Update ru.json (POEditor.com)

This commit is contained in:
JannisX11 2021-06-27 19:23:15 +02:00
parent 0f2de47176
commit 1d1929433c

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"data.preview": "Предпросмотр",
"data.toolbar": "Инструменты",
"data.image": "Изображение",
"keys.ctrl": "Control",
"keys.ctrl": "Контрол",
"keys.shift": "Шифт",
"keys.alt": "Альт",
"keys.meta": "Коммандная Строка",
@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
"keys.pageup": "Пейдж Ап",
"keys.pagedown": "Пейдж Даун",
"keys.plus": "Плюс",
"keys.comma": ",",
"keys.point": ".",
"keys.minus": "-",
"keys.comma": "Запятая",
"keys.point": "Точка",
"keys.minus": "Минус",
"keys.cross": "Крестик",
"keys.end": "End",
"keys.pos1": "Pos 1",
"keys.printscreen": "Print Screen",
"keys.pause": "Pause",
"keys.end": "Конец",
"keys.pos1": "Поз 1",
"keys.printscreen": "Снимок Экрана",
"keys.pause": "Пауза",
"message.rotation_limit.title": "Ограничение поворота",
"message.rotation_limit.message": "Поворот ограничен Minecraft до одной оси и 22,5 градусов. Поворот на разных осях сбросит все повороты на других осях. Конвертируйте модель в \"свободную\", если вы создаете модель для других целей, где нужен свободный поворот.",
"message.file_not_found.title": "Файл не найден",
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"dialog.settings.about": "О программе",
"layout.color.back": "Задний план",
"layout.color.back.desc": "Фон и поля ввода",
"layout.color.dark": "Тьма",
"layout.color.dark": "Тёмный",
"layout.color.dark.desc": "Фон рабочей области",
"layout.color.ui": "Интерфейс",
"layout.color.ui.desc": "Основной цвет интерфейса",
@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
"settings.create_rename": "Переименовывание новых кубов",
"settings.create_rename.desc": "При создании элемента или группы перемещать фокус на переименование",
"settings.edit_size": "Разрешение сетки",
"settings.edit_size.desc": "Разрешение сетки привязки кубов",
"settings.shift_size": "Разрешение Shift",
"settings.edit_size.desc": "Разрешение сетки к которой привязываются кубы",
"settings.shift_size": "Изменение разрешения",
"settings.shift_size.desc": "Разрешение сетки привязки при удерживании Shift",
"settings.ctrl_size": "Разрешение Ctrl",
"settings.ctrl_size.desc": "Разрешение сетки привязки при удерживании Ctrl",
@ -311,8 +311,6 @@
"action.settings_window.desc": "Открыть окно настроек Blockbench",
"action.plugins_window": "Плагины...",
"action.plugins_window.desc": "Открыть окно хранилища плагинов",
"action.reset_keybindings": "Сбросить управление",
"action.reset_keybindings.desc": "Вернуть все сочетания клавиш к первоначальным",
"action.reset_layout": "Сбросить внешний вид",
"action.reset_layout.desc": "Вернуть внешний вид к первоначальному",
"action.load_plugin": "Загрузить плагин из файла",
@ -379,8 +377,6 @@
"action.zoom_reset.desc": "Сбросить масштаб к 100%.",
"action.reset_interface": "Сбросить интерфейс",
"action.reset_interface.desc": "Сбросить размер и позиции интерфейса",
"action.toggle_wireframe": "Каркас",
"action.toggle_wireframe.desc": "Переключить режим отображения каркаса",
"action.screenshot_model": "Скриншот модели",
"action.screenshot_model.desc": "Сделать скриншот модели с текущего ракурса",
"action.screenshot_app": "Скриншот приложения",
@ -619,8 +615,6 @@
"message.no_bone_selected": "Вы должны выбрать кость чтобы выполнить это",
"message.duplicate_groups.title": "Дубликат имени кости",
"message.duplicate_groups.message": "Имя этой кости уже используется. Это может создать проблемы.",
"action.select_all_keyframes": "Выбрать все кадры",
"action.select_all_keyframes.desc": "Выбрать все кадры текущей кости",
"action.delete_keyframes": "Удалить кадры",
"action.delete_keyframes.desc": "Удалить все выбранные кадры",
"menu.animation": "Анимация",
@ -1068,8 +1062,6 @@
"action.fold_all_animations": "Сложить все анимации",
"menu.palette.load.empty": "Чисто",
"switches.lock": "Заблокировать",
"camera_angle.isometric_right": "Изометрическое право",
"camera_angle.isometric_left": "Изометрическое лево",
