uname = Utils::convertString($uname); $this->db = new Database(); if ($this->db->checkRecordExist('username', $this->uname)) { $this->passwd = $this->db->select('username', $this->uname)['password']; $this->token = md5($this->uname . $this->passwd.SALT); $this->is_registered = true; if ($this->db->select('username', $this->uname)['uid'] == 1) { $this->is_admin = true; } } } public function checkPasswd($raw_passwd) { if (md5($raw_passwd) == $this->passwd) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static function checkValidUname($uname) { return preg_match("/^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/", $uname); } public static function checkValidPwd($passwd) { if (strlen($passwd) > 16 || strlen($passwd) < 5) { Utils::raise(1, '无效的密码。密码长度应该大于 6 并小于 15。'); } else if (Utils::convertString($passwd) != $passwd) { Utils::raise(1, '无效的密码。密码中包含了奇怪的字符。'); } return true; } public function changePasswd($new_passwd) { $this->db->update($this->uname, 'password', md5($new_passwd)); } public function getToken() { return $this->token; } public function register($passwd, $ip) { return $this->db->insert(array( "uname" => $this->uname, "passwd" => $passwd, "ip" => $ip )); } public function unRegister() { if ($this->getTexture('steve') != "") Utils::remove("./textures/".$this->getTexture('steve')); if ($this->getTexture('alex') != "") Utils::remove("./textures/".$this->getTexture('alex')); if ($this->getTexture('cape') != "") Utils::remove("./textures/".$this->getTexture('cape')); return $this->db->delete($this->uname); } public function reset() { for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { switch($i) { case 1: $type = "steve"; break; case 2: $type = "alex"; break; case 3: $type = "cape"; break; } if ($this->getTexture($type) != "") Utils::remove("./textures/".$this->getTexture($type)); $this->db->update($this->uname, 'hash_'.$type, ''); } $this->db->update($this->uname, 'preference', 'default'); } /** * Get textures of user * @param string $type steve|alex|cape, 'skin' for texture of preferred model * @return string sha256-hash of texture file */ public function getTexture($type) { if ($type == "skin") $type = ($this->getPreference() == "default") ? "steve" : "alex"; if ($type == "steve" | $type == "alex" | $type == "cape") return $this->db->select('username', $this->uname)['hash_'.$type]; return false; } public function getBinaryTexture($type) { $filename = "./textures/".$this->getTexture($type); if (file_exists($filename)) { header('Content-Type: image/png'); // Cache friendly header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $this->getLastModified()).' GMT'); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename)); return Utils::fread($filename); } else { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 404 Not Found"); Utils::raise(-1, 'Texture no longer exists.'); } } public function setTexture($type, $file) { // Remove the original texture first if ($this->getTexture($type) != "") Utils::remove("./textures/".$this->getTexture($type)); $this->updateLastModified(); $hash = Utils::upload($file); if ($type == "steve" | $type == "alex" | $type == "cape") return $this->db->update($this->uname, 'hash_'.$type, $hash); return false; } /** * Set preferred model * @param string $type, 'slim' or 'default' */ public function setPreference($type) { return $this->db->update($this->uname, 'preference', $type); } public function getPreference() { return $this->db->select('username', $this->uname)['preference']; } /** * Get JSON profile * @param int $api_type, which API to use, 0 for CustomSkinAPI, 1 for UniSkinAPI * @return string, user profile in json format */ public function getJsonProfile($api_type) { header('Content-type: application/json'); if ($this->is_registered) { // Support both CustomSkinLoader API & UniSkinAPI if ($api_type == 0 || $api_type == 1) { $json[($api_type == 0) ? 'username' : 'player_name'] = $this->uname; $model = $this->getPreference(); $sec_model = ($model == 'default') ? 'slim' : 'default'; if ($api_type == 1) { $json['last_update'] = $this->getLastModified(); $json['model_preference'] = [$model, $sec_model]; } // Skins dict order by preference model $json['skins'][$model] = $this->getTexture($model == "default" ? "steve" : "alex"); $json['skins'][$sec_model] = $this->getTexture($sec_model == "default" ? "steve" : "alex"); $json['cape'] = $this->getTexture('cape'); } else { Utils::raise(-1, '配置文件错误:不支持的 API_TYPE。'); } } else { $json['errno'] = 1; $json['msg'] = "Non-existent user."; } return json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } public function updateLastModified() { // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2215354/php-date-format-when-inserting-into-datetime-in-mysql return $this->db->update($this->uname, 'last_modified', date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } /** * Get last modified time * @return timestamp */ public function getLastModified() { return strtotime($this->db->select('username', $this->uname)['last_modified']); } }