2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"dialog.ok" : "OK" ,
"dialog.cancel" : "Annulla" ,
"dialog.confirm" : "Conferma" ,
"dialog.close" : "Chiudi" ,
"dialog.import" : "Importa" ,
"dialog.save" : "Salva" ,
2020-07-27 00:09:32 +08:00
"dialog.discard" : "Non salvare" ,
"dialog.dontshowagain" : "Non mostrare più" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"data.cube" : "Cubo" ,
"data.group" : "Gruppo" ,
"data.texture" : "Texture" ,
"data.plugin" : "Plugin" ,
"data.preview" : "Anteprima" ,
"data.toolbar" : "Barra degli strumenti" ,
"data.image" : "Immagine" ,
"keys.ctrl" : "Control" ,
"keys.shift" : "Shift" ,
"keys.alt" : "Alt" ,
"keys.meta" : "Cmd" ,
"keys.delete" : "Elimina" ,
"keys.space" : "Spazio" ,
"keys.leftclick" : "Click Sinistro" ,
"keys.middleclick" : "Click Centrale" ,
"keys.rightclick" : "Click Destro" ,
"keys.tab" : "Tab" ,
"keys.backspace" : "Backspace" ,
"keys.enter" : "Enter" ,
"keys.escape" : "Escape" ,
"keys.function" : "F%0" ,
"keys.numpad" : "Numpad %0" ,
"keys.caps" : "Capslock" ,
"keys.menu" : "Menu contestuale" ,
"keys.left" : "Sinistra" ,
"keys.up" : "Sopra" ,
"keys.right" : "Destra" ,
"keys.down" : "Sotto" ,
"keys.pageup" : "Page Up" ,
"keys.pagedown" : "Page Down" ,
"keys.plus" : "+" ,
"keys.comma" : "Virgola" ,
"keys.point" : "Punto" ,
"keys.minus" : "Meno" ,
"keys.cross" : "Croce" ,
"keys.end" : "End" ,
"keys.pos1" : "Home" ,
"keys.printscreen" : "Print Screen" ,
"keys.pause" : "Pausa" ,
"message.rotation_limit.title" : "Limiti di Rotazione" ,
2020-07-27 00:09:32 +08:00
"message.rotation_limit.message" : "Le rotazioni sono limitate ad un asse e incrementi di 22.5 gradi. Ruotare su un asse differente cancellerà tutte le rotazioni su altri assi. Disabilita l'opzione \"Rotazione Ristretta\" se stai modellando per altre ragioni e hai bisogno di rotazioni libere" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"message.file_not_found.title" : "File Non Trovato" ,
"message.file_not_found.message" : "Blockbench non ha potuto trovare il file richiesto. Assicurati che sia salvato localmente e non in un cloud." ,
"message.screenshot.title" : "Screenshot" ,
"message.screenshot.clipboard" : "Appunti" ,
"message.screenshot.right_click" : "Screenshot - Click Destro per copiare" ,
"message.invalid_file.title" : "File Invalido" ,
"message.invalid_file.message" : "Impossibile aprire il modello: %0" ,
"message.invalid_model.title" : "File Modello Invalido" ,
"message.invalid_model.message" : "Questo file non contiene dati di modello validi." ,
"message.child_model_only.title" : "Modello Bambino Vuoto" ,
"message.child_model_only.message" : "Questo file eredita %0 e non contiene un modello" ,
"message.unsaved_textures.title" : "Texture Non Salvata" ,
"message.unsaved_textures.message" : "Questo modello utilizza textures non salvate. Assicurati di salvarle e inserirle nella nella cartella corretta della tua resource pack" ,
"message.model_clipping.title" : "Modello Troppo Grande" ,
2020-07-27 00:09:32 +08:00
"message.model_clipping.message" : "Il tuo modello contiene %0 cubi che sono più grandi del limite 3x3x3 imposto da Minecraft. Questo modello non funzionerà su Minecraft. Abilita la funzione 'Spazio di Lavoro Limitato' per prevenire questo." ,
"message.loose_texture.title" : "Importa Texture" ,
"message.loose_texture.message" : "La texture importata non è contenuta in un resource pack. Minecraft può solo caricare le texture dalla cartella \"textures\" di un resource pack attivo." ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"message.loose_texture.change" : "Cambia Percorso" ,
"message.update_res.title" : "Risoluzione Texture" ,
"message.update_res.message" : "Vorresti aggiornare la risoluzione del progetto con la risoluzione di questa texture? Fai Click su 'Annulla' se la texture ha una risoluzione maggiore del normale." ,
"message.update_res.update" : "Aggiorna" ,
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.message" : "Blockbench non riesce a combinare questo modello con un vecchio file" ,
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.backup_overwrite" : "Crea Backup e Sovrascrivi" ,
"message.bedrock_overwrite_error.overwrite" : "Sovrascrivi" ,
"message.close_warning.message" : "Vuoi salvare il tuo modello?" ,
"message.close_warning.web" : "Il tuo lavoro corrente verra perso. Sei sicuro di volere uscire?" ,
"message.default_textures.title" : "Textures Predefinite" ,
"message.default_textures.message" : "Seleziona la cartella \"textures\" del resource pack predefinito" ,
2020-07-27 00:09:32 +08:00
"message.default_textures.detail" : "Estrai il resource pack predefinito dal jar di Minecraft oppure vai su google per scaricarlo. Poi trova la cartella \"textures\" ed aprila. Blockbench memorizzerà questa cartella e cercherà di prendere le texture da quella cartella se non può trovarle nel resource pack corrente." ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"message.default_textures.select" : "Seleziona la cartella \"textures\" predefinita" ,
"message.image_editor.title" : "Seleziona un editor di immagini" ,
"message.image_editor.file" : "Seleziona un file..." ,
"message.image_editor.exe" : "Seleziona un editor immagini" ,
"message.display_skin.title" : "Visualizza Skin" ,
"message.display_skin.message" : "Seleziona il file della Skin dal tuo computer oppure inserisci il nome del giocatore" ,
"message.display_skin.upload" : "Carica una Skin" ,
"message.display_skin.reset" : "Resetta" ,
"message.invalid_plugin" : "File Plugin Invalido, Vedi Console" ,
"message.load_plugin_app" : "Vuoi permettere a questo plugin di effettuare modifiche al tuo PC? Carica plugin soltanto da persone fidate." ,
"message.load_plugin_web" : "Vuoi caricare questo plugin? Carica plugin soltanto da persone fidate." ,
"message.preset_no_info" : "Il preset non contiene informazioni per questo slot" ,
"message.restart_to_update" : "Riavvia Blockbench per applicare modifiche" ,
"message.save_file" : "Salvato come %0" ,
"message.save_obj" : "Salvato come modello .obj" ,
"dialog.project.title" : "Progetto" ,
"dialog.project.name" : "Nome File" ,
"dialog.project.parent" : "Modello Genitore" ,
"dialog.project.geoname" : "Nome Geometria Del Mob" ,
"dialog.project.ao" : "Occlusione Ambientale" ,
"dialog.texture.title" : "Texture" ,
"dialog.texture.variable" : "Variabile" ,
"dialog.texture.namespace" : "Namespace" ,
"dialog.texture.folder" : "Cartella" ,
"dialog.extrude.title" : "Estrudere Immagine" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode" : "Modalità Scansione" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.areas" : "Aree" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.lines" : "Linee" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.columns" : "Colonne" ,
"dialog.extrude.mode.pixels" : "Pixel" ,
"dialog.extrude.opacity" : "Opacità Minima" ,
"dialog.extrude.scan" : "Scannerizzare e Importare" ,
"dialog.display_preset.title" : "Crea Preset" ,
"dialog.display_preset.message" : "Seleziona gli slot che vuoi salvare" ,
"dialog.display_preset.create" : "Crea" ,
"dialog.select.title" : "Seleziona" ,
"dialog.select.group" : "Nel Gruppo Selezionato" ,
"dialog.select.name" : "Nome Contiene" ,
"dialog.select.random" : "Casuale" ,
"dialog.select.select" : "Seleziona" ,
"dialog.scale.title" : "Scala Modello" ,
"dialog.scale.axis" : "Assi" ,
"dialog.scale.clipping" : "Tosatura modello: Il tuo modello è troppo grande" ,
"dialog.scale.confirm" : "Scala" ,
"dialog.plugins.title" : "Plugin" ,
"dialog.plugins.installed" : "Installati" ,
"dialog.plugins.available" : "Disponibili" ,
"dialog.plugins.install" : "Installa" ,
"dialog.plugins.uninstall" : "Disinstalla" ,
"dialog.plugins.reload" : "Ricarica" ,
"dialog.plugins.none_installed" : "Nessun plugin installato" ,
"dialog.plugins.none_available" : "Nessun plugin disponibile" ,
"dialog.plugins.web_only" : "Solo per l'applicazione web" ,
"dialog.plugins.app_only" : "Solo per l'applicazione desktop" ,
"dialog.plugins.author" : "di %0" ,
"dialog.create_texture.folder" : "Cartella" ,
"dialog.create_texture.resolution" : "Risoluzione" ,
"dialog.input.title" : "Input" ,
"dialog.settings.settings" : "Impostazioni" ,
"dialog.settings.keybinds" : "Tasti" ,
"dialog.settings.about" : "Sul Programma" ,
"layout.color.back" : "Retro" ,
"layout.color.back.desc" : "Sfondi e campi di input" ,
"layout.color.dark" : "Scuro" ,
"layout.color.dark.desc" : "Sfondo tela" ,
"layout.color.ui" : "UI" ,
"layout.color.ui.desc" : "Colore interfaccia principale" ,
"layout.color.bright_ui" : "UI Luminoso" ,
"layout.color.bright_ui.desc" : "Menu contestuali e tooltip" ,
"layout.color.button" : "Tasto" ,
"layout.color.button.desc" : "Tasti e modalità" ,
"layout.color.selected" : "Selezionato" ,
"layout.color.selected.desc" : "Schede e oggetti selezionati" ,
"layout.color.border" : "Bordo" ,
"layout.color.border.desc" : "Bordo dei tasti e dei input" ,
"layout.color.accent" : "Accento" ,
"layout.color.accent.desc" : "Pollice scorrevole e altri dettagli" ,
"layout.color.grid" : "Griglia" ,
"layout.color.grid.desc" : "Griglia anteprima UV" ,
"layout.color.text" : "Testo" ,
"layout.color.text.desc" : "Testo normale" ,
"layout.color.light" : "Luce" ,
"layout.color.light.desc" : "Testo evidenziato" ,
"layout.color.accent_text" : "Testo Accentato" ,
"layout.color.accent_text.desc" : "Testo su elementi chiari o accentati" ,
"layout.font.main" : "Carattere Principale:" ,
"layout.font.headline" : "Carattere del Titolo" ,
"about.version" : "Versione:" ,
"about.creator" : "Sviluppatore:" ,
"about.website" : "Sito:" ,
"about.vertex_snap" : "Lo snapping degli vertici è basato su un plugin da SirBenet" ,
"about.icons" : "Pachetti Icone:" ,
"about.libraries" : "Librerie:" ,
"settings.category.general" : "Generale" ,
"settings.category.preview" : "Anteprima" ,
"settings.category.grid" : "Griglia" ,
"settings.category.edit" : "Modifica" ,
"settings.category.snapping" : "Snapping" ,
"settings.category.defaults" : "Impostazioni Predefinite" ,
"settings.category.dialogs" : "Dialoghi" ,
"settings.category.export" : "Esporta" ,
"settings.language" : "Lingua" ,
"settings.language.desc" : "Lingua Interfaccia. Apri di nuovo Blockbench per applicare modifiche." ,
"settings.backup_interval" : "Intervallo Backup" ,
"settings.backup_interval.desc" : "Intervallo del backup automatico in minuti" ,
"settings.origin_size" : "Origine di Rotazione" ,
"settings.origin_size.desc" : "Dimensione dell'origine di rotazione" ,
"settings.control_size" : "Dimensione Assi Controllo" ,
"settings.control_size.desc" : "Dimensione dei 3 assi di controllo" ,
"settings.display_skin" : "Visualizza Skin" ,
"settings.display_skin.desc" : "La skin usata per il modello di riferimento del giocatore" ,
"settings.shading" : "Ombreggiatura" ,
"settings.shading.desc" : "Attiva obreggiatura" ,
"settings.texture_fps" : "FPS Texture Animate" ,
"settings.texture_fps.desc" : "Frames per seconds per texture animate" ,
"settings.base_grid" : "Griglia Piccola" ,
"settings.base_grid.desc" : "Mostrare griglia picolla e assi" ,
"settings.large_grid" : "Griglia Grande" ,
"settings.large_grid.desc" : "Mostare griglia blocco 3x3" ,
"settings.full_grid" : "Griglia Grande Completa" ,
"settings.full_grid.desc" : "Mostrare griglia precisa 3x3" ,
"settings.large_box" : "Scatola Grande" ,
"settings.large_box.desc" : "Mostrare confini blocco 3x3" ,
"settings.display_grid" : "Modalità Visualizzazione" ,
"settings.display_grid.desc" : "Mostra griglia in modalità visualizzazione" ,
"settings.undo_limit" : "Limite Annullamenti" ,
"settings.undo_limit.desc" : "Numero di modifiche che possono essere annullate" ,
"settings.local_move" : "Muovere su Assi Relativi" ,
"settings.local_move.desc" : "Muovi elementi ruotati sul loro asse proprio, se possibile" ,
"settings.canvas_unselect" : "Deselezionamento Clic" ,
"settings.canvas_unselect.desc" : "Deseleziona tutti gli elementi quando si clicca sullo spazio di lavoro" ,
"settings.paint_side_restrict" : "Restringi Pennello al Lato" ,
"settings.paint_side_restrict.desc" : "Restringi i pennelli a disegnare solo sul lato corrente" ,
"settings.autouv" : "UV Automatico" ,
"settings.autouv.desc" : "Abilita UV Automatico per impostazione predefinita" ,
"settings.create_rename" : "Renomina Nuovo Cubo" ,
"settings.create_rename.desc" : "Focalizzare il campo d'inserimento del nome quando si crea un nuovo elemento o un gruppo" ,
"settings.edit_size" : "Risoluzione Griglia" ,
"settings.edit_size.desc" : "Risoluzione della griglia alla quale si attaccano i cubi" ,
"settings.shift_size" : "Risoluzione Shift" ,
"settings.shift_size.desc" : "Risoluzione della griglia tenendo premuto shift" ,
"settings.ctrl_size" : "Risoluzione Control" ,
"settings.ctrl_size.desc" : "Risoluzione della griglia tenendo premuto control" ,
"settings.negative_size" : "Dimensioni Negative" ,
"settings.negative_size.desc" : "Permettere allo strumento di ridimensionamento di usare dimensioni negative" ,
"settings.minifiedout" : "Esporto Minificato" ,
"settings.minifiedout.desc" : "Registrare JSON in una riga" ,
"settings.export_groups" : "Esporta Gruppi" ,
"settings.export_groups.desc" : "Salvare gruppi nei file dei modelli blocchi" ,
"settings.credit" : "Commento Credito" ,
"settings.credit.desc" : "Aggiungere un commento di credito ai file esportati" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"settings.default_path" : "Default Minecraft Textures Path" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"settings.default_path.desc" : "Cartella dalla quale Blockbench carica le texture predefinite" ,
"settings.image_editor" : "Editor Immagini" ,
"settings.image_editor.desc" : "Editore immagini predefinito per modificare texture" ,
"category.navigate" : "Navigazione" ,
"category.tools" : "Strumenti" ,
"category.file" : "File" ,
"category.blockbench" : "Blockbench" ,
"category.edit" : "Modifica" ,
"category.transform" : "Trasforma" ,
"category.view" : "Vista" ,
"category.display" : "Impostazioni Display" ,
"category.textures" : "Textures" ,
"category.misc" : "Miscellaneo" ,
"keybind.preview_select" : "Selezionare" ,
"keybind.preview_rotate" : "Ruota Vista" ,
"keybind.preview_drag" : "Trascina Vista" ,
"keybind.confirm" : "Conferma" ,
"keybind.cancel" : "Annulla" ,
"action.slider_inflate" : "Gonfiare" ,
"action.slider_inflate.desc" : "Gonfiare cubi in tutte le direzioni non modificando l'UV" ,
"action.slider_brush_size" : "Dimensione" ,
"action.slider_brush_size.desc" : "Raggio del pennello in pixel" ,
"action.slider_brush_opacity" : "Opacità" ,
"action.slider_brush_opacity.desc" : "Percentuale dell'opacità del pennello" ,
"action.slider_brush_softness" : "Morbidezza" ,
"action.slider_brush_softness.desc" : "Percentuale della morbidezza del pennello" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_x" : "Muovere Orizzontalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_x.desc" : "Muovi la selezione UV di tutti i cubi orizzontalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_y" : "Muovere Verticalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_pos_y.desc" : "Muovi la selezione UV di tutti i cubi verticalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_x" : "Scala Orizzontalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_x.desc" : "Scala la selezione UV dei cubi selezionati orizzontalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_y" : "Scala Verticalmente" ,
"action.uv_slider_size_y.desc" : "Scala la selezione UV dei cubi selezionati verticalmente" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode" : "Modalità" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode.desc" : "Seleziona se Snap Vertici muove gli elementi alla posizione selezionata oppure li ridimensiona" ,
"action.move_tool" : "Muovi" ,
"action.move_tool.desc" : "Strumento per selezionare e muovere elementi" ,
"action.resize_tool" : "Ridimensiona" ,
"action.resize_tool.desc" : "Strumento per selezionare e ridimensionare elementi" ,
"action.brush_tool" : "Pennello" ,
"action.brush_tool.desc" : "Strumento per disegnare su texture bitmap, sulle superfici o sull'editore UV" ,
"action.vertex_snap_tool" : "Snap Vertici" ,
"action.vertex_snap_tool.desc" : "Muovi un cubo ad un'altro coniugando due vertici" ,
"action.swap_tools" : "Scambia Strumenti" ,
"action.swap_tools.desc" : "Alterna tra lo strumento di movimento e di ridimensionamento" ,
"action.project_window" : "Progetto..." ,
