mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 13:26:47 +08:00
This commit is the result of the following actions: - Running gdb/copyright.py to update all of the copyright headers to include 2024, - Manually updating a few files the copyright.py script told me to update, these files had copyright headers embedded within the file, - Regenerating gdbsupport/Makefile.in to refresh it's copyright date, - Using grep to find other files that still mentioned 2023. If these files were updated last year from 2022 to 2023 then I've updated them this year to 2024. I'm sure I've probably missed some dates. Feel free to fix them up as you spot them.
627 lines
19 KiB
627 lines
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# Copyright 2017-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This file is part of the gdb testsuite.
# Any variable or procedure in the namespace whose name starts with
# "_" is private to the module. Do not use these.
namespace eval completion {
variable bell_re "\\\x07"
# List of all quote chars.
variable all_quotes_list {"'" "\""}
# List of all quote chars, including no-quote at all.
variable maybe_quoted_list {"" "'" "\""}
variable keyword_list {"-force-condition" "if" "inferior" "task" "thread"}
variable explicit_opts_list \
{"-function" "-label" "-line" "-qualified" "-source"}
# Make a regular expression that matches a TAB completion list.
proc make_tab_completion_list_re { completion_list } {
# readline separates the completion columns that fit on the same
# line with whitespace. Since we're testing under "set width
# unlimited", all completions will be printed on the same line.
# The amount of whitespace depends on the length of the widest
# completion. We could compute that here and expect the exact
# number of ws characters between each completion match, but to
# keep it simple, we accept any number of characters.
set ws " +"
set completion_list_re ""
foreach c $completion_list {
append completion_list_re [string_to_regexp $c]
append completion_list_re $ws
return $completion_list_re
# Make a regular expression that matches a "complete" command
# completion list. CMD_PREFIX is the command prefix added to each
# completion match.
proc make_cmd_completion_list_re { cmd_prefix completion_list start_quote_char end_quote_char } {
set completion_list_re ""
foreach c $completion_list {
# The command prefix is included in all completion matches.
append completion_list_re [string_to_regexp $cmd_prefix$start_quote_char$c$end_quote_char]
append completion_list_re "\r\n"
return $completion_list_re
# Clear the input line.
proc clear_input_line { test } {
global gdb_prompt
send_gdb "\003"
gdb_test_multiple "" "$test (clearing input line)" {
-re "Quit\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
# Test that completing LINE with TAB completes to nothing.
proc test_gdb_complete_tab_none { line { testname "" } } {
set line_re [string_to_regexp $line]
if { $testname eq "" } {
set testname "tab complete \"$line\""
} else {
set testname "tab complete: $testname"
send_gdb "$line\t"
gdb_test_multiple "" "$testname" {
-re "^$line_re$completion::bell_re$" {
pass $gdb_test_name
-re "$line_re\[^ \]+ $" {
fail $gdb_test_name
clear_input_line $testname
# Test that completing INPUT_LINE with TAB completes to
# COMPLETE_LINE_RE. APPEND_CHAR_RE is the character expected to be
# appended after EXPECTED_OUTPUT. Normally that's a whitespace, but
# in some cases it's some other character, like a colon.
proc test_gdb_complete_tab_unique { input_line complete_line_re append_char_re {testname ""} } {
if { $testname eq "" } {
set testname "tab complete \"$input_line\""
} else {
set testname "tab complete: $testname"
send_gdb "$input_line\t"
set res 1
gdb_test_multiple "" "$testname" {
-re "^$complete_line_re$append_char_re$" {
pass $gdb_test_name
timeout {
fail "$gdb_test_name (timeout)"
set res -1
clear_input_line $testname
return $res
# Test that completing INPUT_LINE with TAB completes to "INPUT_LINE +
# ADD_COMPLETED_LINE" and that it displays the completion matches in
# COMPLETION_LIST. If MAX_COMPLETIONS then we expect the completion
# to hit the max-completions limit.
proc test_gdb_complete_tab_multiple { input_line add_completed_line \
completion_list {max_completions false} \
{testname ""} } {
global gdb_prompt
set input_line_re [string_to_regexp $input_line]
set add_completed_line_re [string_to_regexp $add_completed_line]
set expected_re [make_tab_completion_list_re $completion_list]
if {$max_completions} {
append expected_re "\r\n"
append expected_re \
"\\*\\*\\* List may be truncated, max-completions reached\\. \\*\\*\\*"
if { $testname eq "" } {
set testname "tab complete \"$input_line\""
} else {
set testname "tab complete: $testname"
send_gdb "$input_line\t"
gdb_test_multiple "" "$testname (first tab)" {
-re "^${input_line_re}${completion::bell_re}$add_completed_line_re$" {
send_gdb "\t"
