index: total-users: Registered Users total-players: Players total-textures: Uploaded Textures disk-usage: Disk Usage overview: Overview users: players-count: title: Players Count status: title: Status normal: Normal banned: Banned admin: Admin super-admin: Super Admin operations: title: Operations non-existent: No such user. email: change: Edit Email existed: :email is existed. success: Email changed successfully. nickname: change: Edit Nickname success: Nickname changed successfully. password: change: Edit Password success: Password changed successfully. score: success: Score changed successfully. admin: set: text: Set as Admin success: The account has been set as admin. unset: text: Remove Admin success: The account's admin privilege has been removed. cant-set: Only super admins can do the operation cant-unset: Can't remove super admin privilege ban: ban: text: Ban success: The account has been banned. unban: text: Unban success: The account has been unbanned. cant-super-admin: You can't ban super admin. cant-admin: Only super admins are able to ban admins. delete: delete: Delete User success: The account has been deleted successfully. cant-super-admin: You can't delete super admin in this way cant-admin: You can't delete admins. players: operations: title: Operations preference: success: The preference of player [:player] has been changed to :preference textures: change: Change Textures non-existent: No such texture tid.:tid success: The textures of :player has been updated. name: success: Player name has been updated to :player owner: change: Change Owner success: The player :player was transferred to user :user. delete: delete: Delete success: The player has been deleted successfully. customize: change-color: title: Change theme color success: Theme color updated. colors: blue: Blue (Default) blue-light: Blue Light yellow: Yellow yellow-light: Yellow Light green: Green green-light: Green Light purple: Purple purple-light: Purple Light red: Red red-light: Red Light black: Black black-light: Black Light plugins: name: Name description: Description author: Author version: Version status: title: Status enabled: Enabled disabled: Disabled operations: title: Operations enabled: :plugin has been enabled. disabled: :plugin has been disabled. deleted: The plugin was deleted successfully. no-config-notice: The plugin is not installed or doesn't provide configuration page. empty: No result update: complete: Update completed info: title: Update Information up-to-date: Already up-to-date. available: New version available. pre-release-warning: This update is a pre-release, please double check before updating. versions: latest: "Latest Version:" current: "Current Version:" release-time: "Release Time:" pre-release: You are now using pre-release version. change-log: text: "Change Log:" empty: Empty downloads: text: "Download Link:" link: Click to download full program package. check-github: Check GitHub Releases button: Update Now cautions: title: Cautions text: | Please choose update source according to your host location. Low-speed connection between update source and your host will cause long-time loading at checking/downloading page. download: downloading: Downloading update package... size: "Size of package:" errors: prefix: "An error occured: " connection: "Unable to access to current update source. Details:" write-permission: Unable to make cache directory. Please sure permission. unzip: "Failed to unzip update file. Error code: " overwrite: Unable to overwrite files.