2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.ok" : "好" ,
"dialog.cancel" : "取消" ,
"dialog.confirm" : "確認" ,
"dialog.close" : "關閉" ,
"dialog.import" : "匯入" ,
"dialog.save" : "儲存" ,
"dialog.discard" : "撤回" ,
"dialog.dontshowagain" : "不再顯示" ,
"data.cube" : "立方體" ,
"data.group" : "群組" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"data.texture" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"data.plugin" : "插件" ,
"data.preview" : "預覽" ,
"data.toolbar" : "工具列" ,
"data.image" : "圖片" ,
"keys.ctrl" : "Ctrl" ,
"keys.shift" : "Shift" ,
"keys.alt" : "Alt" ,
"keys.meta" : "Cmd" ,
"keys.delete" : "Delete" ,
"keys.space" : "空白鍵" ,
"keys.leftclick" : "左鍵" ,
"keys.middleclick" : "中鍵" ,
"keys.rightclick" : "右鍵" ,
"keys.tab" : "Tab" ,
"keys.backspace" : "Backspace" ,
"keys.enter" : "Enter" ,
"keys.escape" : "Escape" ,
"keys.function" : "Fn%0" ,
"keys.numpad" : "數字鍵 %0" ,
"keys.caps" : "Capslock" ,
"keys.menu" : "Contextmenu" ,
"keys.left" : "Left" ,
"keys.up" : "Up" ,
"keys.right" : "Right" ,
"keys.down" : "Down" ,
"keys.pageup" : "Page Up" ,
"keys.pagedown" : "Page Down" ,
"keys.plus" : "+" ,
"keys.comma" : ",鍵" ,
"keys.point" : ".鍵" ,
"keys.minus" : "-鍵" ,
"keys.cross" : "Cross鍵" ,
"keys.end" : "End" ,
"keys.pos1" : "Pos 1" ,
"keys.printscreen" : "Print Screen" ,
"keys.pause" : "Pause" ,
"message.rotation_limit.title" : "旋轉限制" ,
"message.rotation_limit.message" : "Minecraft只允許旋轉一個軸, 最多22.5度。旋轉其他軸會清除其他軸的旋轉。如果要自由旋轉,轉換成「一般模型」。" ,
"message.file_not_found.title" : "找不到檔案" ,
"message.file_not_found.message" : "Blockbench找不到指定的檔案, 請確認是儲存在本機而非雲端。" ,
"message.screenshot.title" : "截圖" ,
"message.screenshot.clipboard" : "剪貼簿" ,
"message.screenshot.right_click" : "截圖,右鍵複製" ,
"message.invalid_file.title" : "無效的檔案" ,
"message.invalid_file.message" : "無法開啟json檔案:%0" ,
"message.invalid_model.title" : "無效的模型檔案" ,
"message.invalid_model.message" : "這個檔案中沒有任何有效的模型數據。" ,
"message.child_model_only.title" : "空的子模型" ,
"message.child_model_only.message" : "這是%0的子模型, 不包含任何模型。" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.unsaved_textures.title" : "紋理未儲存" ,
"message.unsaved_textures.message" : "你的模型含有未儲存的紋理,請確認有將其放置到正確的資源包資料夾中。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.model_clipping.title" : "模型過大" ,
"message.model_clipping.message" : "你的模型含有%0個立方體, 超過了Minecraft方塊的3x3x3限制, 這個模型將無法運作。" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.loose_texture.title" : "匯入紋理" ,
"message.loose_texture.message" : "匯入的紋理不在資源包中, Minecraft僅能從載入的資源包中載入紋理。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.loose_texture.change" : "更改路徑" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.update_res.title" : "紋理解析度" ,
"message.update_res.message" : "是否要將專案的解析度更改為紋理的解析度? 如果紋理的解析度比正常的要高,按下「取消」。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.update_res.update" : "更新" ,
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.message" : "Blockbench無法將這個模型與舊的檔案合併。" ,
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.backup_overwrite" : "建立備份並覆蓋" ,
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.overwrite" : "覆蓋" ,
"message.close_warning.message" : "要儲存模型嗎?" ,
2021-10-23 22:09:10 +08:00
"message.close_warning.web" : "目前的工作將會遺失,確認要退出嗎?" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.default_textures.title" : "預設紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.default_textures.message" : "選取預設資源包的textures資料夾" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.default_textures.detail" : "從Minecraf的jar檔案取出或自行Google下載。找到裡面的textures資料夾並開啟。Blockbench會記住位置, 並嘗試從裡面尋找紋理。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.default_textures.select" : "選取預設的textures資料夾" ,
"message.image_editor.title" : "選取圖片編輯器" ,
"message.image_editor.file" : "選取檔案..." ,
"message.image_editor.exe" : "選取圖片編輯器exe" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.display_skin.title" : "顯示外觀" ,
"message.display_skin.message" : "從電腦中選取外觀檔案,或輸入玩家名字" ,
"message.display_skin.upload" : "上傳外觀" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.display_skin.name" : "使用者名稱" ,
"message.display_skin.reset" : "重置" ,
"message.invalid_plugin" : "無效的插件,開啟主控台查看錯誤訊息" ,
"message.load_plugin_app" : "是否允許這個插件修改你的電腦? 請確保只從信任的作者載入插件。" ,
"message.load_plugin_web" : "是否載入這個插件? 請確保只從信任的作者載入插件。" ,
"message.preset_no_info" : "預設集並無此欄位的訊息" ,
"message.restart_to_update" : "重新啟動Blockbench來應用變更。" ,
"message.save_file" : "儲存為%0" ,
"message.save_obj" : "儲存為.obj模型" ,
"dialog.project.title" : "專案" ,
"dialog.project.name" : "檔案名稱" ,
"dialog.project.parent" : "父模型" ,
"dialog.project.geoname" : "模型識別符" ,
"dialog.project.openparent" : "開啟父模型" ,
"dialog.project.ao" : "環境光遮蔽" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.texture.title" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.texture.variable" : "變數" ,
"dialog.texture.namespace" : "命名空間" ,
"dialog.texture.folder" : "資料夾" ,
"dialog.extrude.title" : "拉伸圖片" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode" : "掃描模式" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.areas" : "區域" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.lines" : "線條" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.columns" : "柱" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.pixels" : "像素" ,
"dialog.extrude.opacity" : "最低透明度" ,
"dialog.extrude.scan" : "掃瞄並匯入" ,
"dialog.display_preset.title" : "新建預設集" ,
"dialog.display_preset.message" : "選取要儲存的欄位" ,
"dialog.display_preset.create" : "建立" ,
"dialog.select.title" : "選取" ,
"dialog.select.new" : "新選取範圍" ,
"dialog.select.group" : "在群組中選取" ,
"dialog.select.name" : "含有名稱" ,
"dialog.select.random" : "隨機" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"dialog.select.select" : "選取" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.scale.title" : "縮放模型" ,
"dialog.scale.axis" : "軸" ,
"dialog.scale.scale" : "比例" ,
"dialog.scale.clipping" : "模型太大" ,
"dialog.scale.confirm" : "比例" ,
"dialog.plugins.title" : "插件" ,
"dialog.plugins.installed" : "已安裝" ,
"dialog.plugins.available" : "可用" ,
"dialog.plugins.install" : "安裝" ,
"dialog.plugins.uninstall" : "解除安裝" ,
"dialog.plugins.reload" : "重新載入" ,
"dialog.plugins.none_installed" : "無安裝任何插件" ,
"dialog.plugins.none_available" : "無插件可用" ,
"dialog.plugins.web_only" : "僅限網頁應用程式可以使用" ,
"dialog.plugins.app_only" : "僅限桌面應用程式可以使用" ,
"dialog.plugins.author" : "by %0" ,
"dialog.plugins.show_less" : "顯示較少" ,
"dialog.entitylist.title" : "開啟實體模型" ,
"dialog.entitylist.text" : "選取要匯入的實體模型" ,
"dialog.entitylist.bones" : "骨骼" ,
"dialog.entitylist.cubes" : "立方體" ,
"dialog.create_texture.folder" : "資料夾" ,
"dialog.create_texture.resolution" : "解析度" ,
"dialog.input.title" : "輸入" ,
"dialog.settings.settings" : "設定" ,
"dialog.settings.keybinds" : "快捷鍵" ,
"dialog.settings.about" : "關於" ,
"layout.color.back" : "返回" ,
"layout.color.back.desc" : "背景與輸入框" ,
"layout.color.dark" : "黑暗" ,
"layout.color.dark.desc" : "畫布背景" ,
"layout.color.ui" : "UI" ,
"layout.color.ui.desc" : "主介面顏色" ,
"layout.color.bright_ui" : "亮色UI" ,
"layout.color.bright_ui.desc" : "選單與工具提示" ,
"layout.color.button" : "按鈕" ,
"layout.color.button.desc" : "按鈕和切換開關" ,
"layout.color.selected" : "已選取" ,
"layout.color.selected.desc" : "選取的頁籤和物件" ,
"layout.color.border" : "邊框" ,
"layout.color.border.desc" : "按鈕與輸入框的邊框" ,
"layout.color.accent" : "強調色" ,
"layout.color.accent.desc" : "滑塊和其他" ,
"layout.color.grid" : "網格" ,
"layout.color.grid.desc" : "3D預覽網格" ,
"layout.color.text" : "文字" ,
"layout.color.text.desc" : "通常文字" ,
"layout.color.light" : "亮色" ,
"layout.color.light.desc" : "語法凸顯" ,
"layout.color.accent_text" : "凸顯文字" ,
"layout.color.accent_text.desc" : "亮色文字或突顯的元素" ,
"layout.font.main" : "主要字型" ,
"layout.font.headline" : "標題字型" ,
"about.version" : "版本:" ,
"about.creator" : "作者:" ,
"about.website" : "網站:" ,
"about.vertex_snap" : "頂點捕捉功能基於SirBenet的插件。" ,
"about.icons" : "圖示包:" ,
"about.libraries" : "庫:" ,
"settings.category.general" : "一般" ,
"settings.category.preview" : "預覽" ,
"settings.category.grid" : "網格" ,
"settings.category.edit" : "編輯" ,
"settings.category.snapping" : "捕捉" ,
"settings.category.defaults" : "預設" ,
"settings.category.dialogs" : "對話框" ,
"settings.category.export" : "匯出" ,
"settings.language" : "語言" ,
"settings.language.desc" : "介面語言。重啟Blockbench套用變更。" ,
"settings.backup_interval" : "備份間隔" ,
"settings.backup_interval.desc" : "自動備份的分鐘間隔" ,
"settings.origin_size" : "樞紐點標示器" ,
"settings.origin_size.desc" : "樞紐點標示器的大小" ,
"settings.control_size" : "變形精靈大小" ,
"settings.control_size.desc" : "變形精靈的大小" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"settings.display_skin" : "展示外觀" ,
"settings.display_skin.desc" : "用於展示玩家模型的外觀" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"settings.shading" : "著色器" ,
"settings.shading.desc" : "在預覽中使用著色器" ,
"settings.texture_fps" : "動畫材質FPS" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"settings.texture_fps.desc" : "動畫紋理的FPS" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"settings.base_grid" : "小型網格" ,
"settings.base_grid.desc" : "顯示較小的網格與軸線" ,
"settings.large_grid" : "方塊網格" ,
"settings.large_grid.desc" : "顯示16x16方塊的網格" ,
"settings.full_grid" : "精確方塊網格" ,
"settings.full_grid.desc" : "顯示精確的像素方塊網格" ,
"settings.large_box" : "大型Box" ,
"settings.large_box.desc" : "顯示3x3x3方塊的邊界" ,
"settings.display_grid" : "展示模式" ,
"settings.display_grid.desc" : "在展示模式中顯示網格" ,
"settings.undo_limit" : "復原上限" ,
"settings.undo_limit.desc" : "復原次數的上限" ,
"settings.local_move" : "以相對軸移動" ,
"settings.local_move.desc" : "移動元素時以自身的軸移動。" ,
"settings.canvas_unselect" : "按一下取消選取畫布" ,
"settings.canvas_unselect.desc" : "按一下畫布背景,取消選取所有元素。" ,
"settings.paint_side_restrict" : "筆刷限制模式" ,
"settings.paint_side_restrict.desc" : "限制筆刷只能在目前的表面塗畫。" ,
"settings.autouv" : "自動UV" ,
"settings.autouv.desc" : "預設啟用自動UV" ,
