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2001-02-10 08:58:38 +08:00
# S/390 opcodes list. Use s390-mkopc to convert it into the opcode table.
# Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2001-02-10 08:58:38 +08:00
# Contributed by Martin Schwidefsky (
5a a RX_RRRD "add" g5 esa,zarch
6a ad RX_FRRD "add normalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
2a adr RR_FF "add normalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
7a ae RX_FRRD "add normalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
3a aer RR_FF "add normalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
4a ah RX_RRRD "add halfword" g5 esa,zarch
5e al RX_RRRD "add logical" g5 esa,zarch
1e alr RR_RR "add logical" g5 esa,zarch
fa ap SS_LLRDRD "add decimal" g5 esa,zarch
1a ar RR_RR "add" g5 esa,zarch
7e au RX_FRRD "add unnormalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
3e aur RR_FF "add unnormalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
6e aw RX_FRRD "add unnormalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
2e awr RR_FF "add unnormalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
36 axr RR_FEFE "add normalized" g5 esa,zarch
b240 bakr RRE_RR "branch and stack" g5 esa,zarch
45 bal RX_RRRD "branch and link" g5 esa,zarch
05 balr RR_RR "branch and link" g5 esa,zarch
4d bas RX_RRRD "branch and save" g5 esa,zarch
0d basr RR_RR "branch and save" g5 esa,zarch
0c bassm RR_RR "branch and save and set mode" g5 esa,zarch
47 bc RX_URRD "branch on condition" g5 esa,zarch
07 bcr RR_UR "branch on condition" g5 esa,zarch
46 bct RX_RRRD "branch on count" g5 esa,zarch
06 bctr RR_RR "branch on count" g5 esa,zarch
b258 bsg RRE_RR "branch in subspace group" g5 esa,zarch
0b bsm RR_RR "branch and set mode" g5 esa,zarch
86 bxh RS_RRRD "branch on index high" g5 esa,zarch
87 bxle RS_RRRD "branch on index low or equal" g5 esa,zarch
59 c RX_RRRD "compare" g5 esa,zarch
69 cd RX_FRRD "compare (long)" g5 esa,zarch
29 cdr RR_FF "compare (long)" g5 esa,zarch
bb cds RS_RERERD "compare double and swap" g5 esa,zarch
79 ce RX_FRRD "compare (short)" g5 esa,zarch
39 cer RR_FF "compare (short)" g5 esa,zarch
b21a cfc S_RD "compare and form codeword" g5 esa,zarch
49 ch RX_RRRD "compare halfword" g5 esa,zarch
55 cl RX_RRRD "compare logical" g5 esa,zarch
d5 clc SS_L0RDRD "compare logical" g5 esa,zarch
0f clcl RR_RR "compare logical long" g5 esa,zarch
95 cli SI_URD "compare logical" g5 esa,zarch
bd clm RS_RURD "compare logical characters under mask" g5 esa,zarch
15 clr RR_RR "compare logical" g5 esa,zarch
b25d clst RRE_RR "compare logical string" g5 esa,zarch
f9 cp SS_LLRDRD "compare decimal" g5 esa,zarch
b24d cpya RRE_AA "copy access" g5 esa,zarch
19 cr RR_RR "compare" g5 esa,zarch
ba cs RS_RRRD "compare and swap" g5 esa,zarch
b230 csch S_00 "clear subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
b257 cuse RRE_RERE "compare until substring equal" g5 esa,zarch
b250 csp RRE_RR "compare and swap and purge" g5 esa,zarch
4f cvb RX_RRRD "convert to binary" g5 esa,zarch
4e cvd RX_RRRD "convert to decimal" g5 esa,zarch
5d d RX_RERRD "divide" g5 esa,zarch
6d dd RX_FRRD "divide (long)" g5 esa,zarch
2d ddr RR_FF "divide (long)" g5 esa,zarch
7d de RX_FRRD "divide (short)" g5 esa,zarch
3d der RR_FF "divide (short)" g5 esa,zarch
83 diag RS_RRRD "diagnose" g5 esa,zarch
fd dp SS_LLRDRD "divide decimal" g5 esa,zarch
1d dr RR_RER "divide" g5 esa,zarch
b22d dxr RRE_FEFE "divide (ext.)" g5 esa,zarch
b24f ear RRE_RA "extract access" g5 esa,zarch
de ed SS_L0RDRD "edit" g5 esa,zarch
df edmk SS_L0RDRD "edit and mark" g5 esa,zarch
b226 epar RRE_R0 "extract primary ASN" g5 esa,zarch
b249 ereg RRE_RR "extract stacked registers" g5 esa,zarch
b227 esar RRE_R0 "extract secondary ASN" g5 esa,zarch
b24a esta RRE_RR "extract stacked state" g5 esa,zarch
44 ex RX_RRRD "execute" g5 esa,zarch
24 hdr RR_FF "halve (long)" g5 esa,zarch
34 her RR_FF "halve (short)" g5 esa,zarch
b231 hsch S_00 "halt subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
b224 iac RRE_R0 "insert address space control" g5 esa,zarch
43 ic RX_RRRD "insert character" g5 esa,zarch
bf icm RS_RURD "insert characters under mask" g5 esa,zarch
b20b ipk S_00 "insert PSW key" g5 esa,zarch
b222 ipm RRE_R0 "insert program mask" g5 esa,zarch
b221 ipte RRE_RR "invalidate page table entry" g5 esa,zarch
b229 iske RRE_RR "insert storage key extended" g5 esa,zarch
b223 ivsk RRE_RR "insert virtual storage key" g5 esa,zarch
58 l RX_RRRD "load" g5 esa,zarch
41 la RX_RRRD "load address" g5 esa,zarch
51 lae RX_RRRD "load address extended" g5 esa,zarch
9a lam RS_AARD "load access multiple" g5 esa,zarch
e500 lasp SSE_RDRD "load address space parameters" g5 esa,zarch
23 lcdr RR_FF "load complement (long)" g5 esa,zarch
33 lcer RR_FF "load complement (short)" g5 esa,zarch
13 lcr RR_RR "load complement" g5 esa,zarch
b7 lctl RS_CCRD "load control" g5 esa,zarch
68 ld RX_FRRD "load (long)" g5 esa,zarch
28 ldr RR_FF "load (long)" g5 esa,zarch
78 le RX_FRRD "load (short)" g5 esa,zarch
38 ler RR_FF "load (short)" g5 esa,zarch
48 lh RX_RRRD "load halfword" g5 esa,zarch
98 lm RS_RRRD "load multiple" g5 esa,zarch
21 lndr RR_FF "load negative (long)" g5 esa,zarch
31 lner RR_FF "load negative (short)" g5 esa,zarch
11 lnr RR_RR "load negative" g5 esa,zarch
20 lpdr RR_FF "load positive (long)" g5 esa,zarch
30 lper RR_FF "load positive (short)" g5 esa,zarch
10 lpr RR_RR "load positive" g5 esa,zarch
82 lpsw S_RD "load PSW" g5 esa,zarch
18 lr RR_RR "load" g5 esa,zarch
b1 lra RX_RRRD "load real address" g5 esa,zarch
25 ldxr RR_FFE "load rounded (ext. to long)" g5 esa,zarch
25 lrdr RR_FFE "load rounded (ext. to long)" g5 esa,zarch
35 ledr RR_FF "load rounded (long to short)" g5 esa,zarch
35 lrer RR_FF "load rounded (long to short)" g5 esa,zarch
22 ltdr RR_FF "load and test (long)" g5 esa,zarch
32 lter RR_FF "load and test (short)" g5 esa,zarch
12 ltr RR_RR "load and test" g5 esa,zarch
b24b lura RRE_RR "load using real address" g5 esa,zarch
5c m RX_RERRD "multiply" g5 esa,zarch
af mc SI_URD "monitor call" g5 esa,zarch
6c md RX_FRRD "multiply (long)" g5 esa,zarch
2c mdr RR_FF "multiply (long)" g5 esa,zarch
7c mde RX_FRRD "multiply (short to long)" g5 esa,zarch
7c me RX_FRRD "multiply (short to long)" g5 esa,zarch
3c mder RR_FF "multiply short to long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
3c mer RR_FF "multiply (short to long)" g5 esa,zarch
4c mh RX_RRRD "multiply halfword" g5 esa,zarch
fc mp SS_LLRDRD "multiply decimal" g5 esa,zarch
1c mr RR_RER "multiply" g5 esa,zarch
b232 msch S_RD "modify subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
b247 msta RRE_R0 "modify stacked state" g5 esa,zarch
d2 mvc SS_L0RDRD "move" g5 esa,zarch
e50f mvcdk SSE_RDRD "move with destination key" g5 esa,zarch
e8 mvcin SS_L0RDRD "move inverse" g5 esa,zarch
d9 mvck SS_RRRDRD "move with key" g5 esa,zarch
0e mvcl RR_RR "move long" g5 esa,zarch
da mvcp SS_RRRDRD "move to primary" g5 esa,zarch
db mvcs SS_RRRDRD "move to secondary" g5 esa,zarch
e50e mvcsk SSE_RDRD "move with source key" g5 esa,zarch
92 mvi SI_URD "move" g5 esa,zarch
d1 mvn SS_L0RDRD "move numerics" g5 esa,zarch
f1 mvo SS_LLRDRD "move with offset" g5 esa,zarch
b254 mvpg RRE_RR "move page" g5 esa,zarch
b255 mvst RRE_RR "move string" g5 esa,zarch
d3 mvz SS_L0RDRD "move zones" g5 esa,zarch
67 mxd RX_FERRD "multiply (long to ext.)" g5 esa,zarch
27 mxdr RR_FEF "multiply (long to ext.)" g5 esa,zarch
26 mxr RR_FEFE "multiply (ext.)" g5 esa,zarch
54 n RX_RRRD "AND" g5 esa,zarch
d4 nc SS_L0RDRD "AND" g5 esa,zarch
94 ni SI_URD "AND" g5 esa,zarch
14 nr RR_RR "AND" g5 esa,zarch
56 o RX_RRRD "OR" g5 esa,zarch
d6 oc SS_L0RDRD "OR" g5 esa,zarch
96 oi SI_URD "OR" g5 esa,zarch
16 or RR_RR "OR" g5 esa,zarch
f2 pack SS_LLRDRD "pack" g5 esa,zarch
b248 palb RRE_00 "purge ALB" g5 esa,zarch
b218 pc S_RD "program call" g5 esa,zarch
0101 pr E "program return" g5 esa,zarch
b228 pt RRE_RR "program transfer" g5 esa,zarch
b20d ptlb S_00 "purge TLB" g5 esa,zarch
b23b rchp S_00 "reset channel path" g5 esa,zarch
b22a rrbe RRE_RR "reset reference bit extended" g5 esa,zarch
b238 rsch S_00 "resume subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
5b s RX_RRRD "subtract" g5 esa,zarch
b219 sac S_RD "set address space control" g5 esa,zarch
b279 sacf S_RD "set address space control fast" g5 esa,zarch
b237 sal S_00 "set address limit" g5 esa,zarch
b24e sar RRE_AR "set access" g5 esa,zarch
b23c schm S_00 "set channel monitor" g5 esa,zarch
b204 sck S_RD "set clock" g5 esa,zarch
b206 sckc S_RD "set clock comparator" g5 esa,zarch
6b sd RX_FRRD "subtract normalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
2b sdr RR_FF "subtract normalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
7b se RX_FRRD "subtract normalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
3b ser RR_FF "subtract normalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
4b sh RX_RRRD "subtract halfword" g5 esa,zarch
b214 sie S_RD "start interpretive execution" g5 esa,zarch
ae sigp RS_RRRD "signal processor" g5 esa,zarch
5f sl RX_RRRD "subtract logical" g5 esa,zarch
8b sla RS_R0RD "shift left single" g5 esa,zarch
8f slda RS_RE0RD "shift left double (long)" g5 esa,zarch
8d sldl RS_RE0RD "shift left double logical (long)" g5 esa,zarch
89 sll RS_R0RD "shift left single logical" g5 esa,zarch
1f slr RR_RR "subtract logical" g5 esa,zarch
fb sp SS_LLRDRD "subtract decimal" g5 esa,zarch
b20a spka S_RD "set PSW key from address" g5 esa,zarch
04 spm RR_R0 "set program mask" g5 esa,zarch
b208 spt S_RD "set CPU timer" g5 esa,zarch
b210 spx S_RD "set prefix" g5 esa,zarch
b244 sqdr RRE_FF "square root (long)" g5 esa,zarch
b245 sqer RRE_FF "square root (short)" g5 esa,zarch
1b sr RR_RR "subtract" g5 esa,zarch
8a sra RS_R0RD "shift right single" g5 esa,zarch
8e srda RS_RE0RD "shift right double (long)" g5 esa,zarch
8c srdl RS_RE0RD "shift right double logical (long)" g5 esa,zarch
88 srl RS_R0RD "shift right single logical" g5 esa,zarch
f0 srp SS_LIRDRD "shift and round decimal" g5 esa,zarch
b25e srst RRE_RR "search string" g5 esa,zarch
b225 ssar RRE_R0 "set secondary ASN" g5 esa,zarch
b233 ssch S_RD "start subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
b22b sske RRE_RR "set storage key extended" g5 esa,zarch
80 ssm S_RD "set system mask" g5 esa,zarch
50 st RX_RRRD "store" g5 esa,zarch
9b stam RS_AARD "store access multiple" g5 esa,zarch
b212 stap S_RD "store CPU address" g5 esa,zarch
42 stc RX_RRRD "store character" g5 esa,zarch
b205 stck S_RD "store clock" g5 esa,zarch
b207 stckc S_RD "store clock comparator" g5 esa,zarch
be stcm RS_RURD "store characters under mask" g5 esa,zarch
b23a stcps S_RD "store channel path status" g5 esa,zarch
b239 stcrw S_RD "store channel report word" g5 esa,zarch
b6 stctl RS_CCRD "store control" g5 esa,zarch
60 std RX_FRRD "store (long)" g5 esa,zarch
70 ste RX_FRRD "store (short)" g5 esa,zarch
40 sth RX_RRRD "store halfword" g5 esa,zarch
b202 stidp S_RD "store CPU id" g5 esa,zarch
90 stm RS_RRRD "store multiple" g5 esa,zarch
ac stnsm SI_URD "store then AND system mask" g5 esa,zarch
ad stosm SI_URD "store then OR system mask" g5 esa,zarch
b209 stpt S_RD "store CPU timer" g5 esa,zarch
b211 stpx S_RD "store prefix" g5 esa,zarch
b234 stsch S_RD "store subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
b246 stura RRE_RR "store using real address" g5 esa,zarch
7f su RX_FRRD "subtract unnormalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
3f sur RR_FF "subtract unnormalized (short)" g5 esa,zarch
0a svc RR_U0 "supervisor call" g5 esa,zarch
6f sw RX_FRRD "subtract unnormalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
2f swr RR_FF "subtract unnormalized (long)" g5 esa,zarch
37 sxr RR_FEFE "subtract normalized (ext.)" g5 esa,zarch
b24c tar RRE_AR "test access" g5 esa,zarch
b22c tb RRE_0R "test block" g5 esa,zarch
91 tm SI_URD "test under mask" g5 esa,zarch
b236 tpi S_RD "test pending interruption" g5 esa,zarch
e501 tprot SSE_RDRD "test protection" g5 esa,zarch
dc tr SS_L0RDRD "translate" g5 esa,zarch
99 trace RS_RRRD "trace" g5 esa,zarch
dd trt SS_L0RDRD "translate and test" g5 esa,zarch
93 ts S_RD "test and set" g5 esa,zarch
b235 tsch S_RD "test subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
f3 unpk SS_LLRDRD "unpack" g5 esa,zarch
0102 upt E "update tree" g5 esa,zarch
57 x RX_RRRD "exclusive OR" g5 esa,zarch
d7 xc SS_L0RDRD "exclusive OR" g5 esa,zarch
97 xi SI_URD "exclusive OR" g5 esa,zarch
17 xr RR_RR "exclusive OR" g5 esa,zarch
f8 zap SS_LLRDRD "zero and add" g5 esa,zarch
a70a ahi RI_RI "add halfword immediate" g5 esa,zarch
84 brxh RSI_RRP "branch relative on index high" g5 esa,zarch
85 brxle RSI_RRP "branch relative on index low or equal" g5 esa,zarch
a705 bras RI_RP "branch relative and save" g5 esa,zarch
a704 brc RI_UP "branch relative on condition" g5 esa,zarch
a706 brct RI_RP "branch relative on count" g5 esa,zarch
b241 cksm RRE_RR "checksum" g5 esa,zarch
a70e chi RI_RI "compare halfword immediate" g5 esa,zarch
a9 clcle RS_RRRD "compare logical long extended" g5 esa,zarch
a708 lhi RI_RI "load halfword immediate" g5 esa,zarch
a8 mvcle RS_RERERD "move long extended" g5 esa,zarch
a70c mhi RI_RI "multiply halfword immediate" g5 esa,zarch
b252 msr RRE_RR "multiply single" g5 esa,zarch