# If we auto-completed to an ambiguous prefix, we need an
# extra tab to show the matches list.
if {$add_completed_line != ""} {
send_gdb "\t"
set maybe_bell ${completion::bell_re}
} else {
set maybe_bell ""
gdb_test_multiple "" "$testname (second tab)" {
-re "^${maybe_bell}\r\n$expected_re\r\n$gdb_prompt " {
gdb_test_multiple "" "$testname (second tab)" {
-re "^$input_line_re$add_completed_line_re$" {
pass $gdb_test_name
-re "${maybe_bell}\r\n.+\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
fail $gdb_test_name
clear_input_line $testname
# Test that completing LINE with the complete command completes to
# nothing.
proc test_gdb_complete_cmd_none { line { testname "" } } {
if { $testname eq "" } {
set testname "cmd complete \"$line\""
} else {
set testname "cmd complete: $testname"
gdb_test_no_output "complete $line" $testname
# Test that completing LINE with the complete command completes to
# Returns 1 if the test passed, 0 if it failed, -1 if it timed out.
proc test_gdb_complete_cmd_unique { input_line complete_line_re {testname ""} } {
global gdb_prompt
set res 0
set cmd "complete $input_line"
set cmd_re [string_to_regexp $cmd]
if { $testname eq "" } {
set testname "cmd complete \"$input_line\""
} else {
set testname "cmd complete: $testname"
gdb_test_multiple $cmd $testname {
-re "^$cmd_re\r\n$complete_line_re\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $gdb_test_name
set res 1
-re "$gdb_prompt $" {
fail $gdb_test_name
timeout {
fail "$gdb_test_name (timeout)"
set res -1
return $res
# Test that completing "CMD_PREFIX + COMPLETION_WORD" with the
# complete command displays the COMPLETION_LIST completion list. Each
# entry in the list should be prefixed by CMD_PREFIX. If
# MAX_COMPLETIONS then we expect the completion to hit the
# max-completions limit.
proc test_gdb_complete_cmd_multiple { cmd_prefix completion_word completion_list {start_quote_char ""} {end_quote_char ""} {max_completions false} {testname ""} } {
global gdb_prompt
set expected_re [make_cmd_completion_list_re $cmd_prefix $completion_list $start_quote_char $end_quote_char]
if {$max_completions} {
set cmd_prefix_re [string_to_regexp $cmd_prefix]
append expected_re \
"$cmd_prefix_re \\*\\*\\* List may be truncated, max-completions reached\\. \\*\\*\\*.*\r\n"
set cmd_re [string_to_regexp "complete $cmd_prefix$completion_word"]
if { $testname eq "" } {
set testname "cmd complete \"$cmd_prefix$completion_word\""
} else {
set testname "cmd complete: $testname"
gdb_test_multiple "complete $cmd_prefix$completion_word" $testname {
-re "^$cmd_re\r\n$expected_re$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $gdb_test_name
-re "$gdb_prompt $" {
fail $gdb_test_name
# Test that completing LINE completes to nothing.
proc test_gdb_complete_none { input_line { testname "" } } {
if { [readline_is_used] } {
test_gdb_complete_tab_none $input_line $testname
test_gdb_complete_cmd_none $input_line $testname
# Test that completing INPUT_LINE completes to COMPLETE_LINE_RE.
# APPEND_CHAR is the character expected to be appended after
# EXPECTED_OUTPUT when TAB completing. Normally that's a whitespace,
# but in some cases it's some other character, like a colon.
# If MAX_COMPLETIONS is true, then we expect the completion to hit the
# max-completions limit. Since we're expecting a unique completion
# match, this will only be visible in the "complete" command output.
# Tab completion will just auto-complete the only match and won't
# display a match list.
# Note: usually it's more convenient to pass a literal string instead
# of a regular expression (as COMPLETE_LINE_RE). See
# test_gdb_complete_unique below.
proc test_gdb_complete_unique_re { input_line complete_line_re {append_char " "} {max_completions false} {testname ""} } {
set append_char_re [string_to_regexp $append_char]
# Trim COMPLETE LINE, for the case we're completing a command with leading
# whitespace. Leading command whitespace is discarded by GDB.
set expected_output_re [string trimleft $complete_line_re]
if {$append_char_re != " "} {
append expected_output_re $append_char_re
if {$max_completions} {
set max_completion_reached_msg \
"*** List may be truncated, max-completions reached. ***"
set input_line_re \
[string_to_regexp [string trimleft $input_line]]
set max_completion_reached_msg_re \
[string_to_regexp $max_completion_reached_msg]
append expected_output_re \
"\r\n$input_line_re $max_completion_reached_msg_re"