"settings.create_rename" : "重新命名新立方體" ,
"settings.create_rename.desc" : "新建立方體或群組時自動切換到命名欄位。" ,
"settings.edit_size" : "網格解析度" ,
"settings.edit_size.desc" : "立方體對齊的網格解析度" ,
"settings.shift_size" : "Shift解析度" ,
"settings.shift_size.desc" : "按著Shift時的網格解析度" ,
"settings.ctrl_size" : "Control解析度" ,
"settings.ctrl_size.desc" : "按著Control時的網格解析度" ,
"settings.negative_size" : "負大小" ,
"settings.negative_size.desc" : "允許調整大小工具使用負值" ,
"settings.minifiedout" : "最小化匯出" ,
"settings.minifiedout.desc" : "將JSON輸出成一行" ,
"settings.export_groups" : "匯出群組" ,
"settings.export_groups.desc" : "將群組儲存至方塊或物品檔案" ,
"settings.credit" : "版權訊息" ,
"settings.credit.desc" : "在輸出的檔案中加入版權訊息" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"settings.default_path" : "預設Minecraft紋理路徑" ,
"settings.default_path.desc" : "Blokbench載入預設紋理的路徑" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"settings.image_editor" : "圖片編輯器" ,
"settings.image_editor.desc" : "預設的圖片編輯器" ,
"category.navigate" : "導覽" ,
"category.tools" : "工具" ,
"category.file" : "檔案" ,
"category.blockbench" : "Blockbench" ,
"category.edit" : "編輯" ,
"category.transform" : "變形" ,
"category.view" : "檢視" ,
"category.display" : "顯示設定" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"category.textures" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"category.misc" : "其他" ,
"keybind.preview_select" : "選取" ,
"keybind.preview_rotate" : "旋轉視角" ,
"keybind.preview_drag" : "拖動視角" ,
"keybind.confirm" : "確認" ,
"keybind.cancel" : "取消" ,
"action.slider_inflate" : "膨脹" ,
"action.slider_inflate.desc" : "膨脹立方體, 不影響UV。" ,
"action.slider_brush_size" : "尺寸" ,
"action.slider_brush_size.desc" : "筆刷的尺寸(像素)" ,
"action.slider_brush_opacity" : "透明度" ,
"action.slider_brush_opacity.desc" : "筆刷透明度(%)" ,
"action.slider_brush_softness" : "硬度" ,
"action.slider_brush_softness.desc" : "筆刷硬度(%)" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_x" : "水平移動" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_x.desc" : "水平移動選中立方體的UV" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_y" : "垂直移動" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_y.desc" : "垂直移動選中立方體的UV" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_x" : "水平縮放" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_x.desc" : "水平縮放選中立方體的UV" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_y" : "垂直縮放" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_y.desc" : "垂直移動選中立方體的UV" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode" : "捕捉模式" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode.desc" : "頂點捕捉模式時只移動元素或調整大小" ,
"action.move_tool" : "移動" ,
"action.move_tool.desc" : "選取並移動元素的工具" ,
"action.resize_tool" : "調整大小" ,
"action.resize_tool.desc" : "選取和調整大小的工具" ,
"action.brush_tool" : "繪畫筆刷" ,
"action.brush_tool.desc" : "可在表面或UV編輯器作畫的工具" ,
"action.vertex_snap_tool" : "頂點捕捉" ,
"action.vertex_snap_tool.desc" : "將立方體間以頂點連起來" ,
"action.swap_tools" : "交換工具" ,
"action.swap_tools.desc" : "在移動和調整大小工具切換" ,
"action.project_window" : "專案..." ,
"action.project_window.desc" : "開啟專案視窗,可編輯模型的詳細資訊。" ,
"action.open_model" : "開啟模型" ,
"action.open_model.desc" : "從電腦上開啟模型" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.extrude_texture" : "拉伸紋理" ,
"action.extrude_texture.desc" : "拉伸紋理並新建模型" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.export_blockmodel" : "匯出方塊/物品模型" ,
"action.export_blockmodel.desc" : "匯出Minecraft Java版方塊/物品模型" ,
"action.export_optifine_part" : "匯出OptiFine Part" ,
"action.export_optifine_part.desc" : "匯出 OptiFine實體模型的單一個part" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"action.export_optifine_full" : "匯出 OptiFine JEM" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.export_optifine_full.desc" : "匯出完整OptiFine的實體模型" ,
"action.export_obj" : "匯出OBJ模型" ,
"action.export_obj.desc" : "匯出成Wavefront OBJ格式, 用於渲染" ,
"action.settings_window" : "設定..." ,
"action.settings_window.desc" : "開啟Blockbennch設定對話框" ,
"action.plugins_window" : "插件..." ,
"action.plugins_window.desc" : "開啟插件商店視窗" ,
"action.reset_layout" : "重設版面配置" ,
"action.reset_layout.desc" : "將版面配置回設回Blockbench預設樣式" ,
"action.load_plugin" : "載入插件檔案" ,
"action.load_plugin.desc" : "匯入插件檔案" ,
"action.reload_plugins" : "重新載入插件" ,
"action.reload_plugins.desc" : "重新載入所有的開發用插件" ,
"action.undo" : "復原" ,
"action.undo.desc" : "復原上一次變更" ,
"action.redo" : "取消復原" ,
"action.redo.desc" : "取消復原上一次變更" ,
"action.copy" : "複製" ,
"action.copy.desc" : "複製選取區,面或顯示設定" ,
"action.paste" : "貼上" ,
"action.paste.desc" : "貼上選取區,面或顯示設定" ,
"action.cut" : "剪下" ,
"action.cut.desc" : "剪下選取區,面或顯示設定" ,
"action.add_cube" : "新增立方體" ,
"action.add_cube.desc" : "新增一個新的立方體" ,
"action.add_group" : "新增群組" ,
"action.add_group.desc" : "新增一個群組或骨骼" ,
"action.outliner_toggle" : "切換顯示更多選項" ,
"action.outliner_toggle.desc" : "在大綱視圖中顯示更多選項" ,
"action.duplicate" : "拷貝" ,
"action.duplicate.desc" : "拷貝選取的立方體或群組" ,
"action.delete" : "刪除" ,
"action.delete.desc" : "刪除選取的立方體或群組" ,
"action.sort_outliner" : "大綱排序" ,
"action.sort_outliner.desc" : "按字母排序大綱" ,
"action.select_window" : "選取..." ,
"action.select_window.desc" : "按屬性搜尋和選取立方體" ,
"action.invert_selection" : "反轉選取" ,
"action.invert_selection.desc" : "反轉選取選中的立方體" ,
"action.select_all" : "全部選取" ,
"action.select_all.desc" : "選取全部的立方體" ,
"action.collapse_groups" : "解散群組" ,
"action.collapse_groups.desc" : "在大綱視圖中解散群組" ,
"action.scale" : "縮放..." ,
"action.scale.desc" : "縮放選取的立方體" ,
"action.center_all" : "全部置中" ,
"action.center_all.desc" : "置中選取的立方體" ,
"action.toggle_visibility" : "切換顯示" ,
"action.toggle_visibility.desc" : "顯示或隱藏選取的立方體" ,
"action.toggle_export" : "切換匯出" ,
"action.toggle_export.desc" : "切換選取立方體的匯出設定" ,
"action.toggle_autouv" : "切換自動UV" ,
"action.toggle_autouv.desc" : "選取的立方體是否自動UV" ,
"action.toggle_shade" : "切換著色" ,
"action.toggle_shade.desc" : "選取的立方體是否要使用著色器" ,
"action.rename" : "重新命名" ,
"action.rename.desc" : "變更選取立方體的名稱" ,
"action.add_display_preset" : "新建預設集" ,
"action.add_display_preset.desc" : "新增檢視角度預設集" ,
"action.fullscreen" : "全螢幕" ,
"action.fullscreen.desc" : "切換全螢幕模式" ,
"action.zoom_in" : "放大" ,
"action.zoom_in.desc" : "放大介面" ,
"action.zoom_out" : "縮小" ,
"action.zoom_out.desc" : "縮小介面" ,
"action.zoom_reset" : "重設放大" ,
"action.zoom_reset.desc" : "將縮放比重設為100%" ,
"action.reset_interface" : "重設介面" ,
"action.reset_interface.desc" : "重設GUI的位置和大小" ,
"action.screenshot_model" : "模型截圖" ,
"action.screenshot_model.desc" : "從目前角度給模型截圖" ,
"action.screenshot_app" : "應用程式截圖" ,
"action.screenshot_app.desc" : "截圖整個應用程式" ,
"action.toggle_quad_view" : "四重分割視圖" ,
"action.toggle_quad_view.desc" : "切換四重分割視圖" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.import_texture" : "匯入紋理" ,
"action.import_texture.desc" : "從電腦中匯入紋理" ,
"action.create_texture" : "新增紋理" ,
"action.create_texture.desc" : "新建範本或空白紋理" ,
"action.save_textures" : "儲存紋理" ,
"action.save_textures.desc" : "儲存所有未儲存的紋理" ,
"action.animated_textures" : "播放動畫紋理" ,
"action.animated_textures.desc" : "播放或暫停動畫紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.origin_to_geometry" : "樞紐點對齊中心" ,
"action.origin_to_geometry.desc" : "樞紐點對齊至選取區中心" ,
"action.rescale_toggle" : "切換重新縮放" ,
"action.rescale_toggle.desc" : "按照立方體目前的旋轉角度進行縮放" ,
"action.bone_reset_toggle" : "重設骨骼" ,
"action.bone_reset_toggle.desc" : "停止顯示父模型骨骼的立方體" ,
"action.reload" : "重新載入Blockbench" ,
"action.reload.desc" : "重新載入Blockbench, 終止所有未儲存的程序。" ,
"menu.file" : "檔案" ,
"menu.edit" : "編輯" ,
"menu.transform" : "變形" ,
"menu.display" : "顯示" ,
"menu.view" : "檢視" ,
"menu.file.new" : "新建" ,
"menu.file.recent" : "最近" ,
"menu.file.import" : "匯入" ,
"menu.file.export" : "匯出" ,
"menu.transform.rotate" : "旋轉" ,
"menu.transform.flip" : "翻轉" ,
"menu.transform.center" : "對準中心" ,
"menu.transform.properties" : "屬性" ,
"menu.display.preset" : "套用預設集" ,
"menu.display.preset_all" : "全部套用預設集" ,
"menu.display.remove_preset" : "移除預設集" ,
"menu.view.zoom" : "縮放" ,
"menu.view.background" : "背景" ,
"menu.view.screenshot" : "截圖" ,
"menu.cube.color" : "標示器顏色" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"menu.cube.texture" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"menu.cube.texture.transparent" : "透明" ,
"menu.cube.texture.blank" : "空白" ,
"menu.group.sort" : "排序" ,
"menu.texture.face" : "套用至面" ,
"menu.texture.file" : "檔案" ,
"menu.texture.refresh" : "重新載入" ,
"menu.texture.change" : "更改檔案" ,
"menu.texture.folder" : "在資料夾中開啟" ,
"menu.texture.edit" : "編輯" ,
"menu.texture.export" : "儲存為" ,
"menu.texture.save" : "儲存" ,
"menu.texture.properties" : "屬性..." ,
"menu.preview.background" : "背景" ,
"menu.preview.background.load" : "載入" ,
"menu.preview.background.position" : "位置" ,
"menu.preview.background.lock" : "鎖定相機" ,
"menu.preview.screenshot" : "截圖" ,
"menu.preview.perspective" : "角度" ,
"menu.preview.perspective.normal" : "普通" ,
"menu.preview.quadview" : "四重分割檢視" ,
"menu.preview.stop_drag" : "停止背景移動" ,
"menu.uv.mapping" : "UV映射" ,
"menu.uv.mapping.export" : "匯出" ,
"menu.uv.mapping.rotation" : "旋轉" ,
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_x" : "鏡射X" ,
"menu.uv.mapping.mirror_y" : "鏡射Y" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"menu.uv.texture" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"cube.color.light_blue" : "淺藍色" ,
"cube.color.yellow" : "黃色" ,
"cube.color.orange" : "橙色" ,
"cube.color.red" : "紅色" ,
"cube.color.purple" : "紫色" ,
"cube.color.blue" : "藍色" ,
"cube.color.green" : "綠色" ,
"cube.color.lime" : "檸檬綠" ,
"switches.visibility" : "切換顯示" ,
"switches.export" : "匯出" ,
"switches.autouv" : "自動UV" ,
"panel.uv" : "UV" ,
"panel.display" : "顯示" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"panel.textures" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"panel.outliner" : "大綱" ,
"uv_editor.title" : "UV編輯器" ,
"uv_editor.all_faces" : "全部" ,
"uv_editor.no_faces" : "無無" ,
"face.north" : "北" ,