"action.project_window.desc" : "Apre la schermata del progetto dove puoi modificare i dati del tuo modello" ,
"action.open_model" : "Apri Modello" ,
"action.open_model.desc" : "Apri un modello dal tuo computer" ,
"action.extrude_texture" : "Texture Estrusa" ,
"action.extrude_texture.desc" : "Genera un modello sporgendo una texture" ,
"action.export_blockmodel" : "Esporta Modello Blocco" ,
"action.export_blockmodel.desc" : "Esporta un modello blocco o item per Minecraft" ,
"action.export_optifine_part" : "Esporta OptiFine JPM" ,
"action.export_optifine_part.desc" : "Esporta un modello Optifine entity parziale" ,
"action.export_optifine_full" : "Esporta OptiFine JEM" ,
"action.export_optifine_full.desc" : "Esporta un modello OptiFine entity completo" ,
"action.export_obj" : "Esporta Modello OBJ" ,
"action.export_obj.desc" : "Esporta un Wavefront OBJ per rendering o motori di gioco" ,
"action.settings_window" : "Impostazioni..." ,
"action.settings_window.desc" : "Apri il dialogo delle impostazioni Blockbench" ,
"action.plugins_window" : "Plugin..." ,
"action.plugins_window.desc" : "Apri la schermata dei plugin" ,
"action.reset_layout" : "Ripristina Layout" ,
"action.reset_layout.desc" : "Ripristina il layout al predefinito di Blockbench" ,
"action.load_plugin" : "Carica Plugin da File" ,
"action.load_plugin.desc" : "Carica un plugin importando il file sorgente" ,
"action.reload_plugins" : "Ricarica Plugin" ,
"action.reload_plugins.desc" : "Ricarica tutti i plugin in sviluppo" ,
"action.undo" : "Annulla" ,
"action.undo.desc" : "Annulla l'ultima modifica" ,
"action.redo" : "Ripristina" ,
"action.redo.desc" : "Ripristina l'ultimo annullamento" ,
"action.copy" : "Copia" ,
"action.copy.desc" : "Copia la selezione selezionata, la facca o le impostazioni di visualizzazione" ,
"action.paste" : "Incolla" ,
"action.paste.desc" : "Incolla la selezione selezionata, la facca o le impostazioni di visualizzazione" ,
"action.cut" : "Taglia" ,
"action.cut.desc" : "Taglia la selezione selezionata, la faccia o le impostazioni di visualizzazione" ,
"action.add_cube" : "Aggiungi Cubo" ,
"action.add_cube.desc" : "Aggiunge un nuovo cubo" ,
"action.add_group" : "Aggiungi Gruppo" ,
"action.add_group.desc" : "Aggiunge un nuovo gruppo oppure un osso" ,
"action.outliner_toggle" : "Alterna Più Opzioni" ,
"action.outliner_toggle.desc" : "Alterna tasti per più opzioni nella lista degli elementi" ,
"action.duplicate" : "Duplica" ,
"action.duplicate.desc" : "Duplica i cubi o le ossa selezionati" ,
"action.delete" : "Elimina" ,
"action.delete.desc" : "Elimina i cubi o gruppi selezionati" ,
"action.sort_outliner" : "Ordina Lista Elementi" ,
"action.sort_outliner.desc" : "Ordina la lista degli elementi in ordine alfabetico" ,
"action.select_window" : "Seleziona..." ,
"action.select_window.desc" : "Cerca e seleziona cubi basandosi sulle loro proprietà" ,
"action.invert_selection" : "Inverti Selezione" ,
"action.invert_selection.desc" : "Inverti la selezione corrente dei cubi" ,
"action.select_all" : "Seleziona Tutto" ,
"action.select_all.desc" : "Seleziona tutti i cubi" ,
"action.collapse_groups" : "Collassa Gruppi" ,
"action.collapse_groups.desc" : "Collassa tutti i gruppi" ,
"action.scale" : "Scala..." ,
"action.scale.desc" : "Ridimensiona i cubi selezionati" ,
"action.toggle_visibility" : "Alterna Visibilità" ,
"action.toggle_visibility.desc" : "Alterna la visibilità dei cubi selezionati" ,
"action.toggle_export" : "Alterna Esporto" ,
"action.toggle_export.desc" : "Alterna l'impostazione d'esporto dei cubi selezionati" ,
"action.toggle_autouv" : "Alterna UV Automatico" ,
"action.toggle_autouv.desc" : "Alterna l'impostazione del UV automatico dei cubi selezionati" ,
"action.toggle_shade" : "Alterna Ombreggiatura" ,
"action.toggle_shade.desc" : "Alterna l'ombreggiatura dei cubi selezionati" ,
"action.rename" : "Rinomina" ,
"action.rename.desc" : "Cambia il nome dei cubi selezionati" ,
"action.add_display_preset" : "Nuovo Preset" ,
"action.add_display_preset.desc" : "Aggiungi un nuovo preset impostazioni display" ,
"action.fullscreen" : "Schermo Intero" ,
"action.fullscreen.desc" : "Alterna la modalità schermo intero" ,
"action.zoom_in" : "Ingrandire" ,
"action.zoom_in.desc" : "Ingradisci l'interfaccia grafica" ,
"action.zoom_out" : "Rimpicciolire" ,
"action.zoom_out.desc" : "Rimpicciolsci l'interfaccia grafica" ,
"action.zoom_reset" : "Ripristina Zoom" ,
"action.zoom_reset.desc" : "Ripristina lo zoom al valore predefinito di 100%" ,
"action.reset_interface" : "Ripristina Interfaccia" ,
"action.reset_interface.desc" : "Ripristina le dimensioni e le posizioni dell'interfaccia grafica" ,
"action.screenshot_model" : "Screenshot Modello" ,
"action.screenshot_model.desc" : "Scatta uno screenshot ritagliato del modello dall'angolo corrente" ,
"action.screenshot_app" : "Screenshot Applicazione" ,
"action.screenshot_app.desc" : "Scatta uno screenshot dell'applicazione intera" ,
"action.import_texture" : "Importa Texture" ,
"action.import_texture.desc" : "Importa una o piu texture dal tuo sistema" ,
"action.create_texture" : "Crea Texture" ,
"action.create_texture.desc" : "Crea una texture vuota o una texture modello" ,
"action.save_textures" : "Salva Texture" ,
"action.save_textures.desc" : "Salva tutte le texture non salvate" ,
"action.animated_textures" : "Riproduci Texture Animate" ,
"action.animated_textures.desc" : "Riproduci e metti in pausa l'anteprima delle texture animate" ,
"action.origin_to_geometry" : "Origine Alla Geometria" ,
"action.origin_to_geometry.desc" : "Metti l'origine al centro della geometria" ,
"action.rescale_toggle" : "Alterna Ridimensionamento" ,
"action.rescale_toggle.desc" : "Cambia le dimensioni dei cubi basandosi sulla loro rotazione" ,
"action.bone_reset_toggle" : "Ripristina Osso" ,
"action.bone_reset_toggle.desc" : "Ferma l'osso dalla visualizzazione dei cubi dal modello genitore" ,
"action.reload" : "Ricarica Blockbench" ,
"action.reload.desc" : "Ricarica Blockbench. Questa azione annullera tutto il progresso non salvato." ,
"menu.file" : "File" ,
"menu.edit" : "Modifica" ,
"menu.transform" : "Trasforma" ,
"menu.display" : "Display" ,
"menu.view" : "Vista" ,
"menu.file.new" : "Nuovo" ,
"menu.file.recent" : "Recenti" ,
"menu.file.import" : "Importa" ,
"menu.file.export" : "Esporta" ,
"menu.transform.rotate" : "Ruota" ,
"menu.transform.flip" : "Capovolgi" ,
"menu.transform.center" : "Centro" ,
"menu.transform.properties" : "Proprietà" ,
"menu.display.preset" : "Applica Preset" ,
"menu.display.preset_all" : "Applica Preset Ovunque" ,
"menu.display.remove_preset" : "Rimuovi Preset" ,
"menu.view.zoom" : "Zoom" ,
"menu.view.background" : "Sfondo" ,
"menu.view.screenshot" : "Screenshot" ,
"menu.cube.color" : "Colore Cubo" ,
"menu.cube.texture" : "Texture" ,
"menu.cube.texture.transparent" : "Trasparente" ,
"menu.cube.texture.blank" : "Vuoto" ,
"menu.group.sort" : "Ordina" ,
"menu.texture.face" : "Applica alle Facce" ,
"menu.texture.file" : "File" ,
"menu.texture.refresh" : "Aggiorna" ,
"menu.texture.change" : "Modifica File" ,
"menu.texture.folder" : "Apri In Cartella" ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"menu.texture.edit" : "Modifica" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"menu.texture.export" : "Salva Come" ,
"menu.texture.save" : "Salva" ,
"menu.texture.properties" : "Proprietà" ,
"menu.preview.background" : "Sfondo" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"menu.preview.background.load" : "Carica" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"menu.preview.background.position" : "Posizione" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"menu.preview.background.lock" : "Attacca Alla Videocamera" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"menu.preview.screenshot" : "Screenshot" ,
"menu.preview.perspective" : "Prospettiva" ,
"menu.preview.perspective.normal" : "Normale" ,
"menu.preview.quadview" : "Vista Quadrupla" ,
"menu.preview.stop_drag" : "Ferma Posizionamento Sfondo" ,
"menu.uv.mapping.rotation" : "Rotazione" ,
"menu.uv.texture" : "Texture" ,
"cube.color.light_blue" : "Azzurro" ,
"cube.color.yellow" : "Giallo" ,
"cube.color.orange" : "Arancione" ,
"cube.color.red" : "Rosso" ,
"cube.color.purple" : "Viola" ,
"cube.color.blue" : "Blu" ,
"cube.color.green" : "Verde" ,
"cube.color.lime" : "Lime" ,
"switches.visibility" : "Visibilità" ,
"switches.export" : "Esporta" ,
"switches.autouv" : "UV Automatico" ,
"panel.uv" : "UV" ,
"panel.display" : "Display" ,
"panel.textures" : "Texture" ,
"panel.outliner" : "Outliner" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"uv_editor.title" : "Editore UV" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"uv_editor.all_faces" : "Tutte" ,
"uv_editor.no_faces" : "Nulla" ,
"face.north" : "Nord" ,
"face.south" : "Sud" ,
"face.west" : "Ovest" ,
"face.east" : "Est" ,
"face.up" : "Su" ,
"face.down" : "Giù" ,
"direction.north" : "Nord" ,
"direction.south" : "Sud" ,
"direction.west" : "Ovest" ,
"direction.east" : "Est" ,
"direction.top" : "Cima" ,
"direction.bottom" : "Fondo" ,
"display.slot.third_right" : "Terza Persona Destra" ,
"display.slot.third_left" : "Terza Persona Sinistra" ,
"display.slot.first_right" : "Prima Persona Destra" ,
"display.slot.first_left" : "Prima Persona Sinistra" ,
"display.slot.head" : "Testa" ,
"display.slot.ground" : "Terreno" ,
"display.slot.frame" : "Espositore" ,
"display.slot.gui" : "GUI" ,
"display.rotation" : "Rotazione" ,
"display.translation" : "Traslazione" ,
"display.scale" : "Scala" ,
"display.slot" : "Slot" ,
"display.reference" : "Modello di Riferimento" ,
"display.reference.player" : "Giocatore" ,
"display.reference.zombie" : "Zombie" ,
"display.reference.armor_stand" : "Supporto per Armatura" ,
"display.reference.baby_zombie" : "Zombie Piccolo" ,
"display.reference.armor_stand_small" : "Supporto per Armatura Piccolo" ,
"display.reference.monitor" : "Normale" ,
"display.reference.bow" : "Arco" ,
"display.reference.block" : "Blocco" ,
"display.reference.frame" : "Espositore" ,
"display.reference.inventory_nine" : "3x3" ,
"display.reference.inventory_full" : "Inventario" ,
"display.reference.hud" : "HUD" ,
"display.preset.blank_name" : "Pregasi inserire nome" ,
"display.preset.item" : "Item Predefinito" ,
"display.preset.block" : "Blocco Predefinito" ,
"display.preset.handheld" : "Arma Predefinita" ,
"display.preset.rod" : "Stecca Predefinita" ,
"dialog.continue" : "Continua" ,
"message.square_textures" : "Le texture devono essere quadrate" ,
"message.unsaved_texture.title" : "Texture Non Salvata" ,
"message.unsaved_texture.message" : "Tutte le modifiche non salvate verranno perse. Vuoi procedere?" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode.move" : "Muovi" ,
"action.vertex_snap_mode.scale" : "Scala" ,
"action.open_model_folder" : "Apri Cartella Modello" ,
"action.open_model_folder.desc" : "Apri la cartella dove è contenuto il modello" ,
"action.change_textures_folder" : "Cambia Cartella Textures" ,
"action.change_textures_folder.desc" : "Modifica la cartella dove vengono salvate le texture" ,
"menu.texture.particle" : "Usare per Particelle" ,
"message.update_notification.title" : "È Disponibile un Aggiornamento" ,
"message.update_notification.message" : "La versione nuova \"%0\" di Blockbench è disponibile. La vuoi installare adesso?" ,
"message.untextured" : "Questa superfice non ha una texture" ,
"dialog.toolbar_edit.title" : "Personalizza Toolbar" ,
"keybindings.reset" : "Resetta" ,
"keybindings.clear" : "Vuoto" ,
"action.cube_counter" : "Contatore Cubi" ,
"action.uv_rotation" : "Rotazione UV" ,
"action.uv_rotation.desc" : "Rotazione della faccia UV" ,
"action.uv_grid" : "Griglia UV" ,
"action.uv_grid.desc" : "Risoluzione della griglia alla quale si attacca il selettore UV" ,
"action.uv_grid.auto" : "Automatico" ,
"action.uv_maximize" : "Massimizza UV" ,
"action.uv_maximize.desc" : "Imposta l'UV di questa faccia alla texture completa" ,
"action.uv_auto" : "UV Automatico" ,
"action.uv_auto.desc" : "Imposta le dimensioni UV di questa faccia alle dimensioni reali della faccia" ,
"action.uv_rel_auto" : "UV Automatico Relativo" ,
"action.uv_rel_auto.desc" : "Imposta l'UV di questa faccia alla posizione e alla dimensione della faccia reale" ,
"action.uv_mirror_x" : "Specchia UV X" ,
"action.uv_mirror_x.desc" : "Specchia l'UV di questa faccia sull'asse delle X" ,
"action.uv_mirror_y" : "Specchia UV Y" ,
"action.uv_mirror_y.desc" : "Specchia l'UV di questa faccia sull'asse delle Y" ,
"action.uv_transparent" : "Faccia Trasparente" ,
"action.uv_transparent.desc" : "Rende la faccia corrente trasparente" ,
"action.uv_reset" : "Ripristina Faccia" ,
"action.uv_reset.desc" : "Ripristina la faccia corrente" ,
"action.cullface" : "Cullface" ,
"action.cullface.desc" : "Disabilita il rendering di questa faccia se il lato del modello selezionato è coperto" ,
"action.auto_cullface" : "Cullface Automatico" ,
"action.auto_cullface.desc" : "Imposta l'UV di questa faccia a se stesso" ,
"action.face_tint" : "Tinta" ,
"action.face_tint.desc" : "Abilita l'opzione della tinta per la faccia corrente" ,
"menu.toolbar.edit" : "Personalizza" ,
"menu.toolbar.reset" : "Ripristina" ,
"uv_editor.rotated" : "Ruotato" ,
"uv_editor.auto_cull" : "Cullface a Se Stesso" ,
"uv_editor.copied" : "Faccia Copiata" ,
"uv_editor.pasted" : "Faccia Incollata" ,
"uv_editor.copied_x" : "%0 Facce Copiate" ,
"uv_editor.reset" : "Ripristina Faccia" ,
"uv_editor.maximized" : "Massimizzato" ,
"uv_editor.autouv" : "Dimensione Automatica" ,
"uv_editor.mirrored" : "Specchiato" ,
"uv_editor.to_all" : "Applicato a Tutte le Facce" ,
"uv_editor.transparent" : "Reso Trasparente" ,
"uv_editor.cullface_on" : "Cullface Abilitato" ,
"uv_editor.cullface_off" : "Cullface Disabilitato" ,
"uv_editor.tint_on" : "Tinta Abilitata" ,
"uv_editor.tint_off" : "Tinta Disabilitata" ,
"action.uv_apply_all" : "Applica a Tutte le Facce" ,
"action.uv_apply_all.desc" : "Applica le impostazioni della faccia corrente a tuttle le facce" ,
"message.image_editor_missing.title" : "Editor Immagini Predefinito" ,
"message.image_editor_missing.message" : "Seleziona il file esecutibile del tuo editore immagini." ,
"message.image_editor_missing.detail" : "Blockbench non ha potuto trovare un editore immagini sul tuo computer. Seleziona il file esecutibile del tuo editore immagini preferito." ,
"action.update_autouv" : "Aggiorna UV Automatico" ,
"action.update_autouv.desc" : "Aggionra la mappatura UV automatico dei cubi selezionati" ,
"category.uv" : "UV" ,
"status_bar.saved" : "Modello salvato" ,
"status_bar.unsaved" : "Ci sono modifiche non salvate" ,
"action.move_up" : "Muovere in Su" ,
"action.move_up.desc" : "Muovi i cubi selezionati in su relativamente all'angolo della " ,
"action.move_down" : "Muovere in Giù" ,
"action.move_down.desc" : "Muovi i cubi selezionati in giù relativamente all'angolo della videocamera" ,
"action.move_left" : "Muovere a Sinistra" ,
"action.move_left.desc" : "Muovi i cubi selezionati a sinistra relativamente all'angolo della " ,
"action.move_right" : "Muovere a Destra" ,
"action.move_right.desc" : "Muovi i cubi selezionati a destra relativamente all'angolo della " ,
"action.move_forth" : "Muovere Avanti" ,
"action.move_forth.desc" : "Muovi i cubi selezionati avanti relativamente all'angolo della " ,
"action.move_back" : "Mouvere Indietro" ,
"action.move_back.desc" : "Muovi i cubi selezionati indietro relativamente all'angolo della videocamera" ,
"layout.color.wireframe" : "Wireframe" ,
"layout.color.wireframe.desc" : "Linee del wireframe" ,
"action.add_animation" : "Aggiungi Animazione" ,
"action.add_animation.desc" : "Crea un'animazione vuota" ,
"action.load_animation_file" : "Importa Animazioni" ,
"action.load_animation_file.desc" : "Importa un file d'animazione" ,
"action.play_animation" : "Riproduci Animazioni" ,
"action.play_animation.desc" : "Anteprima animazioni selezionate" ,
"action.slider_keyframe_time" : "Timecode" ,
"action.slider_keyframe_time.desc" : "Modifica il timecode dei fotogrammi selezionati" ,
"timeline.rotation" : "Rotazione" ,
"timeline.position" : "Posizione" ,
"timeline.scale" : "Scala" ,
"menu.keyframe.quaternion" : "Quaternione" ,
"panel.animations" : "Animazioni" ,
"panel.keyframe" : "Fotogramma" ,
"panel.keyframe.type" : "Fotogramma (%0)" ,
"generic.delete" : "Elimina" ,
"generic.rename" : "Rinomina" ,
