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synced 2025-03-07 13:39:43 +08:00
Now that all port tests live under testsuite/sim/*/, and none live in testsuite/ directly, flatten the structure by moving all of the dirs under testsuite/sim/ to testsuite/ directly. We need to stop passing --tool to dejagnu so that it searches all dirs and not just ones that start with "sim". Since we have no other dirs in this tree, and no plans to add any, should be fine.
618 lines
8.0 KiB
618 lines
8.0 KiB
# Support macros for the sh assembly test cases.
.equ no_dsp, 0
.equ yes_dsp, 1
.section .rodata
.align 2
_pass: .string "pass\n"
_fail: .string "fail\n"
_stack: .fill 128, 4, 0
.macro push reg
mov.l \reg, @-r15
.macro pop reg
mov.l @r15+, \reg
.macro start
.align 1
.global start
start: mov.l stackp, r15
bra main
.align 2
stackp: .long stackt
mov #4, r4
mov #1, r5
mov.l ppass, r6
mov #5, r7
trapa #34
mov #4, r4
mov #1, r5
mov.l pfail, r6
mov #5, r7
trapa #34
mov #1, r5
mov #1, r4
mov #0, r6
mov #0, r7
trapa #34
.align 2
ppass: .long _pass
pfail: .long _fail
push r0
mov.l a5a5, r0
cmp/eq r1, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r2, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r3, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r4, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r5, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r6, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r7, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r8, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r9, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r10, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r11, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r12, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r13, r0
bf mfail
cmp/eq r14, r0
bf mfail
# restore and check r0
pop r0
cmp/eq r0, r1
bf mfail
# pass
.if (sim_cpu == no_dsp)
push r0
flds fr0, fpul
sts fpul, r0
push r0
mov.l a5a5, r0
lds r0, fpul
fsts fpul, fr0
fcmp/eq fr1, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr2, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr3, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr4, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr5, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr6, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr7, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr8, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr9, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr10, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr11, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr12, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr13, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr14, fr0
bf mfail
fcmp/eq fr15, fr0
bf mfail
# restore and check fr0
pop r0
lds r0, fpul
fsts fpul, fr0
fcmp/eq fr0, fr1
bf mfail
# restore r0 and pass
pop r0
mov.l a5a5, r0
mov.l a5a5, r1
mov.l a5a5, r2
mov.l a5a5, r3
mov.l a5a5, r4
mov.l a5a5, r5
mov.l a5a5, r6
mov.l a5a5, r7
mov.l a5a5, r8
mov.l a5a5, r9
mov.l a5a5, r10
mov.l a5a5, r11
mov.l a5a5, r12
mov.l a5a5, r13
mov.l a5a5, r14
.if (sim_cpu == no_dsp)