"face.south" : "南" ,
"face.west" : "西" ,
"face.east" : "東" ,
"face.up" : "上" ,
"face.down" : "下" ,
"direction.north" : "北" ,
"direction.south" : "南" ,
"direction.west" : "西" ,
"direction.east" : "東" ,
"direction.top" : "頂部" ,
"direction.bottom" : "底部" ,
"display.slot.third_right" : "第三人稱右手" ,
"display.slot.third_left" : "第三人稱左手" ,
"display.slot.first_right" : "第一人稱右手" ,
"display.slot.first_left" : "第一人稱左手" ,
"display.slot.head" : "頭" ,
"display.slot.ground" : "地面" ,
"display.slot.frame" : "影格" ,
"display.slot.gui" : "GUI" ,
"display.rotation" : "旋轉" ,
"display.translation" : "偏移" ,
"display.scale" : "縮放" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"display.slot" : "欄位" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"display.reference" : "參考模型" ,
"display.reference.player" : "玩家" ,
"display.reference.zombie" : "殭屍殭屍" ,
"display.reference.armor_stand" : "盔甲架" ,
"display.reference.baby_zombie" : "幼年殭屍" ,
"display.reference.armor_stand_small" : "小盔甲架" ,
"display.reference.monitor" : "普通" ,
"display.reference.bow" : "弓" ,
"display.reference.block" : "方塊" ,
"display.reference.frame" : "物品展示框" ,
"display.reference.inventory_nine" : "3x3" ,
"display.reference.inventory_full" : "背包" ,
"display.reference.hud" : "HUD" ,
"display.preset.blank_name" : "請輸入名稱" ,
"display.preset.item" : "預設物品" ,
"display.preset.block" : "預設方塊" ,
"display.preset.handheld" : "預設武器" ,
"display.preset.rod" : "預設棒子" ,
"dialog.continue" : "繼續" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.square_textures" : "紋理必須為正方形" ,
"message.unsaved_texture.title" : "未儲存的紋理" ,
"message.unsaved_texture.message" : "紋理未儲存的變更將會遺失,是否繼續?" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.vertex_snap_mode.move" : "移動" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode.scale" : "縮放" ,
"action.open_model_folder" : "開啟模型資料夾" ,
"action.open_model_folder.desc" : "開啟模型資料夾" ,
"action.change_textures_folder" : "變更材質位置" ,
"action.change_textures_folder.desc" : "變更儲存材質的資料夾" ,
"menu.texture.particle" : "使用粒子" ,
"message.update_notification.title" : "無法安裝更新" ,
"message.update_notification.message" : "新Blockbench版本已經釋出, 請在設定中開啟自動更新進行安裝!" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.untextured" : "此平面沒有任何紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.toolbar_edit.title" : "自訂工具列" ,
"keybindings.reset" : "重設" ,
"keybindings.clear" : "空白" ,
"action.cube_counter" : "立方體計數器" ,
"action.uv_rotation" : "UV旋轉" ,
"action.uv_rotation.desc" : "UV面的旋轉" ,
"action.uv_grid" : "UV方格" ,
"action.uv_grid.desc" : "UV選取器要捕捉的網格解析度" ,
"action.uv_grid.auto" : "自動" ,
"action.uv_maximize" : "UV最大化" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.uv_maximize.desc" : "將此面的UV紋理最大化" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.uv_auto" : "自動UV" ,
"action.uv_auto.desc" : "將此面的UV尺寸調整為實際面的大小" ,
"action.uv_rel_auto" : "相對自動UV" ,
"action.uv_rel_auto.desc" : "讓此面的UV尺寸符合實際面的大小和位置" ,
"action.uv_mirror_x" : "UV X鏡射" ,
"action.uv_mirror_x.desc" : "以X軸鏡射此面UV" ,
"action.uv_mirror_y" : "UV X鏡射" ,
"action.uv_mirror_y.desc" : "以Y軸鏡射此面UV" ,
"action.uv_transparent" : "移除面" ,
"action.uv_transparent.desc" : "移除目前的面" ,
"action.uv_reset" : "重設面" ,
"action.uv_reset.desc" : "重設目前的面" ,
"action.cullface" : "剔除面" ,
"action.cullface.desc" : "如果選取的模型覆蓋此面,則停用渲染" ,
"action.auto_cullface" : "自動剔除面" ,
"action.auto_cullface.desc" : "將該面的剔除面設為自身" ,
"action.face_tint" : "著色" ,
"action.face_tint.desc" : "開啟此面的著色選項" ,
"menu.toolbar.edit" : "自訂" ,
"menu.toolbar.reset" : "重設" ,
"uv_editor.rotated" : "旋轉" ,
"uv_editor.auto_cull" : "剔除自身" ,
"uv_editor.copied" : "複製的面" ,
"uv_editor.pasted" : "貼上的面" ,
"uv_editor.copied_x" : "已複製%0個面" ,
"uv_editor.reset" : "重設面" ,
"uv_editor.maximized" : "最大化" ,
"uv_editor.autouv" : "自動尺寸" ,
"uv_editor.mirrored" : "鏡射" ,
"uv_editor.to_all" : "套用至所有的面" ,
"uv_editor.transparent" : "轉為透明" ,
"uv_editor.cullface_on" : "開啟剔除面" ,
"uv_editor.cullface_off" : "關閉剔除面" ,
"uv_editor.tint_on" : "開啟著色" ,
"uv_editor.tint_off" : "關閉著色" ,
"action.uv_apply_all" : "套用至所有的面" ,
"action.uv_apply_all.desc" : "將目前面的設定套用至所有的面" ,
"message.image_editor_missing.title" : "預設圖片編輯器" ,
"message.image_editor_missing.message" : "選取圖片編輯器的exe執行檔" ,
"message.image_editor_missing.detail" : "Blockbench在你的電腦上找不到任何圖片編輯器, 請自行選取圖片編輯器的exe檔案。" ,
"action.update_autouv" : "更新自動UV" ,
"action.update_autouv.desc" : "自動更新選取的立方體的UV映射" ,
"category.uv" : "UV" ,
"status_bar.saved" : "模型已儲存" ,
"status_bar.unsaved" : "有變更未儲存" ,
"action.move_up" : "往上移動" ,
"action.move_up.desc" : "將選取的立方體按攝影機視角往上移動" ,
"action.move_down" : "往下移動" ,
"action.move_down.desc" : "將選取的立方體按攝影機視角往下移動" ,
"action.move_left" : "往左移動" ,
"action.move_left.desc" : "將選取的立方體按攝影機視角往左移動" ,
"action.move_right" : "往右移動" ,
"action.move_right.desc" : "將選取的立方體按攝影機視角往右移動" ,
"action.move_forth" : "往前移動" ,
"action.move_forth.desc" : "將選取的立方體按攝影機視角往前移動" ,
"action.move_back" : "往後移動" ,
"action.move_back.desc" : "將選取的立方體按攝影機視角往後移動" ,
"layout.color.wireframe" : "線框" ,
"layout.color.wireframe.desc" : "線框視圖的線條" ,
"action.add_animation" : "新增動畫" ,
"action.add_animation.desc" : "新增空白動畫" ,
"action.load_animation_file" : "匯入動畫" ,
"action.load_animation_file.desc" : "匯入動畫檔按" ,
"action.play_animation" : "播放動畫" ,
"action.play_animation.desc" : "預覽選取的動畫" ,
"action.slider_keyframe_time" : "時間碼" ,
"action.slider_keyframe_time.desc" : "變更選取的關鍵影格的時間碼" ,
"timeline.rotation" : "旋轉" ,
"timeline.position" : "位置" ,
"timeline.scale" : "縮放" ,
"menu.keyframe.quaternion" : "四元數" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"panel.animations" : "動畫" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"panel.keyframe" : "關鍵影格" ,
"panel.keyframe.type" : "關鍵影格 (%0)" ,
"generic.delete" : "刪除" ,
"generic.rename" : "重新命名" ,
"message.no_animation_selected" : "請先選擇一個動畫" ,
"message.no_bone_selected" : "請先選擇一個骨骼" ,
"message.duplicate_groups.title" : "骨骼名稱重複" ,
"message.duplicate_groups.message" : "多個骨骼使用同樣的名稱,這會導致一些錯誤。" ,
"action.delete_keyframes" : "刪除關鍵影格" ,
"action.delete_keyframes.desc" : "刪除選取的關鍵影格" ,
"menu.animation" : "動畫" ,
"menu.animation.loop" : "迴圈模式" ,
"menu.animation.override" : "覆蓋" ,
"menu.animation.anim_time_update" : "動畫更新時間" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.display_skin_model.title" : "外觀模型" ,
"message.display_skin_model.message" : "選取外觀的模型樣式" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"message.display_skin_model.classic" : "經典" ,
"message.display_skin_model.slim" : "苗條" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.bone_material" : "更改骨骼的材質" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.slider_animation_length" : "動畫長度" ,
"action.slider_animation_length.desc" : "變更選取的動畫長度" ,
"panel.variable_placeholders" : "變數佔位符" ,
"panel.variable_placeholders.info" : "使用 變數名=值 來預覽變數" ,
"status_bar.vertex_distance" : "距離: %0" ,
"dialog.create_gif.title" : "錄製GIF" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length" : "長度" ,
"dialog.create_gif.fps" : "FPS" ,
"dialog.create_gif.compression" : "壓縮數" ,
"dialog.create_gif.play" : "開始播放動畫" ,
"category.animation" : "動畫" ,
"action.record_model_gif" : "錄製GIF" ,
"action.record_model_gif.desc" : "從目前角度錄製模型動畫" ,
"display.mirror" : "鏡射" ,
"data.separator" : "分隔" ,
"menu.preview.background.set_position" : "設定位置" ,
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden" : "已隱藏" ,
"action.export_class_entity" : "匯出Java實體" ,
"action.export_class_entity.desc" : "將實體模型匯出為Java類別" ,
"settings.seethrough_outline" : "透視大綱" ,
"settings.seethrough_outline.desc" : "透視物件大綱" ,
"mode.edit" : "編輯" ,
"mode.paint" : "繪圖" ,
"mode.display" : "展示" ,
"mode.animate" : "動畫" ,
"status_bar.recording_gif" : "錄製GIF" ,
"status_bar.processing_gif" : "處理GIF中" ,
"settings.backup_retain" : "備份保留期限" ,
"settings.backup_retain.desc" : "設定Blockbench保留備份的天數" ,
"action.rotate_tool" : "旋轉" ,
"action.rotate_tool.desc" : "選取和旋轉元素的工具" ,
"action.fill_tool" : "油漆桶" ,
"action.fill_tool.desc" : "油漆桶可給整個面填滿單一顏色" ,
"action.eraser" : "橡皮擦" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.eraser.desc" : "橡皮擦工具可將紋理上的顏色變為透明" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.color_picker" : "取色器" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.color_picker.desc" : "從紋理像素上選取顏色" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.open_backup_folder" : "開啟備份資料夾" ,
"action.open_backup_folder.desc" : "開啟Blockbench備份資料夾" ,
"switches.mirror" : "鏡射UV" ,
"language_name" : "中文(臺灣)" ,
"message.plugin_reload" : "重新載入%0個本機插件" ,
"settings.brightness" : "亮度" ,
"settings.brightness.desc" : "預覽的亮度, 預設為50" ,
"menu.preview.perspective.reset" : "重設相機" ,
"action.fill_mode" : "填滿模式" ,
"action.fill_mode.face" : "面" ,
"action.fill_mode.color" : "顏色" ,
"action.toggle_mirror_uv" : "鏡射UV" ,
"action.toggle_mirror_uv.desc" : "切換選取立方體的X軸UV鏡射" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"menu.texture.blank" : "套用至無紋理的面" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.scale.select_overflow" : "選取溢位" ,
"dialog.create_texture.compress" : "壓縮範本" ,
"action.action_control" : "執行動作" ,
"action.action_control.desc" : "搜尋和執行動作" ,
"keybindings.recording" : "錄製快捷鍵" ,
"keybindings.press" : "使用快捷鍵來錄製快捷鍵鍵位。" ,
"action.pivot_tool" : "樞紐點工具" ,
"action.pivot_tool.desc" : "變更立方體和骨骼的樞紐點" ,
"action.slider_animation_speed" : "播放速度" ,
"action.slider_animation_speed.desc" : "時間軸的播放速度(%)" ,
"action.previous_keyframe" : "上一個關鍵影格" ,
"action.previous_keyframe.desc" : "跳至上一個關鍵影格" ,
"action.next_keyframe" : "下一個關鍵影格" ,
"action.next_keyframe.desc" : "跳至下一個關鍵影格" ,
"message.outdated_client.title" : "版本太舊" ,
"message.outdated_client.message" : "請更新至最新版Blockbench再繼續。" ,
"action.export_asset_archive" : "下載封存檔" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.export_asset_archive.desc" : "下載含有模型和紋理的封存檔。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.upload_sketchfab" : "上傳至Sketchab" ,
