/*! * Blessing Skin English Translations * * @see https://github.com/printempw/blessing-skin-server * @author printempw * * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.locales['en'] = { auth: { // Login emptyIdentification: 'Empty email/player name.', emptyPassword: 'Password is required.', emptyCaptcha: 'Empty password.', login: 'Log In', loggingIn: 'Logging In', tooManyFails: 'You fails too many times! Please enter the CAPTCHA.', // Register emptyEmail: 'Empty email address.', invalidEmail: 'Invalid format of email address.', invalidPassword: 'Invalid password. The length of password should between 8 and 16.', emptyConfirmPwd: 'Empty confirming password.', invalidConfirmPwd: 'Confirming password is not equal with password.', emptyNickname: 'Empty nickname.', register: 'Register', registering: 'Registering', // Reset Password send: 'Send', sending: 'Sending', reset: 'Reset', resetting: 'Resetting' }, skinlib: { // Like addToCloset: 'Add to closet', removeFromCloset: 'Remove from closet', setItemName: 'Set a name for this texture', emptyItemName: 'Empty texture name.', // Rename setNewTextureName: 'Please enter the new texture name:', emptyNewTextureName: 'Empty new texture name.', // Skinlib filter: { skin: '(Any Model)', steve: '(Steve)', alex: '(Alex)', cape: '(Cape)', uploader: 'User (UID = :uid) Uploaded', allUsers: 'All Users' }, sort: { time: 'Newestly Uploaded', likes: 'Most Likes' }, // Upload emptyTextureName: 'Empty texture name.', emptyTextureType: 'Please select a type for this texture.', emptyUploadFile: 'You have not uploaded any file.', encodingError: 'Error: Encoding of this file is not accepted.', fileExtError: 'Error: Textures should be PNG files.', upload: 'Upload', uploading: 'Uploading', redirecting: 'Redirecting...', // Change Privacy setAsPrivate: 'Set as Private', setAsPublic: 'Set as Public', setPublicNotice: 'Sure to set this as public texture?', deleteNotice: 'Are you sure to delete this texture?' }, user: { signInRemainingTime: 'Available after :time hours', // Closet emptyClosetMsg: '

Nothing in your closet...

Why not explore the Skin Library for a while?

', renameItem: 'Rename item', removeItem: 'Remove from closet', setAsAvatar: 'Set as avatar', viewInSkinlib: 'View in skin library', switch2dPreview: 'Switch to 2D Preview', switch3dPreview: 'Switch to 3D Preview', removeFromClosetNotice: 'Sure to remove this texture from your closet?', emptySelectedPlayer: 'No player is selected.', emptySelectedTexture: 'No texture is selected.', renameClosetItem: 'Set a new name for this item:', // Player changePlayerName: 'Please enter the player name:', emptyPlayerName: 'Empty player name.', clearTexture: 'Sure to clear the skins & cape of this player?', deletePlayer: 'Sure to delete this player?', deletePlayerNotice: 'It\'s permanent. No backups.', chooseClearTexture: 'Choose texture types you want to clear', noClearChoice: 'You haven\'t choose any types', // Profile setAvatar: 'Sure to set this as your avatar?', setAvatarNotice: 'The head segment of skin will bu used.', emptyNewNickName: 'Empty new nickname.', changeNickName: 'SUre to set your nickname to :new_nickname?', emptyPassword: 'Original password is required.', emptyNewPassword: 'Empty new password.', emptyNewEmail: 'Empty new email address.', changeEmail: 'Sure to change your email address to :new_email?', emptyDeletePassword: 'Please enter the current password:' }, admin: { operationsTitle: 'Operations', // Users ban: 'Ban', unban: 'Unban', setAdmin: 'Set as admin', unsetAdmin: 'Remove admin', deleteUser: 'Delete User', cannotDeleteAdmin: 'You can\'t delete admins.', cannotDeleteSuperAdmin: 'You can\'t delete super admin in this way', changeEmail: 'Edit Email', changeNickName: 'Edit Nickname', changePassword: 'Edit Password', newUserEmail: 'Please enter the new email:', newUserNickname: 'Please enter the new nickname:', newUserPassword: 'Please enter the new password:', deleteUserNotice: 'Are you sure to delete this user? It\' permanent.', scoreTip: 'Press ENTER to submit new score', doubleClickToSeeUser: 'Double click to see info of this user', doubleClickToSeePlayers: 'Double click to see his/her players', // Status banned: 'Banned', normal: 'Normal', admin: 'Admin', superAdmin: 'Super Admin', // Players textureType: 'Texture Type', skin: 'Skin (:model Model)', cape: 'Cape', pid: 'Texture ID', pidNotice: 'Please enter the tid of texture. Inputting 0 can clear texture of this player.', changePlayerTexture: 'Change textures of :player', changeTexture: 'Change Textures', changePlayerName: 'Change Player Name', changeOwner: 'Change Owner', deletePlayer: 'Delete', changePlayerOwner: 'Please enter the id of user which this player should be transferred to:', deletePlayerNotice: 'Are you sure to delete this player? It\' permanent.', targetUser: 'Target user is :nickname', noSuchUser: 'No such user', changePlayerNameNotice: 'Please input new player name:', emptyPlayerName: 'Player name cannot be empty.', // Index textureUploads: 'Texture Uploads', userRegistration: 'User Registration', // Plugins configurePlugin: 'Configure', noPluginConfigNotice: 'The plugin has been disabled or no configuration is provided.', deletePlugin: 'Delete', statusEnabled: 'Enabled', statusDisabled: 'Disabled', enablePlugin: 'Enable', disablePlugin: 'Disable', confirmDeletion: 'Are you sure to delete this plugin?', // Update preparing: 'Preparing', downloadCompleted: 'Update package download completed.', extracting: 'Extracting update package..' }, general: { skin: 'Skin', cape: 'Cape', fatalError: 'Fatal Error (Please contact the author)', confirmLogout: 'Sure to log out?', confirm: 'OK', cancel: 'Cancel', more: 'More', pagination: 'Page :page, total :total', searchResult: '(Search result of keyword ":keyword")', noResult: 'No result.' } }; })(window.jQuery);