71 ms RX_RRRD "multiply single" g5 esa,zarch
a700 tmlh RI_RU "test under mask low high" g5 esa,zarch
a700 tmh RI_RU "test under mask high" g5 esa,zarch
a701 tmll RI_RU "test under mask low low" g5 esa,zarch
a701 tml RI_RU "test under mask low" g5 esa,zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
0700 nopr RR_0R "no operation" g5 esa,zarch optparm
0700 b*8r RR_0R "conditional branch" g5 esa,zarch
07f0 br RR_0R "unconditional branch" g5 esa,zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
4700 nop RX_0RRD "no operation" g5 esa,zarch optparm
4700 b*8 RX_0RRD "conditional branch" g5 esa,zarch
47f0 b RX_0RRD "unconditional branch" g5 esa,zarch
a704 j*8 RI_0P "conditional jump" g5 esa,zarch
a7f4 j RI_0P "unconditional jump" g5 esa,zarch
b34a axbr RRE_FEFE "add extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b31a adbr RRE_FF "add long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000001a adb RXE_FRRD "add long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b30a aebr RRE_FF "add short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000000a aeb RXE_FRRD "add short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b349 cxbr RRE_FEFE "compare extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b319 cdbr RRE_FF "compare long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000019 cdb RXE_FRRD "compare long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b309 cebr RRE_FF "compare short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000009 ceb RXE_FRRD "compare short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b348 kxbr RRE_FF "compare and signal extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b318 kdbr RRE_FF "compare and signal long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000018 kdb RXE_FRRD "compare and signal long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b308 kebr RRE_FF "compare and signal short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000008 keb RXE_FRRD "compare and signal short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b396 cxfbr RRE_FER "convert from fixed 32 to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b395 cdfbr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 32 to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b394 cefbr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 32 to short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b39a cfxbr RRF_U0RFE "convert to fixed extended bfp to 32" g5 esa,zarch
b399 cfdbr RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed long bfp to 32" g5 esa,zarch
b398 cfebr RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed short bfp to 32" g5 esa,zarch
b34d dxbr RRE_FEFE "divide extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b31d ddbr RRE_FF "divide long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000001d ddb RXE_FRRD "divide long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b30d debr RRE_FF "divide short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000000d deb RXE_FRRD "divide short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b35b didbr RRF_FUFF "divide to integer long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b353 diebr RRF_FUFF "divide to integer short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b38c efpc RRE_RR "extract fpc" g5 esa,zarch optparm
b342 ltxbr RRE_FEFE "load and test extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b312 ltdbr RRE_FF "load and test long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b302 ltebr RRE_FF "load and test short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b343 lcxbr RRE_FEFE "load complement extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b313 lcdbr RRE_FF "load complement long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b303 lcebr RRE_FF "load complement short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b347 fixbr RRF_U0FEFE "load fp integer extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b35f fidbr RRF_U0FF "load fp integer long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b357 fiebr RRF_U0FF "load fp integer short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b29d lfpc S_RD "load fpc" g5 esa,zarch
b305 lxdbr RRE_FEF "load lengthened long to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000005 lxdb RXE_FERRD "load lengthened long to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b306 lxebr RRE_FEF "load lengthened short to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000006 lxeb RXE_FERRD "load lengthened short to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b304 ldebr RRE_FF "load lengthened short to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000004 ldeb RXE_FRRD "load lengthened short to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b341 lnxbr RRE_FEFE "load negative extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b311 lndbr RRE_FF "load negative long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b301 lnebr RRE_FF "load negative short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b340 lpxbr RRE_FEFE "load positive extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b310 lpdbr RRE_FF "load positive long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b300 lpebr RRE_FF "load positive short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b345 ldxbr RRE_FEFE "load rounded extended to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b346 lexbr RRE_FEFE "load rounded extended to short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b344 ledbr RRE_FF "load rounded long to short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b34c mxbr RRE_FEFE "multiply extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b31c mdbr RRE_FF "multiply long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000001c mdb RXE_FRRD "multiply long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b307 mxdbr RRE_FEF "multiply long to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000007 mxdb RXE_FERRD "multiply long to extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b317 meebr RRE_FF "multiply short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000017 meeb RXE_FRRD "multiply short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b30c mdebr RRE_FF "multiply short to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000000c mdeb RXE_FRRD "multiply short to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b31e madbr RRF_F0FF "multiply and add long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000001e madb RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b30e maebr RRF_F0FF "multiply and add short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000000e maeb RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b31f msdbr RRF_F0FF "multiply and subtract long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000001f msdb RXF_FRRDF "multiply and subtract long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b30f msebr RRF_F0FF "multiply and subtract short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000000f mseb RXF_FRRDF "multiply and subtract short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b384 sfpc RRE_RR "set fpc" g5 esa,zarch optparm
b299 srnm S_RD "set rounding mode" g5 esa,zarch
b316 sqxbr RRE_FEFE "square root extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b315 sqdbr RRE_FF "square root long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000015 sqdb RXE_FRRD "square root long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b314 sqebr RRE_FF "square root short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000014 sqeb RXE_FRRD "square root short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b29c stfpc S_RD "store fpc" g5 esa,zarch
b34b sxbr RRE_FEFE "subtract extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b31b sdbr RRE_FF "subtract long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000001b sdb RXE_FRRD "subtract long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b30b sebr RRE_FF "subtract short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed000000000b seb RXE_FRRD "subtract short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000012 tcxb RXE_FERRD "test data class extended bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000011 tcdb RXE_FRRD "test data class long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000010 tceb RXE_FRRD "test data class short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b274 siga S_RD "signal adapter" g5 esa,zarch
b2a6 cuutf RRE_RERE "convert unicode to utf-8" g5 esa,zarch
b2a7 cutfu RRE_RR "convert utf-8 to unicode" g5 esa,zarch
ee plo SS_RRRDRD2 "perform locked operation" g5 esa,zarch
b25a bsa RRE_RR "branch and set authority" g5 esa,zarch
b277 rp S_RD "resume program" g5 esa,zarch
0107 sckpf E "set clock programmable field" g5 esa,zarch
b27d stsi S_RD "store system information" g5 esa,zarch
01ff trap2 E "trap" g5 esa,zarch
b2ff trap4 S_RD "trap4" g5 esa,zarch
b278 stcke S_RD "store clock extended" g5 esa,zarch
b2a5 tre RRE_RER "translate extended" g5 esa,zarch
eb000000008e mvclu RSE_RERERD "move long unicode" g5 esa,zarch
e9 pka SS_L2RDRD "pack ascii" g5 esa,zarch
e1 pku SS_L2RDRD "pack unicode" g5 esa,zarch
b993 troo RRE_RER "translate one to one" g5 esa,zarch
b992 trot RRE_RER "translate one to two" g5 esa,zarch
b991 trto RRE_RER "translate two to one" g5 esa,zarch
b990 trtt RRE_RER "translate two to two" g5 esa,zarch
ea unpka SS_L0RDRD "unpack ascii" g5 esa,zarch
e2 unpku SS_L0RDRD "unpack unicode" g5 esa,zarch
b358 thder RRE_FF "convert short bfp to long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b359 thdr RRE_FF "convert long bfp to long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b350 tbedr RRF_U0FF "convert long hfp to short bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b351 tbdr RRF_U0FF "convert long hfp to long bfp" g5 esa,zarch
b374 lzer RRE_F0 "load short zero" g5 esa,zarch
b375 lzdr RRE_F0 "load long zero" g5 esa,zarch
b376 lzxr RRE_FE0 "load extended zero" g5 esa,zarch
2001-02-10 08:58:38 +08:00
# Here are the new esame instructions:
b946 bctgr RRE_RR "branch on count 64" z900 zarch
b900 lpgr RRE_RR "load positive 64" z900 zarch
b910 lpgfr RRE_RR "load positive 64<32" z900 zarch
b901 lngr RRE_RR "load negative 64" z900 zarch
b911 lngfr RRE_RR "load negative 64<32" z900 zarch
b902 ltgr RRE_RR "load and test 64" z900 zarch
b912 ltgfr RRE_RR "load and test 64<32" z900 zarch
b903 lcgr RRE_RR "load complement 64" z900 zarch
b913 lcgfr RRE_RR "load complement 64<32" z900 zarch
b980 ngr RRE_RR "and 64" z900 zarch
b921 clgr RRE_RR "compare logical 64" z900 zarch
b931 clgfr RRE_RR "compare logical 64<32" z900 zarch
b981 ogr RRE_RR "or 64" z900 zarch
b982 xgr RRE_RR "exclusive or 64" z900 zarch
b904 lgr RRE_RR "load 64" z900 zarch
b914 lgfr RRE_RR "load 64<32" z900 zarch
b920 cgr RRE_RR "compare 64" z900 zarch
b930 cgfr RRE_RR "compare 64<32" z900 zarch
b908 agr RRE_RR "add 64" z900 zarch
b918 agfr RRE_RR "add 64<32" z900 zarch
b909 sgr RRE_RR "subtract 64" z900 zarch
b919 sgfr RRE_RR "subtract 64<32" z900 zarch
b90a algr RRE_RR "add logical 64" z900 zarch
b91a algfr RRE_RR "add logical 64<32" z900 zarch
b90b slgr RRE_RR "subtract logical 64" z900 zarch
b91b slgfr RRE_RR "subtract logical 64<32" z900 zarch
e30000000046 bctg RXE_RRRD "branch on count 64" z900 zarch
e3000000002e cvdg RXE_RRRD "convert to decimal 64" z900 zarch
e3000000000e cvbg RXE_RRRD "convert to binary 64" z900 zarch
e30000000024 stg RXE_RRRD "store 64" z900 zarch
e30000000080 ng RXE_RRRD "and 64" z900 zarch
e30000000021 clg RXE_RRRD "compare logical 64" z900 zarch
e30000000031 clgf RXE_RRRD "compare logical 64<32" z900 zarch
e30000000081 og RXE_RRRD "or 64" z900 zarch
e30000000082 xg RXE_RRRD "exclusive or 64" z900 zarch
e30000000004 lg RXE_RRRD "load 64" z900 zarch
e30000000014 lgf RXE_RRRD "load 64<32" z900 zarch
e30000000015 lgh RXE_RRRD "load halfword 64" z900 zarch
e30000000020 cg RXE_RRRD "compare 64" z900 zarch
e30000000030 cgf RXE_RRRD "compare 64<32" z900 zarch
e30000000008 ag RXE_RRRD "add 64" z900 zarch
e30000000018 agf RXE_RRRD "add 64<32" z900 zarch
e30000000009 sg RXE_RRRD "subtract 64" z900 zarch
e30000000019 sgf RXE_RRRD "subtract 64<32" z900 zarch
e3000000000a alg RXE_RRRD "add logical 64" z900 zarch
e3000000001a algf RXE_RRRD "add logical 64<32" z900 zarch
e3000000000b slg RXE_RRRD "subtract logical 64" z900 zarch
e3000000001b slgf RXE_RRRD "subtract logical 64<32" z900 zarch
e3000000000c msg RXE_RRRD "multiply single 64" z900 zarch
e3000000001c msgf RXE_RRRD "multiply single 64<32" z900 zarch
ec0000000044 brxhg RIE_RRP "branch relative on index high 64" z900 zarch
ec0000000045 brxlg RIE_RRP "branch relative on index low or equal 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000044 bxhg RSE_RRRD "branch on index high 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000045 bxleg RSE_RRRD "branch on index low or equal 64" z900 zarch
eb000000000c srlg RSE_RRRD "shift right single logical 64" z900 zarch
eb000000000d sllg RSE_RRRD "shift left single logical 64" z900 zarch
eb000000000a srag RSE_RRRD "shift right single 64" z900 zarch