"message.sketchfab.name_or_token" : "請輸入Sketchfab名稱和token" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.title" : "上傳Sketchfab" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.token" : "API Token" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.about_token" : "這個token用於將Blockbench與你的Sketchfab帳戶連接, 可在%0找到" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.name" : "模型名稱" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.description" : "說明" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.tags" : "標籤" ,
"settings.sketchfab_token" : "Sketchfab Token" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"settings.sketchfab_token.desc" : "這個token用於授權Blockbench上傳檔案到你的Sketchfab帳戶" ,
"panel.color" : "顏色" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"data.origin" : "樞紐點" ,
"message.sketchfab.success" : "模型上傳成功" ,
"message.sketchfab.error" : "上傳模型至Sketchfab失敗" ,
"settings.outliner_colors" : "大綱顏色" ,
"settings.outliner_colors.desc" : "元素和群組在大綱視圖中的顏色" ,
"action.upload_sketchfab.desc" : "上傳模型至Sketchfab" ,
"action.element_colors" : "立方體顏色" ,
"action.element_colors.desc" : "大綱視圖中立方體的顏色" ,
"texture.error.file" : "找不到檔案" ,
"texture.error.invalid" : "無效的檔案" ,
"texture.error.ratio" : "無效的視角比率" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"texture.error.parent" : "父模型提供的紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.recover_backup.title" : "復原模型" ,
"message.recover_backup.message" : "Blockbench意外關閉, 你要復原未儲存的模型嗎?" ,
"message.invalid_session.title" : "無效的會話token" ,
"message.invalid_session.message" : "欲加入的會話已過期或無效。" ,
"dialog.create_texture.power" : "2次方大小" ,
"dialog.create_gif.turn" : "調整速度" ,
"action.edit_session" : "編輯會話..." ,
"action.edit_session.desc" : "連接至會話,與其他人一同編輯" ,
"action.reset_keyframe" : "同設關鍵影格" ,
"action.reset_keyframe.desc" : "重設選取的關鍵影格" ,
"dialog.edit_session.title" : "編輯會話" ,
"edit_session.username" : "使用者名稱" ,
"edit_session.token" : "Token" ,
"edit_session.about" : "編輯會話可用於網路模型協作,建立一個會話並發送給好友,對方就可以加入編輯。" ,
"edit_session.join" : "加入會話" ,
"edit_session.create" : "建立會話" ,
"edit_session.quit" : "退出會話" ,
"edit_session.joined" : "%0 加入了會話" ,
"edit_session.left" : "%0 離開了會話" ,
"edit_session.quit_session" : "離開目前的會話" ,
"edit_session.status" : "狀態" ,
"edit_session.hosting" : "主機" ,
"edit_session.connected" : "連接至會話" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.private" : "私人 (Pro)" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.password" : "密碼 (Pro)" ,
"action.uv_select_all" : "全部選取" ,
"action.uv_select_all.desc" : "選取UV對話框中的全部面" ,
"panel.chat" : "聊天" ,
"edit_session.welcome" : "歡迎來到%0的會話" ,
"dialog.yes" : "是" ,
"dialog.no" : "否" ,
"generic.remove" : "移除" ,
"generic.download" : "下載" ,
"generic.search" : "搜尋" ,
"dates.today" : "今天" ,
"dates.yesterday" : "昨天" ,
"dates.this_week" : "本週" ,
"dates.weeks_ago" : "%0週前" ,
"mode.start.new" : "新建" ,
"mode.start.recent" : "最近" ,
"format.free" : "一般模型" ,
"format.free.desc" : "無任何限制的模型,適合遊戲引擎、渲染。" ,
"format.java_block" : "Java版方塊/物品" ,
"format.java_block.desc" : "Java版的方塊/物品模型。" ,
"format.bedrock" : "基岩版模型" ,
"format.bedrock.desc" : "Minecraft基岩版模型" ,
"format.bedrock_old" : "舊版基岩版模型" ,
"format.bedrock_old.desc" : "Minecraft基岩版1.12以前的實體模型" ,
"format.modded_entity" : "模組實體" ,
"format.modded_entity.desc" : "Minecraft Mod的實體模型, 可匯出成.java類別檔案。" ,
"format.optifine_entity" : "OptiFine實體" ,
"format.optifine_entity.desc" : "OptiFine自訂實體模型" ,
"keys.mouse" : "滑鼠按鍵%0" ,
"message.cleared_blank_faces.title" : "空白面" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.cleared_blank_faces.message" : "Blockbench找到%0個沒有紋理的立方體, 你是否要將這些元素移除?" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.wireframe.enabled" : "線框視圖已開啟" ,
"message.wireframe.disabled" : "線框視圖已關閉" ,
"dialog.convert_project.title" : "轉換專案" ,
"dialog.convert_project.text" : "是否要轉換這個專案? 此動作無法復原。" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.double_use" : "保持多重紋理的透明度" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.model_stats.title" : "模型統計" ,
"dialog.model_stats.cubes" : "立方體" ,
"dialog.model_stats.locators" : "定位器" ,
"dialog.model_stats.groups" : "群組" ,
"dialog.model_stats.vertices" : "頂點" ,
"dialog.model_stats.faces" : "面面" ,
"settings.username" : "使用者名稱" ,
"settings.username.desc" : "編輯會話的使用者名稱" ,
"settings.painting_grid" : "繪圖網格" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"settings.painting_grid.desc" : "在繪圖模式的立方體紋理上顯示網格" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.convert_project" : "轉換專案" ,
"action.convert_project.desc" : "將目前的專案轉換為其他模型格式的專案" ,
"action.close_project" : "關閉專案" ,
"action.close_project.desc" : "關閉開啟的專案" ,
"action.export_bedrock" : "匯出基岩版幾何體" ,
"action.export_bedrock.desc" : "匯出成基岩版模型幾何體。" ,
"action.save_project" : "儲存專案" ,
"action.save_project.desc" : "將模型檔案儲存為專案檔。" ,
"action.save_project_as" : "另存專案為" ,
"action.save_project_as.desc" : "另存專案至其他位置" ,
"action.export_over" : "儲存模型" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.export_over.desc" : "儲存模型、紋理、動畫,覆蓋掉原有的檔案" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.add_locator" : "新增定位器" ,
"action.add_locator.desc" : "新增定位器,用於控制粒子和韁繩的位置" ,
"action.uv_turn_mapping" : "旋轉UV映射" ,
"action.uv_turn_mapping.desc" : "UV映射旋轉90度" ,
"action.remove_blank_faces" : "移除空白的面" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.remove_blank_faces.desc" : "移除沒有紋理的面" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"web.download_app" : "下載App" ,
"uv_editor.turned" : "旋轉映射" ,
"display.reference.crossbow" : "弩" ,
"dialog.settings.search_results" : "搜尋結果" ,
"settings.animation_snap" : "動畫捕捉" ,
"settings.animation_snap.desc" : "每秒動畫時間軸預設捕捉的關鍵影格" ,
"action.import_optifine_part" : "匯入OptiFine Part" ,
"action.import_optifine_part.desc" : "匯入Optifine part模型" ,
"data.locator" : "定位器" ,
"mode.start.no_recents" : "沒有最近開啟的模型" ,
"panel.element" : "元素" ,
"panel.element.position" : "位置" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"panel.element.size" : "大小" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"panel.element.origin" : "樞紐點" ,
"panel.element.rotation" : "旋轉" ,
"message.canvas_limit_error.title" : "畫布大小錯誤" ,
"message.canvas_limit_error.message" : "無法執行該操作, 此格式限制畫布大小為48, 調整樞紐點來避免此一情況。" ,
"data.effect" : "效果" ,
"generic.name" : "名稱" ,
"settings.recent_projects" : "最近的模型數" ,
"settings.recent_projects.desc" : "記住的最近的模型數量" ,
"settings.volume" : "音量" ,
"settings.volume.desc" : "動畫中的音效控制" ,
"action.change_keyframe_file" : "選取關鍵影格檔案" ,
"action.change_keyframe_file.desc" : "選取音訊或粒子檔案來預覽" ,
"action.clear_timeline" : "清空時間軸" ,
"action.clear_timeline.desc" : "從時間軸中清除未選取的骨骼" ,
"action.select_effect_animator" : "動畫效果" ,
"action.select_effect_animator.desc" : "開啟時間軸加入音效和粒子效果" ,
"action.timeline_focus" : "過濾軌道" ,
"action.timeline_focus.desc" : "選取要在時間軸顯示的動畫軌道" ,
"timeline.particle" : "粒子" ,
"timeline.sound" : "音效" ,
"timeline.effects" : "效果" ,
"data.format" : "格式" ,
"format.optifine_part" : "OptiFine Part" ,
"format.optifine_part.desc" : "JPM OptiFine實體模型" ,
"action.reverse_keyframes" : "倒轉關鍵影格" ,
"action.reverse_keyframes.desc" : "倒轉關鍵影格的順序" ,
"generic.help" : "幫助" ,
"message.removed_faces" : "已移除%0個面" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.draft" : "草稿" ,
"action.slider_pos" : "移動%0" ,
"action.slider_pos.desc" : "在%0軸移動立方體" ,
"action.slider_size" : "縮放%0" ,
"action.slider_size.desc" : "在%0軸縮放立方體" ,
"action.slider_rotation" : "旋轉%0" ,
"action.slider_rotation.desc" : "在%0軸旋轉立方體" ,
"action.slider_origin" : "樞紐點%0" ,
"action.slider_origin.desc" : "移動樞紐點至%0軸" ,
"action.rotate_cw" : "旋轉 %0 +90°" ,
"action.rotate_cw.desc" : "選取的立方體%0軸旋轉90°" ,
"action.rotate_ccw" : "旋轉 %0 -90°" ,
"action.rotate_ccw.desc" : "選取的立方體%0軸旋轉-90°" ,
"action.flip" : "翻轉%0" ,
"action.flip.desc" : "選取的立方體%0軸翻轉" ,
"action.center" : "對齊中心%0" ,
"action.center.desc" : "選取的立方體%0軸對齊中心" ,
"action.bring_up_all_animations" : "顯示所有動畫" ,
"panel.bone" : "骨骼" ,
"data.color" : "顏色" ,
"generic.export" : "匯出" ,
"generic.none" : "無無" ,
"status_bar.recording" : "錄製縮時影片" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"message.add_to_palette" : "加入至調色盤" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.size_modifiers" : "按著Ctrl或Shift進行更精細的縮放" ,
"message.timelapse_start" : "縮時影片錄製開始" ,
"message.timelapse_stop" : "縮時影片錄製停止" ,
"message.import_palette.replace_palette" : "載入舊調色盤" ,
"message.import_palette.threshold" : "合併臨界值" ,
"dialog.timelapse.interval" : "間隔(秒)" ,
"dialog.timelapse.source" : "來源" ,
"dialog.timelapse.source.interface" : "介面" ,
"dialog.timelapse.source.locked" : "鎖定角度" ,
"dialog.timelapse.destination" : "目標資料夾" ,
"layout.color.checkerboard" : "透明背景" ,
"layout.color.checkerboard.desc" : "畫布和UV編輯器的背景" ,
"layout.font.code" : "程式碼字型" ,
"layout.css" : "自訂CSS" ,
"settings.category.paint" : "繪圖" ,
"settings.deactivate_size_limit" : "取消大小限制" ,
"settings.deactivate_size_limit.desc" : "取消模型格式的大小限制,這可能會倒置模型格式無效。" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"settings.brush_opacity_modifier" : "修改筆刷透明度" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"settings.brush_opacity_modifier.desc" : "使用觸控筆時變更筆刷透明度" ,
"settings.brush_size_modifier" : "筆刷大小" ,
"settings.brush_size_modifier.desc" : "使用觸控筆時變更筆刷大小" ,
"settings.brush_modifier.pressure" : "壓力" ,
"settings.brush_modifier.tilt" : "傾斜" ,
"category.color" : "顏色" ,
"action.import_theme" : "匯入主題" ,
"action.export_theme" : "匯出主題" ,
"action.export_theme.desc" : "以目前的設定建立主題檔案" ,
"action.slider_color_h" : "色調" ,
"action.slider_color_s" : "飽和度" ,
"action.slider_color_v" : "明度" ,
"action.add_to_palette" : "添加至調色盤" ,
"action.add_to_palette.desc" : "將顏色添加至調色盤" ,
"action.import_palette" : "匯入調色盤" ,
"action.import_palette.desc" : "匯入調色盤檔案" ,
"action.export_palette" : "匯出調色盤檔案" ,
