input('lang')) { cookie()->queue('locale', $locale); session(['locale' => $locale]); app()->setLocale($locale); } } public function welcome() { // already installed if (self::checkTablesExist()) { return view('setup.locked'); } else { $config = config('database.connections.mysql'); return view('setup.wizard.welcome')->with('server', "{$config['username']}@{$config['host']}"); } } public function update() { if (version_compare(config('app.version'), option('version', ''), '<=')) { // no updates available return view('setup.locked'); } return view('setup.updates.welcome'); } public function doUpdate() { $resource = opendir(database_path('update_scripts')); $updateScriptExist = false; $tips = []; while($filename = @readdir($resource)) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { preg_match('/update-(.*)-to-(.*).php/', $filename, $matches); // skip if the file is not valid or expired if (!isset($matches[2]) || version_compare($matches[2], config('app.version'), '<')) { continue; } $result = require database_path('update_scripts')."/$filename"; if (is_array($result)) { // push tip to array foreach ($result as $tip) { $tips[] = $tip; } } $updateScriptExist = true; } } closedir($resource); foreach (config('options') as $key => $value) { if (!Option::has($key)) Option::set($key, $value); } if (!$updateScriptExist) { // if update script is not given Option::set('version', config('app.version')); } return view('setup.updates.success', ['tips' => $tips]); } public function info() { if (self::checkTablesExist()) { return view('setup.locked'); } return view(''); } public function finish(Request $request) { if (self::checkTablesExist()) { return view('setup.locked'); } $this->validate($request, [ 'email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:6|max:16|confirmed', 'site_name' => 'required' ]); // create tables Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true]); Option::set('site_name', $request->input('site_name')); Option::set('site_url', url('/')); // register super admin $user = User::register( $request->input('email'), $request->input('password'), function ($user) { $user->ip = Utils::getClientIp(); $user->score = option('user_initial_score'); $user->register_at = Utils::getTimeFormatted(); $user->last_sign_at = Utils::getTimeFormatted(time() - 86400); $user->permission = User::SUPER_ADMIN; }); $this->createDirectories(); return view('setup.wizard.finish')->with([ 'email' => $request->input('email'), 'password' => $request->input('password') ]); } /** * Check if the given tables exist in current database. * * @param array $tables * @return bool */ public static function checkTablesExist($tables = [ 'users', 'closets', 'players', 'textures', 'options' ]) { $totalTables = 0; foreach ($tables as $tableName) { // prefix will be added automatically if (Schema::hasTable($tableName)) { $totalTables++; } } if ($totalTables == count($tables)) { return true; } else { // not installed completely foreach (array_merge($tables, ['migrations']) as $tableName) { Schema::dropIfExists($tableName); } return false; } } public static function checkTextureDirectory() { if (!Storage::disk('storage')->has('textures')) { // mkdir if (!Storage::disk('storage')->makeDirectory('textures')) return false; } return true; } protected function createDirectories() { return self::checkTextureDirectory(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function formatValidationErrors(Validator $validator) { return $validator->errors()->all(); } }