login: title: Log In button: Log In message: Log in to manage your skin & players keep: Remember me success: Logged in successfully~ check: anonymous: Illegal access. Please log in first. admin: Only admins are permitted to access this page. banned: You are banned on this site. Please contact the admin. token: Invalid token. Please log in. register: title: Register button: Register message: Welcome to :sitename! nickname-intro: Whatever you like expect special characters repeat-pwd: Repeat your password close: Well, this site doesn't allow any register. success: Registered successfully. Redirecting... max: You can't register more than :regs accounts. registered: The email address is already registered. forgot: title: Forgot Password button: Send message: We will send you an E-mail to verify. login-link: I do remember it close: Password resetting is not available now. frequent-mail: You click the send button too fast. Wait for 60 secs, guy. unregistered: The email address is not registered. mail: title: Reset your password on :sitename success: Mail is sent. Will be expired in 1 hour, please check. failed: Fail to send mail, detailed message :msg message: You are receiving this email because this email address was used to reset your password on :sitename ignore: If you haven't signed up on our site, please ignore this email. No unsubscribing is required. reset: Reset your password notice: This mail is sending automatically, no reponses will be sent if you reply. reset: title: Reset Password button: Reset invalid: Invalid link. expired: This link is expired. message: :username, reset your email address here. success: Password resetted successfully. bind: title: Bind Email button: Bind message: You need to fill your email adderss to continue. introduction: Email addresses will be used for password resetting. We won't send you any spam. registered: The email address is already registered. validation: identification: Invalid format of email or player name. email: Email format is invalid. captcha: Wrong CAPTCHA. user: Unexistent user. password: Wrong email or password. logout: success: Logged out successfully~ fail: No valid session. nickname: Nickname email: Email identification: Email or player name password: Password captcha: Please enter the CAPTCHA. change-captcha: Click to change CAPTCHA image. login-link: Already registered? Log in here. forgot-link: Forgot your password? register-link: Register new account