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synced 2025-03-07 13:39:43 +08:00
This commit is the result of running the gdb/copyright.py script, which automated the update of the copyright year range for all source files managed by the GDB project to be updated to include year 2023.
145 lines
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145 lines
4.5 KiB
# Copyright 2020-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Test "tui new-layout".
standard_testfile tui-layout.c
if {[build_executable "failed to prepare" ${testfile} ${srcfile}] == -1} {
return -1
# Make sure TUI is supported before continuing.
with_test_prefix "initial check" {
Term::clean_restart 24 80 $testfile
if {![Term::enter_tui]} {
unsupported "TUI not supported"
Term::clean_restart 24 80 $testfile
gdb_test "tui new-layout" \
"No layout name specified"
gdb_test "tui new-layout example" \
"New layout does not contain any windows"
gdb_test "tui new-layout example zzq" \
"Unknown window \"zzq\""
gdb_test "tui new-layout example src 1 src 1" \
"Window \"src\" seen twice in layout"
gdb_test "tui new-layout example src 1" \
"New layout does not contain the \"cmd\" window"
# Avoid unbalanced curly braces problems with tcl 8.5.
if { [tcl_version_at_least 8 6] } {
gdb_test "tui new-layout example src 1\}" \
"Extra '\}' in layout specification"
gdb_test "tui new-layout example {src 1} 1\}" \
"Extra '\}' in layout specification"
gdb_test "tui new-layout example \{src 1" \
"Missing '\}' in layout specification"
# Each entry of this list describes a layout, and some associated
# tests. The items within each entry are:
# 1. layout name,
# 2. a string used to create the layout,
# 3. a list of boxes to check for once the layout is selected,
# 4. a regexp to match against the whole screen contents, this
# can be empty to skip this check.
set layouts \
[list \
[list example "asm 1 status 0 cmd 1" \
{{0 0 80 15}} "$hex <main>"] \
[list example2 "{asm 1 status 0} 1 cmd 1" \
{{0 0 80 15}} ""] \
[list h "{-horizontal asm 1 src 1} 1 status 0 cmd 1" \
{{0 0 40 15} {39 0 41 15}} \
"$hex <main>.*21.*return 0"] \
[list example3 "{-horizontal src 1 cmd 1} 1 status 0 asm 1" \
{{0 0 40 11} {0 12 80 12}} \
"21.*return 0.*$hex <main>"] \
[list example4 "src 1 status 0 {-horizontal cmd 1 regs 1} 1" \
{{0 0 80 11} {40 12 40 12}} ""] \
[list example5 "{-horizontal src 1 cmd 1} 1 status 0" \
{{0 0 40 23}} ""] \
[list cmd_only "cmd 1" {} ""]]
# Helper function to verify a list of boxes.
proc check_boxes {boxes} {
set boxno 1
foreach box $boxes {
eval Term::check_box [list "box $boxno"] $box
incr boxno
# Now create the layouts.
foreach layout $layouts {
lassign $layout name desc
gdb_test_no_output "tui new-layout $name $desc"
gdb_test "help layout $name" \
"Apply the \"$name\" layout.*tui new-layout $name $desc"
if {![Term::enter_tui]} {
unsupported "TUI not supported"
set text [Term::get_all_lines]
gdb_assert {![string match "No Source Available" $text]} \
"initial source listing"
foreach_with_prefix layout $layouts {
lassign $layout name desc boxes content_pattern
# Reset the layout to a known starting configuration.
Term::command "layout src"
Term::command "winheight cmd 8"
# Apply our test layout.
Term::command "layout $name"
check_boxes $boxes
if {$content_pattern != ""} {
Term::check_contents "contents in layout $name" \
# Some additional tests for the 'h' layout.
if {$name == "h"} {
Term::command "winheight src - 5"
Term::check_box "left window box after shrink" 0 0 40 10
Term::check_box "right window box after shrink" 39 0 41 10
Term::command "winheight src + 5"
Term::check_box "left window box after grow" 0 0 40 15
Term::check_box "right window box after grow" 39 0 41 15
} elseif {$name == "cmd_only"} {
Term::check_region_contents "bottom of cmd window is blank" \
0 14 80 10 "^\\s+$"
Term::command "info win"
Term::check_region_contents "info win output" \
0 0 80 24 [multi_line "info win\\s+" \
"Name\\s+Lines\\s+Columns\\s+Focus\\s+" \
"cmd\\s+24\\s+80\\s+\\(has focus\\)\\s+" \