push r0
mov.l a5a5, r0
lds r0, fpul
fsts fpul, fr0
fsts fpul, fr1
fsts fpul, fr2
fsts fpul, fr3
fsts fpul, fr4
fsts fpul, fr5
fsts fpul, fr6
fsts fpul, fr7
fsts fpul, fr8
fsts fpul, fr9
fsts fpul, fr10
fsts fpul, fr11
fsts fpul, fr12
fsts fpul, fr13
fsts fpul, fr14
fsts fpul, fr15
pop r0
.align 2
a5a5: .long 0xa5a5a5a5
.macro exit val
mov #\val, r5
bra mexit
.macro pass
bsr mpass
.macro fail
bra mfail
# Branch if false -- 8k range
.macro bf8k label
bt .Lbf8k\@
bra \label
# Branch if true -- 8k range
.macro bt8k label
bf .Lbt8k\@
bra \label
# Assert value of register (any general register but r0)
# Preserves r0 on stack, restores it on success.
.macro assertreg val reg
push r0
mov.l .Larval\@, r0
cmp/eq r0, \reg
bt .Lar\@
.align 2
.long \val
.Lar\@: pop r0
# Assert value of register zero
# Preserves r1 on stack, restores it on success.
.macro assertreg0 val
push r1
mov.l .Lazval\@, r1
cmp/eq r1, r0
bt .Laz\@
.align 2
.long \val
.Laz\@: pop r1
# Assert value of system register
# [mach, macl, pr, dsr, a0, x0, x1, y0, y1, ...]
.macro assert_sreg val reg
push r0
sts \reg, r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
# Assert value of system register that isn't directly stc-able
# [a1, m0, m1, ...]
.macro assert_sreg2 val reg
push r0
sts a0, r0
push r0
pcopy \reg, a0
sts a0, r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
lds r0, a0
pop r0
# Assert value of control register
# [gbr, vbr, ssr, spc, sgr, dbr, r[0-7]_bank, sr, mod, re, rs, ...]
.macro assert_creg val reg
push r0
stc \reg, r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
# Assert integer value of fp register
# Preserves r0 on stack, restores it on success
# Assumes single-precision fp mode
.macro assert_fpreg_i val freg
push r0
ftrc \freg, fpul
sts fpul, r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
# Assert integer value of dp register
# Preserves r0 on stack, restores it on success
# Assumes double-precision fp mode
.macro assert_dpreg_i val dreg
push r0
ftrc \dreg, fpul
sts fpul, r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
# Assert hex value of fp register
# Preserves r0 on stack, restores it on success
# Assumes single-precision fp mode
.macro assert_fpreg_x val freg
push r0
flds \freg, fpul
sts fpul, r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
# Set FP bank 0
# Saves and restores r0 and r1
.macro bank0
push r0
push r1
mov #32, r1
shll16 r1
not r1, r1
sts fpscr, r0
and r1, r0
lds r0, fpscr
pop r1
pop r0
# Set FP bank 1
.macro bank1
push r0
push r1
mov #32, r1
shll16 r1
sts fpscr, r0
or r1, r0
lds r0, fpscr
pop r1
pop r0
# Set FP 32-bit xfer
.macro sz_32
push r0
push r1
mov #16, r1
shll16 r1
not r1, r1
sts fpscr, r0
and r1, r0
lds r0, fpscr
pop r1
pop r0
# Set FP 64-bit xfer
.macro sz_64
push r0
push r1
mov #16, r1
shll16 r1
sts fpscr, r0
or r1, r0
lds r0, fpscr
pop r1
pop r0
# Set FP single precision
.macro single_prec
push r0
push r1
mov #8, r1
shll16 r1
not r1, r1
sts fpscr, r0
and r1, r0
lds r0, fpscr
pop r1
pop r0
# Set FP double precision
.macro double_prec
push r0
push r1
mov #8, r1
shll16 r1
sts fpscr, r0
or r1, r0
lds r0, fpscr
pop r1
pop r0
.macro set_carry
.macro set_ovf
.macro clear_carry
.macro clear_ovf
# sets, clrs
.macro set_grs_a5a5
bsr mseta5
.macro set_greg val greg
mov.l gregval\@, \greg
bra set_greg\@
.align 2
gregval\@: .long \val
.macro set_fprs_a5a5
bsr mseta5_fp
.macro test_grs_a5a5
bsr mtesta5
.macro test_fprs_a5a5
bsr mtesta5_fp
.macro test_gr_a5a5 reg
assertreg 0xa5a5a5a5 \reg
.macro test_fpr_a5a5 reg
assert_fpreg_x 0xa5a5a5a5 \reg
.macro test_gr0_a5a5
assertreg0 0xa5a5a5a5
# Perform a single to double precision floating point conversion.
# Assumes correct settings of fpscr.
.macro _s2d fpr dpr
flds \fpr, fpul
fcnvsd fpul, \dpr
# Manipulate the status register
.macro set_sr val
push r0
mov.l .Lsrval\@, r0
ldc r0, sr
pop r0
bra .Lsetsr\@
.align 2
.long \val
.macro get_sr reg
stc sr, \reg
.macro test_sr val
push r0
get_sr r0
assertreg0 \val
pop r0
.macro set_sr_bit val
push r0
push r1
get_sr r0
mov.l .Lsrbitval\@, r1
or r1, r0
ldc r0, sr
pop r1
pop r0
bra .Lsrbit\@
.align 2
.long \val
.macro test_sr_bit_set val
push r0
push r1
get_sr r0
mov.l .Ltsbsval\@, r1
tst r1, r0
bf .Ltsbs\@
.align 2
.long \val
pop r1
pop r0
.macro test_sr_bit_clear val
push r0
push r1
get_sr r0
mov.l .Ltsbcval\@, r1
not r0, r0
tst r1, r0
bf .Ltsbc\@
.align 2
.long \val
pop r1
pop r0
# Set system registers
.macro set_sreg val reg
# [mach, macl, pr, dsr, a0, x0, x1, y0, y1, ...]
push r0
mov.l .Lssrval\@, r0
lds r0, \reg
pop r0
bra .Lssr\@
.align 2
.long \val
.macro set_sreg2 val reg
# [a1, m0, m1, ...]
push r0
sts a0, r0
push r0
mov.l .Lssr2val\@, r0
lds r0, a0
pcopy a0, \reg
pop r0
lds r0, a0
pop r0
bra .Lssr2_\@
.align 2
.long \val
.macro set_creg val reg
# [gbr, vbr, ssr, spc, sgr, dbr... ]
push r0
mov.l .Lscrval\@, r0
ldc r0, \reg
pop r0
bra .Lscr\@
.align 2
.long \val
.macro set_dctrue
push r0
sts dsr, r0
or #1, r0
lds r0, dsr
pop r0
.macro set_dcfalse
push r0
sts dsr, r0
not r0, r0
or #1, r0
not r0, r0
lds r0, dsr
pop r0
.macro assertmem addr val
push r0
mov.l .Laddr\@, r0
mov.l @r0, r0
assertreg0 \val
bra .Lam\@
.align 2
.long \addr
.Lam\@: pop r0