"message.no_animation_selected" : "Devi selezionare un'animazione per eseguire questa azione" ,
"message.no_bone_selected" : "Devi selezionare un osso per eseguire questa azione" ,
"message.duplicate_groups.title" : "Nome Osso Duplicato" ,
"message.duplicate_groups.message" : "Il nome di quest'osso esiste su ossa multipli. Qusto può causare problemi." ,
"action.delete_keyframes" : "Elimina Fotogrammi" ,
"action.delete_keyframes.desc" : "Elimina tutti i fotogrammi selezionati" ,
"menu.animation" : "Animazione" ,
"menu.animation.loop" : "Ciclo" ,
"menu.animation.override" : "Sovrascrivi" ,
"menu.animation.anim_time_update" : "Variabile Dell'Aggiornamento" ,
"message.display_skin_model.title" : "Modello Della Skin" ,
"message.display_skin_model.message" : "Seleziona il tipo della tua skin" ,
"message.display_skin_model.classic" : "Classico" ,
"message.display_skin_model.slim" : "Slim" ,
"message.bone_material" : "Modifica il materiale dell'osso" ,
"action.slider_animation_length" : "Lunghezza Dell'Animazione" ,
"action.slider_animation_length.desc" : "Modifica la lunghezza dell'animazione selezionata" ,
"panel.variable_placeholders" : "Variabili Segnaposto" ,
"panel.variable_placeholders.info" : "Elenca le variabili che vuoi vedere in anteprima facendo nome=valore" ,
"status_bar.vertex_distance" : "Distanza: %0" ,
"dialog.create_gif.title" : "Registra GIF" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"dialog.create_gif.length" : "Lunghezza" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"dialog.create_gif.fps" : "FPS" ,
"dialog.create_gif.play" : "Inizia Animazione" ,
"category.animation" : "Animazione" ,
"action.record_model_gif" : "Registra GIF" ,
"action.record_model_gif.desc" : "Registra un'animazione GIF del modello dall'angolo corrente" ,
"display.mirror" : "Specchia" ,
"data.separator" : "Separatore" ,
"menu.preview.background.set_position" : "Imposta Posizione" ,
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden" : "Nascosto" ,
"action.export_class_entity" : "Esporta Entità Java" ,
"action.export_class_entity.desc" : "Esporta il modello entità come una classe Java" ,
"settings.seethrough_outline" : "Lineamenti Trasparenti" ,
"settings.seethrough_outline.desc" : "Mostra lineamenti attraverso oggetti" ,
"mode.edit" : "Modifica" ,
"mode.paint" : "Dipingi" ,
"mode.display" : "Display" ,
2020-07-27 00:09:32 +08:00
"mode.animate" : "Anima" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"status_bar.recording_gif" : "Registrando GIF" ,
"status_bar.processing_gif" : "GIF in lavorazione" ,
"settings.backup_retain" : "Durata Conservazione Backup" ,
"settings.backup_retain.desc" : "Imposta per quanti giorni Blockbench mantiene i backup" ,
"action.rotate_tool" : "Ruota" ,
"action.rotate_tool.desc" : "Strumento per selezionare e ruotare elementi" ,
"action.fill_tool" : "Strumento di Riempimento" ,
"action.fill_tool.desc" : "Strumento di riempimento per riempire facce intere con un colore" ,
"action.eraser" : "Gomma" ,
"action.eraser.desc" : "Strumento gomma per cancellare colori di una texture" ,
"action.color_picker" : "Selezione Colori" ,
"action.color_picker.desc" : "Strumento per selezionare i colori dei pixel di una texture" ,
"switches.mirror" : "Specchia UV" ,
2019-08-18 00:26:14 +08:00
"language_name" : "Italiano" ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"message.plugin_reload" : "%0 plugin locali ricaricati" ,
"settings.brightness" : "Luminosità" ,
"settings.brightness.desc" : "Luminosità dell'anteprima. Valore predefinito è 50." ,
"menu.preview.perspective.reset" : "Ripristina Videocamera" ,
"action.fill_mode" : "Riempimento" ,
"action.fill_mode.face" : "Faccia" ,
"action.fill_mode.color" : "Colore" ,
"action.toggle_mirror_uv" : "Specchia UV" ,
"action.toggle_mirror_uv.desc" : "Alterna lo specchiamento UV sull'asse delle X dei cubi selezionati" ,
"menu.texture.blank" : "Applica alle Facce Senza Texture" ,
"dialog.scale.select_overflow" : "Seleziona Cubi Traboccanti" ,
"dialog.create_texture.compress" : "Comprimere Sagoma" ,
"action.action_control" : "Controllo Azioni" ,
"action.action_control.desc" : "Cerca ed esegui ogni azione disponibile" ,
"keybindings.recording" : "Registrando Tasti" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"keybindings.press" : "Premi un tasto, una combinazione di tasti o clicca ovunque sullo schermo per registrare una combinzaione tasti." ,
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00
"action.pivot_tool" : "Strumento Origine" ,
"action.pivot_tool.desc" : "Strumento per modificare l'origine dei cubi e delle ossa" ,
"action.slider_animation_speed" : "Velocità Riproduzione" ,
"action.slider_animation_speed.desc" : "Percentuale della velocità di riproduzione" ,
"action.previous_keyframe" : "Fotogramma precedente" ,
"action.previous_keyframe.desc" : "Salta al fotogramma precedente" ,
"action.next_keyframe" : "Prossimo Fotogramma" ,
"action.next_keyframe.desc" : "Salta al prossimo fotogramma" ,
"message.outdated_client.title" : "Cliente obsoleto" ,
"message.outdated_client.message" : "Pregasi aggiornare Blockbench per effettuare questa azione." ,
"action.export_asset_archive" : "Scarica Archivo" ,
"action.export_asset_archive.desc" : "Scarica un archivio con il modello e le texture" ,
"action.upload_sketchfab" : "Carica su Sketchfab" ,
"message.sketchfab.name_or_token" : "Pregasi inserire la chiave Sketchfab ed un nome" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.title" : "Carica Modello Sketchfab" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.token" : "Chiave API" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.about_token" : "Questa chiave è usata per connettere Blockbench al tuo profilo Sketchfab. Puoi trovarla su %0" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.name" : "Nome Modello" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.description" : "Descrizione" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.tags" : "Tag" ,
"settings.sketchfab_token" : "Chiave Sketchfab" ,
"settings.sketchfab_token.desc" : "Chiave per autorizzare Blockbench a caricare modelli sul tuo profilo Sketchfab" ,
"panel.color" : "Colore" ,
"data.origin" : "Origine" ,
"message.sketchfab.success" : "Modello caricato con successo" ,
"message.sketchfab.error" : "Caricamento Sktechfab fallito" ,
"settings.outliner_colors" : "Colori Outliner" ,
"settings.outliner_colors.desc" : "Mostrare colore cubi nella lista degli elemeti" ,
"action.upload_sketchfab.desc" : "Carica il tuo modello su Sketchfab" ,
"action.element_colors" : "Colori Cubi" ,
"action.element_colors.desc" : "Mostrare colori cubi nella lista degli elementi" ,
"texture.error.file" : "File non trovato" ,
"texture.error.parent" : "File texture fornito da modello genitore" ,
"message.recover_backup.title" : "Recupera Modello" ,
"message.recover_backup.message" : "Blockbench è stato chiuso senza salvare. Vuoi recuperare il modello?" ,
"message.invalid_session.title" : "Chiave Sessione Invalida" ,
"message.invalid_session.message" : "La sessione alla quale stai cercando di connetterti è scaduta o la chiave è invalida" ,
"dialog.create_texture.power" : "Dimensione Potenza di 2" ,
"dialog.create_gif.turn" : "Velocità Rotazione" ,
"action.edit_session" : "Sessione Modifiche..." ,
"action.edit_session.desc" : "Connettersi ad una sessione modifiche per collaborare con altri utenti" ,
"action.reset_keyframe" : "Ripristina Fotogramma" ,
"action.reset_keyframe.desc" : "Ripristina tutti i valori dei fotogrammi selezionati" ,
"dialog.edit_session.title" : "Sessione Modifiche" ,
"edit_session.username" : "Username" ,
"edit_session.token" : "Chiave" ,
"edit_session.about" : "Sessioni Modifiche possono essere usate per collaborare su modelli con altra gente attraverso internet. Crea una sessione, coppia la chiave e mandala ai tuoi amici. I tuoi amici possono usare la chiave per unirsi alla tua sessione." ,
"edit_session.join" : "Connettiti alla Sessione" ,
"edit_session.create" : "Crea Sessione" ,
"edit_session.quit" : "Abbandona Sessione" ,
"edit_session.joined" : "Utente %0 si è unito alla sessione" ,
"edit_session.left" : "Utente %0 ha abbandonato la sessione" ,
"edit_session.quit_session" : "Abbandonato sessione corrente" ,
"edit_session.status" : "Stato" ,
"edit_session.hosting" : "Ospidando" ,
"edit_session.connected" : "Connesso ad una sessione" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.private" : "Privato (Pro)" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.password" : "Password (Pro)" ,
"action.uv_select_all" : "Seleziona Tutto" ,
"action.uv_select_all.desc" : "Seleziona tutte le facce nel dialogo UV" ,
"panel.chat" : "Chat" ,
"edit_session.welcome" : "Benvenuto a questa sessione di %0" ,
"dialog.yes" : "Sì" ,
"dialog.no" : "No" ,
"generic.remove" : "Rimuovi" ,
"generic.download" : "Scarica" ,
"generic.search" : "Cerca" ,
"dates.today" : "Oggi" ,
"dates.yesterday" : "Ieri" ,
"dates.this_week" : "Questa settimana" ,
"dates.weeks_ago" : "%0 settimane fa" ,
"mode.start.new" : "Nuovo" ,
"mode.start.recent" : "Recenti" ,
"format.free" : "Modello Libero" ,
"format.free.desc" : "Modello senza restrizioni per Unity ecc." ,
"format.java_block" : "Blocco/Item Java" ,
"format.java_block.desc" : "Modello blocco per edizione Java. Dimensioni e rotazioni sono limitate." ,
"format.bedrock" : "Modello Bedrock" ,
"format.bedrock.desc" : "Modello per edizione Bedrock" ,
"format.bedrock_old" : "Modello Bedrock Legacy" ,
"format.bedrock_old.desc" : "Modello entità Edizione Bedrock prima della versione 1.12" ,
"format.modded_entity" : "Entità Mod" ,
"format.modded_entity.desc" : "Modelli entità per mod. Puo essere esportato come file delle classi java (.java)" ,
"format.optifine_entity" : "Entità OptiFine" ,
"format.optifine_entity.desc" : "Modello entità per OptiFine" ,
"keys.mouse" : "Tasto Mouse %0" ,
"message.cleared_blank_faces.title" : "Facce Vuote" ,
"message.cleared_blank_faces.message" : "Blockbench ha trovato %0 cubi senza una texture. Vuoi rimuovere questi elementi?" ,
"message.wireframe.enabled" : "Vista wireframe abilitata" ,
"message.wireframe.disabled" : "Vista wireframe disabilitata" ,
"dialog.convert_project.title" : "Converti Progetto" ,
"dialog.create_texture.double_use" : "Mantenere Occupazione Texture" ,
"dialog.model_stats.title" : "Statistiche Modello" ,
"dialog.model_stats.cubes" : "Cubi" ,
"dialog.model_stats.locators" : "Locator" ,
"dialog.model_stats.groups" : "Gruppi" ,
"dialog.model_stats.vertices" : "Vertici" ,
"dialog.model_stats.faces" : "Facce" ,
"settings.username" : "Username" ,
"settings.username.desc" : "Nome utente per sessioni modifiche" ,
"settings.painting_grid" : "Griglia Pittura" ,
"settings.painting_grid.desc" : "Mostrare griglia su cubi con texture in modalità pittura" ,
"action.convert_project" : "Converti Progetto" ,
"action.convert_project.desc" : "Converte il progetto corrente in un altro formato" ,
"action.close_project" : "Chiudi Progetto" ,
"action.close_project.desc" : "Chiudi il progetto attualmente aperto" ,
"action.export_bedrock" : "Esporta Geometria Bedrock" ,
"action.export_bedrock.desc" : "Esporta il modello come un file geometria per edizione bedrock" ,
"action.save_project" : "Salva Progetto" ,
"action.save_project.desc" : "Salva il modello corrente come un file progetto" ,
"action.save_project_as" : "Salva Progetto Come" ,
"action.save_project_as.desc" : "Salva modelelo corrente come un file progetto in una posizione nuova" ,
"action.export_over" : "Sovrascrivi Modello" ,
"action.export_over.desc" : "Salva il modello, texture e animazioni sovrascrivendo i file" ,
"action.add_locator" : "Aggiungi locator" ,
"action.add_locator.desc" : "Aggiungi un nuovo locator per controllare la posizione di particelle, guinzagli ecc." ,
"action.uv_turn_mapping" : "Ruota Mappatura" ,
"action.uv_turn_mapping.desc" : "Ruota la mappatura UV di 90 gradi" ,
"action.remove_blank_faces" : "Elimina Facce Vuote" ,
"action.remove_blank_faces.desc" : "Elimina tutte le facce della selezione senza texture" ,
"web.download_app" : "Scarica app" ,
"uv_editor.turned" : "Mappatura Ruotata" ,
"display.reference.crossbow" : "Balestra" ,
"dialog.settings.search_results" : "Risultati di Ricerca" ,
"settings.animation_snap" : "Collegamento Animazioni" ,
"settings.animation_snap.desc" : "Intervallo collegamento per i fotogrammi nella sequenza dell'animazione" ,
"action.import_optifine_part" : "Importare parte OptiFine" ,
"action.import_optifine_part.desc" : "Importare una parte di un modello per OptiFine" ,
"data.locator" : "Locator" ,
2019-08-01 06:01:47 +08:00
"mode.start.no_recents" : "Nessun modello aperto recentemente" ,
"panel.element" : "Elemento" ,
"panel.element.position" : "Posizione" ,
"panel.element.size" : "Dimensione" ,
"panel.element.origin" : "Origine" ,
"panel.element.rotation" : "Rotazione" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"message.canvas_limit_error.title" : "Errore di Limite della Tela" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"message.canvas_limit_error.message" : "L'azione non può essere eseguita correttamente perché il formato limita la tela a 48 unità. Spostare il punto di articolazione per impedirlo." ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"data.effect" : "Effetto" ,
"generic.name" : "Nome" ,
"settings.recent_projects" : "Limite Modelli Recenti" ,
"settings.recent_projects.desc" : "Numero massimo di modelli recenti da ricordare" ,
2019-08-18 00:26:14 +08:00
"settings.volume" : "Volume" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"settings.volume.desc" : "Volume degli effetti sonori nelle animazioni" ,
"action.change_keyframe_file" : "Seleziona File" ,
"action.change_keyframe_file.desc" : "Seleziona un file audio per l'anteprima di un effetto sonoro" ,
"action.clear_timeline" : "Cancella Sequenza" ,
"action.clear_timeline.desc" : "Cancella tutte le ossa non selezionate dalla sequenza" ,
"action.select_effect_animator" : "Anima Effetti" ,
"action.select_effect_animator.desc" : "Apri la sequenza per aggiungere effetti sonori e particelle" ,
"action.timeline_focus" : "Canale" ,
"action.timeline_focus.desc" : "Seleziona i canali animazione da mostrare sulla sequenza" ,
"timeline.particle" : "Particella" ,
"timeline.sound" : "Suono" ,
"timeline.effects" : "Effetti" ,
"data.format" : "Formato" ,
"format.optifine_part" : "Parte OptiFine" ,
"format.optifine_part.desc" : "Parte JPM per modelli entity OptiFine" ,
"action.reverse_keyframes" : "Inverti Fotogrammi" ,
"action.reverse_keyframes.desc" : "Inverti l'ordine dei fotogrammi selezionati" ,
"generic.help" : "Aiuto" ,
"message.removed_faces" : "%0 facce rimosse" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.draft" : "Bozza" ,
"action.slider_pos" : "Spostamento %0" ,
"action.slider_pos.desc" : "Sposta cubi sull'asse %0" ,
"action.slider_size" : "Dimensione %0" ,
"action.slider_size.desc" : "Ridimensiona i cubi sull'asse %0" ,
"action.slider_rotation" : "Rotazione %0" ,
"action.slider_rotation.desc" : "Ruota i cubi sull'asse %0" ,
"action.slider_origin" : "Centro %0" ,
"action.slider_origin.desc" : "Sposta centro sull'asse %0" ,
"action.rotate_cw" : "Ruota %0 +90" ,
"action.rotate_cw.desc" : "Ruota i cubi selezionati di 90° sull'asse %0" ,
"action.rotate_ccw" : "Ruota %0 -90" ,
"action.rotate_ccw.desc" : "Ruota i cubi selezionati di -90° sull'asse %0" ,
"action.flip" : "Capovolgi %0" ,
"action.flip.desc" : "Capovolgi i cubi selezionati sull'asse %0" ,
"action.center" : "Centra %0" ,
"action.center.desc" : "Centra i cubi selezionati sull'asse %0" ,
"action.bring_up_all_animations" : "Minimizza Tutte le Animazioni" ,
"panel.bone" : "Osso" ,
"data.color" : "Colore" ,
"generic.export" : "Esporta" ,
"generic.none" : "Nessuno" ,
"status_bar.recording" : "Registrazione Timelapse" ,
"message.add_to_palette" : "Aggiunto a tavolozza" ,
"message.size_modifiers" : "Tieni premuto Ctrl o Shift per trasformare in incrementi piu' piccoli." ,
"message.timelapse_start" : "Timelapse avviato" ,
"message.timelapse_stop" : "Timelapse interrotto" ,
"message.import_palette.replace_palette" : "Sostituisci vecchia tavolozza" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"message.import_palette.threshold" : "Unisci soglia" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"dialog.timelapse.interval" : "Intervallo (Secondi)" ,
"dialog.timelapse.source" : "Sorgente" ,
"dialog.timelapse.source.interface" : "Interfaccia" ,
