3) { if (strtolower(Utils::getValue('captcha', $_POST)) != strtolower($_SESSION['phrase'])) View::json('验证码填写错误', 1); } if (!$user->is_registered) { View::json('用户不存在哦', 2); } else { if ($user->checkPasswd($_POST['password'])) { $_SESSION['token'] = $user->getToken(); unset($_SESSION['login_fails']); header('Content-type: application/json'); // setcookie('email', $user->email, time()+3600, '/'); // setcookie('token', $user->getToken(), time()+3600, '/'); echo json_encode([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => '登录成功,欢迎回来~', 'token' => $user->getToken() ]); } else { $_SESSION['login_fails'] = isset($_SESSION['login_fails']) ? $_SESSION['login_fails'] + 1 : 1; View::json([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => '邮箱或密码不对哦~', 'login_fails' => $_SESSION['login_fails'] ]); } } } public function logout() { if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) { session_destroy(); View::json('登出成功~', 0); } else { throw new E('并没有有效的 session', 1); } } public function register() { if (Option::get('user_can_register') == 1) { View::show('auth.register'); } else { throw new E('残念。。本皮肤站已经关闭注册咯 QAQ', 7, true); } } public function handleRegister() { if (strtolower(Utils::getValue('captcha', $_POST)) != strtolower($_SESSION['phrase'])) View::json('验证码填写错误', 1); $user = new User($_POST['email']); if (!$user->is_registered) { if (Option::get('user_can_register') == 1) { if (\Validate::password($_POST['password'])) { // If amount of registered accounts of IP is more than allowed mounts, // then reject the registration. if (count(UserModel::where('ip', \Http::getRealIP())->get()) < Option::get('regs_per_ip')) { // use once md5 to encrypt password $user = $user->register($_POST['password'], \Http::getRealIP()); $user->setNickName($_POST['nickname']); echo json_encode([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => '注册成功,正在跳转~', 'token' => $user->getToken() ]); } else { View::json('你最多只能注册 '.Option::get('regs_per_ip').' 个账户哦', 7); } } } else { View::json('残念。。本皮肤站已经关闭注册咯 QAQ', 7); } } else { View::json('这个邮箱已经注册过啦,换一个吧', 5); } } public function forgot() { if ($_ENV['MAIL_HOST'] != "") { View::show('auth.forgot'); } else { throw new E('本站已关闭重置密码功能', 8, true); } } public function handleForgot() { if (strtolower(Utils::getValue('captcha', $_POST)) != strtolower($_SESSION['phrase'])) View::json('验证码填写错误', 1); if ($_ENV['MAIL_HOST'] == "") View::json('本站已关闭重置密码功能', 1); if (isset($_SESSION['last_mail_time']) && (time() - $_SESSION['last_mail_time']) < 60) View::json('你邮件发送得太频繁啦,过 60 秒后再点发送吧', 1); $user = new User($_POST['email']); if (!$user->is_registered) View::json('该邮箱尚未注册', 1); $mail = new Mail(); $mail->from(Option::get('site_name')) ->to($_POST['email']) ->subject('重置您在 '.Option::get('site_name').' 上的账户密码'); $uid = $user->uid; $token = base64_encode($user->getToken().substr(time(), 4, 6).Utils::generateRndString(16)); $url = Option::get('site_url')."/auth/reset?uid={$uid}&token=$token"; $content = View::make('auth.mail')->with('reset_url', $url)->render(); if(!$mail->content($content)->send()) { View::json('邮件发送失败,详细信息:'.$mail->getLastError(), 2); } else { $_SESSION['last_mail_time'] = time(); View::json('邮件已发送,一小时内有效,请注意查收.', 0); } } public function reset() { if (isset($_GET['uid']) && isset($_GET['token'])) { $user = new User('', $_GET['uid']); if (!$user->is_registered) \Http::redirect('./forgot', '无效的链接'); $token = substr(base64_decode($_GET['token']), 0, -22); if ($user->getToken() != $token) { \Http::redirect('./forgot', '无效的链接'); } $timestamp = substr(base64_decode($_GET['token']), strlen($token), 6); // more than 1 hour if ((substr(time(), 4, 6) - $timestamp) > 3600) { \Http::redirect('./forgot', '链接已过期'); } echo View::make('auth.reset')->with('user', $user); } else { \Http::redirect('./login', '非法访问'); } } public function handleReset() { \Validate::checkPost(['uid', 'password']); if (\Validate::password($_POST['password'])) { $user = new User('', $_POST['uid']); $user->changePasswd($_POST['password']); View::json('密码重置成功', 0); } } public function captcha() { $builder = new \Gregwar\Captcha\CaptchaBuilder; $builder->build($width = 100, $height = 34); $_SESSION['phrase'] = $builder->getPhrase(); header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $builder->output(); } }