Alan Modra 76bdc7266a Update year range in gprofng copyright notices
This adds 'Innovative Computing Labs' as an external author to, to cover the copyright notice in
gprofng/common/opteron_pcbe.c, and uses that plus another external
author 'Oracle and' to update gprofng copyright dates.  I'm not going
to commit 'Oracle and' as an accepted author, but that covers the
string "Copyright (c) 2006, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All
rights reserved." found in gprofng/testsuite/gprofng.display/jsynprog
2023-01-01 23:26:30 +10:30

775 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of the GNU Binutils.
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
# MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
package acct;
use vars qw(%Acct $Erp);
my($debug_f, $retVal, $OpenDis, $OpenFsingle, $Read_rules_txt);
my(@Comparison, @hashSample, @acctHeader);
my(%RANGE, %Rules);
# use Exporter ();
# @ISA = 'Exporter';
# @EXPORT_OK = ('&readAcct', '%Acct');
$debug_f = $ENV{PERL_DEBUG};
$retVal = 0;
$OpenDis = 0;
$OpenFsingle = 0;
$#Comparison = -1;
$Read_rules_txt = 0;
$Erp = {};
@hashSample = [];
%RANGE = (
Count => { P_RANGE => 0, P_RATE => 0,
N_RANGE => 0, N_RATE => 0, FMT => "%d"
Total => { P_RANGE => 0.20, P_RATE => 3,
N_RANGE => -0.20, N_RATE => -3, FMT => "%6.3f"
Cpu => { P_RANGE => 0.5, P_RATE => 10,
N_RANGE => -0.5, N_RATE => -10, FMT => "%6.3f"
,P_RANGE_2AVG => 0.5, P_RATE_2AVG => 10,
N_RANGE_2AVG => -0.5, N_RATE_2AVG => -10
Cycles => { P_RANGE => 0.5, P_RATE => 10,
N_RANGE => -0.5, N_RATE => -10, FMT => "%6.3f"
,P_RANGE_2AVG => 0.5, P_RATE_2AVG => 10,
N_RANGE_2AVG => -0.5, N_RATE_2AVG => -10
Cycles1 => { P_RANGE => 0.5, P_RATE => 10,
N_RANGE => -0.5, N_RATE => -10, FMT => "%6.3f"
,P_RANGE_2AVG => 0.5, P_RATE_2AVG => 10,
N_RANGE_2AVG => -0.5, N_RATE_2AVG => -10
Sync => { P_RANGE => 0.5, P_RATE => 3,
N_RANGE => -0.5, N_RATE => -3, FMT => "%6.3f"
Unkn => { P_RANGE => 0.10, P_RATE => 0.5, FMT => "%6.3f" }
sub debug
my ($lineN, $fmt);
if ( $debug_f == 0 ) {
$lineN = shift @_;
$fmt = shift @_;
if ( $debug_f == 2 ) {
warn "DEBUG:#$lineN:\n";
warn sprintf($fmt, @_);
sub set_retVal
if ( $retVal == 0 ) {
$retVal = $_[0];
if ($retVal != 0 ) {
warn sprintf("DEBUG: retVal=%d\n", $retVal);
return $retVal;
sub diffRule
# The format of the comparison rule is:
# <Name>, <Column number in *.acct>, <Column number in erprint.out>, <message>
# Cpu, 3, 1
# Total, 2, 3
my ($str) = @_;
my (@arr);
@arr = split (/,/, $str);
if ($#arr == 2) {
# Old version
push @arr, $arr[0];
push @Comparison, [@arr];
sub read_rules
my ($name, $rule, $line, @arr);
return if ( $Read_rules_txt == 1);
$Read_rules_txt = 1;
open(FP, "<rules.txt") or return;
while ($line = <FP>) {
chomp ($line);
$line =~ s/\s*//g; # Remove all blanks
$line =~ s/\\s/ /g; # Replace \s with space
next if ( $line =~ m/^$/ );
next if ( $line =~ m/^#/ );
if ( $line =~ m/=/ ) {
# Set a calculation rule
($name, $rule) = split (/=/, $line);
$Rules{$name} = [split(/\+/, $rule)];
# Set a comparison rule
sub dump_acct()
my ($i, $n, $key, $fmt, @fmt_head);
printf "dump_acct:\n";
foreach $i ( @acctHeader ) {
$fmt = sprintf("%%%ds ", length($i));
push @fmt_head, $fmt;
printf $fmt, $i;
printf "\n";
foreach $key (sort keys %Acct) {
$n = 0;
foreach $i ( @{$Acct{$key}} ) {
$fmt = $n <= $#fmt_head ? $fmt_head[$n] : " %10s";
printf $fmt, $i;
printf " '%s'", $key;
if ( exists $Rules{$key} ) {
printf " := %s", join(" + ", @{$Rules{$key}});
printf "\n";
