mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 13:26:47 +08:00
316 lines
9.2 KiB
316 lines
9.2 KiB
### Makefile for preparing a progressive release.
### This makefile is distinct from the makefile for three-staging for
### several reasons. First, this version builds a "stage4" using src
### directories that have no CVS directories. Second, the binaries
### are build from independent copies of the source. That is, each
### host release will have it's own copy of the src directory.
### This file was written and is maintained by K. Richard Pixley
RELNO = 1.0
PWD = $(shell pwd)
CVS = $(PWD)/cirdancvs
tree = progressive
rooting = /opt/cygnus-sol2-$(RELNO)
cvs_module = progressive-solaris
gccflags = "-O"
release_tag = solaris-1-0
release_dir = cygnus-sol2-1.0
host_release = ${host}/cygnus-sol2-$(RELNO)
objdir = ${host_release}/objdir
# prefixes are passed as arguments to configure, they have to start with -
prefixes = -prefix=$(rooting)
# inst_prefixes are passed as arguments to make, without the -
inst_prefixes = prefix=$(PWD)/$(host_release)
### What are these for?
create =
restart =
usage =
## which C compiler to use
#CC = $(rooting)/bin/gcc
CC = /opt/cygnus-sol2-1.0/bin/gcc
C_COMPILER = "CC=$(CC) ${gccflags}"
all: .${host}-done fluff
chmod -R a-w $(host)
chmod -R go=u $(host)
find $(host) -type d -print | xargs chmod u+w
testfile: all blockit ${host}+.Z
(cd ${host} ; tar cf - ${release_dir} \
| compress -vV \
| ../blockit \
> ../$@)
.${host}-done: .${host}-install .${host}-install-info
rm -rf ${objdir}
touch $@
.${host}-install: .${host}-all
${MAKE} -C ${objdir} -w install-no-fixedincludes \
$(inst_prefixes) $(C_COMPILER)
touch $@
.${host}-install-info: .${host}-info
${MAKE} -C ${objdir} -w install-info $(inst_prefixes) $(C_COMPILER)
touch $@
.${host}-all: .${host}-config
${MAKE} -C ${objdir} -w all $(C_COMPILER)
touch $@
.${host}-info: .${host}-config
${MAKE} -C ${objdir} -w info $(C_COMPILER)
touch $@
.${host}-config: .${host}-src
cd ${objdir} ; \
../src/configure ${host} $(prefixes)
touch $@
.${host}-src: .${release_tag}-co .${host}-dirs
rm -rf ${host_release}/src
(tar cf - ${release_dir} | (cd ${host_release} ; tar xvf -) ; true)
(cd ${host_release}/${release_dir} ; find . \( -name CVS -o -name CVS.adm \) -depth -exec rm -rf {} \; )
mv ${host_release}/${release_dir} ${host_release}/src
touch $@
[ -d ${host} ] || mkdir ${host}
[ -d ${host_release} ] || mkdir ${host_release}
[ -d ${objdir} ] || mkdir ${objdir}
touch $@
.${release_tag}-co: .${release_tag}-tagged
${CVS} co -r ${release_tag} ${cvs_module}
mv ${tree} ${release_dir}
touch $@
${CVS} rtag ${release_tag} ${cvs_module}
touch $@
fluff: ${host_release}/src/Build-A-Release.mk \
${host_release}/src/Pack-A-Progressive \
${host_release}/lib/fixincludes \
${host_release}/src/INSTALL \
${host_release}/README \
${host}/Install \
${host}/install.dvi \
${host}/install.dvi: ${host_release}/src/install.texinfo
cp $< ${host}/install.texinfo
(cd ${host} ; tex install.texinfo)
(cd ${host} ; tex install.texinfo)
(cd ${host} ; tex install.texinfo)
rm ${host}/install.texinfo
install-notes: ${host}/install.dvi
lpr $^
rm -f ${host_release}/src/Build-A-Release.mk \
${host_release}/src/Pack-A-Progressive \
${host_release}/lib/fixincludes \
${host_release}/Install \
${host_release}/src/install-texi.in \
${host_release}/src/install.texinfo \
${host_release}/src/Install.in \
