diff --git a/resources/lang/en/user.yml b/resources/lang/en/user.yml index 659a68b7..f2528383 100644 --- a/resources/lang/en/user.yml +++ b/resources/lang/en/user.yml @@ -18,14 +18,16 @@ score-intro: title: What is score? introduction: | We use score system to prevent the behaviors like uplaoding huge amount of textures and registering players casually. - Both adding players and uplaoding textures will consume your score. :return-score + Either adding players, uplaoding textures or adding a skinlib item to your closet will consume scores. + :return-score - The inital score of user on this site is :initial_score, you can acquire :score-from ~ :score-to scores by signing in. - will-return-score: The score will be returned if you deleted them. - no-return-score: But the score will NOT be returned if you deleted them. + New users will get :initial_score scores initially, and you can acquire :score-from ~ :score-to scores by daily signing in. + will-return-score: The score will be returned if you deleted players, uploaded textures or closet items. + no-return-score: The score will NOT be returned if you deleted players, uploaded textures or closet items. rates: storage: :score scores = 1 KB storage player: :score scores = 1 player + closet: :score socres = 1 closet item closet: upload: Upload Texture diff --git a/resources/lang/zh_CN/user.yml b/resources/lang/zh_CN/user.yml index c5f04ce2..1f96b2e7 100644 --- a/resources/lang/zh_CN/user.yml +++ b/resources/lang/zh_CN/user.yml @@ -17,22 +17,17 @@ announcement: 公告 score-intro: title: 积分是个啥? introduction: | - 「既然你诚心诚意地发问了!」 - 「那我们就大发慈悲地告诉你!」 - 「为了守护皮肤站的和平」 - 「为了防止皮肤站被破坏」 - 「贯彻爱与真实的。。呸!」上面只是卖下萌~ + 为了防止用户滥用材质上传功能导致占用过多的存储空间,本站已启用积分系统。 + 添加角色、上传材质,以及添加皮肤库里的材质到衣柜等操作均会消耗积分。 + :return-score - 为了不出现用户一个劲上传材质导致存储空间爆满,我们决定启用积分系统。 - 添加角色以及上传材质都会消耗积分,:return-score。 - - 本站用户初始积分为 :initial_score,每日签到可以随机获得 :score-from ~ :score-to 积分 - 添加皮肤库里的材质到衣柜不消耗积分。 - will-return-score: 而删除已经添加的角色和已上传的材质时积分将会被返还 - no-return-score: 但删除已经添加的角色和已上传的材质时积分不会被返还 + 本站用户初始积分为 :initial_score,每日签到可以随机获得 :score-from ~ :score-to 积分。 + will-return-score: 删除已经添加的角色、已上传的材质、衣柜中的收藏物品时将会返还相应积分。 + no-return-score: 删除已经添加的角色、已上传的材质、衣柜中的收藏物品时不会返还相应积分。 rates: storage: :score 积分 = 1 KB 存储空间 player: :score 积分 = 1 个角色 + closet: :score 积分 = 1 个衣柜收藏 closet: upload: 上传材质 diff --git a/resources/views/user/index.tpl b/resources/views/user/index.tpl index 3e7b8619..260e1398 100644 --- a/resources/views/user/index.tpl +++ b/resources/views/user/index.tpl @@ -123,12 +123,15 @@

{{ trans('user.score-intro.rates.storage', ['score' => option('score_per_storage')]) }}


{{ trans('user.score-intro.rates.player', ['score' => option('score_per_player')]) }}


{{ trans('user.score-intro.rates.closet', ['score' => option('score_per_closet_item')]) }}