"action.export_palette.desc" : "匯出.gpl調色盤檔案" ,
"action.generate_palette" : "生成調色盤" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.generate_palette.desc" : "從紋理生成調色盤" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.sort_palette" : "排列調色盤" ,
"action.sort_palette.desc" : "以顏色和亮度排列調色盤的顏色" ,
"action.timelapse" : "縮時..." ,
"action.timelapse.desc" : "錄製建模縮時攝影" ,
"action.add_keyframe" : "新增關鍵影格" ,
"action.add_keyframe.desc" : "自動加入關鍵影格, 按shift給予預設值" ,
"action.bring_up_all_animations.desc" : "顯示時間軸所有變更過的動畫" ,
"timeline.timeline" : "教學" ,
"menu.palette.load.default" : "預設預設" ,
"panel.color.picker" : "取色器" ,
"panel.color.palette" : "調色盤" ,
"generic.import" : "匯入" ,
"settings.brush_modifier.none" : "無無" ,
"action.export_entity" : "匯出為基岩版實體" ,
"action.export_entity.desc" : "將目前的實體加入到mobs.json檔案中" ,
"settings.highlight_cubes" : "凸顯立方體" ,
"settings.highlight_cubes.desc" : "選取或滑鼠移至立方體上方時凸顯立方體" ,
"action.add_marker" : "新增時間軸標記" ,
"action.add_marker.desc" : "設定時間軸標記" ,
"timeline.pre_effect_script" : "腳本" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"format.skin" : "Minecraft外觀" ,
"format.skin.desc" : "編輯玩家和實體的外觀" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.sketchfab.setup_guide" : "想了解如何在Sketchfab上設置模型?請閱讀: %0" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.skin.title" : "新建Minecraft外觀" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.skin.model" : "模型" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.skin.texture" : "紋理 (可選)" ,
"action.toggle_skin_layer" : "切換外觀外層" ,
"action.toggle_skin_layer.desc" : "是否顯示外觀的帽子和衣服" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.gui_light" : "GUI光照" ,
"action.gui_light.desc" : "選取物品在背包中的光照方式" ,
"action.gui_light.side" : "側光照" ,
"action.gui_light.front" : "前光照" ,
"action.move_keyframe_back" : "關鍵畫格往後移" ,
"action.move_keyframe_forth" : "關鍵畫格往前移" ,
"menu.help" : "幫助" ,
"menu.help.discord" : "Discord伺服器" ,
"menu.help.report_issue" : "回報問題" ,
"menu.help.plugin_documentation" : "插件API文檔" ,
"menu.help.search_action" : "搜尋和執行動作" ,
"menu.help.donate" : "捐贈" ,
"menu.help.about" : "關於..." ,
"menu.preview.background.clipboard" : "從剪貼簿載入" ,
"dialog.ignore" : "忽略" ,
"generic.unset" : "未設定" ,
"message.invalid_builtin_parent.title" : "無效的父模型" ,
"message.invalid_builtin_parent.message" : "為匯出有效的模型,已取消連結無效的父模型%0。" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill" : "填滿" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.transparent" : "透明" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.color" : "顏色" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.repeat" : "重複" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.stretch" : "延伸" ,
"dialog.scale.element_pivot" : "元素樞紐點" ,
"dialog.scale.selection_center" : "以選取部分為中心" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode" : "長度模式" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.seconds" : "秒" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.frames" : "影格率" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.animation" : "動畫長度" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.turntable" : "調整旋轉" ,
"dialog.save_angle.projection" : "投影" ,
"dialog.save_angle.projection.perspective" : "透視投影" ,
"dialog.save_angle.projection.orthographic" : "正投影" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.animations" : "動畫動畫" ,
"dialog.settings.theme" : "主題" ,
"settings.category.interface" : "介面" ,
"settings.preview_checkerboard" : "預覽透明背景" ,
"settings.preview_checkerboard.desc" : "開關預覽透明背景" ,
"settings.uv_checkerboard" : "UV編輯器透明背景" ,
"settings.uv_checkerboard.desc" : "開關UV編輯器透明背景" ,
"category.paint" : "繪圖" ,
"action.fill_mode.color_connected" : "相鄰的顏色" ,
"action.draw_shape_type" : "形狀" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.rectangle" : "長方形" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.rectangle_h" : "長方形(空心)" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.ellipse" : "橢圓形" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.ellipse_h" : "橢圓形(空心)" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.line" : "直線" ,
"action.mirror_painting" : "鏡射繪圖" ,
"action.mirror_painting.description" : "在模型上繪畫時繪製對稱圖樣" ,
"action.lock_alpha" : "鎖定透明通道" ,
"action.lock_alpha.description" : "鎖定像素透明度" ,
"action.draw_shape_tool" : "繪製形狀" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.draw_shape_tool.desc" : "此工具用於在紋理上繪製簡單形狀" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.copy_paste_tool" : "複製貼上工具" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.copy_paste_tool.desc" : "此工具用於複製貼上選取的紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.export_gltf" : "匯出為glTF模型" ,
"action.export_gltf.desc" : "將模型和動畫匯出為glTF模型, 用於其他3D軟體" ,
"action.transform_space" : "變形空間" ,
"action.transform_space.desc" : "預設元素和骨骼的變形空間" ,
"action.transform_space.global" : "全域" ,
"action.transform_space.bone" : "骨骼" ,
"action.transform_space.local" : "區域" ,
"action.toggle_camera_projection" : "開關攝影機投影" ,
"action.toggle_camera_projection.desc" : "在透視投影和正投影間切換" ,
"action.load_camera_angle" : "攝影機角度:%0" ,
"action.load_camera_angle.desc" : "載入攝影機'%0'度" ,
"action.slider_face_tint" : "色調索引" ,
"action.slider_face_tint.desc" : "設定此面的色調索引,-1代表未設置。" ,
"menu.help.quickstart" : "快速開始精靈" ,
"menu.help.developer" : "開發人員" ,
"menu.help.developer.dev_tools" : "開啟開發人員工具" ,
"menu.help.developer.reset_storage" : "還原至出廠設定" ,
"menu.help.developer.reset_storage.confirm" : "是否要將Blockbench還原至出廠模式? 所有自訂設定、快捷鍵、安裝的插件都會被刪除。" ,
"menu.help.developer.cache_reload" : "Cache Reload" ,
"menu.preview.orthographic" : "正投影" ,
"menu.preview.save_angle" : "儲存角度..." ,
"menu.preview.angle" : "角度" ,
"menu.preview.angle.initial" : "初始角度" ,
"menu.preview.maximize" : "最大畫最大畫" ,
"panel.color.both" : "二者都是" ,
"uv_editor.copy_selection" : "複製選取" ,
"uv_editor.paste_selection" : "貼上選取" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.place" : "放置" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.cut" : "剪下" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.mirror_x" : "鏡射X" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.mirror_y" : "鏡Y" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.rotate" : "旋轉90度" ,
"dialog.project.modded_entity_version" : "匯出版本" ,
"dialog.save_angle.position" : "攝影機位置" ,
"dialog.save_angle.target" : "焦點" ,
"dialog.skin.pose" : "姿勢" ,
"layout.color.frame" : "視窗外框" ,
"layout.color.frame.desc" : "視窗的外框和標題欄" ,
"settings.large_grid_size" : "方塊網格尺寸" ,
"settings.large_grid_size.desc" : "方塊網格的尺寸" ,
"action.load_plugin_from_url" : "從URL載入插件" ,
"action.load_plugin_from_url.desc" : "從指定的伺服器載入插件" ,
"action.cube_counter.desc" : "顯示目前的立方體數量和其他統計數字" ,
"action.unlock_everything" : "全部解鎖" ,
"action.unlock_everything.desc" : "解鎖大綱視圖中的所有群組和元素。" ,
"action.load_palette" : "載入調色盤" ,
"action.load_palette.desc" : "載入內建調色盤預設集" ,
"action.toggle_locked" : "切換鎖定" ,
"action.toggle_locked.desc" : "鎖定或解所選取的元素" ,
"action.apply_display_preset" : "套用預設集" ,
"action.apply_display_preset.desc" : "套用預設或自訂的預設集" ,
"action.apply_display_preset.here" : "套用至這個欄位" ,
"action.apply_display_preset.everywhere" : "套用至全部欄位" ,
"action.resolve_keyframe_expressions" : "解析關鍵影格" ,
"action.resolve_keyframe_expressions.desc" : "解析關鍵影格的數學表達式" ,
"action.fold_all_animations" : "將所有動畫摺疊" ,
"menu.palette.load.empty" : "空白" ,
"switches.lock" : "鎖定" ,
"settings.render_sides" : "渲染的面" ,
"settings.render_sides.desc" : "選取要渲染的面" ,
"settings.render_sides.auto" : "自動" ,
"settings.render_sides.front" : "外部" ,
"settings.render_sides.double" : "內部和外部" ,
"generic.enable" : "啟用" ,
"generic.disable" : "停用" ,
"generic.redacted" : "已隱藏" ,
"dialog.select_texture.import_all" : "全部匯入" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.skin.layer_template" : "紋理圖層" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"about.version.up_to_date" : "已是最新" ,
"about.version.update_available" : "新版本%0可用" ,
"settings.category.application" : "應用程式" ,
"settings.streamer_mode" : "串流模式" ,
"settings.streamer_mode.desc" : "隱藏機敏內容,例如最近的模型" ,
"settings.automatic_updates" : "自動更新" ,
"settings.automatic_updates.desc" : "自動下載新版本, 讓Blockbench保持在最新版本" ,
"action.rotation_space" : "旋轉空間" ,
"action.focus_on_selection" : "以選取為中心" ,
"action.focus_on_selection.desc" : "將攝影機對齊選取區的中心" ,
"action.jump_to_timeline_start" : "跳轉至動畫開始處" ,
"action.jump_to_timeline_end" : "跳轉至動畫結束處" ,
"menu.help.updating" : "更新中(%0%)" ,
"menu.help.update_failed" : "更新失敗" ,
"menu.animation.loop.once" : "只播放一次" ,
"menu.animation.loop.hold" : "停留在最後的關鍵影格" ,
"menu.animation.loop.loop" : "重複" ,
"interface.streamer_mode_on" : "串流模式已啟用" ,
"generic.reset" : "重置" ,
"generic.restore" : "回復" ,
"keys.mousewheel" : "滑鼠滾輪" ,
"message.delete_animation.title" : "刪除動畫" ,
"message.delete_animation.message" : "動畫已從Blockbench刪除, 是否要將其從儲存的檔案中一起刪除?" ,
"message.no_animation_to_import" : "沒有要匯入的動畫" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.material_instances.title" : "材質實例" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.animation_import.title" : "選取要匯入的動畫" ,
"dialog.create_texture.padding" : "間距" ,
"settings.fov" : "FOV" ,
"settings.fov.desc" : "廣角視野, 預設為45" ,
"settings.sync_color" : "同步顏色" ,
"settings.sync_color.desc" : "在不同的Blockbench實例之間同步顏色。" ,
"settings.minify_bbmodel" : "最小化專案檔" ,
"settings.minify_bbmodel.desc" : "將.bbmodel檔案儲存成一行程式碼" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.edit_material_instances" : "編輯材質實例" ,
"action.edit_material_instances.desc" : "編輯基岩版方塊幾何體的材質實例" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.save_all_animations" : "儲存全部動畫" ,
"action.save_all_animations.desc" : "儲存已載入的動畫" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation" : "插值" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.desc" : "選取動畫插值方法" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.linear" : "直線" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.catmullrom" : "平滑" ,