${host_release}/src/Build-A-Release.mk: ${release_dir}/Build-A-Release.mk
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/src/Pack-A-Progressive: ${release_dir}/Pack-A-Progressive
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/src/Install.in: ${release_dir}/Install.in
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/src/CYGNUS: ${release_dir}/CYGNUS
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/CYGNUS: ${host_release}/src/CYGNUS
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/src/install-texi.in: ${release_dir}/sol-inst.texi
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/lib/fixincludes: ${host_release}/src/gcc/fixincludes
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
chmod a+x $@
${host}/Install: ${host_release}/Install
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
chmod a+x $@
${host_release}/Install: ${host_release}/src/Install
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
chmod a+x $@
${host_release}/src/install.texinfo: ${host_release}/src/install-texi.in
$(MAKE) process -f Build-A-Release.mk IN=$< OUT=$@ relno=`echo ${release_dir} | sed "/${tree}-/s///"`
${host_release}/README: ${host_release}/src/README-bin
rm -f $@; cp $< $@
${host_release}/src/INSTALL: ${host_release}/src/install.texinfo
-makeinfo +no-headers +no-split $< -o $@
### remove tags table
sed -e '/^Tag Table/,$$d' $@ | sed -e '$$d' > $@.new
mv -f $@.new $@
${host_release}/src/Install: ${host_release}/src/Install.in
$(MAKE) process -f Build-A-Release.mk IN=$< OUT=$@ relno=`echo ${release_dir} | sed "/${tree}-/s///"`
chmod a+x $@
process: process-${host}
@if grep '||' ${OUT}.new ; then \
echo $0 missed at least one of the triggers. 1>&2 ; \
exit 1 ; \
else \
true ; \
mv -f ${OUT}.new ${OUT}
sed -e "/^@clear HOSTsun4/s::@set HOSTsun4:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTsun3/s::@clear HOSTsun3:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTdecstation/s::@clear HOSTdecstation:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTiris/s::@clear HOSTiris:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTrs6000/s::@clear HOSTrs6000:" \
-e "/^@set FIXMES/s::@clear FIXMES:" \
-e "/\|\|RELNO\|\|/s::${relno}:g" \
-e "/\|\|TAPdflt\|\|/s::QIC-24:g" \
-e "/\|\|DEVdflt\|\|/s::/dev/nrst8:g" \
-e "/\|\|BD\|\|/s::35:g" \
-e "/\|\|SD\|\|/s::34:g" \
-e "/\|\|DF\|\|/s::69:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOST\|\|/s::Sun-4:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOSTstr\|\|/s::sun4:g" \
-e "/\|\|TARGET\|\|/s::sun4:g" \
-e "/\|\|GCCvn\|\|/s::cygnus-2.0.2:g" \
< ${IN} > ${OUT}.new
sed \
-e "/^@set FIXMES/s::@clear FIXMES:" \
-e "/^@clear CUSTOMER/s::@set CUSTOMER:" \
-e "/^@set CDROMinst/s::@clear CDROMinst:" \
-e "/^@clear TAPEinst/s::@set TAPEinst:" \
-e "/^@set FTPsingle/s::@clear FTPsingle:" \
-e "/^@set FTPsplit/s::@clear FTPsplit:" \
-e "/\|\|MEDIUM\|\|/s::tape:g" \
-e "/\|\|MEDstr\|\|/s::/dev/rmt/0ln:g" \
-e "/\|\|DEVdflt\|\|/s::/dev/rmt/0ln:g" \
-e "/\|\|MEDvar\|\|/s::/dev/@var{tape}:g" \
-e "/\|\|TAPdflt\|\|/s::/dev/@var{tape}:g" \
-e "/\|\|RELNO\|\|/s::1.0:g" \
-e "/\|\|BD\|\|/s::20:g" \
-e "/\|\|SD\|\|/s::28:g" \
-e "/\|\|DF\|\|/s::48:g" \
-e "/\|\|BUNDLE\|\|/s::comp:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOST\|\|/s::SPARC computer:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOSTstr\|\|/s::sparc-sun-solaris2:g" \