eb000000000b slag RSE_RRRD "shift left single 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000024 stmg RSE_RRRD "store multiple 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000026 stmh RSE_RRRD "store multiple high" z900 zarch
eb0000000004 lmg RSE_RRRD "load multiple 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000096 lmh RSE_RRRD "load multiple high" z900 zarch
ef lmd SS_RRRDRD3 "load multiple disjoint" z900 zarch
eb000000000f tracg RSE_RRRD "trace 64" z900 zarch
e30000000003 lrag RXE_RRRD "load real address 64" z900 zarch
e502 strag SSE_RDRD "store read address" z900 zarch
eb0000000025 stctg RSE_CCRD "store control 64" z900 zarch
eb000000002f lctlg RSE_CCRD "load control 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000030 csg RSE_RRRD "compare and swap 64" z900 zarch
eb000000003e cdsg RSE_RERERD "compare double and swap 64" z900 zarch
eb0000000020 clmh RSE_RURD "compare logical characters under mask high" z900 zarch
eb000000002c stcmh RSE_RURD "store characters under mask high" z900 zarch
eb0000000080 icmh RSE_RURD "insert characters under mask high" z900 zarch
a702 tmhh RI_RU "test under mask high high" z900 zarch
a703 tmhl RI_RU "test under mask high low" z900 zarch
c004 brcl RIL_UP "branch relative on condition long" z900 esa,zarch
c004 jg*8 RIL_0P "conditional jump long" z900 esa,zarch
c0f4 jg RIL_0P "unconditional jump long" z900 esa,zarch
c005 brasl RIL_RP "branch relative and save long" z900 esa,zarch
a707 brctg RI_RP "branch relative on count 64" z900 zarch
a709 lghi RI_RI "load halfword immediate 64" z900 zarch
a70b aghi RI_RI "add halfword immediate 64" z900 zarch
a70d mghi RI_RI "multiply halfword immediate 64" z900 zarch
a70f cghi RI_RI "compare halfword immediate 64" z900 zarch
b925 sturg RRE_RR "store using real address 64" z900 zarch
b90e eregg RRE_RR "extract stacked registers 64" z900 zarch
b905 lurag RRE_RR "load using real address 64" z900 zarch
b90c msgr RRE_RR "multiply single 64" z900 zarch
b91c msgfr RRE_RR "multiply single 64<32" z900 zarch
b3a4 cegbr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 64 to short bfp" z900 zarch
b3a5 cdgbr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 64 to long bfp" z900 zarch
b3a6 cxgbr RRE_FER "convert from fixed 64 to extended bfp" z900 zarch
b3a8 cgebr RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed short bfd to 64" z900 zarch
b3a9 cgdbr RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed long bfp to 64" z900 zarch
b3aa cgxbr RRF_U0RFE "convert to fixed extended bfp to 64" z900 zarch
b3c4 cegr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 64 to short hfp" z900 zarch
b3c5 cdgr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 64 to long hfp" z900 zarch
b3c6 cxgr RRE_FER "convert from fixed 64 to extended hfp" z900 zarch
b3c8 cger RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed short hfp to 64" z900 zarch
b3c9 cgdr RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed long hfp to 64" z900 zarch
b3ca cgxr RRF_U0RFE "convert to fixed extended hfp to 64" z900 zarch
010b tam E "test addressing mode" z900 esa,zarch
010c sam24 E "set addressing mode 24" z900 esa,zarch
010d sam31 E "set addressing mode 31" z900 esa,zarch
010e sam64 E "set addressing mode 64" z900 zarch
a500 iihh RI_RU "insert immediate high high" z900 zarch
a501 iihl RI_RU "insert immediate high low" z900 zarch
a502 iilh RI_RU "insert immediate low high" z900 zarch
a503 iill RI_RU "insert immediate low low" z900 zarch
a504 nihh RI_RU "and immediate high high" z900 zarch
a505 nihl RI_RU "and immediate high low" z900 zarch
a506 nilh RI_RU "and immediate low high" z900 zarch
a507 nill RI_RU "and immediate low low" z900 zarch
a508 oihh RI_RU "or immediate high high" z900 zarch
a509 oihl RI_RU "or immediate high low" z900 zarch
a50a oilh RI_RU "or immediate low high" z900 zarch
a50b oill RI_RU "or immediate low low" z900 zarch
a50c llihh RI_RU "load logical immediate high high" z900 zarch
a50d llihl RI_RU "load logical immediate high low" z900 zarch
a50e llilh RI_RU "load logical immediate low high" z900 zarch
a50f llill RI_RU "load logical immediate low low" z900 zarch
b2b1 stfl S_RD "store facility list" z900 esa,zarch
b2b2 lpswe S_RD "load psw extended" z900 zarch
b90d dsgr RRE_RER "divide single 64" z900 zarch
b90f lrvgr RRE_RR "load reversed 64" z900 zarch
b916 llgfr RRE_RR "load logical 64<32" z900 zarch
b917 llgtr RRE_RR "load logical thirty one bits" z900 zarch
b91d dsgfr RRE_RER "divide single 64<32" z900 zarch
b91f lrvr RRE_RR "load reversed 32" z900 esa,zarch
b986 mlgr RRE_RER "multiply logical 64" z900 zarch
b987 dlgr RRE_RER "divide logical 64" z900 zarch
b988 alcgr RRE_RR "add logical with carry 64" z900 zarch
b989 slbgr RRE_RR "subtract logical with borrow 64" z900 zarch
b98d epsw RRE_RR "extract psw" z900 esa,zarch
b996 mlr RRE_RER "multiply logical 32" z900 esa,zarch
b997 dlr RRE_RER "divide logical 32" z900 esa,zarch
b998 alcr RRE_RR "add logical with carry 32" z900 esa,zarch
b999 slbr RRE_RR "subtract logical with borrow 32" z900 esa,zarch
b99d esea RRE_R0 "extract and set extended authority" z900 zarch
c000 larl RIL_RP "load address relative long" z900 esa,zarch
e3000000000d dsg RXE_RERRD "divide single 64" z900 zarch
e3000000000f lrvg RXE_RRRD "load reversed 64" z900 zarch
e30000000016 llgf RXE_RRRD "load logical 64<32" z900 zarch
e30000000017 llgt RXE_RRRD "load logical thirty one bits" z900 zarch
e3000000001d dsgf RXE_RERRD "divide single 64<32" z900 zarch
e3000000001e lrv RXE_RRRD "load reversed 32" z900 esa,zarch
e3000000001f lrvh RXE_RRRD "load reversed 16" z900 esa,zarch
e3000000002f strvg RXE_RRRD "store reversed 64" z900 zarch
e3000000003e strv RXE_RRRD "store reversed 32" z900 esa,zarch
e3000000003f strvh RXE_RRRD "store reversed 64" z900 esa,zarch
e30000000086 mlg RXE_RERRD "multiply logical 64" z900 zarch
e30000000087 dlg RXE_RERRD "divide logical 64" z900 zarch
e30000000088 alcg RXE_RRRD "add logical with carry 64" z900 zarch
e30000000089 slbg RXE_RRRD "subtract logical with borrow 64" z900 zarch
e3000000008e stpq RXE_RRRD "store pair to quadword" z900 zarch
e3000000008f lpq RXE_RERRD "load pair from quadword" z900 zarch
e30000000096 ml RXE_RERRD "multiply logical 32" z900 esa,zarch
e30000000097 dl RXE_RERRD "divide logical 32" z900 esa,zarch
e30000000098 alc RXE_RRRD "add logical with carry 32" z900 esa,zarch
e30000000099 slb RXE_RRRD "subtract logical with borrow 32" z900 esa,zarch
e30000000090 llgc RXE_RRRD "load logical character" z900 zarch
e30000000091 llgh RXE_RRRD "load logical halfword" z900 zarch
eb000000001c rllg RSE_RRRD "rotate left single logical 64" z900 zarch
eb000000001d rll RSE_RRRD "rotate left single logical 32" z900 esa,zarch
b369 cxr RRE_FEFE "compare extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b3b6 cxfr RRE_FER "convert from fixed 32 to extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b3b5 cdfr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 32 to long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b3b4 cefr RRE_FR "convert from fixed 32 to short hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b3ba cfxr RRF_U0RFE "convert to fixed extended hfp to 32" g5 esa,zarch
b3b9 cfdr RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed long hfp to 32" g5 esa,zarch
b3b8 cfer RRF_U0RF "convert to fixed short hfp to 32" g5 esa,zarch
b362 ltxr RRE_FEFE "load and test extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b363 lcxr RRE_FEFE "load complement extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b367 fixr RRE_FEFE "load fp integer extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b37f fidr RRE_FF "load fp integer long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b377 fier RRE_FF "load fp integer short hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b325 lxdr RRE_FEF "load lengthened long to extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000025 lxd RXE_FERRD "load lengthened long to extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b326 lxer RRE_FEF "load lengthened short to extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000026 lxe RXE_FERRD "load lengthened short to extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b324 lder RRE_FF "load lengthened short to long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000024 lde RXE_FRRD "load lengthened short to long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b361 lnxr RRE_FEFE "load negative extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b360 lpxr RRE_FEFE "load positive extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b366 lexr RRE_FFE "load rounded extended to short hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b337 meer RRE_FF "multiply short hfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000037 mee RXE_FRRD "multiply short hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b336 sqxr RRE_FEFE "square root extended hfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000034 sqe RXE_FRRD "square root short hfp" g5 esa,zarch
ed0000000035 sqd RXE_FRRD "square root long hfp" g5 esa,zarch
b263 cmpsc RRE_RR "compression call" g5 esa,zarch
eb00000000c0 tp RSL_R0RD "test decimal" g5 esa,zarch
b365 lxr RRE_FEFE "load extended fp" g5 esa,zarch
b22e pgin RRE_RR "page in" g5 esa,zarch
b22f pgout RRE_RR "page out" g5 esa,zarch
b276 xsch S_00 "cancel subchannel" g5 esa,zarch
# New long displacement instructions on z990
e3000000005a ay RXY_RRRD "add with long offset" z990 zarch
e3000000007a ahy RXY_RRRD "add halfword with long offset" z990 zarch
e3000000005e aly RXY_RRRD "add logical with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000054 niy SIY_URD "and immediate with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000054 ny RXY_RRRD "and with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000059 cy RXY_RRRD "compare with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000014 csy RSY_RRRD "compare and swap with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000031 cdsy RSY_RERERD "compare double and swap with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000079 chy RXY_RRRD "compare halfword with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000055 cly RXY_RRRD "compare logical with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000055 cliy SIY_URD "compare logical immediate with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000021 clmy RSY_RURD "compare logical characters under mask with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000006 cvby RXY_RRRD "convert to binary with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000026 cvdy RXY_RRRD "convert to decimal with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000057 xiy SIY_URD "exclusive or immediate with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000057 xy RXY_RRRD "exclusive or with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000073 icy RXY_RRRD "insert character with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000081 icmy RSY_RURD "insert characters with long offset" z990 zarch
ed0000000065 ldy RXY_FRRD "load (long) with long offset" z990 zarch
ed0000000064 ley RXY_FRRD "load (short) with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000058 ly RXY_RRRD "load with long offset" z990 zarch
eb000000009a lamy RSY_AARD "load access multiple" z990 zarch
e30000000071 lay RXY_RRRD "load address with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000076 lb RXY_RRRD "load byte with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000077 lgb RXY_RRRD "load byte with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000078 lhy RXY_RRRD "load halfword with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000098 lmy RSY_RRRD "load multiple with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000013 lray RXY_RRRD "load real address with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000052 mviy SIY_URD "move immediate with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000051 msy RXY_RRRD "multiply single with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000056 oiy SIY_URD "or immediate with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000056 oy RXY_RRRD "or with long offset" z990 zarch
ed0000000067 stdy RXY_FRRD "store (long) with long offset" z990 zarch
ed0000000066 stey RXY_FRRD "store (short) with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000050 sty RXY_RRRD "store with long offset" z990 zarch
eb000000009b stamy RSY_AARD "store access multiple with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000072 stcy RXY_RRRD "store character with long offset" z990 zarch
eb000000002d stcmy RSY_RURD "store characters under mask with long offset" z990 zarch
e30000000070 sthy RXY_RRRD "store halfword with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000090 stmy RSY_RRRD "store multiple with long offset" z990 zarch
e3000000005b sy RXY_RRRD "subtract with long offset" z990 zarch
e3000000007b shy RXY_RRRD "subtract halfword with long offset" z990 zarch
e3000000005f sly RXY_RRRD "subtract logical with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000051 tmy SIY_URD "test under mask with long offset" z990 zarch