"action.timeline_focus.hide_empty" : "隱藏空軌道" ,
"menu.file.preferences" : "偏好設定" ,
"menu.animation.blend_weight" : "混合權重" ,
"menu.animation.save" : "儲存" ,
"menu.animation.properties" : "屬性..." ,
"menu.animation.file" : "檔案" ,
"menu.animation.snapping" : "捕捉" ,
"menu.animation.open_location" : "開啟檔案位置" ,
"panel.keyframe.add_data_point" : "新增關鍵影格資料點" ,
"panel.keyframe.remove_data_point" : "移除關鍵影格資料點" ,
"panel.keyframe.pre" : "前" ,
"panel.keyframe.post" : "後" ,
"generic.all" : "全部" ,
"message.small_face_dimensions.title" : "不相容的面" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"message.small_face_dimensions.message" : "選取的部分包含小於1的面, Box UV系統會將其視作0個像素, 紋理可能會無法正常顯示。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv" : "這個模型格式支援使用pre-face UV, 可處理小於1的面的材質。點選檔案>專案, 取消勾選Box UV。" ,
"dialog.plugins.outdated_client" : "需要新版本的Blockbench" ,
"dialog.plugins.outdated_plugin" : "該插件太舊, 不適用於現在的Blockbench" ,
"settings.motion_trails" : "運動軌跡" ,
"settings.motion_trails.desc" : "在動畫編輯器中顯示運動軌跡" ,
"settings.antialiasing" : "反鋸齒" ,
"settings.antialiasing.desc" : "開關預覽反鋸齒, 重啟Blockbench套用變更" ,
"action.timeline_frame_back" : "往後跳轉1個關鍵影格" ,
"action.timeline_frame_forth" : "往前跳轉1個關鍵影格" ,
"panel.bone.ik" : "反向運動 (實驗性)" ,
"settings.particle_tick_rate" : "粒子遊戲刻" ,
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc" : "每秒的粒子效果刻, 預設為30" ,
"action.lock_motion_trail" : "鎖定運動軌跡" ,
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc" : "鎖定選取群組的運動軌跡" ,
"menu.animation_file.unload" : "取消載入動畫檔案" ,
"data.null_object" : "空物件" ,
"status_bar.toggle_sidebar" : "開關側邊攔" ,
"message.load_plugin_failed.title" : "載入插件失敗" ,
"message.load_plugin_failed.message" : "請確認插件檔案名與Plugin.register()中所使用的ID '%0' 相同。" ,
"dialog.project.uv_mode" : "UV模式" ,
"dialog.project.uv_mode.box_uv" : "Box UV" ,
"dialog.project.uv_mode.face_uv" : "Per-face UV" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.project.texture_size" : "紋理尺寸" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.animation_export.title" : "選取要匯出的動畫" ,
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv" : "重新排列UV" ,
"layout.color.subtle_text" : "次要文字" ,
"layout.color.subtle_text.desc" : "對比度較低的第二文字" ,
"settings.interface_scale" : "介面縮放比" ,
"settings.interface_scale.desc" : "Blockbench介面的縮放比" ,
"settings.background_rendering" : "背景渲染" ,
"settings.background_rendering.desc" : "滑鼠不在視窗時更新預覽畫面" ,
"settings.ctrl_shift_size" : "Control + Shift解析度" ,
"settings.ctrl_shift_size.desc" : "按下Control + Shift的網格解析度" ,
"settings.hardware_acceleration" : "硬體加速" ,
"settings.hardware_acceleration.desc" : "將渲染任務分配給顯示卡, 重啟Blockbench套用變更" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.explode_skin_model" : "展開外觀的模型" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.explode_skin_model.desc" : "開啟爆炸檢視模式以便編輯覆蓋的面" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.export_minecraft_skin" : "匯出Minecraft外觀" ,
"action.export_minecraft_skin.desc" : "將Minecraft外觀匯出為.png紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.add_null_object" : "新增空物件" ,
"action.add_null_object.desc" : "加入一個空物件" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.animated_texture_frame" : "動畫紋理關鍵影格" ,
"action.animated_texture_frame.desc" : "設定目前動畫紋理的關鍵影格" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.export_animation_file" : "匯出動畫..." ,
"action.export_animation_file.desc" : "將選取的動畫匯出成一個檔案" ,
"action.timeline_graph_editor" : "開關圖像編輯器" ,
"action.timeline_graph_editor.desc" : "在時間軸切換圖像編輯器和關鍵影格編輯器" ,
"menu.file.recent.clear" : "清除最近的檔案" ,
"switches.shade" : "著色" ,
"generic.share" : "分享" ,
"dates.minute" : "%0分鐘" ,
"dates.minutes" : "%0分鐘" ,
"dates.hour" : "%0小時" ,
"dates.hours" : "%0小時" ,
"dates.day" : "%0天" ,
"dates.days" : "%0天" ,
"dates.week" : "%0週" ,
"dates.weeks" : "%0週" ,
"dates.year" : "%0年" ,
"dates.years" : "%0年" ,
"message.drag_background" : "拖動背景調整位置, 按著Shift並往上往下來調整大小, 按下這裡儲存位置。" ,
"message.installed_plugin" : "已成功安裝%0插件" ,
"message.installed_plugin_fail" : "無法安裝%0插件" ,
"dialog.share_model.title" : "分享模型" ,
"dialog.share_model.expire_time" : "過期時間" ,
"dialog.share_model.copied_to_clipboard" : "連結已複製到剪貼簿" ,
"dialog.share_model.failed" : "上傳模型失敗" ,
"action.import_java_block_model" : "加入Java版方塊/物品模型" ,
"action.import_java_block_model.desc" : "從json檔案匯入Minecraft Java版方塊/物品模型至目前的模型" ,
"action.share_model" : "分享..." ,
"action.share_model.desc" : "建立一個連結,分享你的模型" ,
"action.import_project" : "匯入專案" ,
"action.import_project.desc" : "從另一個.bbmodel檔案匯入至目前的專案" ,
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden_tools" : "有些工具可能會因目前的編輯模式、格式或其他情形而自動隱藏。" ,
"settings.camera_near_plane" : "攝影機接近平面" ,
"settings.camera_near_plane.desc" : "攝影機距離物件最小的渲染距離, 值越大越能減少Z-fighting的問題, 預設值為1。" ,
"mode.start.keymap_preference.desc" : "如果這是你第一次使用Blockbench, 或者使用過其他3D軟體, 你可以自訂快捷鍵來適應操作, 稍後可從設定中變更。" ,
"message.load_keymap" : "是否要載入這個快捷鍵設定檔? 這會覆蓋目前你的快捷鍵設定。" ,
"message.keymap_loaded" : "已載入快捷鍵設定檔" ,
"dialog.convert_project.current_format" : "目前的格式" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv.desc" : "新建重新排列過的UV, 讓每個面都能有紋理。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.compress.desc" : "將UV緊密排列, 盡量減少材質尺寸" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.power.desc" : "將紋理的尺寸鎖定為2的2次方大小, 例如64或128。有些渲染器必須啟用此選項。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.double_use.desc" : "如果二個元素UV位置相同, 在新的UVmap中維持原樣。" ,
"dialog.create_texture.padding.desc" : "在範本各個元素間加入邊距。" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.resolution.desc" : "紋理的基本解析度, 以像素為單位。實際的紋理map大小可能會因元素的數量和大小而不同。" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"dialog.create_gif.color" : "背景顏色" ,
"dialog.save_angle.zoom" : "縮放" ,
"dialog.skin.variant" : "變種" ,
"dialog.flip_animation.info" : "骨骼名稱中含有'left'和'right'會視為相反的骨骼。" ,
"dialog.flip_animation.offset" : "動畫長度一半的偏移值," ,
"dialog.export_private_settings.title" : "隱私設定" ,
"dialog.export_private_settings.message" : "你的檔案含有以下的私人資訊:**%0**,在與別人分享檔案前移除這些數值。" ,
"dialog.export_private_settings.keep" : "維持" ,
"settings.timecode_frame_number" : "將時間碼顯示為關鍵畫格數字" ,
"settings.timecode_frame_number.desc" : "在時間軸顯示關鍵畫格數字,而非厘秒" ,
"settings.animation_sample_rate" : "動畫取樣率" ,
"settings.animation_sample_rate.desc" : "使用該格式原生不支援的每秒取樣率" ,
"keybind.preview_zoom" : "放大" ,
"action.gradient_tool" : "漸層工具" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.gradient_tool.desc" : "在紋理上建立漸層" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.import_settings" : "匯入設定" ,
"action.import_settings.desc" : "匯入.bbsettings檔案" ,
"action.export_settings" : "匯出設定" ,
"action.export_settings.desc" : "將Blockbench的設定值匯出為.bbesettings檔案" ,
"action.load_keymap" : "載入快捷鍵設定檔" ,
"action.load_keymap.default" : "預設 (觸控板/滑鼠)" ,
"action.load_keymap.mouse" : "預設 (滑鼠)" ,
"action.load_keymap.default.desc" : "預設的Blockbench快捷鍵設定, 筆電的觸控板用於移動檢視視角。" ,
"action.load_keymap.mouse.desc" : "預設的Blockbench快捷鍵設定, 滑鼠中鍵用於移動檢視視角。" ,
"action.load_keymap.blender.desc" : "適用於Blender使用者的快捷鍵設定" ,
"action.load_keymap.cinema4d.desc" : "適用於Cinema 4D使用者的快捷鍵設定" ,
"action.load_keymap.maya.desc" : "適用於Autodesk Maya使用者的快捷鍵設定" ,
"action.import_keymap" : "匯入快捷鍵設定檔" ,
"action.import_keymap.desc" : "匯入.bbkeymap快捷鍵設定檔" ,
"action.export_keymap" : "匯出快捷鍵設定檔" ,
"action.export_keymap.desc" : "匯出快捷鍵設定檔為.bbkeymap檔案" ,
"action.edit_history" : "編輯紀錄" ,
"action.edit_history.desc" : "檢視復原和取消復原的編輯紀錄" ,
"action.group_elements" : "將元素集合成一個群組" ,
"action.group_elements.desc" : "將選取的元素集合成一個群組" ,
"action.unfold_groups" : "取消摺疊群組" ,
"action.unfold_groups.desc" : "取消摺疊大綱視圖中的所有群組" ,
"action.edit_bedrock_binding" : "編輯快捷鍵..." ,
"action.edit_bedrock_binding.desc" : "變更此幾何體綁定的骨骼" ,
"action.pick_screen_color" : "選取螢幕顏色" ,
"action.pick_screen_color.desc" : "從你的螢幕上選取顏色" ,
"action.view_mode" : "檢視模式" ,
"action.view_mode.desc" : "變更模型檢視模式" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"action.view_mode.textured" : "紋理" ,
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00
"action.view_mode.solid" : "點線面" ,
"action.view_mode.wireframe" : "線框" ,
"action.toggle_sidebars" : "開關側邊欄" ,
"action.toggle_sidebars.desc" : "開啟或關閉側邊欄" ,
"action.set_animation_end" : "設定動畫終點" ,
"action.set_animation_end.desc" : "設定目前時間軸上的動畫終點" ,
"action.flip_animation" : "翻轉動畫" ,
"action.flip_animation.desc" : "複製選取的關鍵影格至模型另一側來翻轉動畫" ,
"action.graph_editor_zero_line" : "包含零線" ,
"action.graph_editor_zero_line.desc" : "是否要在圖像編輯器中顯示零線" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode" : "渲染模式" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.emissive" : "發光" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.layered" : "層疊" ,
"menu.preview.angle.edit" : "編輯角度..." ,
"menu.animation.start_delay" : "起始延時" ,
"menu.animation.loop_delay" : "重複延遲" ,
"menu.animation.flip_keyframes" : "翻轉關鍵影格" ,
"menu.mobile_keyboard.disable_all" : "全部停用" ,
"panel.keyframe.toggle_uniform_scale" : "開關均勻縮放" ,
"camera_angle.common_isometric_right" : "等軸距右側 (2:1)" ,
"camera_angle.common_isometric_left" : "等軸距左側 (2:1)" ,
"camera_angle.true_isometric_right" : "等軸距右側 (30°)" ,
"camera_angle.true_isometric_left" : "等軸距左側 (30°)" ,
"menu.help.wiki" : "Blockbench Wiki" ,
"about.repository" : "儲存庫:" ,
"settings.update_to_prereleases" : "更新至Pre-releases" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:45 +08:00
"settings.update_to_prereleases.desc" : "自動更新Blockbench至測試版以測試新功能。Pre-release版本很不穩定, 在進行重要工作時請勿開啟此選項。" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:23 +08:00
"data.separator.spacer" : "間隔" ,
"data.separator.linebreak" : "換行" ,
"data.setting" : "設定" ,
"generic.select_all" : "全部選取" ,
"generic.select_none" : "不選取" ,
"projects.new_tab" : "新分頁" ,
"projects.close_tab" : "關閉分頁" ,