"dialog.timelapse.source.locked" : "Angolo Bloccato" ,
"dialog.timelapse.destination" : "Cartella Destinataria" ,
"layout.color.checkerboard" : "Scacchiera" ,
"layout.color.checkerboard.desc" : "Sfondo tela ed editore UV" ,
"layout.font.code" : "Carattere Codici" ,
"layout.css" : "CSS Personalizzato" ,
"settings.category.paint" : "Dipingere" ,
"settings.deactivate_size_limit" : "Disattiva Limite Dimensioni" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"settings.deactivate_size_limit.desc" : "Disattiva il limite di dimensioni per formati di modelli specifici. ATTENZIONE: ciò può causare modelli non validi." ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"settings.brush_opacity_modifier" : "Modificatore Opacità Pennello" ,
"settings.brush_opacity_modifier.desc" : "Modifica l'opacità del pennello quando viene utilizzato uno stilo" ,
"settings.brush_size_modifier" : "Modificatore Dimensioni Pennello" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"settings.brush_size_modifier.desc" : "Modifica le dimensioni del pennello quando si utilizza uno stilo" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"settings.brush_modifier.pressure" : "Pressione" ,
"settings.brush_modifier.tilt" : "Inclinazione" ,
"category.color" : "Colore" ,
"action.import_theme" : "Importa Tema" ,
"action.export_theme" : "Esporta Tema" ,
"action.export_theme.desc" : "Crea un file tema basato sulle impostazioni correnti" ,
"action.slider_color_h" : "Tonalità" ,
"action.slider_color_s" : "Saturazione" ,
"action.slider_color_v" : "Valore" ,
"action.add_to_palette" : "Aggiungi a Tavolozza" ,
"action.add_to_palette.desc" : "Aggiungi il colore selezionato alla tavolozza" ,
"action.import_palette" : "Importa Tavolozza" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"action.import_palette.desc" : "Importa .bbpalette" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"action.export_palette" : "Esporta Tavolozza" ,
2021-01-12 05:33:35 +08:00
"action.export_palette.desc" : "Esporta la tavolozza come un file .GPL" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"action.generate_palette" : "Genera Tavolozza" ,
"action.generate_palette.desc" : "Genera una tavolozza da una texture" ,
"action.sort_palette" : "Ordina Tavolozza" ,
"action.sort_palette.desc" : "Ordina tutti i colori della tavolozza per colore e luminosità" ,
2019-12-16 03:04:31 +08:00
"action.timelapse" : "Timelapse..." ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"action.timelapse.desc" : "Registra un timelapse del tuo processo di modellazione" ,
"action.add_keyframe" : "Aggiungi Fotogramma" ,
"action.add_keyframe.desc" : "Aggiungi un fotogramma automaticamente. Premi shift per forzare valori predefinti" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"action.bring_up_all_animations.desc" : "Porta tutti gli animatori modificati nella sequenza temporale" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"timeline.timeline" : "Istruzioni" ,
"menu.palette.load.default" : "Predefinita" ,
2019-12-16 03:04:31 +08:00
"panel.color.picker" : "Picker" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"panel.color.palette" : "Tavolozza" ,
"generic.import" : "Importa" ,
"settings.brush_modifier.none" : "Nessuno" ,
"action.export_entity" : "Esporta Entity Bedrock" ,
"action.export_entity.desc" : "Aggiungi il modello corrente come un entity ad un file mobs.json" ,
"settings.highlight_cubes" : "Evidenzia Cubi" ,
"settings.highlight_cubes.desc" : "Evidenzia i cubi quando il mouse passa sopra o quando li selezioni" ,
"action.add_marker" : "Imposta Marcatore" ,
"action.add_marker.desc" : "Imposta un marcatore sulla sequenza" ,
2020-01-24 01:53:36 +08:00
"timeline.pre_effect_script" : "Script" ,
"format.skin" : "Skin" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"format.skin.desc" : "Modifica skin giocatori ed entity" ,
"message.sketchfab.setup_guide" : "Vuoi sapere come impostare i modelli su Sketchfab? Visita %0" ,
"dialog.skin.title" : "Crea Skin" ,
2020-01-24 01:53:36 +08:00
"dialog.skin.model" : "Skin" ,
2020-03-05 03:56:17 +08:00
"dialog.skin.texture" : "Texture (Opzionale)" ,
"action.toggle_skin_layer" : "Alterna Strati Skin" ,
"action.toggle_skin_layer.desc" : "Alterna lo strato del capello e dei vestiti del modello della skin" ,
"action.gui_light" : "Illuminazione GUI" ,
"action.gui_light.desc" : "Scegli il modo in quale l'item è illuminato nell'inventario" ,
"action.gui_light.side" : "Luce Laterale" ,
"action.gui_light.front" : "Luce Frontale" ,
"action.move_keyframe_back" : "Sposta Fotogrammi Indietro" ,
"action.move_keyframe_forth" : "Sposta Fotogrammi Avanti" ,
"menu.help" : "Aiuto" ,
"menu.help.discord" : "Server Discord" ,
"menu.help.report_issue" : "Segnala un Problema" ,
"menu.help.plugin_documentation" : "Documentazione Plugin API" ,
"menu.help.search_action" : "Cerca ed Esegui un'Azione" ,
"menu.help.donate" : "Dona" ,
"menu.help.about" : "Informazioni" ,
"menu.preview.background.clipboard" : "Carica dagli Appunti" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"dialog.ignore" : "Ignora" ,
"generic.unset" : "Non settato" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"message.invalid_builtin_parent.title" : "Genitore Incorporato Invalido" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"message.invalid_builtin_parent.message" : "Il collegamento al modello principale non valido '% 0' è stato rimosso per esportare un modello valido." ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill" : "Riempire con" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.transparent" : "Trasparente" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.color" : "Colore" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.fill.repeat" : "Ripeti" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"dialog.scale.element_pivot" : "Origine dell'Elemento" ,
2020-04-26 02:25:07 +08:00
"dialog.scale.selection_center" : "Centro di Selezione" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode" : "Modalità lunghezza" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.seconds" : "Secondi" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.frames" : "Montatura" ,
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.animation" : "Lunghezza della'animazione" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"dialog.create_gif.length_mode.turntable" : "Velocità Rotazione" ,
"dialog.save_angle.projection" : "Proiezione" ,
"dialog.save_angle.projection.perspective" : "Prospettiva" ,
"dialog.save_angle.projection.orthographic" : "Ortografica" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.animations" : "Animazioni" ,
"dialog.settings.theme" : "Tema" ,
"settings.category.interface" : "Interfaccia" ,
"settings.preview_checkerboard" : "Anteprima Scacchiera" ,
"settings.preview_checkerboard.desc" : "Alterna lo sfondo a scacchiera dieto l'anteprima" ,
"settings.uv_checkerboard" : "Scacchiera Editore UV" ,
"settings.uv_checkerboard.desc" : "Alterna lo sfondo a scacchiera dietro l'editore UV" ,
2020-05-31 21:54:04 +08:00
"category.paint" : "Dipingi" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"action.fill_mode.color_connected" : "Colori Connessi" ,
2020-05-31 21:54:04 +08:00
"action.draw_shape_type" : "Tipo di forma" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.rectangle" : "Rettangolo" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"action.draw_shape_type.rectangle_h" : "Rettangolo (Vuoto)" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.ellipse" : "Ellisse" ,
"action.draw_shape_type.ellipse_h" : "Ellisse (Vuota)" ,
2020-05-31 21:54:04 +08:00
"action.draw_shape_type.line" : "Linea" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"action.mirror_painting" : "Pittura Specchiata" ,
"action.mirror_painting.description" : "Specchia il tratto del pennello sull'altro lato del modello" ,
"action.lock_alpha" : "Blocca Canale Alfa" ,
"action.lock_alpha.description" : "Blocca la trasparenza di tutti i pixel" ,
2020-05-31 21:54:04 +08:00
"action.draw_shape_tool" : "Disegna una forma" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"action.draw_shape_tool.desc" : "Strumento per disegnare figure semplici sulle texture" ,
"action.copy_paste_tool" : "Strumento Copia Incolla" ,
"action.copy_paste_tool.desc" : "Strumento per copiare e incollare selezioni di texture" ,
"action.export_gltf" : "Esporta come glTF" ,
"action.export_gltf.desc" : "Esporta il modello e le animzioni come un file glTF per usarlo in altre applicazioni 3D" ,
"action.transform_space" : "Spazio Trasformazione" ,
"action.transform_space.desc" : "Spazio trasformazione predefinito per tutti gli elementi e ossa" ,
"action.transform_space.global" : "Globale" ,
"action.transform_space.bone" : "Osso" ,
"action.transform_space.local" : "Locale" ,
"action.toggle_camera_projection" : "Alterna Proiezione Videocamera" ,
"action.toggle_camera_projection.desc" : "Alterna la proezione della videocamera tra prospettiva e ortografica" ,
"action.load_camera_angle" : "Angolo Videocamera: %0" ,
"action.load_camera_angle.desc" : "Carica l'angolo videocamera '%0'" ,
"action.slider_face_tint" : "Indice Tinta" ,
"action.slider_face_tint.desc" : "Imposta l'indice tinta della faccia corrente. -1 vuol dire non impostato." ,
"menu.help.quickstart" : "Procedura Guidata D'inizio" ,
"menu.help.developer" : "Sviluppatore" ,
"menu.help.developer.dev_tools" : "Apri Dev Tools" ,
"menu.help.developer.reset_storage" : "Ripristino Impostazioni" ,
"menu.help.developer.reset_storage.confirm" : "Sei sicuro di voler ripristinare Blockbench alle impostazioni di fabbrica? Questo eliminera tutte le impostazioni, tutti i tasti personalizzati e plugin installati." ,
"menu.help.developer.cache_reload" : "Ricarica Cache" ,
"menu.preview.orthographic" : "Ortografico" ,
"menu.preview.save_angle" : "Salva Angolo..." ,
"menu.preview.angle" : "Angoli" ,
"menu.preview.angle.initial" : "Angolo Iniziale" ,
"menu.preview.maximize" : "Aumentare al Massimo" ,
"panel.color.both" : "Entrambi" ,
"uv_editor.copy_selection" : "Copia Selezione" ,
"uv_editor.paste_selection" : "Incolla Selezione" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.place" : "Piazza" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.cut" : "Taglia" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.mirror_x" : "Specchia Asse X" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.mirror_y" : "Specchia Asse Y" ,
"uv_editor.copy_paste_tool.rotate" : "Ruota 90 Gradi" ,
"dialog.project.modded_entity_version" : "Versione Esporto" ,
"dialog.save_angle.position" : "Posizione Videocamera" ,
"dialog.save_angle.target" : "Punto Focale" ,
"dialog.skin.pose" : "Posa" ,
"layout.color.frame" : "Cornice Finestra" ,
"layout.color.frame.desc" : "Bordi e panello titolare della finestra" ,
"settings.large_grid_size" : "Dimensioni Reticolato Blocco" ,
"settings.large_grid_size.desc" : "Dimensioni del reticolato dei blocchi" ,
"action.load_plugin_from_url" : "Carica Plugin da URL" ,
"action.load_plugin_from_url.desc" : "Carica un plugin da un server specificando un URL" ,
"action.cube_counter.desc" : "Mostra il numero corrente dei cubi e altri dati" ,
"action.unlock_everything" : "Sblocca Tutti" ,
"action.unlock_everything.desc" : "Sblocca tutti i gruppi ed elementi nella lista degli elementi" ,
"action.load_palette" : "Carica Tavolozza" ,
"action.load_palette.desc" : "Carica una delle tavolozze integrate" ,
"action.toggle_locked" : "Alterna Blocco" ,
"action.toggle_locked.desc" : "Alterna lo stato di blocco degli elementi selezionati" ,
"action.apply_display_preset" : "Applica Preset" ,
"action.apply_display_preset.desc" : "Applica un preset impostazioni display predefinito oppure un preset personalizzato" ,
"action.apply_display_preset.here" : "Applica a Questo Slot" ,
"action.apply_display_preset.everywhere" : "Applica a Tutti gli Slot" ,
"action.resolve_keyframe_expressions" : "Risolvi Fotogrammi" ,
"action.resolve_keyframe_expressions.desc" : "Risolve le espressioni matematiche dei fotogrammi selezionati" ,
"action.fold_all_animations" : "Chiudi Animazioni" ,
"menu.palette.load.empty" : "Vuoto" ,
"switches.lock" : "Blocca" ,
"settings.render_sides" : "Lati Rendering" ,
"settings.render_sides.desc" : "Seleziona il lato di una faccia che viene mostrato" ,
2020-05-31 21:54:04 +08:00
"settings.render_sides.auto" : "Auto" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"settings.render_sides.front" : "Fuori" ,
"settings.render_sides.double" : "Dentro e Fuori" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"generic.enable" : "Attiva" ,
"generic.disable" : "Disattiva" ,
"generic.redacted" : "Redatto" ,
"dialog.select_texture.import_all" : "Importa tutto" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"dialog.skin.layer_template" : "Layer Texture" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"about.version.up_to_date" : "Aggiornata" ,
"about.version.update_available" : "Versione %0 disponibile" ,
"settings.category.application" : "Applicazione" ,
"settings.streamer_mode" : "Modalità Streamer" ,
"settings.streamer_mode.desc" : "Nascondi informazioni sensibili come i modelli recenti" ,
"settings.automatic_updates" : "Aggiornamenti automatici" ,
"settings.automatic_updates.desc" : "Scarica automaticamente nuove versioni e mantieni Blockbench aggiornato" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"action.rotation_space" : "Rotation Space" ,
"action.focus_on_selection" : "Center View on Selection" ,
"action.focus_on_selection.desc" : "Align the camera to face the center of the current selection" ,
"action.jump_to_timeline_start" : "Jump to Animation Start" ,
"action.jump_to_timeline_end" : "Jump to Animation End" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"menu.help.updating" : "Aggiornamento (%0%)" ,
2020-07-27 00:09:32 +08:00
"menu.help.update_failed" : "Aggiornamento Fallito" ,
"menu.animation.loop.once" : "Riproduci una volta" ,
"menu.animation.loop.hold" : "Mantieni l'ultimo frame" ,
2020-07-16 15:32:59 +08:00
"menu.animation.loop.loop" : "Loop" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"interface.streamer_mode_on" : "Modalità Streamer attivata" ,
2022-03-29 23:43:23 +08:00
"generic.reset" : "Ripristina" ,
"generic.restore" : "Ripristina" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"keys.mousewheel" : "Rotella del mouse" ,
"message.delete_animation.title" : "Cancella Animazione" ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"message.delete_animation.message" : "L'animazione è stata rimossa da Blockbench. Vuoi anche eliminare l'animazione dal file in cui è stata salvata?" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"message.no_animation_to_import" : "Nessuna animazione da importare" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"dialog.material_instances.title" : "Material Instances" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"dialog.animation_import.title" : "Seleziona animazioni da importare" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.padding" : "Padding" ,
"settings.fov" : "FOV" ,
"settings.fov.desc" : "Camera Field of View. Default is 45" ,
"settings.sync_color" : "Sync Color" ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"settings.sync_color.desc" : "Sincronizza il colore tra diverse istanze di Blockbench" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"settings.minify_bbmodel" : "Minified Project Files" ,
"settings.minify_bbmodel.desc" : "Write .bbmodel files minified into one line" ,
"action.edit_material_instances" : "Edit Material Instances" ,
"action.edit_material_instances.desc" : "Edit material instance names for bedrock block geometries" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"action.save_all_animations" : "Salva tutte le animazioni" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"action.save_all_animations.desc" : "Save all currently loaded animations" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation" : "Interpolation" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.desc" : "Select the keyframe interpolation mode" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"action.keyframe_interpolation.linear" : "Lineare" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"action.keyframe_interpolation.catmullrom" : "Smooth" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"action.timeline_focus.hide_empty" : "Nascondi canali vuoti" ,
