get('/auth/login')->assertSee('Log in'); } public function testHandleLogin() { $this->expectsEvents(Events\UserTryToLogin::class); $this->expectsEvents(Events\UserLoggedIn::class); $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $user->changePassword('12345678'); $player = factory(Player::class)->create( [ 'uid' => $user->uid, ] ); // Should return a warning if `identification` is empty $this->postJson('/auth/login') ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => trans('validation.attributes.identification')]), ]); // Should return a warning if `password` is empty $this->postJson( '/auth/login', ['identification' => $user->email] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'password']), ]); // Should return a warning if length of `password` is lower than 6 $this->postJson( '/auth/login', [ 'identification' => $user->email, 'password' => '123', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.min.string', ['attribute' => 'password', 'min' => 6]), ]); // Should return a warning if length of `password` is greater than 32 $this->postJson( '/auth/login', [ 'identification' => $user->email, 'password' => Str::random(80), ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.max.string', ['attribute' => 'password', 'max' => 32]), ]); $this->flushSession(); $loginFailsCacheKey = sha1('login_fails_'.get_client_ip()); // Logging in should be failed if password is wrong $this->postJson( '/auth/login', [ 'identification' => $user->email, 'password' => 'wrong-password', ])->assertJson( [ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('auth.validation.password'), 'login_fails' => 1, ] ); $this->assertCacheHas($loginFailsCacheKey); $this->flushSession(); // Should check captcha if there are too many fails $this->withCache([$loginFailsCacheKey => 4]) ->postJson( '/auth/login', [ 'identification' => $user->email, 'password' => '12345678', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'captcha']), ]); $this->flushCache(); $this->flushSession(); // Should return a warning if user isn't existed $this->postJson( '/auth/login', [ 'identification' => '', 'password' => '12345678', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 2, 'msg' => trans('auth.validation.user'), ]); $this->flushSession(); // Should clean the `login_fails` session if logged in successfully $this->withCache([$loginFailsCacheKey => 1]) ->postJson('/auth/login', [ 'identification' => $user->email, 'password' => '12345678', ])->assertJson( [ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('auth.login.success'), ] ); $this->assertCacheMissing($loginFailsCacheKey); $this->flushCache(); $this->flushSession(); // Logged in should be in success if logged in with player name $this->postJson( '/auth/login', [ 'identification' => $player->name, 'password' => '12345678', ] )->assertJson( [ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('auth.login.success'), ] ); $this->assertAuthenticated(); } public function testLogout() { $this->postJson('/auth/logout') ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans(''), ]); $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->actingAs($user)->postJson('/auth/logout')->assertJson( [ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('auth.logout.success'), ] ); $this->assertGuest(); } public function testRegister() { $this->get('/auth/register')->assertSee('Register'); option(['user_can_register' => false]); $this->get('/auth/register')->assertSee(trans('auth.register.close')); } public function testHandleRegister() { $this->expectsEvents(Events\UserRegistered::class); // Should return a warning if `email` is empty $this->postJson('/auth/register') ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'email']), ]); // Should return a warning if `email` is invalid $this->postJson( '/auth/register', ['email' => 'not_an_email'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('', ['attribute' => 'email']), ]); // An existed user $existedUser = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->postJson( '/auth/register', ['email' => $existedUser->email] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.unique', ['attribute' => 'email']), ]); // Should return a warning if `password` is empty $this->postJson( '/auth/register', ['email' => 'a@b.c'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'password']), ]); // Should return a warning if length of `password` is lower than 8 $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '1', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.min.string', ['attribute' => 'password', 'min' => 8]), ]); // Should return a warning if length of `password` is greater than 32 $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => Str::random(33), ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.max.string', ['attribute' => 'password', 'max' => 32]), ]); // The register_with_player_name option is set to true by default. // Should return a warning if `player_name` is empty $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => trans('validation.attributes.player_name')]), ]); // Should return a warning if `player_name` is invalid option(['player_name_rule' => 'official']); $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'player_name' => '角色名', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.player_name', ['attribute' => trans('validation.attributes.player_name')]), ]); // Should return a warning if `player_name` is too long $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'player_name' => Str::random(option('player_name_length_max') + 10), 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.max.string', [ 'attribute' => trans('validation.attributes.player_name'), 'max' => option('player_name_length_max'), ]), ]); // Existed player $player = factory(Player::class)->create(); $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'player_name' => $player->name, 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 2, 'msg' => trans('user.player.add.repeated'), ]); option(['register_with_player_name' => false]); // Should return a warning if `nickname` is empty $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'nickname']), ]); // Should return a warning if `nickname` is invalid $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'nickname' => '\\', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.no_special_chars', ['attribute' => 