user = factory(User::class)->create(); return $this->actAs($this->user); } public function testIndex() { $this->get('/user/closet')->assertViewHas('user'); } public function testGetClosetData() { $textures = factory(Texture::class, 10)->create(); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $textures->each(function ($texture) use ($closet) { $closet->add($texture->tid, $texture->name); }); $closet->save(); // Use default query parameters $this->getJson('/user/closet-data') ->assertJsonStructure([ 'category', 'total_pages', 'items' => [['tid', 'name', 'type', 'add_at']] ]); // Responsive $result = $this->json('get', '/user/closet-data?perPage=0')->json(); $this->assertCount(6, $result['items']); $result = $this->json('get', '/user/closet-data?perPage=8')->json(); $this->assertCount(8, $result['items']); $result = $this->json('get', '/user/closet-data?perPage=8&page=2')->json(); $this->assertCount(2, $result['items']); // Get capes $cape = factory(Texture::class, 'cape')->create(); $closet->add($cape->tid, 'custom_name'); $closet->save(); $this->getJson('/user/closet-data?category=cape') ->assertJson([ 'category' => 'cape', 'total_pages' => 1, 'items' => [[ 'tid' => $cape->tid, 'name' => 'custom_name', 'type' => 'cape', 'add_at' => $closet->get($cape->tid)['add_at'] ]] ]); // Search by keyword $random = $textures->random(); $this->getJson('/user/closet-data?q='.$random->name) ->assertJson([ 'category' => 'skin', 'total_pages' => 1, 'items' => [[ 'tid' => $random->tid, 'name' => $random->name, 'type' => $random->type, 'add_at' => $closet->get($random->tid)['add_at'] ]] ]); } public function testAdd() { $texture = factory(Texture::class)->create(); $name = 'my'; option(['score_per_closet_item' => 10]); // Missing `tid` field $this->postJson('/user/closet/add', [], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']) ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'tid']) ]); // `tid` is not a integer $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => 'string'], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.integer', ['attribute' => 'tid']) ]); // Missing `name` field $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => 0], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'name']) ]); // `name` field has special characters $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => 0, 'name' => '\\'], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.no_special_chars', ['attribute' => 'name']) ]); // The user doesn't have enough score to add a texture $this->user->setScore(0); $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => $texture->tid, 'name' => $name] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 7, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.add.lack-score') ]); // Add a not-existed texture $this->user->setScore(100); $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => -1, 'name' => 'my'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.add.not-found') ]); // Add a texture successfully $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => $texture->tid, 'name' => $name] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.add.success', ['name' => $name]) ]); $this->assertEquals($texture->likes + 1, Texture::find($texture->tid)->likes); $this->user = User::find($this->user->uid); $this->assertEquals(90, $this->user->score); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $this->assertTrue($closet->has($texture->tid)); // If the texture is duplicated, should be warned $this->postJson( '/user/closet/add', ['tid' => $texture->tid, 'name' => $name] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.add.repeated') ]); } public function testRename() { $texture = factory(Texture::class)->create(); $name = 'new'; // Missing `tid` field $this->postJson('/user/closet/rename', [], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']) ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'tid']) ]); // `tid` is not a integer $this->postJson( '/user/closet/rename', ['tid' => 'string'], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.integer', ['attribute' => 'tid']) ]); // Missing `new_name` field $this->postJson( '/user/closet/rename', ['tid' => 0], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'new name']) ]); // `new_name` field has special characters $this->postJson( '/user/closet/rename', ['tid' => 0, 'new_name' => '\\'], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.no_special_chars', ['attribute' => 'new name']) ]); // Rename a not-existed texture $this->postJson( '/user/closet/rename', ['tid' => -1, 'new_name' => $name] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.remove.non-existent') ]); // Rename a closet item successfully $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $closet->add($texture->tid, 'name'); $closet->save(); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $this->postJson( '/user/closet/rename', ['tid' => $texture->tid, 'new_name' => $name] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.rename.success', ['name' => 'new']) ]); $closet->save(); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $this->assertFalse(collect($closet->getItems())->where('name', 'new')->isEmpty()); } public function testRemove() { $texture = factory(Texture::class)->create(); // Missing `tid` field $this->postJson('/user/closet/remove', [], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']) ->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => 'tid']) ]); // `tid` is not a integer $this->postJson( '/user/closet/remove', ['tid' => 'string'], ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('validation.integer', ['attribute' => 'tid']) ]); // Rename a not-existed texture $this->postJson( '/user/closet/remove', ['tid' => -1] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 1, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.remove.non-existent') ]); // Should return score if `return_score` is true $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $closet->add($texture->tid, 'name'); $closet->save(); $score = $this->user->score; $this->postJson( '/user/closet/remove', ['tid' => $texture->tid] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.remove.success') ]); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $this->assertEquals($texture->likes - 1, Texture::find($texture->tid)->likes); $this->assertEquals($score + option('score_per_closet_item'), $this->user->score); $this->assertFalse($closet->has($texture->tid)); $texture = Texture::find($texture->tid); // Should not return score if `return_score` is false option(['return_score' => false]); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $closet->add($texture->tid, 'name'); $closet->save(); $score = $this->user->score; $this->postJson( '/user/closet/remove', ['tid' => $texture->tid] )->assertJson([ 'errno' => 0, 'msg' => trans('user.closet.remove.success') ]); $closet = new Closet($this->user->uid); $this->assertEquals($texture->likes - 1, Texture::find($texture->tid)->likes); $this->assertEquals($score, $this->user->score); $this->assertFalse($closet->has($texture->tid)); } }