"menu.file.preferences" : "Preferenze" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"menu.animation.blend_weight" : "Blend Weight" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"menu.animation.save" : "Salva" ,
"menu.animation.properties" : "Proprietà..." ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"menu.animation.file" : "File" ,
"menu.animation.snapping" : "Snapping" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"menu.animation.open_location" : "Apri posizione file" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"panel.keyframe.add_data_point" : "Add Keyframe Data Point" ,
"panel.keyframe.remove_data_point" : "Remove Data Point" ,
"panel.keyframe.pre" : "Pre" ,
"panel.keyframe.post" : "Post" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"generic.all" : "Tutto" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"message.small_face_dimensions.title" : "Incompatible Face Dimensions" ,
"message.small_face_dimensions.message" : "The selection contains faces that are smaller than 1 unit in one direction. The Box UV mapping system considers any faces below that threshold as 0 pixels wide. The texture on those faces therefore may not work correctly." ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"message.small_face_dimensions.face_uv" : "The current format supports per-face UV maps which can handle small face dimensions. Go to \"File\" > \"Project...\" and change \"UV Mode\" to \"Per-face UV\"." ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"dialog.plugins.outdated_client" : "Richiede una nuova versione di Blockbench" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"dialog.plugins.outdated_plugin" : "Plugin is outdated and does not work with this version of Blockbench" ,
"settings.motion_trails" : "Motion Trails" ,
"settings.motion_trails.desc" : "Show motion trails in the animation editor" ,
"settings.antialiasing" : "Anti-aliasing" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"settings.antialiasing.desc" : "Attiva l'anti-aliasing nell'anteprima. Riavvia Blockbench per applicare le modifiche" ,
"action.timeline_frame_back" : "Salta 1 frame indietro" ,
"action.timeline_frame_forth" : "Salta 1 frame avanti" ,
2020-10-26 01:03:38 +08:00
"panel.bone.ik" : "Inverse Kinematics (Experimental)" ,
"settings.particle_tick_rate" : "Particle Tick Rate" ,
"settings.particle_tick_rate.desc" : "Tick rate for particle effects in ticks per second. Default is 30" ,
"action.lock_motion_trail" : "Lock Motion Trail" ,
2020-11-08 22:45:30 +08:00
"action.lock_motion_trail.desc" : "Lock the motion trail to the currently selected group" ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"menu.animation_file.unload" : "Unload File" ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"data.null_object" : "Null Object" ,
"status_bar.toggle_sidebar" : "Toggle Sidebar" ,
"message.load_plugin_failed.title" : "Failed to load plugin" ,
"message.load_plugin_failed.message" : "Ensure that the base file name of the plugin matches the plugin ID `%0`, as specified in Plugin.register()." ,
"dialog.project.uv_mode" : "UV Mode" ,
"dialog.project.uv_mode.box_uv" : "Box UV" ,
"dialog.project.uv_mode.face_uv" : "Per-face UV" ,
"dialog.project.texture_size" : "Texture Size" ,
"dialog.animation_export.title" : "Select Animations to Export" ,
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv" : "Rearrange UV" ,
"layout.color.subtle_text" : "Subtle Text" ,
"layout.color.subtle_text.desc" : "Secondary text color with less contrast" ,
"settings.interface_scale" : "Interface Scale" ,
"settings.interface_scale.desc" : "Scale of the entire Blockbench interface" ,
"settings.background_rendering" : "Background Rendering" ,
"settings.background_rendering.desc" : "Update the preview while the window is not focused" ,
"settings.ctrl_shift_size" : "Control + Shift Resolution" ,
"settings.ctrl_shift_size.desc" : "Resolution of the grid while holding control and shift" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"settings.hardware_acceleration" : "Accellerazione Hardware" ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"settings.hardware_acceleration.desc" : "Outsource rendering tasks to the graphics card. Restart Blockbench to apply changes" ,
"action.explode_skin_model" : "Explode Skin Model" ,
"action.explode_skin_model.desc" : "Toggles an explosion view that allows you to edit covered faces" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"action.export_minecraft_skin" : "Esporta Skin di Minecraft" ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"action.export_minecraft_skin.desc" : "Export the Minecraft skin as a PNG texture" ,
"action.add_null_object" : "Add Null Object" ,
"action.add_null_object.desc" : "Adds a new null object" ,
"action.animated_texture_frame" : "Animated Texture Frame" ,
"action.animated_texture_frame.desc" : "Set the current frame of the animated texture" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"action.export_animation_file" : "Esporta Animazioni..." ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"action.export_animation_file.desc" : "Export a selection of animations into a new file" ,
"action.timeline_graph_editor" : "Toggle Graph Editor" ,
"action.timeline_graph_editor.desc" : "Toggle the timeline between graph editor view and keyframe view" ,
"menu.file.recent.clear" : "Clear Recent Files" ,
"switches.shade" : "Shade" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"generic.share" : "Condividi" ,
"dates.minute" : "%0 Minuto" ,
"dates.minutes" : "%0 Minuti" ,
"dates.hour" : "%0 Ora" ,
"dates.hours" : "%0 Ore" ,
"dates.day" : "%0 Giorno" ,
"dates.days" : "%0 Giorni" ,
"dates.week" : "%0 Settimana" ,
"dates.weeks" : "%0 Settimane" ,
"dates.year" : "%0 Anno" ,
"dates.years" : "%0 Anni" ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"message.installed_plugin" : "Successfully installed the plugin %0" ,
"message.installed_plugin_fail" : "Failed to installed the plugin %0" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"dialog.share_model.title" : "Condividi Modello" ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"dialog.share_model.expire_time" : "Expire Time" ,
2021-04-16 00:52:09 +08:00
"dialog.share_model.failed" : "Caricamento del modello fallito" ,
2021-03-06 02:17:09 +08:00
"action.import_java_block_model" : "Add Java Block/Item Model" ,
"action.import_java_block_model.desc" : "Add a Minecraft Java block/item model from a json file to the current model" ,
"action.share_model" : "Share..." ,
"action.share_model.desc" : "Generate a short link to share your model" ,
"action.import_project" : "Import Project" ,
"action.import_project.desc" : "Import another project from a .bbmodel file into the current project" ,
"dialog.toolbar_edit.hidden_tools" : "Some tools might be hidden because they are not available in the current mode, format, or situation." ,
"settings.camera_near_plane" : "Camera Near Plane" ,
2021-06-28 01:23:08 +08:00
"settings.camera_near_plane.desc" : "The minimum distance from the camera where objects render. Higher values decrease Z-fighting. Default is 1." ,
2021-07-06 05:12:02 +08:00
"mode.start.keymap_preference.desc" : "If you are new to Blockbench and you are coming from another 3D program, you can select a keymap to make your transition easier. You can change the keymap or individual keybindings later in the settings." ,
2021-06-28 01:23:08 +08:00
"message.load_keymap" : "Are you sure you want to load this keymap? This will overwrite your current keybindings." ,
"message.keymap_loaded" : "Keymap loaded" ,
"dialog.convert_project.current_format" : "Current Format" ,
"dialog.create_texture.rearrange_uv.desc" : "Create a new UV arrangement to give every face its own spot on the texture" ,
"dialog.create_texture.compress.desc" : "Arrange the UV maps in a dense layout to minimize the texture size" ,
"dialog.create_texture.power.desc" : "Lock the automatic texture size to a power-of-2, such as 64 or 128. This is required by some renderers" ,
"dialog.create_texture.double_use.desc" : "If two elements already have the same UV space assigned, keep it that way in the new map" ,
"dialog.create_texture.padding.desc" : "Add a small padding between the individual parts of the template" ,
2021-12-22 01:36:22 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.resolution.desc" : "The height and width of the texture" ,
2021-06-28 01:23:08 +08:00
"dialog.create_gif.color" : "Background Color" ,
"dialog.save_angle.zoom" : "Zoom" ,
"dialog.skin.variant" : "Variant" ,
"dialog.flip_animation.info" : "Opposite bones are identified by the keywords 'left' and 'right' within their name." ,
"dialog.flip_animation.offset" : "Offset by half the animation length" ,
"dialog.export_private_settings.title" : "Private Settings" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"dialog.export_private_settings.message" : "Your file contains the following private informations: **%0**. Leave these values out if you plan to share the file with someone else." ,
2021-06-28 01:23:08 +08:00
"dialog.export_private_settings.keep" : "Keep" ,
"settings.timecode_frame_number" : "Display Timecodes as Frame Numbers" ,
"settings.timecode_frame_number.desc" : "Display fraction timecodes in the timeline as frame number instead of centisecond" ,
"settings.animation_sample_rate" : "Animation Sample Rate" ,
"settings.animation_sample_rate.desc" : "Sample rate in samples per second for curves that the respective format does not support natively" ,
"keybind.preview_zoom" : "Zoom View" ,
"action.gradient_tool" : "Gradient Tool" ,
"action.gradient_tool.desc" : "Create a color gradient on your texture" ,
"action.import_settings" : "Import Settings" ,
"action.import_settings.desc" : "Import a .bbsettings file" ,
"action.export_settings" : "Export Settings" ,
"action.export_settings.desc" : "Export the Blockbench settings as a .bbsettings file" ,
"action.load_keymap" : "Load Keymap" ,
2021-07-06 05:12:02 +08:00
"action.load_keymap.default" : "Default (Trackpad/Mouse)" ,
2021-06-28 01:23:08 +08:00
"action.load_keymap.mouse" : "Default (Mouse)" ,
"action.load_keymap.default.desc" : "Default Blockbench keybindings, with viewport navigation controls optimized for use on laptop trackpads" ,
"action.load_keymap.mouse.desc" : "Default Blockbench keybindings, with viewport navigation bound to the middle mouse button" ,
"action.load_keymap.blender.desc" : "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Blender" ,
"action.load_keymap.cinema4d.desc" : "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Cinema 4D" ,
"action.load_keymap.maya.desc" : "Keymap for users who are familiar with the controls of Autodesk Maya" ,
"action.import_keymap" : "Import Keymap" ,
"action.import_keymap.desc" : "Import keybindings a .bbkeymap file" ,
"action.export_keymap" : "Export Keymap" ,
"action.export_keymap.desc" : "Export the current keybindings as a .bbkeymap file" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"action.edit_history" : "Edit History..." ,
2021-06-28 01:23:08 +08:00
"action.edit_history.desc" : "View the editing history and undo or redo steps" ,
"action.group_elements" : "Group Elements" ,
"action.group_elements.desc" : "Wrap selected elements into a new group" ,
"action.unfold_groups" : "Unfold Groups" ,
"action.unfold_groups.desc" : "Unfold all groups in the outliner" ,
"action.edit_bedrock_binding" : "Edit Binding..." ,
"action.edit_bedrock_binding.desc" : "Change which bone the geometry is bound to" ,
"action.pick_screen_color" : "Pick Screen Color" ,
"action.pick_screen_color.desc" : "Pick a color from somewhere on your screen" ,
"action.view_mode" : "View Mode" ,
"action.view_mode.desc" : "Change the model view mode" ,
"action.view_mode.textured" : "Textured" ,
"action.view_mode.solid" : "Solid" ,
"action.view_mode.wireframe" : "Wireframe" ,
"action.toggle_sidebars" : "Toggle Sidebars" ,
"action.toggle_sidebars.desc" : "Enable or disable the sidebars" ,
"action.set_animation_end" : "Set Animation End" ,
"action.set_animation_end.desc" : "Set the end of the selected animation to the current timeline time" ,
"action.flip_animation" : "Flip Animation" ,
"action.flip_animation.desc" : "Flips part of an animation by copying selected keyframes to the other side of the model" ,
"action.graph_editor_zero_line" : "Include Zero Line" ,
"action.graph_editor_zero_line.desc" : "Whether the graph editor always includes the zero line in the view" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode" : "Render Mode" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.emissive" : "Emissive" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.layered" : "Layered" ,
"menu.preview.angle.edit" : "Edit Angle..." ,
"menu.animation.start_delay" : "Start Delay" ,
"menu.animation.loop_delay" : "Loop Delay" ,
"menu.animation.flip_keyframes" : "Flip Keyframes" ,
"menu.mobile_keyboard.disable_all" : "Disable All" ,
"panel.keyframe.toggle_uniform_scale" : "Toggle Uniform Scale" ,
"camera_angle.common_isometric_right" : "Isometric Right (2:1)" ,
"camera_angle.common_isometric_left" : "Isometric Left (2:1)" ,
"camera_angle.true_isometric_right" : "True Isometric Right (30°)" ,
2021-06-29 16:52:27 +08:00
"camera_angle.true_isometric_left" : "True Isometric Left (30°)" ,
2021-07-06 05:12:02 +08:00
"menu.help.wiki" : "Blockbench Wiki" ,
2021-08-22 04:29:51 +08:00
"about.repository" : "Repository:" ,
"settings.update_to_prereleases" : "Update to Pre-releases" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"settings.update_to_prereleases.desc" : "Automatically update to Blockbench beta versions to test new features. Pre-release versions can be unstable, don't enable this option if you rely on Blockbench for work or other important projects." ,
"data.separator.spacer" : "Spacer" ,
"data.separator.linebreak" : "Line Break" ,
"data.setting" : "Setting" ,
"generic.select_all" : "Select All" ,
"generic.select_none" : "Select None" ,
"projects.new_tab" : "New Tab" ,
"projects.close_tab" : "Close Tab" ,
"message.invalid_format.title" : "Invalid Format" ,
"message.invalid_format.message" : "This model was made in the format '%0', which is not available in your Blockbench installation. You most likely need a specific plugin to open it correctly." ,
"message.invalid_link" : "Invalid or Expired Model Link" ,
"message.default_textures.current" : "Current path" ,
"message.update_after_restart" : "The update will be installed after the next restart" ,
2023-04-18 00:36:55 +08:00
"message.copy_paste_tool_viewport" : "This tool can only be used in the 2D editor" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"dialog.project.shadow_size" : "Shadow Size" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target" : "Target" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.element_names" : "Element Names" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.group_names" : "Group Names" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.animation_names" : "Animation Names" ,
"dialog.find_replace.target.keyframe_values" : "Keyframe Values" ,
"dialog.find_replace.find" : "Find" ,
"dialog.find_replace.replace" : "Replace" ,
"dialog.find_replace.regex" : "Regular Expression" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape" : "Shape" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.circle" : "Circle" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.tube" : "Tube" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cone" : "Cone" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cylinder" : "Cylinder" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.sphere" : "Sphere" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.torus" : "Torus" ,
2022-03-29 23:43:23 +08:00
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.cube" : "Cuboid" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.pyramid" : "Pyramid" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.diameter" : "Diameter" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.height" : "Height" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.sides" : "Sides" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.minor_diameter" : "Thickness" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.minor_sides" : "Minor Sides" ,
2022-03-29 23:43:23 +08:00
"dialog.create_texture.combine_polys" : "Combine Islands" ,
