global": "All projects", + "reference_image.enabled_modes": "Enabled in Modes", + "codec.common.encoding": "Encoding", + "codec.common.armature": "Export Groups as Armature", + "codec.common.export_animations": "Export Animations", + "codec.common.embed_textures": "Embed Textures", + "preview.center_camera": "Center Camera", + "display.reference.frame_top": "Item Frame Top", + "display.reference.frame_top_invisible": "Item Frame Top (Invisible)", + "action.proportional_editing_range": "Proportional Editing Range", + "action.proportional_editing_range.desc": "Adjust the range for proportional editing", + "action.toggle_all_reference_images": "Hide/Show All Reference Images", + "action.toggle_all_reference_images.desc": "Toggle the visibility of all reference images at once", + "action.add_animation_controller_state": "Add Animation Controller State", + "action.add_animation_controller_state.desc": "Add a new state to the animation controller", + "menu.slider.round_value": "Round Value", + "texture.error.too_large": "Resolution exceeds the maximum of %0", + "dialog.copy_to_clipboard": "Copy to clipboard", + "dialog.open_url": "Open URL" } \ No newline at end of file