sub readAcct
# Read the *.acct file into hash $Acct with the function name as key.
# The format of *.acct is :
# X <time1> ... <timeN> <func_name>
my ($fileName, @checkTime) = @_;
my ($name, $i, $key, $line, @arr);
# file *.acct is generated while the test program is running.
if (!open(FP, "<$fileName")) {
printf "acct::readAcct: Cannot open '%s'\n\n", $fileName;
while ($line = <FP>) { # Skip the first lines (header)
last if ( $line =~ m/^X\s+/ );
@acctHeader = split (/\s+/, $line);
push @acctHeader, "Comment";
while ($line = <FP>) {
$line =~ s/^\s*//; # Delete leading spaces
next if ( $line =~ m/^$/ );
@arr = split (/\s+/, $line);
$name = pop(@arr);
if (defined $Acct{$name}) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $#arr; $i++ ) {
$Acct{$name}[$i] += $arr[$i];
} else {
$Acct{$name} = [ @arr ];
foreach $i ( @checkTime ) {
next if ($i > $#arr);
if ( $arr[$i] < 0 ) {
# &checkCallersCallees;
if ( $debug_f != 0 ) {
printf "\nreadAcct: '%s'\n", $fileName;
printf "checkTime: ";
if( $#checkTime == -1 ) {
printf "<None>\n";
} else {
print "[ ", join(", ", @checkTime), " ]\n";
foreach $i ( @Comparison ) {
print "Comparison rule: ", join(", ", @{$i}), "\n";
printf "\n";
sub read_er_print_out
my ($fileName, $colName) = @_;
my ($name, @arr, $head_f, $line, $key, $i);
$Erp = {};
$head_f = 1;
open(FP, "<$fileName") or return;
while ($line = <FP>) {
$line =~ s/^\s*//; # Delete leading spaces
next if ( $line =~ m/^$/ );
if ($head_f == 1) {
# Skip the first lines (header)
next unless ( $line =~ m/^\d/ );
next unless ( ($line =~ m/<Total>\s*$/) ||
($line =~ m/<Stack-unwind-failed>\s*$/) );
$head_f = 0;
if ($colName == -1) {
@arr = split (/\s+/, $line);
$colName = $#arr + 1;
@arr = split (/\s+/, $line, $colName);
$name = pop(@arr);
if (defined $Erp->{$name}) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#arr; $i++ ) {
$Erp->{$name}[$i] += $arr[$i];
} else {
$Erp->{$name} = [ @arr ];
$i = index($name, "(");
if ($i > 0) {
my $funcName = substr($name, 0, $i);
if (defined $Erp->{$funcName}) {
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#arr; $i++ ) {
$Erp->{$funcName}[$i] += $arr[$i];
} else {
$Erp->{$funcName} = [ @arr ];
if ( $debug_f != 0 ) {
printf "read_er_print_out:\n";
foreach $key (sort keys %{$Erp}) {
foreach $i ( @{$Erp->{$key}} ) {
printf " %10s", $i;
printf " %-10s", "'$key'";
if ( exists $Rules{$key} ) {
printf " += %s", join(" + ", @{$Rules{$key}});
printf "\n";
sub createKDiff
my ($colSample) = @_;
my ($key, $str, $i, $head_str);
open(DIFF_fp, ">diff.out");
$head_str = "X";
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
$head_str .= &get_head_str($i);
$head_str .= " Name";
printf DIFF_fp "%s\n", $head_str;
foreach $key (sort keys %Acct) {
# Restore a hash 'Erp'
$Erp = $hashSample[$Acct{$key}[$colSample]];
$str = &doComp($key, $head_str);
printf DIFF_fp "%s (Sample %d)\n", $str,$Acct{$key}[$colSample];
sub commandToScr1_fp()
my ($str) = @_;
printf Scr1_fp "#\n#%s\n%s\n", $str, $str;
sub openFsingleScr
return if ($OpenFsingle == 1);
open(Scr1_fp, ">>erp_fsingle.scr");
$OpenFsingle = 1;
sub closeFsingleScr
return if ($OpenFsingle != 1);
$OpenFsingle = 2;
sub openDisFile
return if ($OpenDis == 1);
open(Dis_fp, ">>discrepancy.out");
$OpenDis = 1;
sub closeDisFile
return if ($OpenDis != 1);