# 'old' instructions extended to long displacement
# these instructions are entered into the opcode table twice.
e30000000003 lrag RXY_RRRD "load real address with long offset 64" z990 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e30000000004 lg RXY_RRRD "load 64" z990 zarch
e30000000008 ag RXY_RRRD "add with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000009 sg RXY_RRRD "subtract with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000000a alg RXY_RRRD "add logical with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000000b slg RXY_RRRD "subtract logical with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000000c msg RXY_RRRD "multiply single with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000000d dsg RXY_RERRD "divide single 64" z990 zarch
e3000000000e cvbg RXY_RRRD "convert to binary with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000000f lrvg RXY_RRRD "load reversed 64" z990 zarch
e30000000014 lgf RXY_RRRD "load 64<32" z990 zarch
e30000000015 lgh RXY_RRRD "load halfword 64" z990 zarch
e30000000016 llgf RXY_RRRD "load logical 64<32" z990 zarch
e30000000017 llgt RXY_RRRD "load logical thirty one bits" z990 zarch
e30000000018 agf RXY_RRRD "add with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e30000000019 sgf RXY_RRRD "subtract with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e3000000001a algf RXY_RRRD "add logical with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e3000000001b slgf RXY_RRRD "subtract logical with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e3000000001c msgf RXY_RRRD "multiply single with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e3000000001d dsgf RXY_RERRD "divide single 64<32" z990 zarch
e3000000001e lrv RXY_RRRD "load reversed 32" z990 esa,zarch
e3000000001f lrvh RXY_RRRD "load reversed 16" z990 esa,zarch
e30000000020 cg RXY_RRRD "compare with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000021 clg RXY_RRRD "compare logical with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000024 stg RXY_RRRD "store with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000002e cvdg RXY_RRRD "convert to decimal with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e3000000002f strvg RXY_RRRD "store reversed 64" z990 zarch
e30000000030 cgf RXY_RRRD "compare with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e30000000031 clgf RXY_RRRD "compare logical with long offset 64<32" z990 zarch
e3000000003e strv RXY_RRRD "store reversed 32" z990 esa,zarch
e3000000003f strvh RXY_RRRD "store reversed 64" z990 zarch
e30000000046 bctg RXY_RRRD "branch on count 64" z990 zarch
e30000000080 ng RXY_RRRD "and with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000081 og RXY_RRRD "or with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000082 xg RXY_RRRD "exclusive or with long offset 64" z990 zarch
e30000000086 mlg RXY_RERRD "multiply logical 64" z990 zarch
e30000000087 dlg RXY_RERRD "divide logical 64" z990 zarch
e30000000088 alcg RXY_RRRD "add logical with carry 64" z990 zarch
e30000000089 slbg RXY_RRRD "subtract logical with borrow 64" z990 zarch
e3000000008e stpq RXY_RRRD "store pair to quadword" z990 zarch
e3000000008f lpq RXY_RERRD "load pair from quadword" z990 zarch
e30000000090 llgc RXY_RRRD "load logical character" z990 zarch
e30000000091 llgh RXY_RRRD "load logical halfword" z990 zarch
e30000000096 ml RXY_RERRD "multiply logical 32" z990 esa,zarch
e30000000097 dl RXY_RERRD "divide logical 32" z990 esa,zarch
e30000000098 alc RXY_RRRD "add logical with carry 32" z990 esa,zarch
e30000000099 slb RXY_RRRD "subtract logical with borrow 32" z990 esa,zarch
eb0000000004 lmg RSY_RRRD "load multiple with long offset 64" z990 zarch
eb000000000a srag RSY_RRRD "shift right single 64" z990 zarch
eb000000000b slag RSY_RRRD "shift left single 64" z990 zarch
eb000000000c srlg RSY_RRRD "shift right single logical 64" z990 zarch
eb000000000d sllg RSY_RRRD "shift left single logical 64" z990 zarch
eb000000000f tracg RSY_RRRD "trace 64" z990 zarch
eb000000001c rllg RSY_RRRD "rotate left single logical 64" z990 zarch
eb000000001d rll RSY_RRRD "rotate left single logical 32" z990 esa,zarch
eb0000000020 clmh RSY_RURD "compare logical characters under mask high with long offset" z990 zarch
eb0000000024 stmg RSY_RRRD "store multiple with long offset 64" z990 zarch
eb0000000025 stctg RSY_CCRD "store control 64" z990 zarch
eb0000000026 stmh RSY_RRRD "store multiple high" z990 zarch
eb000000002c stcmh RSY_RURD "store characters under mask high with long offset" z990 zarch
eb000000002f lctlg RSY_CCRD "load control 64" z990 zarch
eb0000000030 csg RSY_RRRD "compare and swap with long offset 64" z990 zarch
eb000000003e cdsg RSY_RERERD "compare double and swap with long offset 64" z990 zarch
eb0000000044 bxhg RSY_RRRD "branch on index high 64" z990 zarch
eb0000000045 bxleg RSY_RRRD "branch on index low or equal 64" z990 zarch
eb0000000080 icmh RSY_RURD "insert characters under mask high with long offset" z990 zarch
eb000000008e mvclu RSY_RERERD "move long unicode" z990 esa,zarch
eb000000008f clclu RSY_RRRD "compare logical long unicode with long offset" z990 esa,zarch
eb0000000096 lmh RSY_RRRD "load multiple high" z990 zarch
# new z990 instructions
b98a cspg RRE_RR "compare and swap and purge" z990 zarch
b98e idte RRF_R0RR "invalidate dat table entry" z990 zarch
b33e madr RRF_F0FF "multiply and add long hfp" z990 esa,zarch
ed000000003e mad RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add long hfp" z990 esa,zarch
b32e maer RRF_F0FF "multiply and add short hfp" z990 esa,zarch
ed000000002e mae RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add short hfp" z990 esa,zarch
b33f msdr RRF_F0FF "multiply and subtract long hfp" z990 esa,zarch
ed000000003f msd RXF_FRRDF "multiply and subtract long hfp" z990 esa,zarch
b32f mser RRF_F0FF "mutliply and subtract short hfp" z990 esa,zarch
ed000000002f mse RXF_FRRDF "multiply and subttract short hfp" z990 esa,zarch
b92e km RRE_RR "cipher message" z990 esa,zarch
b92f kmc RRE_RR "cipher message with chaining" z990 esa,zarch
b93e kimd RRE_RR "compute intermediate message digest" z990 esa,zarch
b93f klmd RRE_RR "compute last message digest" z990 esa,zarch
b91e kmac RRE_RR "compute message authentication code" z990 esa,zarch
b99a epair RRE_R0 "extract primary ASN and instance" z990 esa,zarch
b99b esair RRE_R0 "extract secondary ASN and instance" z990 esa,zarch
b99e pti RRE_RR "program transfer with instance" z990 esa,zarch
b99f ssair RRE_R0 "set secondary ASN with instance" z990 esa,zarch
# z9-109 extended immediate instructions
c209 afi RIL_RI "add immediate 32" z9-109 zarch
c208 agfi RIL_RI "add immediate 64<32" z9-109 zarch
c20b alfi RIL_RU "add logical immediate 32" z9-109 zarch
c20a algfi RIL_RU "add logical immediate 64<32" z9-109 zarch
c00a nihf RIL_RU "and immediate high" z9-109 zarch
c00b nilf RIL_RU "and immediate low" z9-109 zarch
c20d cfi RIL_RI "compare immediate 32" z9-109 zarch
c20c cgfi RIL_RI "compare immediate 64<32" z9-109 zarch
c20f clfi RIL_RU "compare logical immediate 32" z9-109 zarch
c20e clgfi RIL_RU "compare logical immediate 64<32" z9-109 zarch
c006 xihf RIL_RU "exclusive or immediate high" z9-109 zarch
c007 xilf RIL_RU "exclusive or immediate low" z9-109 zarch
c008 iihf RIL_RU "insert immediate high" z9-109 zarch
c009 iilf RIL_RU "insert immediate low" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 misc instruction
b983 flogr RRE_RER "find leftmost one" z9-109 zarch
e30000000012 lt RXY_RRRD "load and test 32" z9-109 zarch
e30000000002 ltg RXY_RRRD "load and test 64" z9-109 zarch
b926 lbr RRE_RR "load byte 32" z9-109 zarch
b906 lgbr RRE_RR "load byte 64" z9-109 zarch
b927 lhr RRE_RR "load halfword 32" z9-109 zarch
b907 lghr RRE_RR "load halfword 64" z9-109 zarch
c001 lgfi RIL_RI "load immediate 64<32" z9-109 zarch
e30000000094 llc RXY_RRRD "load logical character 32" z9-109 zarch
b994 llcr RRE_RR "load logical character 32" z9-109 zarch
b984 llgcr RRE_RR "load logical character 64" z9-109 zarch
e30000000095 llh RXY_RRRD "load logical halfword 32" z9-109 zarch
b995 llhr RRE_RR "load logical halfword 32" z9-109 zarch
b985 llghr RRE_RR "load logical halfword 64" z9-109 zarch
c00e llihf RIL_RU "load logical immediate high" z9-109 zarch
c00f llilf RIL_RU "load logical immediate low" z9-109 zarch
c00c oihf RIL_RU "or immediate high" z9-109 zarch
c00d oilf RIL_RU "or immediate low" z9-109 zarch
c205 slfi RIL_RU "subtract logical immediate 32" z9-109 zarch
c204 slgfi RIL_RU "subtract logical immediate 64<32" z9-109 zarch
0104 ptff E "perform timing facility function" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 store facility list extended
b2b0 stfle S_RD "store facility list extended" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 store clock fast
b27c stckf S_RD "store clock fast" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 move with optional specifications instruction
c800 mvcos SSF_RRDRD "move with optional specifications" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 load page-table-entry address instruction
b9aa lptea RRF_RURR2 "load page-table-entry address" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 conditional sske facility, sske instruction entered twice
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b22b sske RRF_U0RR "set storage key extended" z9-109 zarch optparm
# z9-109 etf2-enhancement facility, instructions entered twice
b993 troo RRF_U0RER "translate one to one" z9-109 esa,zarch optparm
b992 trot RRF_U0RER "translate one to two" z9-109 esa,zarch optparm
b991 trto RRF_U0RER "translate two to one" z9-109 esa,zarch optparm
b990 trtt RRF_U0RER "translate two to two" z9-109 esa,zarch optparm
# z9-109 etf3-enhancement facility, some instructions entered twice
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b9b1 cu24 RRF_U0RERE "convert utf-16 to utf-32" z9-109 zarch optparm
b2a6 cu21 RRF_U0RERE "convert utf-16 to utf-8" z9-109 zarch optparm
b2a6 cuutf RRF_U0RERE "convert unicode to utf-8" z9-109 zarch optparm
b9b3 cu42 RRE_RERE "convert utf-32 to utf-16" z9-109 zarch
b9b2 cu41 RRE_RERE "convert utf-32 to utf-8" z9-109 zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b2a7 cu12 RRF_U0RERE "convert utf-8 to utf-16" z9-109 zarch optparm
b2a7 cutfu RRF_U0RERE "convert utf-8 to unicode" z9-109 zarch optparm
b9b0 cu14 RRF_U0RERE "convert utf-8 to utf-32" z9-109 zarch optparm
b9be srstu RRE_RR "search string unicode" z9-109 zarch
d0 trtr SS_L0RDRD "tranlate and test reverse" z9-109 zarch
# z9-109 unnormalized hfp multiply & multiply and add
b33b myr RRF_FE0FF "multiply unnormalized long hfp" z9-109 zarch
b33d myhr RRF_F0FF "multiply unnormalized long hfp high" z9-109 zarch
b339 mylr RRF_F0FF "multiply unnormalized long hfp low" z9-109 zarch
ed000000003b my RXF_FRRDFE "multiply unnormalized long hfp" z9-109 zarch
ed000000003d myh RXF_FRRDF "multiply unnormalized long hfp high" z9-109 zarch
ed0000000039 myl RXF_FRRDF "multiply unnormalized long hfp low" z9-109 zarch
b33a mayr RRF_F0FF "multiply and add unnormalized long hfp" z9-109 zarch
b33c mayhr RRF_F0FF "multiply and add unnormalized long hfp high" z9-109 zarch
b338 maylr RRF_F0FF "multiply and add unnormalized long hfp low" z9-109 zarch
ed000000003a may RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add unnormalized long hfp" z9-109 zarch
ed000000003c mayh RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add unnormalized long hfp high" z9-109 zarch
ed0000000038 mayl RXF_FRRDF "multiply and add unnormalized long hfp low" z9-109 zarch
b370 lpdfr RRE_FF "load positive no cc" z9-ec zarch
b371 lndfr RRE_FF "load negative no cc" z9-ec zarch
b372 cpsdr RRF_F0FF2 "copy sign" z9-ec zarch
b373 lcdfr RRE_FF "load complement no cc" z9-ec zarch
b3c1 ldgr RRE_FR "load fpr from gr" z9-ec zarch
b3cd lgdr RRE_RF "load gr from fpr" z9-ec zarch
b3d2 adtr RRR_F0FF "add long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3da axtr RRR_FE0FEFE "add extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3e4 cdtr RRE_FF "compare long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3ec cxtr RRE_FEFE "compare extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3e0 kdtr RRE_FF "compare and signal long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3e8 kxtr RRE_FF "compare and signal extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f4 cedtr RRE_FF "compare exponent long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3fc cextr RRE_FEFE "compare exponent extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f1 cdgtr RRE_FR "convert from fixed long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f9 cxgtr RRE_FER "convert from fixed extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f3 cdstr RRE_FR "convert from signed bcd long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3fb cxstr RRE_FR "convert from signed bcd extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f2 cdutr RRE_FR "convert from unsigned bcd to long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3fa cxutr RRE_FER "convert from unsigned bcd to extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3e1 cgdtr RRF_U0RF "convert from long dfp to fixed" z9-ec zarch
b3e9 cgxtr RRF_U0RFE "convert from extended dfp to fixed" z9-ec zarch
b3e3 csdtr RRE_RF "convert from long dfp to signed bcd" z9-ec zarch
b3eb csxtr RRE_RFE "convert from extended dfp to signed bcd" z9-ec zarch
b3e2 cudtr RRE_RF "convert from long dfp to unsigned bcd" z9-ec zarch
b3ea cuxtr RRE_RFE "convert from extended dfp to unsigned bcd" z9-ec zarch
b3d1 ddtr RRR_F0FF "divide long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d9 dxtr RRR_FE0FEFE "divide extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3e5 eedtr RRE_RF "extract biased exponent from long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3ed eextr RRE_RFE "extract biased exponent from extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3e7 esdtr RRE_RF "extract significance from long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3ef esxtr RRE_RFE "extract significance from extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f6 iedtr RRF_F0FR "insert biased exponent long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3fe iextr RRF_FE0FER "insert biased exponent extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d6 ltdtr RRE_FF "load and test long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3de ltxtr RRE_FEFE "load and test extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d7 fidtr RRF_UUFF "load fp integer long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3df fixtr RRF_UUFEFE "load fp integer extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b2bd lfas S_RD "load fpd and signal" z9-ec zarch
b3d4 ldetr RRF_0UFF "load lengthened long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3dc lxdtr RRF_0UFEF "load lengthened extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d5 ledtr RRF_UUFF "load rounded long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3dd ldxtr RRF_UUFFE "load rounded extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d0 mdtr RRR_F0FF "multiply long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d8 mxtr RRR_FE0FEFE "multiply extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f5 qadtr RRF_FUFF "Quantize long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3fd qaxtr RRF_FEUFEFE "Quantize extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3f7 rrdtr RRF_FFRU "Reround long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3ff rrxtr RRF_FEFERU "Reround extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b2b9 srnmt S_RD "set rounding mode dfp" z9-ec zarch
b385 sfasr RRE_R0 "set fpc and signal" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000040 sldt RXF_FRRDF "shift coefficient left long dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000048 slxt RXF_FERRDFE "shift coefficient left extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000041 srdt RXF_FRRDF "shift coefficient right long dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000049 srxt RXF_FERRDFE "shift coefficient right extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3d3 sdtr RRR_F0FF "subtract long dfp" z9-ec zarch
b3db sxtr RRR_FE0FEFE "subtract extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000050 tdcet RXE_FRRD "test data class short dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000054 tdcdt RXE_FRRD "test data class long dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000058 tdcxt RXE_FERRD "test data class extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000051 tdget RXE_FRRD "test data group short dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000055 tdgdt RXE_FRRD "test data group long dfp" z9-ec zarch
ed0000000059 tdgxt RXE_FERRD "test data group extended dfp" z9-ec zarch
010a pfpo E "perform floating point operation" z9-ec zarch
c801 ectg SSF_RRDRD "extract cpu time" z9-ec zarch
c802 csst SSF_RRDRD "compare and swap and store" z9-ec zarch
# The new instructions of the System z10 Enterprise Class
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
eb000000006a asi SIY_IRD "add immediate (32<8)" z10 zarch
eb000000007a agsi SIY_IRD "add immediate (64<8)" z10 zarch
eb000000006e alsi SIY_IRD "add logical with signed immediate (32<8)" z10 zarch
eb000000007e algsi SIY_IRD "add logical with signed immediate (64<8)" z10 zarch
c60d crl RIL_RP "compare relative long (32)" z10 zarch
c608 cgrl RIL_RP "compare relative long (64)" z10 zarch
c60c cgfrl RIL_RP "compare relative long (64<32)" z10 zarch
ec00000000f6 crb$32 RRS_RRRD0 "compare and branch (32)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000f6 crb RRS_RRRDU "compare and branch (32)" z10 zarch
ec00000000e4 cgrb$32 RRS_RRRD0 "compare and branch (64)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000e4 cgrb RRS_RRRDU "compare and branch (64)" z10 zarch
ec0000000076 crj$32 RIE_RRP0 "compare and branch relative (32)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000076 crj RIE_RRPU "compare and branch relative (32)" z10 zarch
ec0000000064 cgrj$32 RIE_RRP0 "compare and branch relative (64)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000064 cgrj RIE_RRPU "compare and branch relative (64)" z10 zarch
ec00000000fe cib$12 RIS_R0RDI "compare immediate and branch (32<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000fe cib RIS_RURDI "compare immediate and branch (32<8)" z10 zarch
ec00000000fc cgib$12 RIS_R0RDI "compare immediate and branch (64<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000fc cgib RIS_RURDI "compare immediate and branch (64<8)" z10 zarch
ec000000007e cij$12 RIE_R0PI "compare immediate and branch relative (32<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec000000007e cij RIE_RUPI "compare immediate and branch relative (32<8)" z10 zarch
ec000000007c cgij$12 RIE_R0PI "compare immediate and branch relative (64<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec000000007c cgij RIE_RUPI "compare immediate and branch relative (64<8)" z10 zarch
b9720000 crt$16 RRF_00RR "compare and trap" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
b972 crt RRF_U0RR "compare and trap" z10 zarch
b9600000 cgrt$16 RRF_00RR "compare and trap 64" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
b960 cgrt RRF_U0RR "compare and trap 64" z10 zarch
ec0000000072 cit$32 RIE_R0I0 "compare immediate and trap (32<16)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000072 cit RIE_R0IU "compare immediate and trap (32<16)" z10 zarch
ec0000000070 cgit$32 RIE_R0I0 "compare immediate and trap (64<16)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000070 cgit RIE_R0IU "compare immediate and trap (64<16)" z10 zarch
e30000000034 cgh RXY_RRRD "compare halfword (64<16)" z10 zarch
e554 chhsi SIL_RDI "compare halfword immediate (16<16)" z10 zarch
e55c chsi SIL_RDI "compare halfword immediate (32<16)" z10 zarch
e558 cghsi SIL_RDI "compare halfword immediate (64<16)" z10 zarch
c605 chrl RIL_RP "compare halfword relative long (32<8)" z10 zarch
c604 cghrl RIL_RP "compare halfword relative long (64<8)" z10 zarch
e555 clhhsi SIL_RDU "compare logical immediate (16<16)" z10 zarch
e55d clfhsi SIL_RDU "compare logical immediate (32<16)" z10 zarch
e559 clghsi SIL_RDU "compare logical immediate (64<16)" z10 zarch
c60f clrl RIL_RP "compare logical relative long (32)" z10 zarch
c60a clgrl RIL_RP "compare logical relative long (64)" z10 zarch