"settings.render_sides": "Стороны рендера",
"settings.render_sides.desc": "Выбирете какая част ребра будет зарендерена",
"settings.render_sides.auto": "Авто",
@ -1078,7 +1070,6 @@
"generic.enable": "Вкл",
"generic.disable": "Откл",
"generic.redacted": "Redacted",
"dialog.project.layered_textures": "Layered Textures",
"dialog.select_texture.import_all": "Импорт все",
"dialog.skin.layer_template": "Layer Texture",
"about.version.up_to_date": "Up to date",
@ -1105,7 +1096,6 @@
"keys.mousewheel": "Колесо мыши ",
"message.delete_animation.title": "Удалить анимацию",
"message.delete_animation.message": "Анимация удалена из Blockbench. Вы также хотите удалить анимацию из файла, в котором она была сохранена?",
"message.reset_keybindings": "Вы точно хотите сбросить все бинды клавиш?",
"message.no_animation_to_import": "Нет анимаций для импорта",
"dialog.material_instances.title": "Material Instances",
"dialog.animation_import.title": "Select Animations to Import",
@ -1162,7 +1152,6 @@
"status_bar.toggle_sidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
"message.load_plugin_failed.title": "Failed to load plugin",
"message.load_plugin_failed.message": "Ensure that the base file name of the plugin matches the plugin ID `%0`, as specified in Plugin.register().",
"dialog.project.layered_textures.desc": "Enable preview mode for layered textures. Allows you to see up to 3 textures layered on top of each other.",
"dialog.project.uv_mode": "UV Mode",
"dialog.project.uv_mode.box_uv": "Box UV",
"dialog.project.uv_mode.face_uv": "Per-face UV",
@ -1219,5 +1208,87 @@
"action.import_project.desc": "Import another project from a .bbmodel file into the current project",
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden_tools": "Some tools might be hidden because they are not available in the current mode, format, or situation.",
"settings.camera_near_plane": "Camera Near Plane",
"settings.camera_near_plane.desc": "Мин дистанция от камеры на которой рендерятся объекты. Большие значения уменьшают Z-файт. По умолчанию 1.\n"
"settings.camera_near_plane.desc": "Мин дистанция от камеры на которой рендерятся объекты. Большие значения уменьшают Z-файт. По умолчанию 1.\n",
"mode.start.keymap_preference": "Keybinding Preference",
"mode.start.keymap_preference.desc": "If you are new to Blockbench and you are coming from another 3D program, you can select a keymap to make your transition easier. You can change the keymap or individual keybindigns later in the settings.",
"mode.start.select_keymap": "Select Keymap",
"message.recording_gif": "GIF creation in progress. Click here to abort.",
"message.load_keymap": "Are you sure you want to load this keymap? This will overwrite your current keybindings.",
"message.keymap_loaded": "Keymap loaded",
"dialog.convert_project.current_format": "Current Format",
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv.desc": "Create a new UV arrangement to give every face its own spot on the texture",
"dialog.create_texture.compress.desc": "Arrange the UV maps in a dense layout to minimize the texture size",
"dialog.create_texture.power.desc": "Lock the automatic texture size to a power-of-2, such as 64 or 128. This is required by some renderers",
"dialog.create_texture.double_use.desc": "If two elements already have the same UV space assigned, keep it that way in the new map",
"dialog.create_texture.padding.desc": "Add a small padding between the individual parts of the template",
"dialog.create_texture.resolution.desc": "The base resolution of the texture, in pixels per meter. The real size of the texture map may differ depending on the amount and size of elements.",
"dialog.create_gif.color": "Background Color",
"dialog.save_angle.zoom": "Zoom",
"dialog.skin.variant": "Variant",
"dialog.flip_animation.info": "Opposite bones are identified by the keywords 'left' and 'right' within their name.",
"dialog.flip_animation.offset": "Offset by half the animation length",
"dialog.export_private_settings.title": "Private Settings",