$OpenDis = 2;
sub with_diff
my ($i) = @_;
my ($key);
$key = $Comparison[$i][0];
if( ! exists $RANGE{$key} ) {
printf "acct::with_diff: '$key' is a wrong key\n\n";
if ($RANGE{$key}->{FMT} !~ m/^%d/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub get_head_str()
my ($i) = @_;
my ($str);
$str = $Comparison[$i][3];
while (length($str) < 16) {
$str = "*" . $str . "*";
if (with_diff($i)) {
return sprintf("| %17s %7s %7s %s", $str, "Diff", "%", "x");
} else {
return sprintf("| %17s %s", $str, "x");
sub doComp
my ($fname, $head_str) = @_;
my ($key, $R, $r1, $r2, $diff, $rate, $flagX, $x, $i,
$retStr, $discrepancy, $err_diff_range, $err_zero_metric, $err_acct_mismatch);
sub setRate
my ($val, $diff) = @_;
return sprintf("%6.1f", ($diff/$val)*100) if ( $val != 0 );
return sprintf("%6.1f", "0.0") if ( $diff >= -0.05 && $diff <= 0.05);
return sprintf("%6.1f", "100") if ( $diff > 0 );
return sprintf("%6.1f", "-100");
$err_diff_range = 0;
$err_zero_metric = 0;
$err_acct_mismatch = 0;
$discrepancy = " ";
$flagX = " ";
$retStr = "";
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
$r1 = $Acct{$fname}[$Comparison[$i][1]];
$r2 = 0;
if ( ! exists $Rules{$fname} ) {
if ( exists $Erp->{$fname} ) {
$r2 = $Erp->{$fname}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
} else {
foreach my $key1 ( @{$Rules{$fname}} ) {
my $sign = 1;
$key = $key1;
if (substr($key1, 0, 1) eq '-') {
$key = substr($key1, 1);
$sign = -1;
if ( exists $Erp->{$key} ) {
$r2 += $sign * $Erp->{$key}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
$key = $Comparison[$i][0];
if( ! exists $RANGE{$key} ) {
printf "acct::doComp: '$key' is a wrong key\n\n";
$R = $RANGE{$key};
$r1 = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $r1);
$r2 = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $r2);
$diff = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $r1 - $r2);
$rate = &setRate($r1, $diff);
if ((( $diff > $R->{P_RANGE} ) && ( $rate >= $R->{P_RATE} ))
|| ( ( $fname ne '<Unknown>') && ( $diff < $R->{N_RANGE} ) && ( $rate <= $R->{N_RATE} ))) {
$x = ($Acct{$fname}[0] eq "Y") ? "y" : "x";
if ( $x ne "y" ) {
$flagX = "X";
printf Dis_fp "%s/ %s\n", $fname, $Comparison[$i][3];
$discrepancy .= " $Comparison[$i][3]";
if (with_diff($i)) {
if ( $r2 > 0 ) {
$err_diff_range = $ERROR_DIFF_RANGE;
} else {
$err_zero_metric = $ERROR_ZERO_METRIC;
} else {
$err_acct_mismatch = $ERROR_ACCT_MISMATCH;
} else {
$x = " ";
if (with_diff($i)) {
$retStr .= sprintf("| %8s %8s %7s %7s %s", $r1, $r2, $diff, $rate, $x);
} else {
$retStr .= sprintf("| %8s %8s %s", $r1, $r2, $x);
$retStr = $flagX . $retStr . sprintf(" %-10s", $fname);
if ( exists $Rules{$fname} ) {
$retStr .= sprintf " := %s", join(" + ", @{$Rules{$fname}});
if ($discrepancy ne " ") {
if ($err_acct_mismatch != 0) {
$retVal = $err_acct_mismatch;
printf Scr1_fp "#%s\n#%s\n", $head_str, $retStr;
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'fsingle', $fname));
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'csingle', $fname));
return ($retStr);
sub doComp2AVG
my ($fname, $head_str, @avg) = @_;
my ($key, $R, $r1, $r2, $diff, $rate, $flagX, $x, $i,
$retStr, $discrepancy, $err_diff_range, $err_zero_metric, $err_acct_mismatch);
sub setRate
my ($val, $diff) = @_;
return sprintf("%6.1f", ($diff/$val)*100) if ( $val != 0 );