c60e clgfrl RIL_RP "compare logical relative long (64<32)" z10 zarch
c607 clhrl RIL_RP "compare logical relative long (32<16)" z10 zarch
c606 clghrl RIL_RP "compare logical relative long (64<16)" z10 zarch
ec00000000f7 clrb$32 RRS_RRRD0 "compare logical and branch (32)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000f7 clrb RRS_RRRDU "compare logical and branch (32)" z10 zarch
ec00000000e5 clgrb$32 RRS_RRRD0 "compare logical and branch (64)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000e5 clgrb RRS_RRRDU "compare logical and branch (64)" z10 zarch
ec0000000077 clrj$32 RIE_RRP0 "compare logical and branch relative (32)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000077 clrj RIE_RRPU "compare logical and branch relative (32)" z10 zarch
ec0000000065 clgrj$32 RIE_RRP0 "compare logical and branch relative (64)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000065 clgrj RIE_RRPU "compare logical and branch relative (64)" z10 zarch
ec00000000ff clib$12 RIS_R0RDU "compare logical immediate and branch (32<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000ff clib RIS_RURDU "compare logical immediate and branch (32<8)" z10 zarch
ec00000000fd clgib$12 RIS_R0RDU "compare logical immediate and branch (64<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec00000000fd clgib RIS_RURDU "compare logical immediate and branch (64<8)" z10 zarch
ec000000007f clij$12 RIE_R0PU "compare logical immediate and branch relative (32<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec000000007f clij RIE_RUPU "compare logical immediate and branch relative (32<8)" z10 zarch
ec000000007d clgij$12 RIE_R0PU "compare logical immediate and branch relative (64<8)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec000000007d clgij RIE_RUPU "compare logical immediate and branch relative (64<8)" z10 zarch
b9730000 clrt$16 RRF_00RR "compare logical and trap (32)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
b973 clrt RRF_U0RR "compare logical and trap (32)" z10 zarch
b9610000 clgrt$16 RRF_00RR "compare logical and trap (64)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
b961 clgrt RRF_U0RR "compare logical and trap (64)" z10 zarch
ec0000000073 clfit$32 RIE_R0U0 "compare logical and trap (32<16)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000073 clfit RIE_R0UU "compare logical and trap (32<16)" z10 zarch
ec0000000071 clgit$32 RIE_R0U0 "compare logical and trap (64<16)" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
ec0000000071 clgit RIE_R0UU "compare logical and trap (64<16)" z10 zarch
eb000000004c ecag RSY_RRRD "extract cache attribute" z10 zarch
c40d lrl RIL_RP "load relative long (32)" z10 zarch
c408 lgrl RIL_RP "load relative long (64)" z10 zarch
c40c lgfrl RIL_RP "load relative long (64<32)" z10 zarch
e30000000075 laey RXY_RRRD "load address extended" z10 zarch
e30000000032 ltgf RXY_RRRD "load and test (64<32)" z10 zarch
c405 lhrl RIL_RP "load halfword relative long (32<16)" z10 zarch
c404 lghrl RIL_RP "load halfword relative long (64<16)" z10 zarch
c40e llgfrl RIL_RP "load logical relative long (64<32)" z10 zarch
c402 llhrl RIL_RP "load logical halfword relative long (32<16)" z10 zarch
c406 llghrl RIL_RP "load logical halfword relative long (64<16)" z10 zarch
e544 mvhhi SIL_RDI "move (16<16)" z10 zarch
e54c mvhi SIL_RDI "move (32<16)" z10 zarch
e548 mvghi SIL_RDI "move (64<16)" z10 zarch
e3000000005c mfy RXY_RERRD "multiply" z10 zarch
2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcodes/s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. (s390_cond_extensions): Reduced extensions to the compare related. (main): z10 cpu type option added. (expandConditionalJump): Renamed to ... (insertExpandedMnemonic): ... this. * opcodes/s390-opc.c: Re-group the operand format makros. (INSTR_RIE_RRPU, INSTR_RIE_RRP0, INSTR_RIE_RUPI, INSTR_RIE_R0PI, INSTR_RIE_RUPU, INSTR_RIE_R0PU, INSTR_RIE_R0IU, INSTR_RIE_R0I0, INSTR_RIE_R0UU, INSTR_RIE_R0U0, INSTR_RIE_RRUUU, INSTR_RIS_RURDI, INSTR_RIS_R0RDI, INSTR_RIS_RURDU, INSTR_RIS_R0RDU, INSTR_RRF_U0RR, INSTR_RRF_00RR, INSTR_RRS_RRRDU, INSTR_RRS_RRRD0, INSTR_RXY_URRD, INSTR_SIY_IRD, INSTR_SIL_RDI, INSTR_SIL_RDU): New instruction formats added. (MASK_RIE_RRPU, MASK_RIE_RRP0, MASK_RIE_RUPI, MASK_RIE_R0PI, MASK_RIE_RUPU, MASK_RIE_R0PU, MASK_RIE_R0IU, MASK_RIE_R0I0, MASK_RIE_R0UU, MASK_RIE_R0U0, MASK_RIE_RRUUU, MASK_RIS_RURDI, MASK_RIS_R0RDI, MASK_RIS_RURDU, MASK_RIS_R0RDU, MASK_RRF_U0RR, MASK_RRF_00RR, MASK_RRS_RRRDU, MASK_RRS_RRRD0, MASK_RXY_URRD, MASK_SIY_IRD, MASK_SIL_RDI, MASK_SIL_RDU): New instruction format masks added. (s390_opformats): New formats added "ris", "rrs", "sil". * opcodes/s390-opc.txt: Add the conditional jumps with the extensions removed from automatic expansion in s390-mkopc.c manually. (asi - trtre): Add new System z10 EC instructions. * include/opcode/s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): S390_OPCODE_Z10 added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (md_parse_option): z10 option added. 2008-03-19 Andreas Krebbel <> * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the z10 testcases.
2008-03-19 18:29:18 +08:00
e3000000007c mhy RXY_RRRD "multiply halfword" z10 zarch
c201 msfi RIL_RI "multiply single immediate (32)" z10 zarch
c200 msgfi RIL_RI "multiply single immediate (64)" z10 zarch
e30000000036 pfd RXY_URRD "prefetch data" z10 zarch
c602 pfdrl RIL_UP "prefetch data relative long" z10 zarch
ec0000000054 rnsbg RIE_RRUUU "rotate then and selected bits" z10 zarch
ec0000000057 rxsbg RIE_RRUUU "rotate then exclusive or selected bits" z10 zarch
ec0000000056 rosbg RIE_RRUUU "rotate then or selected bits" z10 zarch
ec0000000055 risbg RIE_RRUUU "rotate then insert selected bits" z10 zarch
c40f strl RIL_RP "store relative long (32)" z10 zarch
c40b stgrl RIL_RP "store relative long (64)" z10 zarch
c407 sthrl RIL_RP "store halfword relative long" z10 zarch
c600 exrl RIL_RP "execute relative long" z10 zarch
af00 mc SI_URD "monitor call" z10 zarch
b9a2 ptf RRE_R0 "perform topology function" z10 zarch
b9af pfmf RRE_RR "perform frame management function" z10 zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b9bf trte RRF_U0RER "translate and test extended" z10 zarch optparm
b9bd trtre RRF_U0RER "translate and test reverse extended" z10 zarch optparm
b2ed ecpga RRE_RR "extract coprocessor-group address" z10 zarch
b2e4 ecctr RRE_RR "extract cpu counter" z10 zarch
b2e5 epctr RRE_RR "extract peripheral counter" z10 zarch
b284 lcctl S_RD "load cpu-counter-set controls" z10 zarch
b285 lpctl S_RD "load peripheral-counter-set controls" z10 zarch
b287 lsctl S_RD "load sampling controls" z10 zarch
b28e qctri S_RD "query counter information" z10 zarch
b286 qsi S_RD "query sampling information" z10 zarch
b2e0 scctr RRE_RR "set cpu counter" z10 zarch
b2e1 spctr RRE_RR "set peripheral counter" z10 zarch
b280 lpp S_RD "load program parameter" z10 zarch
# The new instructions of the IBM zEnterprise z196
b9c8 ahhhr RRF_R0RR2 "add high high" z196 zarch
b9d8 ahhlr RRF_R0RR2 "add high low" z196 zarch
cc08 aih RIL_RI "add immediate high" z196 zarch
b9ca alhhhr RRF_R0RR2 "add logical high high" z196 zarch
b9da alhhlr RRF_R0RR2 "add logical high low" z196 zarch
cc0a alsih RIL_RI "add logical with signed immediate high with cc" z196 zarch
cc0b alsihn RIL_RI "add logical with signed immediate high no cc" z196 zarch
cc06 brcth RIL_RP "branch relative on count high" z196 zarch
b9cd chhr RRE_RR "compare high high" z196 zarch
b9dd chlr RRE_RR "compare high low" z196 zarch
e300000000cd chf RXY_RRRD "compare high" z196 zarch
cc0d cih RIL_RI "compare immediate high" z196 zarch
b9cf clhhr RRE_RR "compare logical high high" z196 zarch
b9df clhlr RRE_RR "compare logical high low" z196 zarch
e300000000cf clhf RXY_RRRD "compare logical high" z196 zarch
cc0f clih RIL_RU "compare logical immediate" z196 zarch
e300000000c0 lbh RXY_RRRD "load byte high" z196 zarch
e300000000c4 lhh RXY_RRRD "load halfword high" z196 zarch
e300000000ca lfh RXY_RRRD "load high" z196 zarch
e300000000c2 llch RXY_RRRD "load logical character high" z196 zarch
e300000000c6 llhh RXY_RRRD "load logical halfword high" z196 zarch
ec000000005d risbhg RIE_RRUUU "rotate then insert selected bits high" z196 zarch
ec0000000051 risblg RIE_RRUUU "rotate then insert selected bits low" z196 zarch
e300000000c3 stch RXY_RRRD "store character high" z196 zarch
e300000000c7 sthh RXY_RRRD "store halfword high" z196 zarch
e300000000cb stfh RXY_RRRD "store high" z196 zarch
b9c9 shhhr RRF_R0RR2 "subtract high high" z196 zarch
b9d9 shhlr RRF_R0RR2 "subtract high low" z196 zarch
b9cb slhhhr RRF_R0RR2 "subtract logical high high" z196 zarch
b9db slhhlr RRF_R0RR2 "subtract logical high low" z196 zarch
eb00000000f8 laa RSY_RRRD "load and add 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e8 laag RSY_RRRD "load and add 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000fa laal RSY_RRRD "load and add logical 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000ea laalg RSY_RRRD "load and add logical 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f4 lan RSY_RRRD "load and and 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e4 lang RSY_RRRD "load and and 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f7 lax RSY_RRRD "load and exclusive or 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e7 laxg RSY_RRRD "load and exclusive or 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f6 lao RSY_RRRD "load and or 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e6 laog RSY_RRRD "load and or 64 bit" z196 zarch
c804 lpd SSF_RERDRD2 "load pair disjoint 32 bit" z196 zarch
c805 lpdg SSF_RERDRD2 "load pair disjoint 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9f2 locr RRF_U0RR "load on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9f20000 locr*16 RRF_00RR "load on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9e2 locgr RRF_U0RR "load on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9e20000 locgr*16 RRF_00RR "load on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f2 loc RSY_RURD2 "load on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f2 loc*12 RSY_R0RD "load on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e2 locg RSY_RURD2 "load on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e2 locg*12 RSY_R0RD "load on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f3 stoc RSY_RURD2 "store on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000f3 stoc*12 RSY_R0RD "store on condition 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e3 stocg RSY_RURD2 "store on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000e3 stocg*12 RSY_R0RD "store on condition 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9f8 ark RRF_R0RR2 "add 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9e8 agrk RRF_R0RR2 "add 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
ec00000000d8 ahik RIE_RRI0 "add immediate 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
ec00000000d9 aghik RIE_RRI0 "add immediate 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9fa alrk RRF_R0RR2 "add logical 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9ea algrk RRF_R0RR2 "add logical 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
ec00000000da alhsik RIE_RRI0 "add logical immediate 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
ec00000000db alghsik RIE_RRI0 "add logical immediate 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9f4 nrk RRF_R0RR2 "and 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9e4 ngrk RRF_R0RR2 "and 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9f7 xrk RRF_R0RR2 "xor 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9e7 xgrk RRF_R0RR2 "xor 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9f6 ork RRF_R0RR2 "or 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9e6 ogrk RRF_R0RR2 "or 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000dd slak RSY_RRRD "shift left single 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000df sllk RSY_RRRD "shift left single logical 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000dc srak RSY_RRRD "shift right single 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
eb00000000de srlk RSY_RRRD "shift right single logical 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9f9 srk RRF_R0RR2 "subtract 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9e9 sgrk RRF_R0RR2 "subtract 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9fb slrk RRF_R0RR2 "subtract logical 3 operands 32 bit" z196 zarch
b9eb slgrk RRF_R0RR2 "subtract logical 3 operands 64 bit" z196 zarch
b9e1 popcnt RRE_RR "population count" z196 zarch
b9ae rrbm RRE_RR "reset reference bits multiple" z196 zarch
b394 cefbra RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit fixed to short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b395 cdfbra RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit fixed to long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b396 cxfbra RRF_UUFER "convert from 32 bit fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a4 cegbra RRF_UUFR "convert from 64 bit fixed to short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a5 cdgbra RRF_UUFR "convert from 64 bit fixed to long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a6 cxgbra RRF_UUFER "convert from 64 bit fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b390 celfbr RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit logical fixed to short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b391 cdlfbr RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit logical fixed to long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b392 cxlfbr RRF_UUFER "convert from 32 bit logical fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a0 celgbr RRF_UUFR "convert from 64 bit logical fixed to short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a1 cdlgbr RRF_UUFR "convert from 64 bit logical fixed to long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a2 cxlgbr RRF_UUFER "convert from 64 bit logical fixed to extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b398 cfebra RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed from short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b399 cfdbra RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed from long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b39a cfxbra RRF_UURFE "convert to 32 bit fixed from extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a8 cgebra RRF_UURF "convert to 64 bit fixed from short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3a9 cgdbra RRF_UURF "convert to 64 bit fixed from long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3aa cgxbra RRF_UURFE "convert to 64 bit fixed from extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b39c clfebr RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed logical from short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b39d clfdbr RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed logical from long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b39e clfxbr RRF_UURFE "convert to 32 bit fixed logical from extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3ac clgebr RRF_UURF "convert to 64 bit fixed logical from short bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3ad clgdbr RRF_UURF "convert to 64 bit fixed logical from long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3ae clgxbr RRF_UURFE "convert to 64 bit fixed logical from extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b357 fiebra RRF_UUFF "load fp integer short bfp with inexact suppression" z196 zarch
b35f fidbra RRF_UUFF "load fp integer long bfp with inexact suppression" z196 zarch
b347 fixbra RRF_UUFEFE "load fp integer extended bfp with inexact suppression" z196 zarch
b344 ledbra RRF_UUFF "load rounded short/long bfp to short/long bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b345 ldxbra RRF_UUFEFE "load rounded long/extended bfp to long/extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b346 lexbra RRF_UUFEFE "load rounded short/extended bfp to short/extended bfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3d2 adtra RRF_FUFF2 "add long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3da axtra RRF_FEUFEFE2 "add extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3f1 cdgtra RRF_UUFR "convert from fixed long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b951 cdftr RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit fixed to long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b959 cxftr RRF_UUFER "convert from 32 bit fixed to extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3f9 cxgtra RRF_UUFER "convert from fixed extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b952 cdlgtr RRF_UUFR "convert from 64 bit fixed logical to long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b95a cxlgtr RRF_UUFER "convert from 64 bit fixed logical to extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b953 cdlftr RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit fixed logical to long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b95b cxlftr RRF_UUFR "convert from 32 bit fixed logical to extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3e1 cgdtra RRF_UURF "convert to 64 bit fixed from long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3e9 cgxtra RRF_UURFE "convert to 64 bit fixed from extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b941 cfdtr RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed from long dfp source with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b949 cfxtr RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed from extended dfp source with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b942 clgdtr RRF_UURF "convert to 64 bit fixed logical from long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b94a clgxtr RRF_UURFE "convert to 64 bit fixed logical from extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b943 clfdtr RRF_UURF "convert to 32 bit fixed logical from long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b94b clfxtr RRF_UURFE "convert to 32 bit fixed logical from extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3d1 ddtra RRF_FUFF2 "divide long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3d9 dxtra RRF_FEUFEFE2 "divide extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3d0 mdtra RRF_FUFF2 "multiply long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3d8 mxtra RRF_FEUFEFE2 "multiply extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3d3 sdtra RRF_FUFF2 "subtract long dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b3db sxtra RRF_FEUFEFE2 "subtract extended dfp with rounding mode" z196 zarch
b2b8 srnmb S_RD "set 3 bit bfp rounding mode" z196 zarch
b92a kmf RRE_RR "cipher message with CFB" z196 zarch
b92b kmo RRE_RR "cipher message with OFB" z196 zarch
b92c pcc RRE_00 "perform cryptographic computation" z196 zarch
b92d kmctr RRF_R0RR "cipher message with counter" z196 zarch
b928 pckmo RRE_00 "perform cryptographic key management operation" z196 zarch
b221 ipte RRF_R0RR2 "invalidate page table entry" z196 zarch optparm
# The new instructions of the IBM zEnterprise EC12
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
b2ec etnd RRE_R0 "extract transaction nesting depth" zEC12 zarch htm
e30000000025 ntstg RXY_RRRD "nontransactional store" zEC12 zarch htm
b2fc tabort S_RD "transaction abort" zEC12 zarch htm
e560 tbegin SIL_RDU "transaction begin" zEC12 zarch htm
e561 tbeginc SIL_RDU "constrained transaction begin" zEC12 zarch htm
b2f8 tend S_00 "transaction end" zEC12 zarch htm
c7 bpp SMI_U0RDP "branch prediction preload" zEC12 zarch
c5 bprp MII_UPP "branch prediction relative preload" zEC12 zarch
b2e8 ppa RRF_U0RR "perform processor assist" zEC12 zarch
b2fa niai IE_UU "next instruction access intent" zEC12 zarch
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
b98f crdte RRF_RURR2 "compare and replace DAT table entry" zEC12 zarch optparm
e3000000009f lat RXY_RRRD "load and trap 32 bit" zEC12 zarch
e30000000085 lgat RXY_RRRD "load and trap 64 bit" zEC12 zarch
e300000000c8 lfhat RXY_RRRD "load high and trap" zEC12 zarch
e3000000009d llgfat RXY_RRRD "load logical and trap 32>64" zEC12 zarch
e3000000009c llgtat RXY_RRRD "load logical thirty one bits and trap 31>64" zEC12 zarch
eb0000000023 clt RSY_RURD "compare logical and trap 32 bit reg-mem" zEC12 zarch