"dialog.export_private_settings.message": "Your file contains the following private informations: **%0**. Remove these values if you plan to share the file with someone else.",
"dialog.export_private_settings.keep": "Keep",
"dialog.export_private_settings.remove": "Remove",
"settings.timecode_frame_number": "Display Timecodes as Frame Numbers",
"settings.timecode_frame_number.desc": "Display fraction timecodes in the timeline as frame number instead of centisecond",
"settings.animation_sample_rate": "Animation Sample Rate",
"settings.animation_sample_rate.desc": "Sample rate in samples per second for curves that the respective format does not support natively",
"keybind.preview_zoom": "Zoom View",
"action.gradient_tool": "Gradient Tool",
"action.gradient_tool.desc": "Create a color gradient on your texture",
"action.import_settings": "Import Settings",
"action.import_settings.desc": "Import a .bbsettings file",
"action.export_settings": "Export Settings",
"action.export_settings.desc": "Export the Blockbench settings as a .bbsettings file",
"action.load_keymap": "Load Keymap",
"action.load_keymap.default": "Default (Trackpad)",
"action.load_keymap.mouse": "Default (Mouse)",
"action.load_keymap.default.desc": "Default Blockbench keybindings, with viewport navigation controls optimized for use on laptop trackpads",
"action.load_keymap.mouse.desc": "Default Blockbench keybindings, with viewport navigation bound to the middle mouse button",
"action.load_keymap.blender.desc": "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Blender",
"action.load_keymap.cinema4d.desc": "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Cinema 4D",
"action.load_keymap.maya.desc": "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Autodesk Maya",
"action.import_keymap": "Import Keymap",
"action.import_keymap.desc": "Import keybindings a .bbkeymap file",
"action.export_keymap": "Export Keymap",
"action.export_keymap.desc": "Export the current keybindings as a .bbkeymap file",
"action.edit_history": "Edit History",
"action.edit_history.desc": "View the editing history and undo or redo steps",
"action.group_elements": "Group Elements",
"action.group_elements.desc": "Wrap selected elements into a new group",
"action.unfold_groups": "Unfold Groups",
"action.unfold_groups.desc": "Unfold all groups in the outliner",
"action.edit_bedrock_binding": "Edit Binding...",
"action.edit_bedrock_binding.desc": "Change which bone the geometry is bound to",
"action.pick_screen_color": "Pick Screen Color",
"action.pick_screen_color.desc": "Pick a color from somewhere on your screen",
"action.view_mode": "View Mode",
"action.view_mode.desc": "Change the model view mode",
"action.view_mode.textured": "Textured",
"action.view_mode.solid": "Solid",
"action.view_mode.wireframe": "Wireframe",
"action.toggle_sidebars": "Toggle Sidebars",
"action.toggle_sidebars.desc": "Enable or disable the sidebars",
"action.set_animation_end": "Set Animation End",
"action.set_animation_end.desc": "Set the end of the selected animation to the current timeline time",
"action.flip_animation": "Flip Animation",
"action.flip_animation.desc": "Flips part of an animation by copying selected keyframes to the other side of the model",
"action.graph_editor_zero_line": "Include Zero Line",
"action.graph_editor_zero_line.desc": "Whether the graph editor always includes the zero line in the view",
"menu.texture.render_mode": "Render Mode",
"menu.texture.render_mode.normal": "Normal",
"menu.texture.render_mode.emissive": "Emissive",
"menu.texture.render_mode.layered": "Layered",
"menu.preview.angle.edit": "Edit Angle...",
"menu.animation.start_delay": "Start Delay",
"menu.animation.loop_delay": "Loop Delay",
"menu.animation.flip_keyframes": "Flip Keyframes",
"menu.mobile_keyboard.disable_all": "Disable All",
"panel.keyframe.toggle_uniform_scale": "Toggle Uniform Scale",
"camera_angle.common_isometric_right": "Isometric Right (2:1)",
"camera_angle.common_isometric_left": "Isometric Left (2:1)",
"camera_angle.true_isometric_right": "True Isometric Right (30°)",
"camera_angle.true_isometric_left": "True Isometric Left (30°)"