return sprintf("%6.1f", "0.0") if ( $diff >= -0.05 && $diff <= 0.05);
return sprintf("%6.1f", "100") if ( $diff > 0 );
return sprintf("%6.1f", "-100");
$err_diff_range = 0;
$err_zero_metric = 0;
$err_acct_mismatch = 0;
$discrepancy = " ";
$flagX = " ";
$retStr = "";
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
$r1 = $avg[$i];
$r2 = 0;
if ( ! exists $Rules{$fname} ) {
if ( exists $Erp->{$fname} ) {
$r2 = $Erp->{$fname}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
} else {
foreach my $key1 ( @{$Rules{$fname}} ) {
my $sign = 1;
$key = $key1;
if (substr($key1, 0, 1) eq '-') {
$key = substr($key1, 1);
$sign = -1;
if ( exists $Erp->{$key} ) {
$r2 += $sign * $Erp->{$key}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
$key = $Comparison[$i][0];
if( ! exists $RANGE{$key} ) {
printf "acct::doComp: '$key' is a wrong key\n\n";
$R = $RANGE{$key};
$r1 = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $r1);
$r2 = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $r2);
$diff = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $r1 - $r2);
$rate = &setRate($r1, $diff);
if ((( $diff > $R->{P_RANGE_2AVG} ) && ( $rate >= $R->{P_RATE_2AVG} ))
|| ( ( $fname ne '<Unknown>') && ( $diff < $R->{N_RANGE_2AVG} ) && ( $rate <= $R->{N_RATE_2AVG} ))) {
$flagX = "X";
$x = "x";
$discrepancy .= " $Comparison[$i][3]";
if (with_diff($i)) {
if ( $r2 > 0 ) {
$err_diff_range = $ERROR_DIFF_RANGE;
} else {
$err_zero_metric = $ERROR_ZERO_METRIC;
} else {
$err_acct_mismatch = $ERROR_ACCT_MISMATCH;
} else {
$x = " ";
if (with_diff($i)) {
$retStr .= sprintf("| %8s %8s %7s %7s %s", $r1, $r2, $diff, $rate, $x);
} else {
$retStr .= sprintf("| %8s %8s %s", $r1, $r2, $x);
$retStr = $flagX . $retStr . sprintf(" %-10s", $fname);
if ( exists $Rules{$fname} ) {
$retStr .= sprintf " := %s", join(" + ", @{$Rules{$fname}});
if ($discrepancy ne " ") {
if ($err_acct_mismatch != 0) {
$retVal = $err_acct_mismatch;
printf Scr1_fp "#%s\n#%s\n", $head_str, $retStr;
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'fsingle', $fname));
printf Dis_fp "%s/%s\n", $fname, $discrepancy;
} else {
return ($retStr);
sub checkUnknown()
my ($total, $i, $R);
sub checkUnknRate()
my ($name, $N) = @_;
my ($val, $rate, $fmt);
$val = $Erp->{$name}[$Comparison[$N][2]];
$val = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $val);
$rate = sprintf($R->{FMT},($val / $total) * 100);
if (($val > $R->{'P_RANGE'}) && ($rate > $R->{'P_RATE'})) {
$fmt = "#%-8s %10s %10s %s\n";
printf Scr1_fp $fmt, $Comparison[$N][0], '%', '<Total>', $name;
printf Scr1_fp $fmt, ' ', $rate, $total, $val;
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'fsingle', '<Total>'));
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'csingle', '<Total>'));
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'fsingle', $name));
&commandToScr1_fp(sprintf("%s %s 1", 'csingle', $name));
return 1;
return 0;
return if ( ! exists $Erp->{'<Total>'} );
return if ( $ENV{NOJAVA} );
$R = $RANGE{'Unkn'};
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
$total = $Erp->{'<Total>'}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
next if ( $total == 0 );
$total = sprintf($R->{FMT}, $total);
# last if &checkUnknRate('<Stack-unwind-failed>', $i);
last if &checkUnknRate('<Unknown>', $i);