# First test completion with the command, then with tab.
# It is done in this order because cmd_complete knows when the output
# from GDB is over, so it can fail without requiring a timeout, which
# speeds up testing if necessary.
set test_result [test_gdb_complete_cmd_unique $input_line\
$expected_output_re $testname]
if { $test_result != 1 } {
return $test_result
if { [readline_is_used] } {
set test_result [test_gdb_complete_tab_unique $input_line \
$complete_line_re $append_char_re $testname]
return $test_result
# a regular expression.
proc test_gdb_complete_unique { input_line complete_line {append_char " "} {max_completions false} {testname ""} } {
set complete_line_re [string_to_regexp $complete_line]
test_gdb_complete_unique_re $input_line $complete_line_re $append_char $max_completions $testname
# Test that completing "CMD_PREFIX + COMPLETION_WORD" adds
# ADD_COMPLETED_LINE to the input line, and that it displays
# COMPLETION_LIST as completion match list. COMPLETION_WORD is the
# completion word. If MAX_COMPLETIONS then we expect the completion
# to hit the max-completions limit.
proc test_gdb_complete_multiple {
cmd_prefix completion_word add_completed_line completion_list
{start_quote_char ""} {end_quote_char ""} {max_completions false}
{testname ""}
} {
if { [readline_is_used] } {
test_gdb_complete_tab_multiple "$cmd_prefix$completion_word" $add_completed_line $completion_list $max_completions $testname
test_gdb_complete_cmd_multiple $cmd_prefix $completion_word $completion_list $start_quote_char $end_quote_char $max_completions $testname
# Test that all the substring prefixes of INPUT from [0..START) to
# [0..END) complete to COMPLETION_RE (a regular expression). If END
# is omitted, default to the length of INPUT.
proc test_complete_prefix_range_re {input completion_re start {end -1}} {
if {$end == -1} {
set end [string length $input]
set timeouts 0
set max_timeouts 3
for {set i $start} {$i < $end} {incr i} {
set line [string range $input 0 $i]
set res [test_gdb_complete_unique_re "$line" $completion_re]
if { $res == -1 } {
incr timeouts
} else {
if { $timeouts > 0 } {
set timeouts 0
if { $timeouts == $max_timeouts } {
verbose -log "Consecutive timeouts in test_complete_prefix_range_re, giving up"
# Test that all the substring prefixes of COMPLETION from [0..START)
# to [0..END) complete to COMPLETION. If END is omitted, default to
# the length of COMPLETION.
proc test_complete_prefix_range {completion start {end -1}} {
set completion_re [string_to_regexp $completion]
test_complete_prefix_range_re $completion $completion_re $start $end
# Find NEEDLE in HAYSTACK and return the index _after_ NEEDLE. E.g.,
# searching for "(" in "foo(int)" returns 4, which would be useful if
# you want to find the "(" to try completing "foo(".
proc index_after {needle haystack} {
set start [string first $needle $haystack]
if {$start == -1} {
error "could not find \"$needle\" in \"$haystack\""
return [expr $start + [string length $needle]]
# Create a breakpoint using BREAK_COMMAND, and return the number
# of locations found.
proc completion::_create_bp {break_command} {
global gdb_prompt
global decimal hex
set found_locations -1
set test "set breakpoint"
gdb_test_multiple "$break_command" $test {
-re "\\\(\($decimal\) locations\\\)\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
set found_locations "$expect_out(1,string)"
-re "Breakpoint $decimal at $hex: file .*, line .*$gdb_prompt $" {
set found_locations 1
-re "Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load.*y or .n.. $" {
send_gdb "n\n"
gdb_test_multiple "" "$test (prompt)" {
-re "$gdb_prompt $" {
set found_locations 0
-re "invalid explicit location argument, \[^\r\n\]*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
set found_locations 0
-re "Function \[^\r\n\]* not defined in \[^\r\n\]*\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
set found_locations 0
return $found_locations
# Return true if lists A and B have the same elements. Order of
# elements does not matter.
proc completion::_leq {a b} {
return [expr {[lsort $a] eq [lsort $b]}]
# Check that trying to create a breakpoint using BREAK_COMMAND fails.
proc check_setting_bp_fails {break_command} {
with_test_prefix "\"$break_command\" creates no bp locations" {
set found_locations [completion::_create_bp $break_command]
gdb_assert {$found_locations == 0} "matches"
