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Are you puzzled by losing your custom skins in Minecraft servers runing in offline mode? Now you can easily get them back with the help of Blessing Skin! Blessing Skin is a web application where you can upload, manage and share your custom skins & capes! Unlike modifying a resource pack, everyone in the game will see the different skins of each other (of course they should register at the same website too). Blessing Skin is an open-source project written in PHP, which means you can deploy it freely on your own web server! ## Features - A fully functional skin hosting service - Multiple player names can be owned by one user on the website - Share your skins and capes online with skin library! - Easy-to-use - Visual page for user/player/texture management - Detailed option pages - Many tweaks for a better UI/UX - Security - Support many secure password hash algorithms - Email verification for registration - Score system for preventing evil requests - Incredibly extensible - Plenty of plugins available - Integration with Authme/CrazyLogin/Discuz (available as plugin) - Support custom Yggdrasil API authentication (available as plugin) ## Requirements Blessing Skin has only a few system requirements. _In most cases, these PHP extensions are already enabled._ - Web server with URL rewriting enabled - **PHP >= 7.1.8** (use v2.x branch if your server doesn't meet the requirements) - OpenSSL PHP Extension - PDO PHP Extension - Mbstring PHP Extension - Tokenizer PHP Extension - GD PHP Extension - XML PHP Extension - Ctype PHP Extension - JSON PHP Extension - fileinfo PHP Extension ## Quick Install 1. Download our [latest release](https://github.com/bs-community/blessing-skin-server/releases), extract to where you like to installed on. 2. Rename `.env.example` to `.env` and configure your database information. (For windows users, just rename it to `.env.`, and the last dot will be removed automatically) 3. For Nginx users, add [rewrite rules](#configure-the-web-server) to your Nginx configuration 4. Navigate to `http://your-domain.com/setup` in your browser. If 404 is returned, please check whether the rewrite rules works correctly. 5. Follow the setup wizard and your website is ready-to-go. ## Plugin System Blessing Skin provides an elegant and powerful plugin system, and you can attach plenty of functions and customization to your site via installing plugins. For more information, please refer to [Wiki - Introducing plugin system](https://github.com/bs-community/blessing-skin-server/wiki/%E6%8F%92%E4%BB%B6%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D). ## Supporting Blessing Skin Welcome to sponsoring Blessing Skin if this software is useful for you! Currently you can sponsor us via [爱发电](https://afdian.net/@blessing-skin). ### Sponsors
dz_paji |
ExDragine |
pppwaw |
Little_Qiu |
麻花 |
Mangocraft |