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gdb/ChangeLog: Update copyright year range in all GDB files.
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# Copyright (C) 1992-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This file was written by Fred Fish. (fnf@cygnus.com)
if { [skip_cplus_tests] } { continue }
### The demangling style we last sent to GDB.
set current_demangling_style none
### Set GDB's current demangling style to STYLE. Subsequent calls to
### test_demangle will include STYLE in the test name when reporting
### passes and failures.
proc set_demangling_style {style} {
global gdb_prompt
global current_demangling_style
gdb_test_multiple "set demangle-style $style" \
"$style: set demangle-style" {
-re "set demangle-style $style\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "$style: set demangle-style"
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "$style: set demangle-style"
error "set_demangling_style: set style"
timeout {
fail "$style: set demangle-style (timeout)"
error "set_demangling_style: set style"
gdb_test_multiple "show demangle-style" \
"$style: check demangling style" {
-re "The current C\[+\]+ demangling style is \"$style\".\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
pass "$style: check demangling style"
-re ".*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail "$style: check demangling style"
error "set_demangling_style: check style"
timeout {
fail "$style: check demangling style (timeout)"
error "set_demangling_style: check style"
set current_demangling_style $style
### Utility function for test_demangling and test_demangling_exact.
proc test_demangling_core {tester test result} {
global current_demangling_style
if {! [regexp {^([^ ]+): (.+)$} $test dummy style name]} {
error "bad test name passed to test_demangling"
if {[string compare $style $current_demangling_style]} {
with_test_prefix $test {
set_demangling_style $style
$tester "demangle $name" $result $test
### Demangle an identifier, and check that the result matches a pattern.
### TEST should be of the form "STYLE: NAME", where STYLE is the name
### of a demangling style (like "gnu" or "arm"), and NAME is a mangled
### identifier to demangle. Pass when the result matches the regular
### expression RESULT. Report passes and fails using TEST as the name
### of the test.
### Why don't we just pass the STYLE and NAME as two separate
### arguments, or let the style be a global variable? That would be
### cleaner. However, doing it this way means that:
### 1) the name of the test, as recorded in the summary and log,
### appears verbatim in the script, and
### 2) that test names are unique, even though we try to demangle the same
### identifiers using several different mangling styles.
### This makes it a lot easier for people tracking down failures to
### find the one they care about.
proc test_demangling {test result} {
test_demangling_core gdb_test $test $result
### Like test_demangling, above, except that RESULT is not a regexp,
### but a string that must match exactly.
proc test_demangling_exact {test result} {
test_demangling_core gdb_test_exact $test $result
# Test gnu-v3 style name demangling
proc test_gnuv3_style_demangling {} {
global gdb_prompt
# Rvalue reference tests
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN9ArrowLine19ArrowheadIntersectsEP9ArrowheadO6BoxObjP7Graphic" "ArrowLine::ArrowheadIntersects(Arrowhead*, BoxObj&&, Graphic*)"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _Z13BitPatterntoaOK10BitPatternccc" \
"BitPatterntoa\[(\]+(const BitPattern|BitPattern const)&&, char, char, char\[)\]+"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN8TextCode14CoreConstDeclsEO7ostream" "TextCode::CoreConstDecls(ostream&&)"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _Z31DrawDestinationTransformedImageP7_XImageiiS0_iimjiijmmP4_XGCOK13ivTransformeriiii" \
"DrawDestinationTransformedImage\[(\]+_XImage\[*\]+, int, int, _XImage\[*\]+, int, int, unsigned long, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long, _XGC\[*\]+, (const ivTransformer|ivTransformer const)&&, int, int, int, int\[)\]+"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN11RelateManip6EffectEO7ivEvent" "RelateManip::Effect(ivEvent&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN20DisplayList_IteratorC4EO11DisplayList" "DisplayList_Iterator::DisplayList_Iterator(DisplayList&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN3fooC4EOS_" "foo::foo(foo&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN3fooC4EiOS_iS0_iS0_" "foo::foo(int, foo&&, int, foo&&, int, foo&&)"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _ZN7ivWorldC2EPKcOiPPcPK12ivOptionDescPK14ivPropertyData" \
"ivWorld::ivWorld\[(\]+(const char|char const)\[*\]+, int&&, char\[*\]+\[*\]+, (const ivOptionDesc|ivOptionDesc const)\[*\]+, (const ivPropertyData|ivPropertyData const)\[*\]+\[)\]+"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _Z3argOK7Complex" \
"arg\[(\]+(const Complex|Complex const)&&\[)\]+"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _ZNK9BitString8containsEOK10BitPattern" \
"BitString::contains\[(\]+(const BitPattern|BitPattern const)&&\[)\]+ const"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _ZNK9BitString8containsEOK12BitSubStringi" \
"BitString::contains\[(\]+(const BitSubString|BitSubString const)&&, int\[)\]+ const"
test_demangling "gnu-v3: _ZNK9BitString8containsEOKS_" \
"BitString::contains\[(\]+(const BitString|BitString const)&&\[)\]+ const"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN4ListI10VHDLEntityE3PixC4EOKS2_" \
"List<VHDLEntity>::Pix::Pix(List<VHDLEntity>::Pix const&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN4ListI10VHDLEntityE7elementC2EOKS0_PS2_" \
"List<VHDLEntity>::element::element(VHDLEntity const&&, List<VHDLEntity>::element*)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN4ListI10VHDLEntityE7elementC4EOKS2_" \
"List<VHDLEntity>::element::element(List<VHDLEntity>::element const&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZNK4ListI10VHDLEntityEclEOKNS1_3PixE" \
"List<VHDLEntity>::operator()(List<VHDLEntity>::Pix const&&) const"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN4ListI10VHDLEntityEC4EOKS1_" \
"List<VHDLEntity>::List(List<VHDLEntity> const&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZN4PixXI11VHDLLibrary14VHDLLibraryRep4ListI10VHDLEntityEEC2EOKS5_" \
"PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> >::PixX(PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> > const&&)"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZNK11VHDLLibrary5nextEEO4PixXIS_14VHDLLibraryRep4ListI10VHDLEntityEE" \
"VHDLLibrary::nextE(PixX<VHDLLibrary, VHDLLibraryRep, List<VHDLEntity> >&&) const"
test_demangling_exact "gnu-v3: _ZNK4ListI10VHDLEntityE4nextEONS1_3PixE" \
"List<VHDLEntity>::next(List<VHDLEntity>::Pix&&) const"
proc catch_demangling_errors {command} {
if {[catch $command result]} {
puts "ERROR: demangle.exp: while running $command: $result"
# Test support for different demangling styles. Note that this does
# not depend upon running the test program and does not depend upon
# gdb being able to lookup any C++ symbols. It simply calls the
# internal demangler with synthesized strings and tests the results.
proc do_tests {} {
global subdir
global gdb_prompt
# Start with a fresh gdb.
gdb_test_no_output "set language c++"
gdb_test_no_output "set width 0"
# Using catch_demangling_errors this way ensures that, if one of
# the functions raises a Tcl error, then it'll get reported, and
# the rest of the functions will still run.
catch_demangling_errors test_gnuv3_style_demangling
# Verify specifying demangle language.
gdb_test_no_output "set language unknown"
set_demangling_style "auto"
gdb_test_exact "demangle -l c++ -- _ZSt4cout" "std::cout"
gdb_test_exact "demangle -l c++ _ZSt4cout" "std::cout"
gdb_test_exact "demangle -l c -- _ZSt4cout" "Can't demangle \"_ZSt4cout\""
gdb_test_exact "demangle -l garbage xyzdje" "Unknown language \"garbage\""