eb0000000023 clt$12 RSY_R0RD "compare logical and trap 32 bit reg-mem" zEC12 zarch
eb000000002b clgt RSY_RURD "compare logical and trap 64 bit reg-mem" zEC12 zarch
eb000000002b clgt$12 RSY_R0RD "compare logical and trap 64 bit reg-mem" zEC12 zarch
ec0000000059 risbgn RIE_RRUUU "rotate then insert selected bits nocc" zEC12 zarch
ed00000000aa cdzt RSL_LRDFU "convert from zoned long" zEC12 zarch
ed00000000ab cxzt RSL_LRDFEU "convert from zoned extended" zEC12 zarch
ed00000000a8 czdt RSL_LRDFU "convert to zoned long" zEC12 zarch
ed00000000a9 czxt RSL_LRDFEU "convert to zoned extended" zEC12 zarch
b98e idte RRF_RURR2 "invalidate dat table entry" zEC12 zarch optparm
b221 ipte RRF_RURR "invalidate page table entry" zEC12 zarch optparm2
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
# The new instructions of IBM z13
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e70000000027 lcbb RXE_RRRDU "load count to block boundary" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
# Chapter 21
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e70000000013 vgef VRV_VVXRDU "vector gather element 4 byte elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000000012 vgeg VRV_VVXRDU "vector gather element 8 byte elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000000044 vgbm VRI_V0U "vector generate byte mask" z13 zarch vx
e70000000044 vzero VRI_V "vector set to zero" z13 zarch vx
e700ffff0044 vone VRI_V "vector set to ones" z13 zarch vx
e70000000046 vgm VRI_V0UUU "vector generate mask" z13 zarch vx
e70000000046 vgmb VRI_V0UU "vector generate mask byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001046 vgmh VRI_V0UU "vector generate mask halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002046 vgmf VRI_V0UU "vector generate mask word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003046 vgmg VRI_V0UU "vector generate mask double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000006 vl VRX_VRRD "vector memory load" z13 zarch vx
e70000000056 vlr VRX_VV "vector register load" z13 zarch vx
e70000000005 vlrep VRX_VRRDU "vector load and replicate" z13 zarch vx
e70000000005 vlrepb VRX_VRRD "vector load and replicate byte elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000001005 vlreph VRX_VRRD "vector load and replicate halfword elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000002005 vlrepf VRX_VRRD "vector load and replicate word elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000003005 vlrepg VRX_VRRD "vector load and replicate double word elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000000000 vleb VRX_VRRDU "vector load byte element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000001 vleh VRX_VRRDU "vector load halfword element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000003 vlef VRX_VRRDU "vector load word element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000002 vleg VRX_VRRDU "vector load double word element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000040 vleib VRI_V0IU "vector load byte element immediate" z13 zarch vx
e70000000041 vleih VRI_V0IU "vector load halfword element immediate" z13 zarch vx
e70000000043 vleif VRI_V0IU "vector load word element immediate" z13 zarch vx
e70000000042 vleig VRI_V0IU "vector load double word element immediate" z13 zarch vx
e70000000021 vlgv VRS_RVRDU "vector load gr from vr element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000021 vlgvb VRS_RVRD "vector load gr from vr byte element" z13 zarch vx
e70000001021 vlgvh VRS_RVRD "vector load gr from vr halfword element" z13 zarch vx
e70000002021 vlgvf VRS_RVRD "vector load gr from vr word element" z13 zarch vx
e70000003021 vlgvg VRS_RVRD "vector load gr from vr double word element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000004 vllez VRX_VRRDU "vector load logical element and zero" z13 zarch vx
e70000000004 vllezb VRX_VRRD "vector load logical byte element and zero" z13 zarch vx
e70000001004 vllezh VRX_VRRD "vector load logical halfword element and zero" z13 zarch vx
e70000002004 vllezf VRX_VRRD "vector load logical word element and zero" z13 zarch vx
e70000003004 vllezg VRX_VRRD "vector load logical double word element and zero" z13 zarch vx
e70000000036 vlm VRS_VVRD "vector load multiple" z13 zarch vx
e70000000007 vlbb VRX_VRRDU "vector load to block boundary" z13 zarch vx
e70000000022 vlvg VRS_VRRDU "vector load VR element from GR" z13 zarch vx
e70000000022 vlvgb VRS_VRRD "vector load VR byte element from GR" z13 zarch vx
e70000001022 vlvgh VRS_VRRD "vector load VR halfword element from GR" z13 zarch vx
e70000002022 vlvgf VRS_VRRD "vector load VR word element from GR" z13 zarch vx
e70000003022 vlvgg VRS_VRRD "vector load VR double word element from GR" z13 zarch vx
e70000000062 vlvgp VRR_VRR "vector load VR from GRs disjoint" z13 zarch vx
e70000000037 vll VRS_VRRD "vector load with length" z13 zarch vx
e70000000061 vmrh VRR_VVV0U "vector merge high" z13 zarch vx
e70000000061 vmrhb VRR_VVV "vector merge high byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001061 vmrhh VRR_VVV "vector merge high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002061 vmrhf VRR_VVV "vector merge high word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003061 vmrhg VRR_VVV "vector merge high double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000060 vmrl VRR_VVV0U "vector merge low" z13 zarch vx
e70000000060 vmrlb VRR_VVV "vector merge low byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001060 vmrlh VRR_VVV "vector merge low halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002060 vmrlf VRR_VVV "vector merge low word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003060 vmrlg VRR_VVV "vector merge low double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000094 vpk VRR_VVV0U "vector pack" z13 zarch vx
e70000001094 vpkh VRR_VVV "vector pack halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002094 vpkf VRR_VVV "vector pack word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003094 vpkg VRR_VVV "vector pack double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000097 vpks VRR_VVV0U0U "vector pack saturate" z13 zarch vx
e70000001097 vpksh VRR_VVV "vector pack saturate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002097 vpksf VRR_VVV "vector pack saturate word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003097 vpksg VRR_VVV "vector pack saturate double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000101097 vpkshs VRR_VVV "vector pack saturate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000102097 vpksfs VRR_VVV "vector pack saturate word" z13 zarch vx
e70000103097 vpksgs VRR_VVV "vector pack saturate double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000095 vpkls VRR_VVV0U0U "vector pack logical saturate" z13 zarch vx
e70000001095 vpklsh VRR_VVV "vector pack logical saturate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002095 vpklsf VRR_VVV "vector pack logical saturate word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003095 vpklsg VRR_VVV "vector pack logical saturate double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000101095 vpklshs VRR_VVV "vector pack logical saturate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000102095 vpklsfs VRR_VVV "vector pack logical saturate word" z13 zarch vx
e70000103095 vpklsgs VRR_VVV "vector pack logical saturate double word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000008c vperm VRR_VVV0V "vector permute" z13 zarch vx
e70000000084 vpdi VRR_VVV0U "vector permute double word immediate" z13 zarch vx
e7000000004d vrep VRI_VVUU "vector replicate" z13 zarch vx
e7000000004d vrepb VRI_VVU "vector replicate byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000104d vreph VRI_VVU "vector replicate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e7000000204d vrepf VRI_VVU "vector replicate word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000304d vrepg VRI_VVU "vector replicate double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000045 vrepi VRI_V0IU "vector replicate immediate" z13 zarch vx
e70000000045 vrepib VRI_V0I "vector replicate immediate byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001045 vrepih VRI_V0I "vector replicate immediate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002045 vrepif VRI_V0I "vector replicate immediate word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003045 vrepig VRI_V0I "vector replicate immediate double word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000001b vscef VRV_VVXRDU "vector scatter element 4 byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000001a vsceg VRV_VVXRDU "vector scatter element 8 byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000008d vsel VRR_VVV0V "vector select" z13 zarch vx
e7000000005f vseg VRR_VV0U "vector sign extend to double word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000005f vsegb VRR_VV "vector sign extend byte to double word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000105f vsegh VRR_VV "vector sign extend halfword to double word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000205f vsegf VRR_VV "vector sign extend word to double word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000000e vst VRX_VRRD "vector store" z13 zarch vx
e70000000008 vsteb VRX_VRRDU "vector store byte element" z13 zarch vx
e70000000009 vsteh VRX_VRRDU "vector store halfword element" z13 zarch vx
e7000000000b vstef VRX_VRRDU "vector store word element" z13 zarch vx
e7000000000a vsteg VRX_VRRDU "vector store double word element" z13 zarch vx
e7000000003e vstm VRS_VVRD "vector store multiple" z13 zarch vx
e7000000003f vstl VRS_VRRD "vector store with length" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d7 vuph VRR_VV0U "vector unpack high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d7 vuphb VRR_VV "vector unpack high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010d7 vuphh VRR_VV "vector unpack high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020d7 vuphf VRR_VV "vector unpack high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d5 vuplh VRR_VV0U "vector unpack logical high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d5 vuplhb VRR_VV "vector unpack logical high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010d5 vuplhh VRR_VV "vector unpack logical high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020d5 vuplhf VRR_VV "vector unpack logical high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d6 vupl VRR_VV0U "vector unpack low" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d6 vuplb VRR_VV "vector unpack low byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010d6 vuplhw VRR_VV "vector unpack low halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020d6 vuplf VRR_VV "vector unpack low word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d4 vupll VRR_VV0U "vector unpack logical low" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d4 vupllb VRR_VV "vector unpack logical low byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010d4 vupllh VRR_VV "vector unpack logical low halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020d4 vupllf VRR_VV "vector unpack logical low word" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
# Chapter 22
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000f3 va VRR_VVV0U "vector add" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f3 vab VRR_VVV "vector add byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f3 vah VRR_VVV "vector add halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f3 vaf VRR_VVV "vector add word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f3 vag VRR_VVV "vector add double word" z13 zarch vx
e700000040f3 vaq VRR_VVV "vector add quad word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f1 vacc VRR_VVV0U "vector add compute carry" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f1 vaccb VRR_VVV "vector add compute carry byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f1 vacch VRR_VVV "vector add compute carry halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f1 vaccf VRR_VVV "vector add compute carry word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f1 vaccg VRR_VVV "vector add compute carry doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000040f1 vaccq VRR_VVV "vector add compute carry quadword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000bb vac VRR_VVVU0V "vector add with carry" z13 zarch vx
e700040000bb vacq VRR_VVV0V "vector add with carry quadword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000b9 vaccc VRR_VVVU0V "vector add with carry compute carry" z13 zarch vx
e700040000b9 vacccq VRR_VVV0V "vector add with carry compute carry quadword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000068 vn VRR_VVV "vector and" z13 zarch vx
e70000000069 vnc VRR_VVV "vector and with complement" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f2 vavg VRR_VVV0U "vector average" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f2 vavgb VRR_VVV "vector average byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f2 vavgh VRR_VVV "vector average half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f2 vavgf VRR_VVV "vector average word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f2 vavgg VRR_VVV "vector average double word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f0 vavgl VRR_VVV0U "vector average logical" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f0 vavglb VRR_VVV "vector average logical byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f0 vavglh VRR_VVV "vector average logical half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f0 vavglf VRR_VVV "vector average logical word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f0 vavglg VRR_VVV "vector average logical double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000066 vcksm VRR_VVV "vector checksum" z13 zarch vx
e700000000db vec VRR_VV0U "vector element compare" z13 zarch vx
e700000000db vecb VRR_VV "vector element compare byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010db vech VRR_VV "vector element compare half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020db vecf VRR_VV "vector element compare word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030db vecg VRR_VV "vector element compare double word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d9 vecl VRR_VV0U "vector element compare logical" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d9 veclb VRR_VV "vector element compare logical byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010d9 veclh VRR_VV "vector element compare logical half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020d9 veclf VRR_VV "vector element compare logical word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030d9 veclg VRR_VV "vector element compare logical double word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f8 vceq VRR_VVV0U0U "vector compare equal" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f8 vceqb VRR_VVV "vector compare equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f8 vceqh VRR_VVV "vector compare equal half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f8 vceqf VRR_VVV "vector compare equal word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f8 vceqg VRR_VVV "vector compare equal double word" z13 zarch vx
e700001000f8 vceqbs VRR_VVV "vector compare equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e700001010f8 vceqhs VRR_VVV "vector compare equal half word" z13 zarch vx
e700001020f8 vceqfs VRR_VVV "vector compare equal word" z13 zarch vx
e700001030f8 vceqgs VRR_VVV "vector compare equal double word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fb vch VRR_VVV0U0U "vector compare high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fb vchb VRR_VVV "vector compare high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010fb vchh VRR_VVV "vector compare high half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020fb vchf VRR_VVV "vector compare high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030fb vchg VRR_VVV "vector compare high double word" z13 zarch vx
e700001000fb vchbs VRR_VVV "vector compare high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700001010fb vchhs VRR_VVV "vector compare high half word" z13 zarch vx
e700001020fb vchfs VRR_VVV "vector compare high word" z13 zarch vx
e700001030fb vchgs VRR_VVV "vector compare high double word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f9 vchl VRR_VVV0U0U "vector compare high logical" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f9 vchlb VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f9 vchlh VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical half word" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f9 vchlf VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f9 vchlg VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical double word" z13 zarch vx
e700001000f9 vchlbs VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical byte" z13 zarch vx
e700001010f9 vchlhs VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical half word" z13 zarch vx
e700001020f9 vchlfs VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical word" z13 zarch vx
e700001030f9 vchlgs VRR_VVV "vector compare high logical double word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000053 vclz VRR_VV0U "vector count leading zeros" z13 zarch vx
e70000000053 vclzb VRR_VV "vector count leading zeros byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001053 vclzh VRR_VV "vector count leading zeros halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002053 vclzf VRR_VV "vector count leading zeros word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003053 vclzg VRR_VV "vector count leading zeros doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000052 vctz VRR_VV0U "vector count trailing zeros" z13 zarch vx
e70000000052 vctzb VRR_VV "vector count trailing zeros byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001052 vctzh VRR_VV "vector count trailing zeros halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002052 vctzf VRR_VV "vector count trailing zeros word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003052 vctzg VRR_VV "vector count trailing zeros doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e7000000006d vx VRR_VVV "vector exclusive or" z13 zarch vx
e700000000b4 vgfm VRR_VVV0U "vector galois field multiply sum" z13 zarch vx
e700000000b4 vgfmb VRR_VVV "vector galois field multiply sum byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010b4 vgfmh VRR_VVV "vector galois field multiply sum halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020b4 vgfmf VRR_VVV "vector galois field multiply sum word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030b4 vgfmg VRR_VVV "vector galois field multiply sum doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000bc vgfma VRR_VVVU0V "vector galois field multiply sum and accumulate" z13 zarch vx
e700000000bc vgfmab VRR_VVV0V "vector galois field multiply sum and accumulate byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000bc vgfmah VRR_VVV0V "vector galois field multiply sum and accumulate halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000bc vgfmaf VRR_VVV0V "vector galois field multiply sum and accumulate word" z13 zarch vx
e700030000bc vgfmag VRR_VVV0V "vector galois field multiply sum and accumulate doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000de vlc VRR_VV0U "vector load complement" z13 zarch vx
e700000000de vlcb VRR_VV "vector load complement byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010de vlch VRR_VV "vector load complement halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020de vlcf VRR_VV "vector load complement word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030de vlcg VRR_VV "vector load complement doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000df vlp VRR_VV0U "vector load positive" z13 zarch vx