"dialog.create_texture.combine_polys.desc" : "Combine faces into connected UV islands" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"dialog.model_stats.meshes" : "Meshes" ,
"dialog.export_private_settings.omit" : "Leave Out" ,
"layout.select" : "Select" ,
"layout.options" : "Options" ,
"layout.color" : "Color Scheme" ,
"layout.documentation" : "Documentation" ,
2022-04-24 01:05:56 +08:00
"layout.color.bright_ui_text" : "Bright UI Text" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"layout.color.bright_ui_text.desc" : "Text on bright backgrounds" ,
"layout.name" : "Name" ,
"layout.author" : "Author" ,
"settings.color_wheel" : "Color Wheel" ,
"settings.color_wheel.desc" : "Use the color wheel as the main color picker" ,
"settings.dialog.desc" : "Show the \"%0\" dialog" ,
"settings.export_empty_groups" : "Export Empty Groups" ,
"settings.export_empty_groups.desc" : "Include groups without content in exported files" ,
"category.separators" : "Separators" ,
"keybind.preview_area_select" : "Area Select" ,
"action.color_erase_mode" : "Erase Mode" ,
"action.color_erase_mode.desc" : "With erase mode enabled, tools like Fill and Rectangle subtract colors rather than adding them" ,
"action.open_from_link" : "Open Model from Link..." ,
"action.open_from_link.desc" : "Open a model from a blckbn.ch URL" ,
"action.import_obj" : "Import OBJ Model" ,
"action.import_obj.desc" : "Imports objects from an OBJ model as meshes" ,
"action.add_plugin" : "Install Plugin" ,
"action.add_plugin.desc" : "Install a plugin through Action Control" ,
"action.remove_plugin" : "Uninstall Plugin" ,
"action.remove_plugin.desc" : "Uninstall a plugin through Action Control" ,
"action.add_mesh" : "Add Mesh" ,
"action.add_mesh.desc" : "Adds a new mesh" ,
"action.add_texture_mesh" : "Add Texture Mesh" ,
"action.add_texture_mesh.desc" : "Adds a new Texture Mesh" ,
"action.find_replace" : "Find/Replace..." ,
"action.find_replace.desc" : "Find and replace parts of names" ,
"action.hide_everything_except_selection" : "Hide Everything Except Selection" ,
"action.hide_everything_except_selection.desc" : "Toggle visibility on all elements except the ones that are selected" ,
"action.transform_space.normal" : "Normal" ,
"action.selection_mode" : "Selection Mode" ,
"action.selection_mode.desc" : "Change how elements can be selected in the viewport" ,
"action.selection_mode.object" : "Object" ,
"action.selection_mode.face" : "Face" ,
"action.selection_mode.vertex" : "Vertex" ,
2021-10-23 22:09:17 +08:00
"action.create_face" : "Create Face or Edge" ,
"action.create_face.desc" : "Creates a new face or edge between the selected vertices" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"action.convert_to_mesh" : "Convert to Mesh" ,
"action.convert_to_mesh.desc" : "Convert the selected elements into meshes" ,
"action.invert_face" : "Invert Face" ,
"action.invert_face.desc" : "Invert the selected faces to make them face the opposite direction" ,
"action.extrude_mesh_selection" : "Extrude Selection" ,
"action.extrude_mesh_selection.desc" : "Extrude the selected parts of the mesh" ,
"action.loop_cut" : "Loop Cut" ,
2021-10-23 22:09:17 +08:00
"action.loop_cut.desc" : "Split the mesh in a loop across the selected edge" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"action.merge_meshes" : "Merge Meshes" ,
"action.merge_meshes.desc" : "Merge multiple meshes into one" ,
"action.keyframe_uniform" : "Uniform Scaling" ,
"action.keyframe_uniform.desc" : "Enable uniform scaling on the selected keyframes" ,
"menu.locator.ignore_inherited_scale" : "Ignore Inherited Scale" ,
"menu.texture_mesh.texture_name" : "Texture Name..." ,
"menu.texture.elements" : "Apply to Elements" ,
"uv_editor.transparent_face" : "Transparent Face" ,
"display.pose_angle" : "Pose Angle (For Preview Only)" ,
"data.mesh" : "Mesh" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type" : "Type" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type.blank" : "Blank" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type.template" : "Texture Template" ,
"dialog.create_texture.type.color_map" : "Solid Color Template" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.suggested_tags" : "Suggested Tags" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category" : "Category" ,
"dialog.sketchfab_uploader.category2" : "Category 2" ,
"layout.restore_backup" : "Your customized theme \"%0\" was overwritten. Click here to restore it." ,
"layout.borders" : "Borders" ,
"action.fill_mode.element" : "Element" ,
"action.inset_mesh_selection" : "Inset Selection" ,
"action.inset_mesh_selection.desc" : "Inset the selected parts of the mesh" ,
"action.dissolve_edges" : "Dissolve Edges" ,
"action.dissolve_edges.desc" : "Dissolve selected edges in a mesh and merge the faces they divide" ,
"action.split_mesh" : "Split Mesh" ,
"action.split_mesh.desc" : "Split the selected faces of the mesh into a new mesh" ,
"action.merge_vertices" : "Merge Vertices" ,
2023-04-18 00:36:55 +08:00
"action.merge_vertices.desc" : "Merge the selected vertices into the position of the first selected vertex" ,
"action.view_mode.normal" : "Face Orientation" ,
2021-10-15 03:40:32 +08:00
"action.snap_uv_to_pixels" : "Snap UV to Pixels" ,
"action.snap_uv_to_pixels.desc" : "Snaps the selected UV vertices to the pixel grid" ,
"menu.file.import.import_open_project" : "Import Open Project" ,
2021-10-15 23:55:32 +08:00
"menu.help.unlock_projects" : "Unlock All Projects" ,
"status_bar.selection.faces" : "%0 Faces" ,
"status_bar.selection.vertices" : "%0 Vertices" ,
"message.merged_vertices" : "Found and merged %0 vertices in %1 locations" ,
"settings.vertex_merge_distance" : "Vertex Merge Distance" ,
"settings.vertex_merge_distance.desc" : "Distance within which vertices are merged using merging by distance" ,
"settings.show_only_selected_uv" : "Show Only Selected UV" ,
"settings.show_only_selected_uv.desc" : "Only display the selected UV faces in the UV editor by default" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_all" : "Merge All" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_all_in_center" : "Merge All in Center" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_by_distance" : "Merge by Distance" ,
"action.merge_vertices.merge_by_distance_in_center" : "Merge by Distance in Center" ,
"action.uv_rotate_left" : "Rotate UV Left" ,
"action.uv_rotate_left.desc" : "Rotate the selected UV faces counter-clockwise" ,
"action.uv_rotate_right" : "Rotate UV Right" ,
"action.uv_rotate_right.desc" : "Rotate the selected UV faces clockwise" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv" : "Display UV" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv.selected_faces" : "Selected Faces" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv.selected_elements" : "All Faces" ,
"menu.uv.display_uv.all_elements" : "All Faces on All Elements" ,
"menu.paste.face" : "UV Face" ,
"menu.paste.mesh_selection" : "Mesh Selection" ,
"menu.paste.outliner" : "Elements" ,
"uv_editor.show_all_faces" : "Show All Faces" ,
2021-10-23 22:09:17 +08:00
"uv_editor.show_selected_faces" : "Show Selected Faces" ,
"status_bar.selection.edges" : "%0 Edges" ,
2021-10-27 16:23:40 +08:00
"action.selection_mode.edge" : "Edge" ,
"message.cannot_re_import.title" : "Model cannot be re-imported" ,
2021-12-22 01:36:22 +08:00
"message.cannot_re_import.message" : "The exported model format cannot be imported into Blockbench again. Please make sure to save your model as a project file." ,
"generic.default" : "Default" ,
"units.pixels_per_meter" : "%0 Pixels per Meter" ,
"mode.pose" : "Pose" ,
"modifier_actions.resize_both_sides" : "Resize in both directions" ,
"modifier_actions.resize_one_side" : "Resize in one direction" ,
"modifier_actions.draw_line" : "Draw line" ,
"modifier_actions.drag_without_snapping" : "Drag without snapping" ,
"modifier_actions.stretch_keyframes" : "Stretch keyframes" ,
"modifier_actions.resize_background" : "Resize background" ,
"modifier_actions.select_multiple" : "Select multiple" ,
"modifier_actions.select_range" : "Select range" ,
"modifier_actions.drag_to_duplicate" : "Drag to duplicate" ,
"modifier_actions.uniform_scaling" : "Uniform Scaling" ,
"modifier_actions.snap_direction" : "Snap Direction" ,
"message.no_valid_elements" : "No valid elements selected..." ,
"dialog.add_primitive.shape.plane" : "Plane" ,
"dialog.save_angle.rotation_mode" : "Rotation Mode" ,
"dialog.save_angle.rotation" : "Rotation" ,
"dialog.save_angle.fov" : "FOV" ,
"settings.hide_tab_bar" : "Auto-hide Tab Bar" ,
"settings.hide_tab_bar.desc" : "Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open" ,
"settings.status_bar_modifier_keys" : "Suggest Modifier Keys in Status Bar" ,
"settings.status_bar_modifier_keys.desc" : "Display context aware suggested modifier keys in the status bar" ,
"settings.ground_plane" : "Ground Plane" ,
"settings.ground_plane.desc" : "Show a floor plane below the model" ,
"settings.preview_paste_behavior" : "Default Preview Paste Behavior" ,
"settings.preview_paste_behavior.desc" : "Select the behavior when pasting something into the preview in Edit mode and multiple options are available" ,
"settings.preview_paste_behavior.always_ask" : "Always Ask" ,
"action.new_window" : "New Window" ,
"action.new_window.desc" : "Opens a new Blockbench window" ,
"action.export_collada" : "Export Collada Model (dae)" ,
"action.export_collada.desc" : "Export model and animations as dae file to use it in other 3D applications" ,
"action.paint_mode_uv_overlay" : "UV Overlay" ,
"action.paint_mode_uv_overlay.desc" : "Display the UV map as an overlay in paint mode" ,
"action.bake_animation_into_model" : "Bake Animation into Model" ,
"action.bake_animation_into_model.desc" : "Bake the currently displayed animation frame into the model. Only applies rotation and position, scale is ignored." ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.step" : "Step" ,
"action.set_ik_target" : "Set IK Target" ,
"action.set_ik_target.desc" : "Select the target bone that should be moved by this null object via Inverse Kinematics" ,
"menu.action_control.type.tab" : "Tab" ,
"menu.action_control.type.angle" : "Camera Angle" ,
"menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode" : "Sure? Streamer Mode is enabled" ,
"menu.action_control.recent_in_streamer_mode.desc" : "Are you sure you want to display recent models?" ,
"menu.tools" : "Tools" ,
"menu.file.recent.more" : "View More..." ,
"menu.null_object.lock_ik_target_rotation" : "Lock IK Target Rotation" ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"menu.animation_file.import_remaining" : "Import Remaining from File" ,
2021-12-22 01:36:22 +08:00
"edit.loop_cut.offset" : "Offset" ,
"edit.extrude_mesh_selection.extend" : "Extend" ,
"cube.color.pink" : "Pink" ,
"cube.color.silver" : "Silver" ,
"dialog.plugins.offline" : "No internet connection" ,
"dialog.create_texture.pixel_density" : "Pixel Density" ,
"dialog.create_texture.pixel_density.desc" : "The pixel density of the texture, in pixels per meter. The size of the texture map may differ depending on the amount and size of elements." ,
"panel.skin_pose" : "Pose" ,
"panel.skin_pose.none" : "None" ,
"panel.skin_pose.natural" : "Natural" ,
"panel.skin_pose.walking" : "Walking" ,
"panel.skin_pose.crouching" : "Crouching" ,
"panel.skin_pose.sitting" : "Sitting" ,
"panel.skin_pose.jumping" : "Jumping" ,
2022-01-15 02:26:11 +08:00
"panel.skin_pose.aiming" : "Aiming" ,
2022-02-02 03:33:15 +08:00
"edit.loop_cut.direction" : "Direction" ,
2022-03-29 23:43:23 +08:00
"message.meshes_and_box_uv" : "Meshes are not compatible with Box UV. Go to File > Project... and switch to Per-face UV." ,
"data.texture_mesh" : "Texture Mesh" ,
"generic.left" : "Left" ,
"generic.right" : "Right" ,
"mode.start.quick_setup" : "Quick Setup" ,
"mode.start.keymap" : "Keymap" ,
"mode.start.quick_setup.more_themes" : "More..." ,
"dialog.resize_texture.animation_frames" : "Animation Frames" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.title" : "Export Emission Map" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format" : "Format" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance" : "Luminance" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.luminance_inverted" : "Luminance Inverted" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.format.colors" : "Colors" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.threshold" : "Transparency Threshold" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.round_up" : "Round Up to %0 x %1" ,
"dialog.export_emission_map.flip_y" : "Flip Y Axis" ,
"dialog.select.type" : "Element Type" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_edge_angle" : "Edge Angle Threshold" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_edge_angle.desc" : "The maximum angle between two faces at which they will still be combined" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_island_angle" : "Island Angle Threshold" ,
"dialog.create_texture.max_island_angle.desc" : "The maximum angle that can be combined into the same UV island" ,
"settings.mobile_panel_side" : "Mobile Panel Side" ,
"settings.mobile_panel_side.desc" : "Select which side of the screen panels are displayed on when using Blockbench on in landscape orientation" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode" : "OBJ Face Export Mode" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.desc" : "Choose to let the OBJ exporter convert all faces into tris or quads" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.both" : "Default" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.tris" : "Convert to Tris" ,
"settings.obj_face_export_mode.quads" : "Convert to Quads" ,
"action.seam_tool" : "Seam Tool" ,
"action.seam_tool.desc" : "Tool to define UV seams on mesh edges" ,
"action.resolve_group" : "Resolve Group" ,
"action.resolve_group.desc" : "Resolve the group while retaining its children in the same place" ,
"action.move_to_group" : "Move to Group" ,
"action.move_to_group.desc" : "Move the selected elements to a different outliner group" ,
"action.select_seam" : "Select UV Seam" ,
"action.select_seam.desc" : "Select the UV seam mode for the selected edges" ,
"action.select_seam.auto" : "Auto" ,
"action.select_seam.join" : "Join" ,
"action.select_seam.divide" : "Divide" ,
"action.adjust_brightness_contrast" : "Adjust Brightness & Contrast..." ,
"action.adjust_brightness_contrast.desc" : "Adjust the brightness and contrast of the selected texture" ,
"action.adjust_saturation_hue" : "Adjust Saturation & Hue..." ,
"action.adjust_saturation_hue.desc" : "Adjust the saturation and hue of the selected texture" ,
"action.invert_colors" : "Invert Colors" ,
"action.invert_colors.desc" : "Invert all colors of the selected texture" ,
"action.adjust_curves" : "Adjust Curves..." ,
"action.adjust_curves.desc" : "Adjust the brightness curves of the selected texture" ,
"action.flip_texture_x" : "Flip Texture Horizontally" ,
"action.flip_texture_y" : "Flip Texture Vertically" ,
"action.resize_texture" : "Resize Texture..." ,
"action.view_mode.uv" : "UV Preview" ,
"action.append_to_template" : "Append Elements to Template..." ,
"action.append_to_template.desc" : "Add the currently selected elements to the texture template" ,
"action.move_texture_with_uv" : "Move Texture with UV" ,
"action.move_texture_with_uv.desc" : "Move the texture of the face along when dragging UV faces" ,
"action.timeline_setups" : "Timeline Setups" ,
"action.save_timeline_setup" : "Save Timeline Setup..." ,
"action.save_timeline_setup.desc" : "Save a preset for the currently selected animators and channels" ,
"menu.texture" : "Texture" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.default" : "Default" ,
"menu.texture.merge_onto_texture" : "Merge Onto Texture Above" ,
"menu.animation.unload" : "Unload" ,
"panel.timeline" : "Timeline" ,
"action.pan_tool" : "Pan Tool" ,
2022-04-24 01:05:56 +08:00
"action.pan_tool.desc" : "Tool to navigate in the viewport and the texture editor" ,
2022-07-23 00:09:17 +08:00
"mode.start.recent.favorite" : "Mark as Favorite" ,
"mode.start.info" : "Info" ,
"mode.start.target" : "Target" ,
"mode.start.start" : "Start" ,
"mode.start.create_new" : "Create New Model" ,
"mode.start.format.informations" : "Good to know:" ,
"mode.start.format.resources" : "Resources:" ,