last if &checkUnknRate('<no', $i);
sub createDiff
my ($key, $str, $i, $head_str);
open(DIFF_fp, ">diff.out");
$head_str = " ";
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
printf DIFF_fp "Comparison[%d]: %s,%d,%d\n", $i,
$Comparison[$i][0], $Comparison[$i][1], $Comparison[$i][2], $Comparison[$i][3];
$head_str .= &get_head_str($i);
printf DIFF_fp "\nX| Compare the acct file (first column) with the er_print output (second column):\n";
$head_str .= " Name";
printf DIFF_fp "%s\n", $head_str;
foreach $key (sort keys %Acct) {
$str = &doComp($key, $head_str);
printf DIFF_fp "%s\n", $str;
return -s "discrepancy.out"
sub createDiff2AVG
my ($key, $str, $i, $n, $head_str, @avg, $temp, $fname);
open(DIFF_fp, ">>diff.out");
printf DIFF_fp "\n==================\n";
$head_str = " ";
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
printf DIFF_fp "Comparison[%d]: %s,%d\n", $i,
$Comparison[$i][0], $Comparison[$i][2];
$head_str .= &get_head_str($i);
printf DIFF_fp "\n#| Compare the avg value (first column) with the er_print output (second column):\n";
$head_str .= " Name";
printf DIFF_fp "%s\n", $head_str;
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
$avg[$i] = 0;
foreach $fname (sort keys %Acct) {
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
if ( ! exists $Rules{$fname} ) {
if ( exists $Erp->{$fname} ) {
$temp = $Erp->{$fname}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
} else {
foreach my $key1 ( @{$Rules{$fname}} ) {
my $sign = 1;
$key = $key1;
if (substr($key1, 0, 1) eq '-') {
$key = substr($key1, 1);
$sign = -1;
if ( exists $Erp->{$key} ) {
$temp += $sign * $Erp->{$key}[$Comparison[$i][2]];
$avg[$i] += $temp;
for $i ( 0..$#Comparison ) {
$avg[$i] /= $n;
foreach $key (sort keys %Acct) {
$str = &doComp2AVG($key, $head_str, @avg);
printf DIFF_fp "%s\n", $str;
sub sumOutlinedCode
{ # Add a time of the outlined code.
my ($name, $eName);
foreach $name (keys %Acct) {
foreach $eName (keys %$Erp) {
next if ("$eName" !~ m/^($name)\s--/);
if (defined $Rules{$name}) {
push @{$Rules{$name}}, $eName;
} else {
$Rules{$name} = [$eName];
sub checkCallersCallees
my (@arr, $name, $colName, $line, $nline, %Calls);
open(FP, "<caller_callee.out") or return;
while ($line = <FP>) {
last if ( $line =~ m/\s+sec.\s+/ );
$nline = 0;
while ($line = <FP>) {
$line =~ s/^\s*//; # Delete leading spaces
next if ( $line =~ m/^$/ );
@arr = split (/\s+/, $line, $colName);
$name = pop(@arr);
# New Callers-Callees format does not have * in the Stack Fragment section
# - translate old format to new format for compatibility
if ($name eq "*MAIN") { $name = "MAIN"; };
last if ($name eq "MAIN");
$nline += 1;
if ($nline == 0) {
printf "checkCallersCallees: No Callers of MAIN\n";
while ($line = <FP>) {
$line =~ s/^\s*//; # Delete leading spaces
next if ( $line =~ m/^$/ );
@arr = split (/\s+/, $line, $colName);
$name = pop(@arr);
$Calls{$name} = 1;
if ( $line =~ /Parallel/ ) { #f90synprog M_EXPERT or M_MACHINE
@arr = split (/\s\s+/, $line, $colName);
$name = pop(@arr);
@arr = split (/\s/, $name);
$Calls{$arr[0]} = 1;
foreach $name (sort keys %Acct) {
next if ( $name eq '<Total>' ) ;
next if ( $name eq '<Unknown>' ) ;
next if (defined $Calls{$name}) ;
printf "checkCallersCallees: '$name' is not inside callees\n";
return 1;