e700000000df vlpb VRR_VV "vector load positive byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010df vlph VRR_VV "vector load positive halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020df vlpf VRR_VV "vector load positive word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030df vlpg VRR_VV "vector load positive doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ff vmx VRR_VVV0U "vector maximum" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ff vmxb VRR_VVV "vector maximum byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010ff vmxh VRR_VVV "vector maximum halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020ff vmxf VRR_VVV "vector maximum word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030ff vmxg VRR_VVV "vector maximum doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fd vmxl VRR_VVV0U "vector maximum logical" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fd vmxlb VRR_VVV "vector maximum logical byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010fd vmxlh VRR_VVV "vector maximum logical halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020fd vmxlf VRR_VVV "vector maximum logical word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030fd vmxlg VRR_VVV "vector maximum logical doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fe vmn VRR_VVV0U "vector minimum" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fe vmnb VRR_VVV "vector minimum byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010fe vmnh VRR_VVV "vector minimum halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020fe vmnf VRR_VVV "vector minimum word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030fe vmng VRR_VVV "vector minimum doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fc vmnl VRR_VVV0U "vector minimum logical" z13 zarch vx
e700000000fc vmnlb VRR_VVV "vector minimum logical byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010fc vmnlh VRR_VVV "vector minimum logical halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020fc vmnlf VRR_VVV "vector minimum logical word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030fc vmnlg VRR_VVV "vector minimum logical doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000aa vmal VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add low" z13 zarch vx
e700000000aa vmalb VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add low byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000aa vmalhw VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add low halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000aa vmalf VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add low word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ab vmah VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ab vmahb VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000ab vmahh VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000ab vmahf VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a9 vmalh VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add logical high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a9 vmalhb VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000a9 vmalhh VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000a9 vmalhf VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ae vmae VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add even" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ae vmaeb VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add even byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000ae vmaeh VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add even halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000ae vmaef VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add even word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ac vmale VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add logical even" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ac vmaleb VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical even byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000ac vmaleh VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical even halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000ac vmalef VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical even word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000af vmao VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add odd" z13 zarch vx
e700000000af vmaob VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add odd byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000af vmaoh VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add odd halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000af vmaof VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add odd word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ad vmalo VRR_VVVU0V "vector multiply and add logical odd" z13 zarch vx
e700000000ad vmalob VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical odd byte" z13 zarch vx
e700010000ad vmaloh VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical odd halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700020000ad vmalof VRR_VVV0V "vector multiply and add logical odd word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a3 vmh VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a3 vmhb VRR_VVV "vector multiply high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a3 vmhh VRR_VVV "vector multiply high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a3 vmhf VRR_VVV "vector multiply high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a1 vmlh VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply logical high" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a1 vmlhb VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical high byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a1 vmlhh VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical high halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a1 vmlhf VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical high word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a2 vml VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply low" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a2 vmlb VRR_VVV "vector multiply low byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a2 vmlhw VRR_VVV "vector multiply low halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a2 vmlf VRR_VVV "vector multiply low word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a6 vme VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply even" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a6 vmeb VRR_VVV "vector multiply even byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a6 vmeh VRR_VVV "vector multiply even halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a6 vmef VRR_VVV "vector multiply even word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a4 vmle VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply logical even" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a4 vmleb VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical even byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a4 vmleh VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical even halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a4 vmlef VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical even word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a7 vmo VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply odd" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a7 vmob VRR_VVV "vector multiply odd byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a7 vmoh VRR_VVV "vector multiply odd halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a7 vmof VRR_VVV "vector multiply odd word" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a5 vmlo VRR_VVV0U "vector multiply logical odd" z13 zarch vx
e700000000a5 vmlob VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical odd byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010a5 vmloh VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical odd halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020a5 vmlof VRR_VVV "vector multiply logical odd word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000006b vno VRR_VVV "vector nor" z13 zarch vx
e7000000006b vnot VRR_VVV2 "vector not" z13 zarch vx
e7000000006a vo VRR_VVV "vector or" z13 zarch vx
e70000000050 vpopct VRR_VV0U "vector population count" z13 zarch vx
e70000000073 verllv VRR_VVV0U "vector element rotate left logical reg" z13 zarch vx
e70000000073 verllvb VRR_VVV "vector element rotate left logical reg byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001073 verllvh VRR_VVV "vector element rotate left logical reg halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002073 verllvf VRR_VVV "vector element rotate left logical reg word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003073 verllvg VRR_VVV "vector element rotate left logical reg doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000033 verll VRS_VVRDU "vector element rotate left logical mem" z13 zarch vx
e70000000033 verllb VRS_VVRD "vector element rotate left logical mem byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001033 verllh VRS_VVRD "vector element rotate left logical mem halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002033 verllf VRS_VVRD "vector element rotate left logical mem word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003033 verllg VRS_VVRD "vector element rotate left logical mem doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000072 verim VRI_VVV0UU "vector element rotate and insert under mask" z13 zarch vx
e70000000072 verimb VRI_VVV0U "vector element rotate and insert under mask byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001072 verimh VRI_VVV0U "vector element rotate and insert under mask halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002072 verimf VRI_VVV0U "vector element rotate and insert under mask word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003072 verimg VRI_VVV0U "vector element rotate and insert under mask doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000070 veslv VRR_VVV0U "vector element shift left reg" z13 zarch vx
e70000000070 veslvb VRR_VVV "vector element shift left reg byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001070 veslvh VRR_VVV "vector element shift left reg halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002070 veslvf VRR_VVV "vector element shift left reg word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003070 veslvg VRR_VVV "vector element shift left reg doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000030 vesl VRS_VVRDU "vector element shift left mem" z13 zarch vx
e70000000030 veslb VRS_VVRD "vector element shift left mem byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001030 veslh VRS_VVRD "vector element shift left mem halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002030 veslf VRS_VVRD "vector element shift left mem word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003030 veslg VRS_VVRD "vector element shift left mem doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e7000000007a vesrav VRR_VVV0U "vector element shift right arithmetic reg" z13 zarch vx
e7000000007a vesravb VRR_VVV "vector element shift right arithmetic reg byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000107a vesravh VRR_VVV "vector element shift right arithmetic reg halfword" z13 zarch vx
e7000000207a vesravf VRR_VVV "vector element shift right arithmetic reg word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000307a vesravg VRR_VVV "vector element shift right arithmetic reg doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e7000000003a vesra VRS_VVRDU "vector element shift right arithmetic mem" z13 zarch vx
e7000000003a vesrab VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right arithmetic mem byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000103a vesrah VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right arithmetic mem halfword" z13 zarch vx
e7000000203a vesraf VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right arithmetic mem word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000303a vesrag VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right arithmetic mem doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000078 vesrlv VRR_VVV0U "vector element shift right logical reg" z13 zarch vx
e70000000078 vesrlvb VRR_VVV "vector element shift right logical reg byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001078 vesrlvh VRR_VVV "vector element shift right logical reg halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002078 vesrlvf VRR_VVV "vector element shift right logical reg word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003078 vesrlvg VRR_VVV "vector element shift right logical reg doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000038 vesrl VRS_VVRDU "vector element shift right logical mem" z13 zarch vx
e70000000038 vesrlb VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right logical mem byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000001038 vesrlh VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right logical mem halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002038 vesrlf VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right logical mem word" z13 zarch vx
e70000003038 vesrlg VRS_VVRD "vector element shift right logical mem doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000074 vsl VRR_VVV "vector shift left" z13 zarch vx
e70000000075 vslb VRR_VVV "vector shift left by byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000000077 vsldb VRI_VVV0U "vector shift left double by byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000007e vsra VRR_VVV "vector shift right arithmetic" z13 zarch vx
e7000000007f vsrab VRR_VVV "vector shift right arithmetic by byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000000007c vsrl VRR_VVV "vector shift right logical" z13 zarch vx
e7000000007d vsrlb VRR_VVV "vector shift right logical by byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f7 vs VRR_VVV0U "vector subtract" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f7 vsb VRR_VVV "vector subtract byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f7 vsh VRR_VVV "vector subtract halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f7 vsf VRR_VVV "vector subtract word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f7 vsg VRR_VVV "vector subtract doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000040f7 vsq VRR_VVV "vector subtract quadword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f5 vscbi VRR_VVV0U "vector subtract compute borrow indication" z13 zarch vx
e700000000f5 vscbib VRR_VVV "vector subtract compute borrow indication byte" z13 zarch vx
e700000010f5 vscbih VRR_VVV "vector subtract compute borrow indication halfword" z13 zarch vx
e700000020f5 vscbif VRR_VVV "vector subtract compute borrow indication word" z13 zarch vx
e700000030f5 vscbig VRR_VVV "vector subtract compute borrow indication doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e700000040f5 vscbiq VRR_VVV "vector subtract compute borrow indication quadword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000bf vsbi VRR_VVVU0V "vector subtract with borrow indication" z13 zarch vx
e700040000bf vsbiq VRR_VVV0V "vector subtract with borrow indication quadword" z13 zarch vx
e700000000bd vsbcbi VRR_VVVU0V "vector subtract with borrow compute borrow indication" z13 zarch vx
e700040000bd vsbcbiq VRR_VVV0V "vector subtract with borrow compute borrow indication quadword" z13 zarch vx
e70000000065 vsumg VRR_VVV0U "vector sum across doubleword" z13 zarch vx
e70000001065 vsumgh VRR_VVV "vector sum across doubleword - halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002065 vsumgf VRR_VVV "vector sum across doubleword - word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000067 vsumq VRR_VVV0U "vector sum across quadword" z13 zarch vx
e70000002067 vsumqf VRR_VVV "vector sum across quadword - word elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000003067 vsumqg VRR_VVV "vector sum across quadword - doubleword elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000000064 vsum VRR_VVV0U "vector sum across word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000064 vsumb VRR_VVV "vector sum across word - byte elements" z13 zarch vx
e70000001064 vsumh VRR_VVV "vector sum across word - halfword elements" z13 zarch vx
e700000000d8 vtm VRR_VV "vector test under mask" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
# Chapter 23 - Vector String Instructions
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e70000000082 vfae VRR_VVV0U0U "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000000082 vfaeb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find any element equal byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000001082 vfaeh VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find any element equal halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000002082 vfaef VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find any element equal word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000100082 vfaebs VRR_VVV0U1 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000101082 vfaehs VRR_VVV0U1 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000102082 vfaefs VRR_VVV0U1 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000200082 vfaezb VRR_VVV0U2 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000201082 vfaezh VRR_VVV0U2 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000202082 vfaezf VRR_VVV0U2 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000300082 vfaezbs VRR_VVV0U3 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000301082 vfaezhs VRR_VVV0U3 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000302082 vfaezfs VRR_VVV0U3 "vector find any element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000000080 vfee VRR_VVV0U0U "vector find element equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000000080 vfeeb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find element equal byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000001080 vfeeh VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find element equal halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000002080 vfeef VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find element equal word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000100080 vfeebs VRR_VVV "vector find element equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000101080 vfeehs VRR_VVV "vector find element equal halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000102080 vfeefs VRR_VVV "vector find element equal word" z13 zarch vx
e70000200080 vfeezb VRR_VVV "vector find element equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000201080 vfeezh VRR_VVV "vector find element equal halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000202080 vfeezf VRR_VVV "vector find element equal word" z13 zarch vx
e70000300080 vfeezbs VRR_VVV "vector find element equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000301080 vfeezhs VRR_VVV "vector find element equal halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000302080 vfeezfs VRR_VVV "vector find element equal word" z13 zarch vx
e70000000081 vfene VRR_VVV0U0U "vector find element not equal" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000000081 vfeneb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find element not equal byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000001081 vfeneh VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find element not equal halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000002081 vfenef VRR_VVV0U0 "vector find element not equal word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e70000100081 vfenebs VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000101081 vfenehs VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000102081 vfenefs VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal word" z13 zarch vx
e70000200081 vfenezb VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000201081 vfenezh VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000202081 vfenezf VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal word" z13 zarch vx
e70000300081 vfenezbs VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal byte" z13 zarch vx
e70000301081 vfenezhs VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal halfword" z13 zarch vx