if {$found_locations != 0} {
# Check that creating the breakpoint using BREAK_COMMAND finds the
# same breakpoint locations as completing BREAK_COMMAND.
# COMPLETION_LIST is the expected completion match list.
proc check_bp_locations_match_list {break_command completion_list} {
global gdb_prompt
global hex
with_test_prefix "compare \"$break_command\" completion list with bp location list" {
set num_locations [completion::_create_bp $break_command]
set found_list ""
set any "\[^\r\n\]*"
gdb_test_multiple "info breakpoint \$bpnum" "info breakpoint" {
-re "in \(\[^\r\n\]*\) at " {
# A function location.
set found_location "$expect_out(1,string)"
lappend found_list $found_location
-re "breakpoint${any}keep${any}y${any}$hex\[ \t]*\(${any}\)\r\n" {
# A label location.
set found_location "$expect_out(1,string)"
lappend found_list $found_location
-re "$gdb_prompt $" {
gdb_assert {[completion::_leq $found_list $completion_list]} "matches"
# Build linespec and explicit locations out of all the combinations of
# SOURCES, FUNCTIONS and LABELS, with all combinations of possible
# quoting and whitespace around separators, and run BODY_LINESPEC and
# BODY_EXPLICIT in the context of the caller for each combination. A
# variable named "location" is set in the callers context with the
# currently iterated location.
proc foreach_location_functions { sources functions body_linespec body_explicit } {
upvar source source
upvar function function
upvar source_sep source_sep
upvar location location
foreach source $sources {
# Test with and without source quoting.
foreach sqc $completion::maybe_quoted_list {
if {$source == "" && $sqc != ""} {
# Invalid combination.
# Test with and without function quoting.
foreach fqc $completion::maybe_quoted_list {
# Test known and unknown functions.
foreach function $functions {
# Linespec version. Test with and without spacing
# after the source/colon colon separator.
foreach source_sep {"" ":" ": "} {
# Skip invalid combinations.
if {$source == "" && $source_sep != ""} {
if {$source != "" && $source_sep == ""} {
set location "${sqc}${source}${sqc}${source_sep}${fqc}$function${fqc}"
uplevel 1 $body_linespec
# Explicit locations version.
if {$source != ""} {
set loc_src "-source ${sqc}${source}${sqc} "
} else {
set loc_src ""
set location "${loc_src}-function ${fqc}$function${fqc}"
uplevel 1 $body_explicit
# Same as foreach_locations_functions, but also iterate over
# combinations of labels.
proc foreach_location_labels { sources functions labels body_linespec body_explicit } {
upvar source source
upvar function function
upvar label label
upvar source_sep source_sep
upvar label_sep label_sep
upvar location location
# Test both with a known source file and without a source file
# component.
foreach_location_functions \
$sources \
$functions \
# Linespec version. Test various spacing around the label
# colon separator.
set saved_location ${location}
foreach label_sep {":" " :" ": " " : "} {
# Test both known and unknown label.
foreach label $labels {
set location "${saved_location}${label_sep}$label"
uplevel 1 $body_linespec
} \
# Explicit locations version.
set saved_location ${location}
foreach label $labels {
set location "${saved_location} -label $label"
uplevel 1 $body_explicit
# Check that completion of INPUT_LINE results in GDB completing on all
# command names.
proc test_gdb_completion_offers_commands {input_line} {
global gdb_prompt
# There are two many commands to usefully check here. So we force
# max-completions to 2, and check if those 2 come out.
# Save current max-completions.
set max_completions 0
set test "show max-completions"
gdb_test_multiple $test $test {
-re "Maximum number of completion candidates is (.*)\\.\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
set max_completions $expect_out(1,string)
# Force showing two commands.
gdb_test_no_output -nopass "set max-completions 2"
# TUI adds additional commands to the possible completions, so we
# need different patterns depending on whether or not it is enabled.
if { ![allow_tui_tests] } {
test_gdb_complete_multiple $input_line "" "" {
} "" "" 1
} else {
test_gdb_complete_multiple $input_line "" "" {
} "" "" 1
# Restore.
gdb_test_no_output -nopass "set max-completions $max_completions"