= 7.1.3, you are now using '.PHP_VERSION.'
'. '[错误] 你的 PHP 版本过低('.PHP_VERSION.'),Blessing Skin 要求至少为 7.1.3' ); } $requirements = [ 'extensions' => [ 'pdo', 'openssl', 'gd', 'mbstring', 'tokenizer', 'ctype', 'xml', 'json', 'fileinfo' ], 'write_permission' => [ 'bootstrap/cache', 'storage', 'plugins' ] ]; foreach ($requirements['extensions'] as $extension) { if (! extension_loaded($extension)) { die_with_utf8_encoding( "[Error] You have not installed the $extension extension
". "[错误] 你尚未安装 $extension 扩展!安装方法请自行搜索。" ); } } foreach ($requirements['write_permission'] as $dir) { $realPath = realpath(__DIR__."/../$dir"); if (! file_exists($realPath)) { die_with_utf8_encoding( "[Error] The directory < $dir > does not exist
". "[错误] 目录 < $dir > 不存在,请在程序根目录下手动创建。" ); } if (! is_writable($realPath)) { die_with_utf8_encoding( "[Error] The program lacks write permission to directory < $dir >
". "[错误] 程序缺少对 < $dir > 目录的写权限,请手动授权。" ); } } $autoload = file_get_contents('vendor/autoload.php'); $lines = explode("\n", $autoload); $lines[1] = '$GLOBALS["env_checked"] = true;'; file_put_contents('vendor/autoload.php', implode("\n", $lines)); })();