-e "/\|\|TARGET\|\|/s::sparc-sun-solaris2:g" \
-e "/\|\|GCCvn\|\|/s::cygnus-2.0.2:g" \
< $(IN) > $(OUT).new
sed -e "/^@set HOSTsun4/s::@clear HOSTsun4:" \
-e "/^@clear HOSTsun3/s::@set HOSTsun3:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTdecstation/s::@clear HOSTdecstation:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTiris/s::@clear HOSTiris:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTrs6000/s::@clear HOSTrs6000:" \
-e "/^@set FIXMES/s::@clear FIXMES:" \
-e "/\|\|RELNO\|\|/s::${relno}:g" \
-e "/\|\|TAPdflt\|\|/s::QIC-24:g" \
-e "/\|\|DEVdflt\|\|/s::/dev/nrst8:g" \
-e "/\|\|BD\|\|/s::32:g" \
-e "/\|\|SD\|\|/s::34:g" \
-e "/\|\|DF\|\|/s::65:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOST\|\|/s::Sun-3:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOSTstr\|\|/s::sun3:g" \
-e "/\|\|TARGET\|\|/s::sun3:g" \
-e "/\|\|GCCvn\|\|/s::cygnus-2.0.2:g" \
< ${IN} > ${OUT}.new
sed -e "/^@set HOSTsun4/s::@clear HOSTsun4:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTsun3/s::@clear HOSTsun3:" \
-e "/^@clear HOSTdecstation/s::@set HOSTdecstation:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTiris/s::@clear HOSTiris:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTrs6000/s::@clear HOSTrs6000:" \
-e "/^@set FIXMES/s::@clear FIXMES:" \
-e "/\|\|RELNO\|\|/s::${relno}:g" \
-e "/\|\|TAPdflt\|\|/s::QIC-24:g" \
-e "/\|\|DEVdflt\|\|/s::/dev/nrmt0:g" \
-e "/\|\|BD\|\|/s::27:g" \
-e "/\|\|SD\|\|/s::34:g" \
-e "/\|\|DF\|\|/s::61:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOST\|\|/s::Decstation:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOSTstr\|\|/s::decstation:g" \
-e "/\|\|TARGET\|\|/s::decstation:g" \
-e "/\|\|GCCvn\|\|/s::cygnus-2.0.2:g" \
< ${IN} > ${OUT}.new
sed -e "/^@set HOSTsun4/s::@clear HOSTsun4:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTsun3/s::@clear HOSTsun3:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTdecstation/s::@clear HOSTdecstation:" \
-e "/^@clear HOSTiris/s::@set HOSTiris:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTrs6000/s::@clear HOSTrs6000:" \
-e "/^@set FIXMES/s::@clear FIXMES:" \
-e "/\|\|RELNO\|\|/s::${relno}:g" \
-e "/\|\|TAPdflt\|\|/s::QIC-24:g" \
-e "/\|\|DEVdflt\|\|/s::/dev/mt/tps0d0nrns:g" \
-e "/\|\|BD\|\|/s::25:g" \
-e "/\|\|SD\|\|/s::34:g" \
-e "/\|\|DF\|\|/s::59:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOST\|\|/s::Iris:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOSTstr\|\|/s::iris4:g" \
-e "/\|\|TARGET\|\|/s::iris4:g" \
-e "/\|\|GCCvn\|\|/s::cygnus-2.0.2:g" \
< ${IN} > ${OUT}.new
sed -e "/^@set HOSTsun4/s::@clear HOSTsun4:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTsun3/s::@clear HOSTsun3:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTdecstation/s::@clear HOSTdecstation:" \
-e "/^@set HOSTiris/s::@clear HOSTiris:" \
-e "/^@clear HOSTrs6000/s::@set HOSTrs6000:" \
-e "/^@set FIXMES/s::@clear FIXMES:" \
-e "/\|\|RELNO\|\|/s::${relno}:g" \
-e "/\|\|TAPdflt\|\|/s::QIC-24:g" \
-e "/\|\|DEVdflt\|\|/s::/dev/rmt0.1:g" \
-e "/\|\|BD\|\|/s::36:g" \
-e "/\|\|SD\|\|/s::34:g" \
-e "/\|\|DF\|\|/s::70:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOST\|\|/s::RS/6000:g" \
-e "/\|\|HOSTstr\|\|/s::rs6000:g" \
-e "/\|\|TARGET\|\|/s::rs6000:g" \
-e "/\|\|GCCvn\|\|/s::cygnus-2.0.2:g" \
< ${IN} > ${OUT}.new
rm -rf ${host}
blockit: blockit.c