"message.invalid_format.title" : "無效的格式" ,
"message.invalid_format.message" : "此模型為%0格式, Blockbench無法開啟。您可能需要插件才能正常開啟。" ,
"message.invalid_link" : "無效或過期的連結" ,
"message.default_textures.current" : "目前的路徑" ,
"message.update_after_restart" : "重新啟動後將會安裝更新" ,
"message.copy_paste_tool_viewport" : "此工具僅能在UV面板使用" ,
"dialog.project.shadow_size" : "影子大小" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target" : "目標" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.element_names" : "元素名稱" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.group_names" : "群組名稱" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.animation_names" : "動畫名稱" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.keyframe_values" : "關鍵影格數值" ,
"dialog.find_replace.find" : "尋找" ,
"dialog.find_replace.replace" : "取代" ,
"dialog.find_replace.regex" : "正則表達式" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape" : "形狀" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.circle" : "圓形" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.tube" : "管狀" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cone" : "錐體" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cylinder" : "圓柱" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.sphere" : "球" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.torus" : "環狀" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cube" : "立方體" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.pyramid" : "角錐" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.diameter" : "直徑" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.height" : "高度" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.sides" : "邊數" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.minor_diameter" : "厚度" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.minor_sides" : "最小邊數" ,
"dialog.create_texture.combine_polys" : "合併的面" ,
"dialog.create_texture.combine_polys.desc" : "將共面的面合併至同一個UV" ,
"dialog.model_stats.meshes" : "網格" ,
"dialog.export_private_settings.omit" : "忽略" ,
"layout.select" : "選擇" ,
"layout.options" : "選項" ,
"layout.color" : "顏色樣式" ,
"layout.documentation" : "文檔" ,
"layout.color.bright_ui_text" : "淺色UI" ,
"layout.color.bright_ui_text.desc" : "淺色背景的文字顏色" ,
"layout.name" : "名稱" ,
"layout.author" : "作者" ,
"settings.color_wheel" : "色歡" ,
"settings.color_wheel.desc" : "將色環作為主要顏色取色器" ,
"settings.dialog.desc" : "顯示%0對話框" ,
"settings.export_empty_groups" : "匯出空白的裙子" ,
"settings.export_empty_groups.desc" : "將空白的群組一同匯出" ,
"category.separators" : "分隔符號" ,
"keybind.preview_area_select" : "區域選擇" ,
"action.color_erase_mode" : "擦除模式" ,
"action.color_erase_mode.desc" : "開啟殺除模式之後,填滿和長方形工具會減去顏色。" ,
"action.open_from_link" : "從連結開啟模型..." ,
"action.open_from_link.desc" : "從blckbn.ch網址開啟模型" ,
"action.import_obj" : "匯入OBJ模型" ,
"action.import_obj.desc" : "從OBJ模型匯入網格物件" ,
"action.add_plugin" : "安裝插件" ,
"action.add_plugin.desc" : "從動作控制安裝插件" ,
"action.remove_plugin" : "解除安裝插件" ,
"action.remove_plugin.desc" : "從動作控制解除安裝插件" ,
"action.add_mesh" : "新增網格" ,
"action.add_mesh.desc" : "新增網格" ,
"action.add_texture_mesh" : "新增紋理網格" ,
"action.add_texture_mesh.desc" : "新增紋理網格" ,
"action.find_replace" : "尋找/取代..." ,
"action.find_replace.desc" : "尋找和取代部分名稱" ,
"action.hide_everything_except_selection" : "隱藏選取以外的部分" ,
"action.hide_everything_except_selection.desc" : "開關選取以外元素的可見度" ,
"action.transform_space.normal" : "正常" ,
"action.selection_mode" : "選取模式" ,
"action.selection_mode.desc" : "變更元素於檢視視圖中的選取模式" ,
"action.selection_mode.object" : "物件" ,
"action.selection_mode.face" : "面" ,
"action.selection_mode.vertex" : "頂點" ,
"action.create_face" : "新增面或線" ,
"action.create_face.desc" : "在選取的頂點之間建立面或線" ,
"action.convert_to_mesh" : "轉換成網格" ,
"action.convert_to_mesh.desc" : "將選取的元素轉換成網格" ,
"action.invert_face" : "翻轉面" ,
"action.invert_face.desc" : "翻轉選取的面,使其面向相反的方向" ,
"action.extrude_mesh_selection" : "拉伸選取" ,
"action.extrude_mesh_selection.desc" : "拉伸選取的網格" ,
"action.loop_cut" : "環形切割" ,
"action.loop_cut.desc" : "將選取的線段中使用環形切割分離網格" ,
"action.merge_meshes" : "合併網格" ,
"action.merge_meshes.desc" : "將多個網格合而為一" ,
"action.keyframe_uniform" : "統一縮放" ,
"action.keyframe_uniform.desc" : "在選取的關鍵影格啟用統一縮放" ,
"menu.locator.ignore_inherited_scale" : "忽略繼承的縮放" ,
"menu.texture_mesh.texture_name" : "紋理名稱..." ,
"menu.texture.elements" : "套用變更至元素" ,
"panel.color.picker_type" : "開關撿色器模式" ,
"uv_editor.transparent_face" : "透明的面" ,
"display.pose_angle" : "姿勢角度(僅用於預覽)" ,
"data.mesh" : "網格" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type" : "類型" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type.blank" : "空白" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type.template" : "紋理範本" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type.color_map" : "純色範本" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.suggested_tags" : "建議的標籤" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category" : "分類" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category2" : "分類2" ,
"layout.restore_backup" : "您的自訂%0主題遭到覆蓋。按這裡還原。" ,
"layout.borders" : "邊界" ,
"action.fill_mode.element" : "元素" ,
"action.inset_mesh_selection" : "插入選取" ,
"action.inset_mesh_selection.desc" : "插入選取的網格" ,
"action.dissolve_edges" : "邊緣溶解" ,
"action.dissolve_edges.desc" : "溶解網格中選取的邊,合併兩個面" ,
"action.split_mesh" : "切割網格" ,
"action.split_mesh.desc" : "將網格選取的面切割成新的網格" ,
"action.merge_vertices" : "合併頂點" ,
"action.merge_vertices.desc" : "將頂點合併至第一個選取的頂點" ,
"action.view_mode.normal" : "法線" ,
"action.snap_uv_to_pixels" : "將UV對齊像素" ,
"action.snap_uv_to_pixels.desc" : "將選取的UV頂點對齊像素網格" ,
"menu.file.import.import_open_project" : "匯入開啟的專案" ,
"menu.help.unlock_projects" : "解鎖全部專案" ,
2022-02-02 03:33:08 +08:00
"status_bar.selection.faces" : "%個面" ,
"status_bar.selection.vertices" : "%個頂點" ,
"message.merged_vertices" : "在%1處找到與合併了%0個頂點" ,
"settings.vertex_merge_distance" : "頂點合併距離" ,
"settings.vertex_merge_distance.desc" : "按距離合併頂點的距離" ,
"settings.show_only_selected_uv" : "僅顯示選取的UV" ,
"settings.show_only_selected_uv.desc" : "UV編輯器預設僅顯示選取的UV" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_all" : "全部合併" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_all_in_center" : "全部合併至中央" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_by_distance" : "按距離合併" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_by_distance_in_center" : "按距離合併至中央" ,
"action.uv_rotate_left" : "UV向左旋轉" ,
"action.uv_rotate_left.desc" : "選取的UV逆時針旋轉" ,
"action.uv_rotate_right" : "UV向右旋轉" ,
"action.uv_rotate_right.desc" : "選取的UV順時針旋轉" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv" : "顯示UV" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv.selected_faces" : "選取的面" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv.selected_elements" : "全部的面" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv.all_elements" : "全部元素上的面" ,
"menu.paste.face" : "UV面" ,
"menu.paste.mesh_selection" : "選取網格" ,
"menu.paste.outliner" : "元素" ,
"uv_editor.show_all_faces" : "顯示所有面" ,
"uv_editor.show_selected_faces" : "顯示選取的面" ,
"status_bar.selection.edges" : "%0個邊" ,
"action.selection_mode.edge" : "邊" ,
"message.cannot_re_import.title" : "模型無法重新匯入" ,
"message.cannot_re_import.message" : "匯出後的模型無法匯入至Blockbench。請確保你是將模型儲存成專案檔。" ,
"generic.default" : "預設" ,
"units.pixels_per_meter" : "%0每公分像素" ,
"mode.pose" : "姿勢" ,
"modifier_actions.resize_both_sides" : "所有方向重新調整大小" ,
"modifier_actions.resize_one_side" : "單個方向調整大小" ,
"modifier_actions.draw_line" : "畫線" ,
"modifier_actions.drag_without_snapping" : "無對齊拖放" ,
"modifier_actions.stretch_keyframes" : "拉伸關鍵影格" ,
"modifier_actions.resize_background" : "調整背景大小" ,
"modifier_actions.select_multiple" : "多個選取" ,
"modifier_actions.select_range" : "選取範圍" ,
"modifier_actions.drag_to_duplicate" : "拖放拷貝" ,
"modifier_actions.uniform_scaling" : "統一縮放" ,
"modifier_actions.snap_direction" : "對齊方向" ,
"message.no_valid_elements" : "沒有選取有效的元素..." ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.plane" : "平面" ,
"dialog.save_angle.rotation_mode" : "旋轉模式" ,
"dialog.save_angle.rotation" : "旋轉" ,
2021-12-22 01:36:15 +08:00
"dialog.save_angle.fov" : "FOV" ,
2022-02-02 03:33:08 +08:00
"settings.hide_tab_bar" : "自動隱藏頁籤列" ,
"settings.hide_tab_bar.desc" : "僅有一個頁籤開啟時隱藏頁籤列" ,
"settings.status_bar_modifier_keys" : "在狀態欄顯示修飾鍵" ,
"settings.status_bar_modifier_keys.desc" : "在狀態欄顯示建議的修飾鍵" ,
"settings.ground_plane" : "地面平面" ,
"settings.ground_plane.desc" : "在模型下方顯示平面" ,
"settings.preview_paste_behavior" : "預設預覽貼上行為" ,
"settings.preview_paste_behavior.desc" : "選取在編輯模式預覽貼上時的行為,有多個選項可選" ,
"settings.preview_paste_behavior.always_ask" : "總是詢問" ,
"action.new_window" : "新視窗" ,
"action.new_window.desc" : "開啟新Blockbench視窗" ,
"action.export_collada" : "匯出為Collada Model (dae)" ,
"action.export_collada.desc" : "將模型和動畫匯出為dae檔, 以在其他3D應用程式中使用" ,
"action.paint_mode_uv_overlay" : "UV覆蓋" ,
"action.paint_mode_uv_overlay.desc" : "在繪圖模式中顯示UV覆蓋" ,
"action.bake_animation_into_model" : "將動畫烘培成模型" ,
"action.bake_animation_into_model.desc" : "將目前的動畫關鍵影格烘焙至模型上。僅包含旋轉和位置,不包含比例。" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.step" : "步數" ,
"action.set_ik_target" : "設定逆運動學目標" ,
"action.set_ik_target.desc" : "選取要使用逆運動學空物件移動的目標骨骼" ,
"menu.action_control.type.tab" : "頁籤" ,
"menu.action_control.type.angle" : "攝影機角度" ,
"menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode" : "確定嗎? 已開啟串流模式" ,
"menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode.desc" : "你確定要顯示最近的模型?" ,
"menu.tools" : "工具" ,
"menu.file.recent.more" : "檢視更多..." ,
"menu.null_object.lock_ik_target_rotation" : "鎖定逆運動學目標的旋轉" ,
"menu.animation_file.import_remaining" : "匯入剩餘的動畫" ,
"edit.loop_cut.offset" : "偏移" ,
"edit.extrude_mesh_selection.extend" : "延展" ,
"cube.color.pink" : "粉紅色" ,
"cube.color.silver" : "銀色" ,
"dialog.plugins.offline" : "沒有網路連線" ,
