# blessing-skin-server Just a simple open-source Minecraft skin server write in PHP. Live demo is now unavailable because of my fault that typing in wrong path when excute `chsh` on my VPS :( ![screenshot](https://img.prinzeugen.net/image.php?di=TASP) Features: ----------- - Support latest [UniSkinAPI](https://github.com/RecursiveG/UniSkinServer/blob/master/doc/UniSkinAPI_zh-CN.md) - Also support legacy link style for UniSkinMod before 1.3 - Nothing else... Installation: ----------- 1. Configure your database information in config.php 2. Run `./admin/install.php` 3. Configure your rewrite rules in your `nginx.conf` 3. Register or login with `admin/123456` 4. Upload your skin/cape 5. Configure your url in `UniSkinMod.cfg` of Minecraft client 6. Enjoy~ Server configure: ------------ Add rewrite rules to your nginx.conf: ``` if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/([^/]*).json$ /index.php?action=get&type=json&uname=$1 last; rewrite ^/skin/([^/]*).png$ /index.php?action=get&type=skin&uname=$1 last; rewrite ^/cape/([^/]*).png$ /index.php?action=get&type=cape&uname=$1 last; break; } ``` Well, I need more time to add a fancy route instead of these shit :( Now you can access `/path/to/root/username.json` to get your json profile. After uploading skins, you can also access `/path/to/root/skin/username.png` for skin image or `/path/to/root/cape/username.png` for cape. Client configure: ------------ #### For UniSkinMod version >= 1.3 Put your root directory of skin server( like `/path/to/root` above ) into your `/config/UniSkinMod.cfg` of Minecraft client Sample: ``` # Line starts with '#' is a commit line # Line starts with 'Root: ' indicates a server # All servers will be queried in that order. # Server in front has higher priority # Official server has the lowest priority # No more legacy style link support! # SkinMe Default Root: http://www.skinme.cc/uniskin # Your Server Root: http://fuck.io/path/to/root ``` #### For UniSkinMod version < 1.3 or other Also put your url into `/config/UniSkinMod.cfg`, but you need to fill 2 urls for skin and cape Sample: ``` Version: 1 # Do not edit the line above Skin: http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftSkins/%s.png Cape: http://skins.minecraft.net/MinecraftCloaks/%s.png # Your Server Skin: http://fuck.io/path/to/root/skin/%s.png Cape: http://fuck.io/path/to/root/cape/%s.png ```