'nickname']), ]); // Should return a warning if `nickname` is too long $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'nickname' => Str::random(256), 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.max.string', ['attribute' => 'nickname', 'max' => 255]), ]); // Should return a warning if `captcha` is empty $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'nickname' => 'nickname', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'captcha']), ]); // Should be forbidden if registering is closed Option::set('user_can_register', false); $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'nickname' => 'nickname', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 7, 'msg' => trans('auth.register.close'), ]); // Reopen for test Option::set('user_can_register', true); // Should be forbidden if registering's count current IP is over Option::set('regs_per_ip', -1); $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'nickname' => 'nickname', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 7, 'msg' => trans('auth.register.max', ['regs' => option('regs_per_ip')]), ]); Option::set('regs_per_ip', 100); // Database should be updated if succeeded $response = $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'password' => '12345678', 'nickname' => 'nickname', 'captcha' => 'a', ] ); $newUser = User::where('email', 'a@b.c')->first(); $response->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('auth.register.success'), ]); $this->assertTrue($newUser->verifyPassword('12345678')); $this->assertDatabaseHas('users', [ 'email' => 'a@b.c', 'nickname' => 'nickname', 'score' => option('user_initial_score'), 'ip' => '', 'permission' => User::NORMAL, ]); $this->assertAuthenticated(); // Require player name option(['register_with_player_name' => true]); $this->postJson( '/auth/register', [ 'email' => '', 'password' => '12345678', 'player_name' => 'name', 'captcha' => 'a', ] )->assertJson(['errno' => 0]); $this->assertNotNull(Player::where('player', 'name')); } public function testForgot() { $this->get('/auth/forgot')->assertSee('Forgot Password'); config(['mail.driver' => '']); $this->get('/auth/forgot')->assertSee(trans('auth.forgot.disabled')); } public function testHandleForgot() { Mail::fake(); // Should be forbidden if "forgot password" is closed config(['mail.driver' => '']); $this->postJson('/auth/forgot', [ 'captcha' => 'a', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('auth.forgot.disabled'), ]); config(['mail.driver' => 'smtp']); $lastMailCacheKey = sha1('last_mail_'.get_client_ip()); // Should be forbidden if sending email frequently $this->withCache([ $lastMailCacheKey => time(), ])->postJson('/auth/forgot', [ 'captcha' => 'a', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 2, 'msg' => trans('auth.forgot.frequent-mail'), ]); $this->flushCache(); $this->flushSession(); // Should return a warning if user is not existed $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->withSession(['phrase' => 'a'])->postJson('/auth/forgot', [ 'email' => '', 'captcha' => 'a', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('auth.forgot.unregistered'), ]); $this->postJson('/auth/forgot', [ 'email' => $user->email, 'captcha' => 'a', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('auth.forgot.success'), ]); $this->assertCacheHas($lastMailCacheKey); $this->flushCache(); Mail::assertSent(ForgotPassword::class, function ($mail) use ($user) { return $mail->hasTo($user->email); }); // Should handle exception when sending email Mail::shouldReceive('to') ->once() ->andThrow(new \Mockery\Exception('A fake exception.')); $this->flushSession(); $this->withSession(['phrase' => 'a']) ->postJson('/auth/forgot', [ 'email' => $user->email, 'captcha' => 'a', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 2, 'msg' => trans('auth.forgot.failed', ['msg' => 'A fake exception.']), ]); // Addition: Mailable test $site_name = option_localized('site_name'); $mailable = new ForgotPassword('url'); $mailable->build(); $this->assertTrue($mailable->hasFrom(config('mail.username'), $site_name)); $this->assertEquals(trans('auth.forgot.mail.title', ['sitename' => $site_name]), $mailable->subject); $this->assertEquals('mails.password-reset', $mailable->view); } public function testReset() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $this->get( URL::temporarySignedRoute('auth.reset', now()->addHour(), ['uid' => $user->uid]) )->assertSuccessful(); } public function testHandleReset() { $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $url = URL::temporarySignedRoute('auth.reset', now()->addHour(), ['uid' => $user->uid]); // Should return a warning if `password` is empty $this->postJson($url) ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'password']), ]); // Should return a warning if `password` is too short $this->postJson( $url, [ 'password' => '123', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.min.string', ['attribute' => 'password', 'min' => 8]), ]); // Should return a warning if `password` is too long $this->postJson( $url, [ 'password' => Str::random(33), ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.max.string', ['attribute' => 'password', 'max' => 32]), ]); // Success $this->postJson( $url, [ 'password' => '12345678', ])->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('auth.reset.success'), ]); // We must re-query the user model, // because the old instance hasn't been changed // after resetting password. $user = User::find($user->uid); $this->assertTrue($user->verifyPassword('12345678')); } public function testVerify() { $url = URL::signedRoute('auth.verify', ['uid' => 1]); // Should be forbidden if account verification is disabled option(['require_verification' => false]); $this->get($url)->assertSee(trans('user.verification.disabled')); option(['require_verification' => true]); $this->get($url)->assertSee(trans('auth.verify.invalid')); $user = factory(User::class)->create(); $url = URL::signedRoute('auth.verify', ['uid' => $user->uid]); $this->get($url)->assertSee(trans('auth.verify.invalid')); $user = factory(User::class)->create(['verified' => false]); $url = URL::signedRoute('auth.verify', ['uid' => $user->uid]); $this->get($url)->assertViewIs('auth.verify'); $this->assertEquals(1, User::find($user->uid)->verified); } }