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synced 2025-03-01 13:26:47 +08:00
Many test cases had a few lines in the beginning that look like: if { condition } { continue } Where conditions varied, but were mostly in the form of ![runto_main] or [skip_*_tests], making it quite clear that this code block was supposed to finish the test if it entered the code block. This generates TCL errors, as most of these tests are not inside loops. All cases on which this was an obvious mistake are changed in this patch.
204 lines
5.9 KiB
204 lines
5.9 KiB
# Copyright 2010-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This test only works on GNU/Linux.
if { ![isnative] || [is_remote host] || [use_gdb_stub]
|| ![istarget *-linux*] || [skip_shlib_tests]} {
load_lib prelink-support.exp
standard_testfile .c
set genfile [standard_output_file ${testfile}-gen.h]
set executable $testfile
if {[build_executable_own_libs ${testfile}.exp $executable $srcfile \
{pie}] == ""} {
return -1
# Program Headers:
# Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
# LOAD 0x000000 0x0000000000400000 0x0000000000400000 0x134f5ec 0x134f5ec R E 0x200000
# LOAD 0x134f5f0 0x000000000194f5f0 0x000000000194f5f0 0x1dbc60 0x214088 RW 0x200000
# DYNAMIC 0x134f618 0x000000000194f618 0x000000000194f618 0x000200 0x000200 RW 0x8
proc read_phdr {binfile test} {
set readelf_program [gdb_find_readelf]
set command "exec $readelf_program -Wl $binfile"
verbose -log "command is $command"
set result [catch $command output]
verbose -log "result is $result"
verbose -log "output is $output"
if {$result != 0} {
fail $test
if ![regexp {\nProgram Headers:\n *Type [^\n]* Align\n(.*?)\n\n} $output trash phdr] {
fail "$test (no Program Headers)"
if ![regexp -line {^ *DYNAMIC +0x[0-9a-f]+ +(0x[0-9a-f]+) } $phdr trash dynamic_vaddr] {
fail "$test (no DYNAMIC found)"
verbose -log "dynamic_vaddr is $dynamic_vaddr"
set align_max -1
foreach {trash align} [regexp -line -all -inline {^ *LOAD .* (0x[0-9]+)$} $phdr] {
if {$align_max < $align} {
set align_max $align
verbose -log "align_max is $align_max"
if {$align_max == -1} {
fail "$test (no LOAD found)"
pass $test
return [list $dynamic_vaddr $align_max]
set phdr [read_phdr $binfile "readelf initial scan"]
set dynamic_vaddr [lindex $phdr 0]
set align_max [lindex $phdr 1]
set stub_size [format 0x%x [expr "2 * $align_max - ($dynamic_vaddr & ($align_max - 1))"]]
verbose -log "stub_size is $stub_size"
# On x86_64 it is commonly about 4MB.
if {$stub_size > 25000000} {
xfail "stub size $stub_size is too large"
set test "generate stub"
set command "exec $binfile $stub_size >$genfile"
verbose -log "command is $command"
set result [catch $command output]
verbose -log "result is $result"
verbose -log "output is $output"
if {$result == 0} {
pass $test
} else {
fail $test
with_test_prefix "rebuild with DGEN defined" {
set prelink_args [build_executable_own_libs ${testfile}.exp $executable $srcfile \
[list pie "additional_flags=-DGEN=\"$genfile\""]]
if {$prelink_args == ""} {
return -1
# x86_64 file has 25MB, no need to keep it.
file delete -- $genfile
set phdr [read_phdr $binfile "readelf rebuilt with stub_size"]
set dynamic_vaddr_prelinkno [lindex $phdr 0]
if ![prelink_yes $prelink_args] {
return -1
set phdr [read_phdr $binfile "readelf with prelink -R"]
set dynamic_vaddr_prelinkyes [lindex $phdr 0]
set first_offset [format 0x%x [expr $dynamic_vaddr_prelinkyes - $dynamic_vaddr_prelinkno]]
verbose -log "first_offset is $first_offset"
set test "first offset is non-zero"
if {$first_offset == 0} {
fail "$test (failing because PIE is not effect?)"
} else {
pass $test
set test "start inferior"
set test_spawn_id [remote_spawn host $binfile]
if { $test_spawn_id < 0 || $test_spawn_id == "" } {
perror "Spawning $binfile failed."
fail $test
set testpid [spawn_id_get_pid $test_spawn_id]
gdb_expect {
-re "sleeping\r\n" {
pass $test
eof {
fail "$test (eof)"
wait -i $test_spawn_id
timeout {
fail "$test (timeout)"
kill_wait_spawned_process $test_spawn_id
# Due to alignments it was reproducible with 1 on x86_64 but 2 on i686.
foreach align_mult {1 2} { with_test_prefix "shift-by-$align_mult" {
# FIXME: We believe there is enough room under FIRST_OFFSET.
set shifted_offset [format 0x%x [expr "$first_offset - $align_mult * $align_max"]]
verbose -log "shifted_offset is $shifted_offset"
# For normal prelink (prelink_yes call), we need to supply $prelink_args.
# For the prelink `-r' option below, $prelink_args is not required.
# Moreover, if it was used, the problem would not longer be reproducible
# as the libraries would also get relocated.
set command "exec /usr/sbin/prelink -q -N --no-exec-shield -r $shifted_offset $binfile"
verbose -log "command is $command"
set result [catch $command output]
verbose -log "result is $result"
verbose -log "output is $output"
set test "prelink -r"
if {$result == 0 && $output == ""} {
pass $test
} else {
fail $test
clean_restart $executable
set test "attach"
gdb_test_multiple "attach $testpid" $test {
-re "Attaching to program: .*, process $testpid\r\n" {
# Missing "$gdb_prompt $" is intentional.
pass $test
set test "error on Cannot access memory at address"
gdb_test_multiple "" $test {
-re "\r\nCannot access memory at address .*$gdb_prompt $" {
fail $test
-re "$gdb_prompt $" {
pass $test
gdb_test "detach" "Detaching from program: .*"
kill_wait_spawned_process $test_spawn_id