"format.free.info.meshes" : "In this format, you can create low poly models using cubes and custom shaped meshes." ,
"format.free.info.limitation" : "Models cannot be loaded into games that need specialized formats, such as Minecraft." ,
"format.skin.info.skin" : "This format is designed to create Minecraft skins and entity textures." ,
"format.skin.info.model" : "The model cannot be changed. In order to make changes to the model, first convert to a different format via **File** > **Convert Project**." ,
"format.java_block.info.rotation" : "Rotations are limited to 22.5 degree steps and one axis per element" ,
"format.java_block.info.size" : "The model is limited to a size of 3 by 3 by 3 blocks. Display settings can make item models larger though" ,
"format.java_block.info.animation" : "This format does not support animations in vanilla Minecraft. If you are creating a mod, you can use GeckoLib to animate models. If not, the only way to animate is to switch out the model using commands or animated textures." ,
"format.bedrock.info.textures" : "Each model can only have one texture" ,
"format.bedrock_block" : "Bedrock Block" ,
"format.bedrock_block.desc" : "Block model for Minecraft Bedrock Edition" ,
"format.modded_entity.info.integer_size" : "The size of individual cubes is limited to integers." ,
"format.modded_entity.info.format" : "Models are written in Java code instead of dedicated data structures like all other Blockbench export formats." ,
"format.optifine_entity.info.optifine_required" : "Users without OptiFine installed won't see the model." ,
"format.optifine_entity.info.pivots" : "Bone pivots are locked, so it is a good idea to leave them untouched." ,
"format_category.low_poly" : "Low-Poly" ,
"format_category.minecraft" : "Minecraft" ,
"format_category.other" : "Other" ,
"format_category.loaders" : "Loaders" ,
"message.recover_backup.recover" : "Recover" ,
"message.invalid_characters.title" : "Invalid Path" ,
"message.invalid_characters.message" : "The path of the imported file contains invalid characters, uppercase letters, or white spaces. The supported characters are: %0" ,
"dialog.share_model.thumbnail" : "Thumbnail" ,
"dialog.skin.high_res_texture" : "Please note that skins with the selected resolution will not work as regular Minecraft skins. Select a lower resolution." ,
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror" : "Allow Display Slot Mirroring" ,
"settings.allow_display_slot_mirror.desc" : "Allow Display slots for Java item models to be mirrored. WARNING: This only works in Minecraft 1.14 or earlier or in special cases." ,
"action.switch_tabs" : "Switch Tabs" ,
"action.switch_tabs.desc" : "Cycle between opened tabs. Hold shift to cycle in the opposite direction." ,
"action.unselect_all" : "Unselect All" ,
"action.unselect_all.desc" : "Unselect all elements, faces, vertices, or keyframes" ,
"action.save_palette" : "Save Palette..." ,
"action.save_palette.desc" : "Save the current color palette inside Blockbench for later use" ,
"action.keyframe_column_create" : "Create Keyframe Column" ,
"action.keyframe_column_create.desc" : "Key all channels in the timeline at the current timecode, if they already have keyframes" ,
"action.keyframe_column_select" : "Select Keyframe Column" ,
"action.keyframe_column_select.desc" : "Select all keyframes in the timeline along a column below the playhead" ,
"menu.uv" : "UV" ,
"menu.keyframe" : "Keyframe" ,
"menu.palette.load.update" : "Update Palette" ,
"menu.palette.load.update.desc" : "Updates this palette with the colors of the current Blockbench palette" ,
"menu.timeline_marker.set_time" : "Set Time..." ,
"uv_editor.scale_uv" : "Scale UV" ,
"action.preview_scene" : "Preview Scene" ,
"action.preview_scene.desc" : "Change the model preview scene" ,
2023-07-27 22:56:27 +08:00
"preview_scene.minecraft_overworld" : "Overworld" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_nether" : "Nether" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_end" : "End" ,
2022-07-23 00:09:17 +08:00
"dialog.project.modded_entity_flip_y" : "Flip Y Axis" ,
2022-09-15 19:35:51 +08:00
"preview_scene.studio" : "Studio" ,
"format.image" : "Image" ,
"modifier_actions.set_copy_source" : "Set Copy Source" ,
"message.load_images.title" : "Load Images" ,
"message.load_images.edit_image" : "Edit Image" ,
"dialog.add_primitive.align_edges" : "Align Edges" ,
"dialog.flip_animation.show_in_timeline" : "Show modified bones in timeline" ,
"settings.default_cube_size" : "Cube Size" ,
"settings.default_cube_size.desc" : "Set the default cube size when creating a new cube" ,
"settings.uniform_keyframe" : "Uniform Scale Keyframes" ,
"settings.uniform_keyframe.desc" : "Set scale keyframes to uniform scaling by default" ,
2022-11-10 20:33:43 +08:00
"settings.nearest_rectangle_select" : "Rectangle Selection: Nearest Edge" ,
2022-09-15 19:35:51 +08:00
"settings.nearest_rectangle_select.desc" : "Snap rectangle selections to the nearest pixel edge, like in GIMP, instead of entire pixels." ,
"settings.pick_color_opacity" : "Pick Color Opacity" ,
"settings.pick_color_opacity.desc" : "Pick the color opacity with the Color Picker and set it as brush opacity" ,
"settings.paint_with_stylus_only" : "Paint with Stylus Only" ,
"settings.paint_with_stylus_only.desc" : "Only use the stylus for painting, reserve mouse or touch input for navigation." ,
"action.copy_brush_mode" : "Copy Brush Mode" ,
"action.copy_brush_mode.copy" : "Copy" ,
"action.copy_brush_mode.pattern" : "Pattern" ,
"action.copy_brush_mode.sample" : "Sample" ,
"action.brush_shape" : "Brush Shape" ,
"action.brush_shape.square" : "Square" ,
"action.brush_shape.circle" : "Circle" ,
"action.blend_mode" : "Blend Mode" ,
"action.blend_mode.default" : "Default" ,
"action.blend_mode.set_opacity" : "Set Opacity" ,
"action.blend_mode.color" : "Color" ,
"action.blend_mode.behind" : "Behind" ,
"action.blend_mode.multiply" : "Multiply" ,
"action.blend_mode.divide" : "Divide" ,
"action.blend_mode.add" : "Add" ,
"action.blend_mode.subtract" : "Subtract" ,
"action.blend_mode.screen" : "Screen" ,
"action.blend_mode.overlay" : "Overlay" ,
"action.blend_mode.hard_light" : "Hard Light" ,
"action.blend_mode.difference" : "Difference" ,
"action.copy_brush" : "Copy Brush" ,
2022-10-19 05:18:04 +08:00
"action.copy_brush.desc" : "Brush to clone parts of your texture or draw patterns. Hold Ctrl and click to select a copy source." ,
2022-09-15 19:35:51 +08:00
"action.validator_window" : "View Model Issues..." ,
"action.validator_window.desc" : "Opens the validator, which lists issues with the current model." ,
"action.cancel_gif" : "Cancel GIF" ,
"menu.text_edit.copy_vector" : "Copy Vector" ,
"menu.brush_presets.dialog" : "Brush Presets..." ,
"menu.brush_presets.pixel_brush" : "Pixel Brush" ,
"menu.brush_presets.smooth_brush" : "Smooth Brush" ,
"menu.texture.edit_in_blockbench" : "Edit in Blockbench" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.axis" : "Axis" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.axis.desc" : "Select on which axis paint strokes will get mirrored" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.global" : "Global Symmetry" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.global.desc" : "Enabled mirror painting on the model in global space" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.local" : "Local Symmetry" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.local.desc" : "Enable mirror painting in local space for each element" ,
2023-04-18 00:36:55 +08:00
"menu.mirror_painting.texture_frames" : "Repeat on Animated Texture Frames" ,
2022-10-19 05:18:04 +08:00
"menu.mirror_painting.texture_frames.desc" : "Mirror paint strokes to every frame of animated textures" ,
"format.bedrock_block.info.size_limit" : "Size total size of a block is limited to 30 pixels in all dimensions. The limit can be off-centered in all directions by 7 pixels from the block center." ,
"format.bedrock_block.info.textures" : "Multiple textures can be applied to different cubes in Blockbench, but require additional setup in the behavior pack to work correctly in-game." ,
2022-11-10 20:33:43 +08:00
"format.image.desc" : "Edit images in the 2D image editor" ,
"generic.delete_all" : "Delete All" ,
"message.child_model_only.open" : "Open Parent" ,
"message.child_model_only.open_with_textures" : "Open Parent & Adopt Textures" ,
"dialog.project.credit" : "Credit" ,
"dialog.convert_project.create_copy" : "Create Copy" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_time" : "Frame Time" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_time.desc" : "Set for how long each frame will be visible, in ticks. Each tick is 1/20th of a second." ,
"dialog.texture.frame_interpolate" : "Interpolate" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_interpolate.desc" : "Interpolate between animation frames by cross-fading to the next frame" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order_type" : "Loop Mode" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order_type.loop" : "Loop" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order_type.backwards" : "Loop Backwards" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order_type.back_and_forth" : "Back-and-Forth" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order_type.custom" : "Custom Order" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order" : "Frame Order" ,
"dialog.texture.frame_order.desc" : "Set a custom frame order by listing frame indices in a new order. Frame indices start at 0 with the first frame." ,
"dialog.select.mode" : "Mode" ,
"dialog.select.mode.new" : "New Selection" ,
"dialog.select.mode.add" : "Add to Selected" ,
"dialog.select.mode.remove" : "Remove from Selected" ,
"dialog.select.mode.in_selection" : "Select only from Selected" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.model" : "Model" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicates" : "Predicates" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.variants" : "Variants" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.start_value" : "Start" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.add_override" : "Add Override" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.add_predicate" : "Add Predicate" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.generate_overrides" : "Generate Overrides" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.confirm_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete all overrides?" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.angle" : "Compass Angle" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.blocking" : "Is Blocking" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.broken" : "Is Broken" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.cast" : "Is Cast" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.cooldown" : "Cooldown" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.damage" : "Damage" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.damaged" : "Is Damaged" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.lefthanded" : "Is Left-Handed" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.pull" : "Pull Amount" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.pulling" : "Is Pulling" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.charged" : "Is Charged" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.firework" : "Has Firework" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.throwing" : "Ready to Throw" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.time" : "Time of Day" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.custom_model_data" : "Custom Model Data" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.level" : "Light Level" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.filled" : "Bundle Fill Level" ,
"dialog.predicate_overrides.predicate.tooting" : "Tooting" ,
"settings.model_export_scale" : "Model Export Scale" ,
"settings.model_export_scale.desc" : "Factor by which the scale of exported glTF, DAE, and FBX models gets reduced. The default is 16, which converts 16 Blockbench units into 1 meter in the export." ,
"action.copy_paste_tool_mode" : "Copy Paste Mode" ,
"action.copy_paste_tool_mode.copy" : "Copy" ,
"action.copy_paste_tool_mode.move" : "Move" ,
"action.export_fbx" : "Export FBX Model" ,
"action.export_fbx.desc" : "Export model and animations as fbx file to use it in other 3D applications and game engines" ,
"action.center_lateral" : "Center Lateral" ,
"action.center_lateral.desc" : "Center the selected elements on the X and Z axis" ,
"action.adjust_opacity" : "Adjust Opacity..." ,
"action.adjust_opacity.desc" : "Adjust the opacity of the selected texture" ,
"action.rotate_texture_cw" : "Rotate Texture Clockwise" ,
"action.rotate_texture_ccw" : "Rotate Texture Counter-clockwise" ,
"action.predicate_overrides" : "Edit Predicate Overrides..." ,
"action.predicate_overrides.desc" : "Select models to override this model based on selected conditions" ,
"action.auto_set_cullfaces" : "Set Cullfaces Automatically" ,
"action.auto_set_cullfaces.desc" : "Automatically generate cullfaces to hide faces when they are covered by the neighboring block." ,
"menu.texture.edit_externally" : "Edit Externally" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.texture" : "2D Editor Symmetry" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.texture.desc" : "Enable mirror painting in 2D space on the image or texture" ,
"menu.animator.rotation_global" : "Rotate in Global Space" ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"uv_editor.face_properties" : "Face Properties" ,
2022-11-10 20:33:43 +08:00
"uv_editor.face_properties.material_instance" : "Material Instance" ,
"uv_editor.tint.info" : "Tint can be enabled on a face to tell the Minecraft to tint it. In vanilla, tint can only be used by specific blocks such as leaves and redstone dust, and can only have a value of 0." ,
"uv_editor.cullface.info" : "Enabling cullface tells a face on a block to unrender if another full block is placed next to it in the specified direction in your Minecraft world. This can be used to optimize performance." ,
"uv_editor.material_instance.info" : "Material instances can be set to a user-defined name. That name can be used in the block JSON file in the behavior pack to assign a particular texture and material that the face." ,
2023-01-16 01:26:39 +08:00
"display.reference.frame_invisible" : "Item Frame (Invisible)" ,
"data.settings_profile" : "Profile" ,
"message.display_skin.invalid_name" : "Cannot find Minecraft account with the name \"%0\"." ,
"dialog.load_plugins_from_query.title" : "Load Plugins" ,
"dialog.load_plugins_from_query.text" : "You used a link that requires plugins to be installed. Would you like to install them?" ,
"dialog.select_model.title" : "Select Model" ,
"dialog.select_model.bones" : "Bones" ,
"dialog.select_model.cubes" : "Cubes" ,
"dialog.settings.create_profile" : "Create Profile..." ,
"settings_profile.confirm_delete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this settings profile?" ,
"settings_profile.condition.type.selectable" : "Manually Selectable" ,
"settings.interface_mode" : "UI Mode" ,
"settings.interface_mode.desc" : "Interface mode. Restart Blockbench to apply changes" ,
"settings.interface_mode.auto" : "Automatic" ,
"settings.interface_mode.desktop" : "Desktop" ,
"settings.interface_mode.mobile" : "Mobile" ,
"settings.paint_through_transparency" : "Paint Through Transparency" ,
"settings.paint_through_transparency.desc" : "Paint through transparent pixels when Lock Alpha Channel is enabled" ,
"action.tab_overview" : "Tab Overview" ,
"action.tab_overview.desc" : "View all open tabs in a grid and jump to one" ,
"action.slider_color_red" : "Color Red" ,
"action.slider_color_green" : "Color Green" ,
"action.slider_color_blue" : "Color Blue" ,
"action.add_animation_controller" : "Add Animation Controller" ,
"action.add_animation_controller.desc" : "Create a blank animation controller" ,
"action.animation_controller_preview_mode" : "Controller Preview" ,
"action.animation_controller_preview_mode.paused" : "Paused" ,
"action.animation_controller_preview_mode.manual" : "Manual Preview" ,
"action.animation_controller_preview_mode.play" : "Auto Play" ,
"action.keyframe_interpolation.bezier" : "Bézier" ,
"action.keyframe_bezier_linked" : "Link Bézier Handles" ,
