Clean up some things I noticed:
- we generate a regformats/microblaze-with-stack-protect.dat file. I
don't think this is used. It could be used by a GDBserver built for
Microblaze, but GDBserver isn't ported to Microblaze. So I don't
think that's used at all. Remove the entry in features/Makefile and
the file itself.
- There are a bunch of *-expedite values in features/Makefile for
architectures for which we don't generate dat files. AFAIK, these
*-expedite values are only used when generating dat files. Remove
those that are not necessary.
- 32bit-segments.xml is not listed in the Makfile, but it's used. This
means that it wouldn't get re-generated if we were to change how C
files are generated from the XML. It looks like it was simply
forgotten, add it.
Change-Id: I112d00db317102270e1df924473c37122ccb6c3a