mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 15:16:40 +08:00
406 lines
11 KiB
406 lines
11 KiB
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
if (! function_exists('get_base_url')) {
function get_base_url()
$base_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? "https://" : "http://";
$base_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"];
$base_url .= ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? "" : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
return $base_url;
if (! function_exists('get_current_url')) {
function get_current_url()
return get_base_url().$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
if (! function_exists('avatar')) {
function avatar(User $user, $size)
$fname = base64_encode($user->email).".png?tid=".$user->getAvatarId();
return url("avatar/$size/$fname");
if (! function_exists('assets')) {
function assets($relativeUri)
// add query string to fresh cache
if (Str::startsWith($relativeUri, 'styles') || Str::startsWith($relativeUri, 'scripts')) {
return url("resources/assets/dist/$relativeUri")."?v=".config('app.version');
} elseif (Str::startsWith($relativeUri, 'lang')) {
return url("resources/$relativeUri");
} else {
return url("resources/assets/$relativeUri");
if (! function_exists('plugin')) {
function plugin($id)
return app('plugins')->getPlugin($id);
if (! function_exists('plugin_assets')) {
function plugin_assets($id, $relativeUri)
if ($plugin = plugin($id)) {
return $plugin->assets($relativeUri);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("No such plugin.");
if (! function_exists('json')) {
function json()
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) == 1 && is_array($args[0])) {
return Response::json($args[0]);
} elseif (count($args) == 3 && is_array($args[2])) {
// the third argument is array of extra fields
return Response::json(array_merge([
'errno' => $args[1],
'msg' => $args[0]
], $args[2]));
} else {
return Response::json([
'errno' => Arr::get($args, 1, 1),
'msg' => $args[0]
if (! function_exists('bs_footer')) {
function bs_footer($page_identification = "")
$content = "";
$scripts = [
if ($page_identification !== "") {
$scripts[] = assets("scripts/$page_identification.js");
foreach ($scripts as $script) {
$content .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$script\"></script>\n";
$content .= '<script>'.option("custom_js").'</script>';
$extraContents = [];
Event::fire(new App\Events\RenderingFooter($extraContents));
return $content . implode("\n", $extraContents);
if (! function_exists('bs_header')) {
function bs_header($page_identification = "")
$content = "";
$styles = [
if ($page_identification !== "") {
$styles[] = assets("styles/$page_identification.css");
foreach ($styles as $style) {
$content .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$style\">\n";
$content .= '<style>'.option("custom_css").'</style>';
$extraContents = [];
Event::fire(new App\Events\RenderingHeader($extraContents));
return $content . implode("\n", $extraContents);
if (! function_exists('bs_favicon')) {
function bs_favicon()
// fallback to default favicon
$url = Str::startsWith($url = (option('favicon_url') ?: config('options.favicon_url')), 'http') ? $url : assets($url);
return <<< ICONS
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$url">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="$url" sizes="192x192">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="$url" sizes="180x180">
if (! function_exists('bs_menu')) {
function bs_menu($type)
$menu = config('menu');
Event::fire($type == "user" ? new App\Events\ConfigureUserMenu($menu)
: new App\Events\ConfigureAdminMenu($menu));
if (!isset($menu[$type])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException;
return bs_menu_render($menu[$type]);
function bs_menu_render($data)
$content = "";
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$active = app('request')->is(@$value['link']);
// also set parent as active if any child is active
foreach ((array) @$value['children'] as $childKey => $childValue) {
if (app('request')->is(@$childValue['link'])) {
$active = true;
$content .= $active ? '<li class="active">' : '<li>';
if (isset($value['children'])) {
$content .= '<a href="#"><i class="fa '.$value['icon'].'"></i> <span>'.trans($value['title']).'</span><span class="pull-right-container"><i class="fa fa-angle-left pull-right"></i></span></a>';
// recurse
$content .= '<ul class="treeview-menu" style="display: none;">'.bs_menu_render($value['children']).'</ul>';
} else {
$content .= '<a href="'.url($value['link']).'"><i class="fa '.$value['icon'].'"></i> <span>'.trans($value['title']).'</span></a>';
$content .= '</li>';
return $content;
if (! function_exists('bs_copyright')) {
function bs_copyright($prefer = null)
$prefer = is_null($prefer) ? Option::get('copyright_prefer', 0, false) : $prefer;
$base64CopyrightText = [
return base64_decode(Arr::get($base64CopyrightText, $prefer, $base64CopyrightText[0]));
if (! function_exists('bs_custom_copyright')) {
function bs_custom_copyright()
return Utils::getStringReplaced(Option::get('copyright_text'), ['{site_name}' => Option::get('site_name'), '{site_url}' => Option::get('site_url')]);
if (! function_exists('bs_announcement')) {
function bs_announcement()
return app('parsedown')->text(option('announcement'));
if (! function_exists('bs_nickname')) {
function bs_nickname(User $user = null)
$user = $user ?: app('users')->getCurrentUser();
return ($user->getNickName() == '') ? $user->email : $user->getNickName();
if (! function_exists('bs_role')) {
function bs_role(User $user = null)
$user = $user ?: app('users')->getCurrentUser();
$roles = [
User::NORMAL => 'normal',
User::BANNED => 'banned',
User::ADMIN => 'admin',
User::SUPER_ADMIN => 'super-admin'
$role = Arr::get($roles, $user->getPermission());
return trans("admin.users.status.$role");
if (! function_exists('option')) {
* Get / set the specified option value.
* If an array is passed as the key, we will assume you want to set an array of values.
* @param array|string $key
* @param mixed $default
* @param raw $raw return raw value without convertion
* @return mixed
function option($key = null, $default = null, $raw = false)
$options = app('options');
if (is_null($key)) {
return $options;
if (is_array($key)) {
foreach ($key as $innerKey => $innerValue) {
$options->set($innerKey, $innerValue);
return $options->get($key, $default, $raw);
if (! function_exists('menv')) {
* Gets the value of an environment variable by getenv() or $_ENV.
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
function menv($key, $default = null)
if (function_exists('putenv') && function_exists('getenv')) {
// try to read by getenv()
$value = getenv($key);
if ($value === false) {
return value($default);
} else {
// try to read from $_ENV or $_SERVER
if (isset($_ENV[$key])) {
$value = $_ENV[$key];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER[$key])) {
$value = $_SERVER[$key];
} else {
return value($default);
switch (strtolower($value)) {
case 'true':
case '(true)':
return true;
case 'false':
case '(false)':
return false;
case 'empty':
case '(empty)':
return '';
case 'null':
case '(null)':
if (strlen($value) > 1 && Str::startsWith($value, '"') && Str::endsWith($value, '"')) {
return substr($value, 1, -1);
return $value;
if (! function_exists('validate')) {
function validate($value, $type)
switch ($type) {
case 'email':
return (bool) filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
# code...
if (! function_exists('delete_cookies')) {
function delete_cookies()
if (! function_exists('delete_sessions')) {
function delete_sessions()
if (! function_exists('runtime_check')) {
function runtime_check(array $requirements)
foreach ($requirements['extensions'] as $extension) {
if (!extension_loaded($extension)) {
exit("[Error] You have not installed the $extension extension");