"dialog.create_texture.pixel_density" : "像素密度" ,
"dialog.create_texture.pixel_density.desc" : "每公分紋理的像素密度。材質貼圖的大小會因元素而有所不同。" ,
"panel.skin_pose" : "姿勢" ,
"panel.skin_pose.none" : "無" ,
"panel.skin_pose.natural" : "自然" ,
"panel.skin_pose.walking" : "走路" ,
"panel.skin_pose.crouching" : "蹲下" ,
"panel.skin_pose.sitting" : "坐著" ,
"panel.skin_pose.jumping" : "跳躍" ,
"panel.skin_pose.aiming" : "瞄準" ,
"edit.loop_cut.direction" : "方向" ,
2022-03-29 23:43:15 +08:00
"message.meshes_and_box_uv" : "Meshes are not compatible with Box UV. Go to File > Project... and switch to Per-face UV." ,
"data.texture_mesh" : "Texture Mesh" ,
"generic.left" : "Left" ,
"generic.right" : "Right" ,
"mode.start.quick_setup" : "Quick Setup" ,
"mode.start.keymap" : "Keymap" ,
"mode.start.quick_setup.more_themes" : "More..." ,
"dialog.resize_texture.animation_frames" : "Animation Frames" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.title" : "Export Emission Map" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format" : "Format" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance" : "Luminance" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance_inverted" : "Luminance Inverted" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.colors" : "Colors" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.threshold" : "Transparency Threshold" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.round_up" : "Round Up to %0 x %1" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.flip_y" : "Flip Y Axis" ,
"dialog.select.type" : "Element Type" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_edge_angle" : "Edge Angle Threshold" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_edge_angle.desc" : "The maximum angle between two faces at which they will still be combined" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_island_angle" : "Island Angle Threshold" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_island_angle.desc" : "The maximum angle that can be combined into the same UV island" ,
"settings.mobile_panel_side" : "Mobile Panel Side" ,
"settings.mobile_panel_side.desc" : "Select which side of the screen panels are displayed on when using Blockbench on in landscape orientation" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode" : "OBJ Face Export Mode" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.desc" : "Choose to let the OBJ exporter convert all faces into tris or quads" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.both" : "Default" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.tris" : "Convert to Tris" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.quads" : "Convert to Quads" ,
"action.seam_tool" : "Seam Tool" ,
"action.seam_tool.desc" : "Tool to define UV seams on mesh edges" ,
"action.resolve_group" : "Resolve Group" ,
"action.resolve_group.desc" : "Resolve the group while retaining its children in the same place" ,
"action.move_to_group" : "Move to Group" ,
"action.move_to_group.desc" : "Move the selected elements to a different outliner group" ,
"action.select_seam" : "Select UV Seam" ,
"action.select_seam.desc" : "Select the UV seam mode for the selected edges" ,
"action.select_seam.auto" : "Auto" ,
"action.select_seam.join" : "Join" ,
"action.select_seam.divide" : "Divide" ,
"action.adjust_brightness_contrast" : "Adjust Brightness & Contrast..." ,
"action.adjust_brightness_contrast.desc" : "Adjust the brightness and contrast of the selected texture" ,
"action.adjust_saturation_hue" : "Adjust Saturation & Hue..." ,
"action.adjust_saturation_hue.desc" : "Adjust the saturation and hue of the selected texture" ,
"action.invert_colors" : "Invert Colors" ,
"action.invert_colors.desc" : "Invert all colors of the selected texture" ,
"action.adjust_curves" : "Adjust Curves..." ,
"action.adjust_curves.desc" : "Adjust the brightness curves of the selected texture" ,
"action.flip_texture_x" : "Flip Texture Horizontally" ,
"action.flip_texture_y" : "Flip Texture Vertically" ,
"action.resize_texture" : "Resize Texture..." ,
"action.view_mode.uv" : "UV Preview" ,
"action.append_to_template" : "Append Elements to Template..." ,
"action.append_to_template.desc" : "Add the currently selected elements to the texture template" ,
"action.move_texture_with_uv" : "Move Texture with UV" ,
"action.move_texture_with_uv.desc" : "Move the texture of the face along when dragging UV faces" ,
"action.timeline_setups" : "Timeline Setups" ,
"action.save_timeline_setup" : "Save Timeline Setup..." ,
"action.save_timeline_setup.desc" : "Save a preset for the currently selected animators and channels" ,
"menu.texture" : "Texture" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.default" : "Default" ,
"menu.texture.merge_onto_texture" : "Merge Onto Texture Above" ,
"menu.animation.unload" : "Unload" ,
"panel.timeline" : "Timeline" ,
"action.pan_tool" : "Pan Tool" ,
2022-04-24 01:05:49 +08:00
"action.pan_tool.desc" : "Tool to navigate in the viewport and the texture editor" ,
"message.set_background_position.title" : "Set Background Position" ,
"message.set_background_position.position" : "Position" ,
2022-07-23 00:09:09 +08:00
"message.set_background_position.size" : "Size" ,
"mode.start.recent.favorite" : "Mark as Favorite" ,
"mode.start.info" : "Info" ,
"mode.start.target" : "Target" ,
"mode.start.start" : "Start" ,
"mode.start.create_new" : "Create New Model" ,
"mode.start.format.informations" : "Good to know:" ,
"mode.start.format.resources" : "Resources:" ,
"format.free.info.meshes" : "In this format, you can create low poly models using cubes and custom shaped meshes." ,
"format.free.info.limitation" : "Models cannot be loaded into games that need specialized formats, such as Minecraft." ,
"format.skin.info.skin" : "This format is designed to create Minecraft skins and entity textures." ,
"format.skin.info.model" : "The model cannot be changed. In order to make changes to the model, first convert to a different format via **File** > **Convert Project**." ,
"format.java_block.info.rotation" : "Rotations are limited to 22.5 degree steps and one axis per element" ,
"format.java_block.info.size" : "The model is limited to a size of 3 by 3 by 3 blocks. Display settings can make item models larger though" ,
"format.java_block.info.animation" : "This format does not support animations in vanilla Minecraft. If you are creating a mod, you can use GeckoLib to animate models. If not, the only way to animate is to switch out the model using commands or animated textures." ,
"format.bedrock.info.textures" : "Each model can only have one texture" ,
"format.bedrock_block" : "Bedrock Block" ,
"format.bedrock_block.desc" : "Block model for Minecraft Bedrock Edition" ,
"format.modded_entity.info.integer_size" : "The size of individual cubes is limited to integers." ,
"format.modded_entity.info.format" : "Models are written in Java code instead of dedicated data structures like all other Blockbench export formats." ,
"format.optifine_entity.info.optifine_required" : "Users without OptiFine installed won't see the model." ,
"format.optifine_entity.info.pivots" : "Bone pivots are locked, so it is a good idea to leave them untouched." ,
"format_category.low_poly" : "Low-Poly" ,
"format_category.minecraft" : "Minecraft" ,
"format_category.other" : "Other" ,
"format_category.loaders" : "Loaders" ,
"message.recover_backup.recover" : "Recover" ,
"message.invalid_characters.title" : "Invalid Path" ,
"message.invalid_characters.message" : "The path of the imported file contains invalid characters, uppercase letters, or white spaces. The supported characters are: %0" ,
"dialog.share_model.thumbnail" : "Thumbnail" ,
"dialog.skin.high_res_texture" : "Please note that skins with the selected resolution will not work as regular Minecraft skins. Select a lower resolution." ,
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror" : "Allow Display Slot Mirroring" ,
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror.desc" : "Allow Display slots for Java item models to be mirrored. WARNING: This only works in Minecraft 1.14 or earlier or in special cases." ,
"action.switch_tabs" : "Switch Tabs" ,
"action.switch_tabs.desc" : "Cycle between opened tabs. Hold shift to cycle in the opposite direction." ,
"action.unselect_all" : "Unselect All" ,
"action.unselect_all.desc" : "Unselect all elements, faces, vertices, or keyframes" ,
"action.save_palette" : "Save Palette..." ,
"action.save_palette.desc" : "Save the current color palette inside Blockbench for later use" ,
"action.keyframe_column_create" : "Create Keyframe Column" ,
"action.keyframe_column_create.desc" : "Key all channels in the timeline at the current timecode, if they already have keyframes" ,
"action.keyframe_column_select" : "Select Keyframe Column" ,
"action.keyframe_column_select.desc" : "Select all keyframes in the timeline along a column below the playhead" ,
"menu.uv" : "UV" ,
"menu.keyframe" : "Keyframe" ,
"menu.palette.load.update" : "Update Palette" ,
"menu.palette.load.update.desc" : "Updates this palette with the colors of the current Blockbench palette" ,
"menu.timeline_marker.set_time" : "Set Time..." ,
"uv_editor.scale_uv" : "Scale UV" ,
"action.preview_scene" : "Preview Scene" ,
"action.preview_scene.desc" : "Change the model preview scene" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_overworld" : "Minecraft Overworld" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_nether" : "Minecraft Nether" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_end" : "Minecraft End" ,
"dialog.project.modded_entity_flip_y" : "Flip Y Axis" ,
"preview_scene.studio" : "Studio"
2021-09-01 05:51:59 +08:00