"action.keyframe_bezier_linked.desc" : "Connect the right and left keyframe bézier handle" ,
"action.reset_keyframe_handles" : "Reset Keyframe Handles" ,
"action.reset_keyframe_handles.desc" : "Reset the bézier handles of the selected keyframes" ,
"action.looped_animation_playback" : "Looped Playback" ,
"action.looped_animation_playback.desc" : "Preview animations in an infinite loop" ,
"timeline.bind_to_actor" : "Bind to Actor" ,
"animation_controllers.select_preset" : "Select a controller preset..." ,
"animation_controllers.state.animations" : "Animations" ,
"animation_controllers.state.particles" : "Particles" ,
"animation_controllers.state.sounds" : "Sounds" ,
"animation_controllers.state.on_entry" : "On Entry" ,
"animation_controllers.state.on_exit" : "On Exit" ,
"animation_controllers.state.transitions" : "Transitions" ,
"animation_controllers.state.condition" : "Condition" ,
"animation_controllers.state.blend_transition" : "Blend Time" ,
"animation_controllers.state.shortest_path" : "Blend by Shortest Path" ,
"animation_controllers.state.edit_transition" : "Edit Transition" ,
"menu.color_picker.picker_type" : "Picker Type" ,
"menu.color_picker.picker_type.square" : "Square" ,
"menu.color_picker.picker_type.wheel" : "Wheel" ,
"menu.color_picker.slider_mode" : "Slider Mode" ,
"menu.color_picker.slider_mode.hsv" : "Hue, Saturation, Value" ,
"menu.color_picker.slider_mode.rgb" : "Red, Green, Blue" ,
"menu.texture.render_mode.additive" : "Additive" ,
"panel.color.picker_options" : "Color Picker Options" ,
"panel.animation_controllers" : "Animation Controller" ,
"display.preset.armor_stand" : "Ground (Armor Stand)" ,
"data.file_path" : "File Path" ,
"dialog.extrude.orientation" : "Orientation" ,
"dialog.extrude.orientation.upright" : "Upright" ,
"dialog.extrude.orientation.flat" : "Flat" ,
"dialog.scale.box_uv_warning" : "Scaling a Box UV model may break the UV of your model. Instead, try to scale your model externally, or switch to Per-face UV Mode in File > Project." ,
"dialog.create_gif.format" : "Format" ,
"dialog.create_gif.format.gif" : "GIF" ,
"dialog.create_gif.format.png_sequence" : "PNG Sequence" ,
"dialog.create_gif.pixelate" : "Pixelate" ,
"dialog.create_gif.bg_image" : "Background Image" ,
"dialog.create_gif.turn.desc" : "Rotate the model while recording. Use negative values to turn the model clockwise. A value of 60 corresponds to one rotation every second." ,
"settings_profile.condition" : "Condition" ,
"settings_profile.condition.type.file_path.desc" : "Use Regular Expression syntax to match the file path of the current project. Use forward slashes for directories" ,
"settings.only_selected_bezier_handles" : "Show Only Selected Bézier Handles" ,
"settings.only_selected_bezier_handles.desc" : "Hide handles of bézier keyframes that are not currently selected" ,
"settings.embed_textures" : "Embed Textures" ,
"settings.embed_textures.desc" : "Embed texture file content in .bbmodel files" ,
2023-04-18 00:36:55 +08:00
"action.selection_mode.cluster" : "Cluster" ,
"dialog.copied_to_clipboard" : "Copied to clipboard" ,
"data.reference_image" : "Reference Image" ,
"message.delete_reference_image" : "Are you sure you want to delete this reference image? This cannot be undone." ,
"message.add_reference_image.message" : "Select where to load the reference image" ,
"message.add_reference_image.project" : "Add to this project" ,
"message.add_reference_image.app" : "Add to all projects" ,
"message.import_particle_texture.import" : "Import Particle Texture" ,
"message.import_particle_texture.message" : "Would you like to import a texture file to be used for your particle?" ,
"message.save_codec_selector.title" : "Save Model Format" ,
"message.save_codec_selector.message" : "Select a format to save the model in." ,
"message.save_codec_selector.project_file" : "Blockbench Project (.bbmodel)" ,
"message.save_codec_selector.both" : "Both" ,
"message.display_skin.username" : "Username (Java)" ,
"message.palette_locked" : "The palette is locked" ,
"dialog.project.default_uv_mode" : "Default UV Mode" ,
"dialog.project.default_uv_mode.description" : "Default UV Mode of the project. The UV mode can also be changed per cube." ,
"dialog.export_options.title" : "Export Options" ,
"dialog.edit_texture.preview" : "Preview" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.range" : "Range" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.falloff" : "Falloff" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.falloff.linear" : "Linear" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.falloff.hermite_spline" : "Smooth" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.falloff.constant" : "Constant" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.selection" : "Selection" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.selection.linear" : "Linear Distance" ,
"dialog.proportional_editing.selection.connections" : "Connections" ,
"dialog.mirror_painting_texture_center.middle" : "Middle" ,
"dialog.mirror_painting_texture_center.custom" : "Custom" ,
"dialog.settings.reset_to_default" : "Reset to Default" ,
"keybindings.item.num_slider.increase" : "Increase" ,
"keybindings.item.num_slider.decrease" : "Decrease" ,
"settings.always_show_splash_art" : "Always Show Splash Art" ,
"settings.always_show_splash_art.desc" : "Always display the splash art on the start screen" ,
"action.slider_palette_color" : "Switch Palette Color" ,
"action.slider_palette_color.desc" : "Cycle between the colors in the palette" ,
"action.proportional_editing" : "Proportional Editing" ,
"action.proportional_editing.desc" : "Proportionally affect surrounding vertices when editing parts of a mesh" ,
"action.limit_to_palette" : "Limit to Palette" ,
"action.limit_to_palette.desc" : "Limits the colors of the texture to those in the currently loaded palette" ,
"action.edit_reference_images" : "Edit Reference Images" ,
"action.edit_reference_images.desc" : "Turn on reference image mode to add or edit reference images and blueprints" ,
"action.add_reference_image" : "Add Reference Image" ,
"action.reference_image_from_clipboard" : "Reference Image from Clipboard" ,
"action.reference_image_list" : "Reference Images" ,
"action.connect_uv_faces" : "Connect UV Faces" ,
"action.connect_uv_faces.desc" : "Connect the selected UV faces to the last selected UV face" ,
"action.merge_uv_vertices" : "Merge UV Vertices" ,
"action.merge_uv_vertices.desc" : "Snap the first selected UV vertices to the last selected UV vertices" ,
"action.bedrock_animation_mode" : "Bedrock Animation Mode" ,
"action.bedrock_animation_mode.desc" : "Select the mode to edit animations for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in" ,
"action.bedrock_animation_mode.entity" : "Entity" ,
"action.bedrock_animation_mode.attachable_first" : "Item 1st Person" ,
"action.bedrock_animation_mode.attachable_third" : "Item 3rd Person" ,
"timeline.amplify" : "Amplify" ,
"menu.options" : "Options..." ,
"menu.palette.lock_palette" : "Lock Palette" ,
"menu.uv.export" : "Export UV Mapping" ,
"menu.uv.flip_x" : "Mirror X" ,
"menu.uv.flip_y" : "Mirror Y" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.enabled" : "Enabled" ,
"menu.mirror_painting.configure_texture_center" : "Configure Texture Center..." ,
"reference_image.position" : "Position" ,
"reference_image.size" : "Size" ,
"reference_image.rotation" : "Rotation" ,
"reference_image.opacity" : "Opacity" ,
"reference_image.visibility" : "Visibility" ,
"reference_image.clear_mode" : "Clear Mode" ,
"reference_image.layer" : "Layer" ,
"reference_image.layer.background" : "Behind Model" ,
"reference_image.layer.viewport" : "Above Model" ,
"reference_image.layer.float" : "Above Interface" ,
"reference_image.layer.blueprint" : "Locked Blueprint" ,
"reference_image.scope" : "Scope" ,
"reference_image.scope.project" : "Just this project" ,
"reference_image.scope.global" : "All projects" ,
"reference_image.enabled_modes" : "Enabled in Modes" ,
"codec.common.encoding" : "Encoding" ,
"codec.common.armature" : "Export Groups as Armature" ,
"codec.common.export_animations" : "Export Animations" ,
"codec.common.embed_textures" : "Embed Textures" ,
"preview.center_camera" : "Center Camera" ,
"display.reference.frame_top" : "Item Frame Top" ,
"display.reference.frame_top_invisible" : "Item Frame Top (Invisible)" ,
"action.proportional_editing_range" : "Proportional Editing Range" ,
"action.proportional_editing_range.desc" : "Adjust the range for proportional editing" ,
"action.toggle_all_reference_images" : "Hide/Show All Reference Images" ,
"action.toggle_all_reference_images.desc" : "Toggle the visibility of all reference images at once" ,
"action.add_animation_controller_state" : "Add Animation Controller State" ,
"action.add_animation_controller_state.desc" : "Add a new state to the animation controller" ,
"menu.slider.round_value" : "Round Value" ,
"texture.error.too_large" : "Resolution exceeds the maximum of %0" ,
"dialog.copy_to_clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard" ,
2023-04-24 05:37:14 +08:00
"dialog.open_url" : "Open URL" ,
2023-05-27 19:53:47 +08:00
"reference_image.image" : "Image" ,
2023-05-28 03:03:02 +08:00
"uv_editor.rotate_uv" : "Rotate UV" ,
2023-07-27 22:56:27 +08:00
"generic.error" : "Error" ,
"projects.start_screen" : "Start Screen" ,
"message.invalid_link.message" : "The shared model \"%0\" that you are trying to load is either invalid or has expired." ,
"message.plugin_dependencies.title" : "Plugin Dependencies" ,
"message.plugin_dependencies.message1" : "The plugin requires these dependencies:" ,
"message.plugin_dependencies.message1_update" : "The plugin %0 has been updated and now requires these dependencies:" ,
"message.plugin_dependencies.message2" : "Do you want to install them to continue?" ,
"message.plugin_dependencies.invalid" : "Unfortunately the plugin cannot be installed, it has an invalid dependency:" ,
"message.preview_scene_load_failed" : "Failed to load preview scene. Check your internet connection." ,
"dialog.convert_project.text1" : "Convert the project into a different format." ,
"dialog.convert_project.text2" : "Use conversion at your own risk. Formats have different features and restrictions, so converting will in some cases break parts of your project." ,
"dialog.convert_project.text3" : "You cannot undo converting, that is why by default a copy will be created." ,
"dialog.unsaved_work.title" : "Unsaved Work" ,
"dialog.unsaved_work.text" : "The following projects contain unsaved changes. Do you want to save your changes?" ,
"dialog.unsaved_work.discard_all" : "Discard All" ,
"dialog.unsaved_work.save_all" : "Save All" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.mode" : "Mode" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.mode.crop" : "Crop/Expand" ,
"dialog.resize_texture.mode.scale" : "Scale" ,
"dialog.plugins.is_installed" : "Installed" ,
"dialog.plugins.is_disabled" : "Disabled" ,
"dialog.plugins.disable" : "Disable" ,
"dialog.plugins.enable" : "Enable" ,
"dialog.plugins.dependencies" : "Depends on:" ,
"dialog.view_backups.open_folder" : "Open Folder" ,
"dialog.share_model.reference_images" : "Include Reference Images" ,
"dialog.share_model.too_large" : "Failed to upload: Model is too large" ,
"dialog.share_model.too_large_references" : "Failed to upload: Model is too large. Try without reference images." ,
"settings.stretch_linked" : "Link Stretching" ,
"settings.stretch_linked.desc" : "Stretch the cube in all directions with the same value" ,
"settings.grids" : "Show Grids" ,
"settings.grids.desc" : "Show or hide all 3D grids" ,
"settings.double_click_switch_tools" : "Switch Tools on Double Click" ,
"settings.double_click_switch_tools.desc" : "Double click the viewport to switch between tools" ,
"settings.outlines_in_paint_mode" : "Selection Outlines in Paint Mode" ,
"settings.outlines_in_paint_mode.desc" : "Display element selection outlines while in paint mode" ,
"settings.json_indentation" : "JSON Indentation" ,
"settings.json_indentation.desc" : "Indentation style for exported JSON files" ,
"settings.json_indentation.tabs" : "Tabs" ,
"settings.json_indentation.spaces_4" : "Spaces: 4" ,
"settings.json_indentation.spaces_2" : "Spaces: 2" ,
"action.slider_stretch" : "Stretch" ,
"action.slider_stretch.desc" : "Stretches cubes multiplicatively on the %0 axis without changing the UV" ,
"action.view_backups" : "View Backups" ,
"action.view_backups.desc" : "Browse the list of auto-saved project backups" ,
"action.search_outliner" : "Search Outliner" ,
"action.search_outliner.desc" : "Search for specific element names in the outliner" ,
"action.mirror_modeling" : "Mirror Modeling" ,
"action.mirror_modeling.desc" : "Enable Mirror Modeling on the X axis. All changes you make in the viewport will be reflected to the other side, unless specifically disabled on the element." ,
"action.allow_element_mirror_modeling" : "Allow Mirror Modeling" ,
"action.allow_element_mirror_modeling.desc" : "Choose whether the selected elements can be affected by mirror modeling" ,
"action.switch_face_crease" : "Switch Face Crease" ,
"action.switch_face_crease.desc" : "Switch in which direction the quad folds in the middle" ,
"action.clear_unused_texture_space" : "Clear Unused Texture Space" ,
"action.clear_unused_texture_space.desc" : "Clear parts of the texture that are not UV-mapped to any elements" ,
"action.split_screen" : "Split Screen" ,
"action.split_screen.desc" : "Select a viewport split screen mode" ,
"action.split_screen.single" : "Single" ,
"action.split_screen.double_horizontal" : "Double Horizontal" ,
"action.split_screen.double_vertical" : "Double Vertical" ,
"action.split_screen.quad" : "Quad" ,
"action.split_screen.triple_left" : "Triple Left" ,
"action.split_screen.triple_right" : "Triple Right" ,
"action.split_screen.triple_top" : "Triple Top" ,
"action.split_screen.triple_bottom" : "Triple Bottom" ,
"action.uv_project_from_view" : "UV Project from View" ,
"action.uv_project_from_view.desc" : "Automatically generate UVs for the selected faces from the perspective of the 3D view" ,
"action.graph_editor_other_graphs" : "Display Other Graphs" ,
"action.graph_editor_other_graphs.desc" : "Whether the graph graphs of the axes that are not selected are displayed" ,
"action.graph_editor_include_other_graphs" : "Include Other Graphs" ,
"action.graph_editor_include_other_graphs.desc" : "Whether the graph editor includes the graphs that are not selected in the view" ,
"action.set_ik_source" : "Set IK Root" ,
"action.set_ik_source.desc" : "Select the root bone of the chain that should be moved by this null object via Inverse Kinematics" ,
"edit.loop_cut.cuts" : "Cuts" ,
"panel.element.stretch" : "Stretch" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_plains" : "Plains" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_cherry_grove" : "Cherry Grove" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_snowy_tundra" : "Snowy Tundra" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_sunset" : "Sunset" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_night" : "Night" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_desert" : "Desert" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_underwater" : "Underwater" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_coral_reef" : "Coral Reef" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_lush_cave" : "Lush Cave" ,
"preview_scene.minecraft_deep_dark" : "Deep Dark" ,
"generic.navigate_forward" : "Forward" ,
"generic.navigate_back" : "Back" ,
"action.element_render_order" : "Transparency Render Order" ,
"action.element_render_order.default" : "Auto" ,
"action.element_render_order.behind" : "Behind" ,
2023-07-30 07:14:22 +08:00
"action.element_render_order.in_front" : "In Front" ,
"message.installing_update.title" : "Update Available" ,
"message.installing_update.message" : "A new version is ready to be installed. After closing the app, please allow for around %0 seconds before opening Blockbench again or turning off the computer, for the update to be installed." ,
"settings.brush_cursor_2d" : "2D Brush Cursor" ,
"settings.brush_cursor_2d.desc" : "Display an outline around the brush in the 2D workspace" ,
"settings.brush_cursor_3d" : "3D Brush Cursor" ,
"settings.brush_cursor_3d.desc" : "Display an outline around the brush in the 3D workspace"
2019-07-18 00:02:07 +08:00