e70000302081 vfenezfs VRR_VVV "vector find element not equal word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000005c vistr VRR_VV0U0U "vector isolate string" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000000005c vistrb VRR_VV0U2 "vector isolate string byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000000105c vistrh VRR_VV0U2 "vector isolate string halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000000205c vistrf VRR_VV0U2 "vector isolate string word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000010005c vistrbs VRR_VV "vector isolate string byte" z13 zarch vx
e7000010105c vistrhs VRR_VV "vector isolate string halfword" z13 zarch vx
e7000010205c vistrfs VRR_VV "vector isolate string word" z13 zarch vx
e7000000008a vstrc VRR_VVVUU0V "vector string range compare" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000000008a vstrcb VRR_VVVU0VB "vector string range compare byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000100008a vstrch VRR_VVVU0VB "vector string range compare halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000200008a vstrcf VRR_VVVU0VB "vector string range compare word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000010008a vstrcbs VRR_VVVU0VB1 "vector string range compare byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000110008a vstrchs VRR_VVVU0VB1 "vector string range compare halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000210008a vstrcfs VRR_VVVU0VB1 "vector string range compare word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000020008a vstrczb VRR_VVVU0VB2 "vector string range compare byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000120008a vstrczh VRR_VVVU0VB2 "vector string range compare halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000220008a vstrczf VRR_VVVU0VB2 "vector string range compare word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000030008a vstrczbs VRR_VVVU0VB3 "vector string range compare byte" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000130008a vstrczhs VRR_VVVU0VB3 "vector string range compare halfword" z13 zarch optparm,vx
e7000230008a vstrczfs VRR_VVVU0VB3 "vector string range compare word" z13 zarch optparm,vx
S/390: Add support for IBM z13. - 32 128 bit vector registers (overlapping with the existing 16 64 bit floating point registers) - vector double instructions - vector integer instructions - scalar vector instructions (allowing to have more floating point registers for scalar operations) - vector string instructions gas/ChangeLog: * config/tc-s390.c (struct pd_reg): Remove. (pre_defined_registers): Remove. (REG_NAME_CNT): Remove. (reg_name_search): Calculate the register number instead of doing a lookup. (register_name, tc_s390_regname_to_dw2regnum): Adopt to the new reg_name_search signature. (s390_parse_cpu): Support the new arch string z13. (s390_insert_operand): Support for vector registers with the extra field for the fifth bit of each vector register operand. (md_gather_operand): Adjust to the new handling of optional parameters. * doc/as.texinfo: Document the z13 cpu string. gas/testsuite/ChangeLog: * gas/s390/esa-g5.d: Add a variant without the optional operand. * gas/s390/esa-g5.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/esa-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z9-109.s: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z10.d: For variants with a zero optional argument it is not dumped by objdump anymore. * gas/s390/zarch-zEC12.d: Likewise. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: New file. * gas/s390/zarch-z13.s: New file. * gas/s390/s390.exp: Run the test for the z13 files. include/opcode/ChangeLog: * s390.h (s390_opcode_cpu_val): Add S390_OPCODE_Z13. ld/testsuite/ChangeLog: * ld-s390/tlsbin.dd: The nopr register operand is optional and not printed if 0 anymore. opcodes/ChangeLog: * s390-dis.c (s390_extract_operand): Support vector register operands. (s390_print_insn_with_opcode): Support new operands types and add new handling of optional operands. * s390-mkopc.c (s390_opcode_mode_val, s390_opcode_cpu_val): Remove and include opcode/s390.h instead. (struct op_struct): New field `flags'. (insertOpcode, insertExpandedMnemonic): New parameter `flags'. (dumpTable): Dump flags. (main): Parse flags from the s390-opc.txt file. Add z13 as cpu string. * s390-opc.c: Add new operands types, instruction formats, and instruction masks. (s390_opformats): Add new formats for .insn. * s390-opc.txt: Add new instructions.
2015-01-16 19:19:21 +08:00
# Chapter 24
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000e3 vfa VRR_VVV0UU "vector fp add" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030e3 vfadb VRR_VVV "vector fp add long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830e3 wfadb VRR_VVV "vector fp add long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000cb wfc VRR_VV0UU2 "vector fp compare scalar" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030cb wfcdb VRR_VV "vector fp compare scalar long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000ca wfk VRR_VV0UU2 "vector fp compare and signal scalar" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030ca wfkdb VRR_VV "vector fp compare and signal scalar long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000e8 vfce VRR_VVV0UUU "vector fp compare equal" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030e8 vfcedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare equal long" z13 zarch vx
e700001030e8 vfcedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare equal long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830e8 wfcedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare equal long" z13 zarch vx
e700001830e8 wfcedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare equal long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000eb vfch VRR_VVV0UUU "vector fp compare high" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030eb vfchdb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high long" z13 zarch vx
e700001030eb vfchdbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830eb wfchdb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high long" z13 zarch vx
e700001830eb wfchdbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000ea vfche VRR_VVV0UUU "vector fp compare high or equal" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030ea vfchedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high or equal long" z13 zarch vx
e700001030ea vfchedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high or equal long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830ea wfchedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high or equal long" z13 zarch vx
e700001830ea wfchedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high or equal long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000c3 vcdg VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp convert from fixed 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000030c3 vcdgb VRR_VV0UU "vector fp convert from fixed 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000830c3 wcdgb VRR_VV0UU8 "vector fp convert from fixed 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000000c1 vcdlg VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp convert from logical 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000030c1 vcdlgb VRR_VV0UU "vector fp convert from logical 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000830c1 wcdlgb VRR_VV0UU8 "vector fp convert from logical 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000000c2 vcgd VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp convert to fixed 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000030c2 vcgdb VRR_VV0UU "vector fp convert to fixed 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000830c2 wcgdb VRR_VV0UU8 "vector fp convert to fixed 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000000c0 vclgd VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp convert to logical 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000030c0 vclgdb VRR_VV0UU "vector fp convert to logical 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000830c0 wclgdb VRR_VV0UU8 "vector fp convert to logical 64 bit" z13 zarch vx
e700000000e5 vfd VRR_VVV0UU "vector fp divide" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030e5 vfddb VRR_VVV "vector fp divide long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830e5 wfddb VRR_VVV "vector fp divide long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000c7 vfi VRR_VV0UUU "vector load fp integer" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030c7 vfidb VRR_VV0UU "vector load fp integer long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830c7 wfidb VRR_VV0UU8 "vector load fp integer long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000c4 vlde VRR_VV0UU2 "vector fp load lengthened" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000020c4 vldeb VRR_VV "vector fp load lengthened short to long" z13 zarch vx
e700000820c4 wldeb VRR_VV "vector fp load lengthened short to long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000c5 vled VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp load rounded" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030c5 vledb VRR_VV0UU "vector fp load rounded long to short" z13 zarch vx
e700000830c5 wledb VRR_VV0UU8 "vector fp load rounded long to short" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000e7 vfm VRR_VVV0UU "vector fp multiply" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030e7 vfmdb VRR_VVV "vector fp multiply long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830e7 wfmdb VRR_VVV "vector fp multiply long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e7000000008f vfma VRR_VVVU0UV "vector fp multiply and add" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e7000300008f vfmadb VRR_VVVV "vector fp multiply and add long" z13 zarch vx
e7000308008f wfmadb VRR_VVVV "vector fp multiply and add long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e7000000008e vfms VRR_VVVU0UV "vector fp multiply and subtract" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e7000300008e vfmsdb VRR_VVVV "vector fp multiply and subtract long" z13 zarch vx
e7000308008e wfmsdb VRR_VVVV "vector fp multiply and subtract long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000cc vfpso VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp perform sign operation" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030cc vfpsodb VRR_VV0U2 "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830cc wfpsodb VRR_VV0U2 "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700000030cc vflcdb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830cc wflcdb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700001030cc vflndb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700001830cc wflndb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700002030cc vflpdb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
e700002830cc wflpdb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000ce vfsq VRR_VV0UU2 "vector fp square root" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030ce vfsqdb VRR_VV "vector fp square root long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830ce wfsqdb VRR_VV "vector fp square root long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e700000000e2 vfs VRR_VVV0UU "vector fp subtract" z13 zarch vx
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000030e2 vfsdb VRR_VVV "vector fp subtract long" z13 zarch vx
e700000830e2 wfsdb VRR_VVV "vector fp subtract long" z13 zarch vx
2015-09-29 20:22:07 +08:00
e7000000004a vftci VRI_VVUUU "vector fp test data class immediate" z13 zarch vx
e7000000304a vftcidb VRI_VVU2 "vector fp test data class immediate" z13 zarch vx
e7000008304a wftcidb VRI_VVU2 "vector fp test data class immediate" z13 zarch vx
ed00000000ae cdpt RSL_LRDFU "convert from packed to long dfp" z13 zarch
ed00000000af cxpt RSL_LRDFEU "convert from packed to extended dfp" z13 zarch
ed00000000ac cpdt RSL_LRDFU "convert from long dfp to packed" z13 zarch
ed00000000ad cpxt RSL_LRDFEU "convert from extended dfp to packed" z13 zarch
b9e0 locfhr RRF_U0RR "load high on condition from gpr" z13 zarch
b9e00000 locfhr*16 RRF_00RR "load high on condition from gpr" z13 zarch
eb00000000e0 locfh RSY_RURD2 "load high on condition from memory" z13 zarch
eb00000000e0 locfh*12 RSY_R0RD "load high on condition from memory" z13 zarch
ec0000000042 lochi RIE_RUI0 "load halfword immediate on condition into 32 bit gpr" z13 zarch
ec0000000042 lochi*12 RIE_R0I0 "load halfword immediate on condition into 32 bit gpr" z13 zarch
ec0000000046 locghi RIE_RUI0 "load halfword immediate on condition into 64 bit gpr" z13 zarch
ec0000000046 locghi*12 RIE_R0I0 "load halfword immediate on condition into 64 bit gpr" z13 zarch
ec000000004e lochhi RIE_RUI0 "load halfword high immediate on condition" z13 zarch
ec000000004e lochhi*12 RIE_R0I0 "load halfword high immediate on condition" z13 zarch
eb00000000e1 stocfh RSY_RURD2 "store high on condition" z13 zarch
eb00000000e1 stocfh*12 RSY_R0RD "store high on condition" z13 zarch
e3000000003a llzrgf RXY_RRRD "load logical and zero rightmost bytes 32->64" z13 zarch
e3000000003b lzrf RXY_RRRD "load and zero rightmost byte 32->32" z13 zarch
e3000000002a lzrg RXY_RRRD "load and zero rightmost byte 64->64" z13 zarch
b93c ppno RRE_RR "perform pseudorandom number operation" z13 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
# arch12 instructions
# Vector Enhancements Facility 1
e70000000085 vbperm VRR_VVV "vector bit permute" arch12 zarch
e70000006004 vllezlf VRX_VRRD "vector load logical word element and zero - left aligned" arch12 zarch
e700000000b8 vmsl VRR_VVVUU0V "vector multiply sum logical" arch12 zarch
e700030000b8 vmslg VRR_VVVU0VB "vector multiply sum logical double word" arch12 zarch
e7000000006c vnx VRR_VVV "vector not exclusive or" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e7000000006e vnn VRR_VVV "vector nand" arch12 zarch
e7000000006f voc VRR_VVV "vector or with complement" arch12 zarch
e70000000050 vpopctb VRR_VV "vector population count byte" arch12 zarch
e70000001050 vpopcth VRR_VV "vector population count halfword" arch12 zarch
e70000002050 vpopctf VRR_VV "vector population count word" arch12 zarch
e70000003050 vpopctg VRR_VV "vector population count double word" arch12 zarch
e700000020e3 vfasb VRR_VVV "vector fp add short" arch12 zarch
e700000820e3 wfasb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp add scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840e3 wfaxb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp add scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020cb wfcsb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp compare scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000040cb wfcxb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp compare scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020ca wfksb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp compare and signal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000040ca wfkxb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp compare and signal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000020e8 vfcesb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare equal short" arch12 zarch
e700001020e8 vfcesbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare equal short" arch12 zarch
e700000820e8 wfcesb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001820e8 wfcesbs VRR_VVV "scalar fp compare equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840e8 wfcexb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001840e8 wfcexbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000420e8 vfkesb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal equal short" arch12 zarch
e700001420e8 vfkesbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal equal short" arch12 zarch
e700000c20e8 wfkesb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001c20e8 wfkesbs VRR_VVV "scalar fp compare and signal equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000430e8 vfkedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700001430e8 vfkedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700000c30e8 wfkedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700001c30e8 wfkedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700000c40e8 wfkexb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001c40e8 wfkexbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000020eb vfchsb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high short" arch12 zarch
e700001020eb vfchsbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high short" arch12 zarch
e700000820eb wfchsb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001820eb wfchsbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840eb wfchxb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001840eb wfchxbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000420eb vfkhsb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high short" arch12 zarch
e700001420eb vfkhsbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high short" arch12 zarch
e700000c20eb wfkhsb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001c20eb wfkhsbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high scalar short" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000430eb vfkhdb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high long" arch12 zarch vx
e700001430eb vfkhdbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high long" arch12 zarch vx
e700000c30eb wfkhdb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high long" arch12 zarch vx
e700001c30eb wfkhdbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high long" arch12 zarch vx
e700000c40eb wfkhxb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001c40eb wfkhxbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000020ea vfchesb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high or equal short" arch12 zarch
e700001020ea vfchesbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare high or equal short" arch12 zarch
e700000820ea wfchesb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high or equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001820ea wfchesbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high or equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840ea wfchexb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high or equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001840ea wfchexbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare high or equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000420ea vfkhesb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high or equal short" arch12 zarch
e700001420ea vfkhesbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high or equal short" arch12 zarch
e700000c20ea wfkhesb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high or equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001c20ea wfkhesbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high or equal scalar short" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000430ea vfkhedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high or equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700001430ea vfkhedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high or equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700000c30ea wfkhedb VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high or equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700001c30ea wfkhedbs VRR_VVV "vector fp compare and signal high or equal long" arch12 zarch vx
e700000c40ea wfkhexb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high or equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001c40ea wfkhexbs VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp compare and signal high or equal scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
e700000020e5 vfdsb VRR_VVV "vector fp divide short" arch12 zarch
e700000820e5 wfdsb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp divide scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840e5 wfdxb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp divide scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020c7 vfisb VRR_VV0UU "vector load fp integer short" arch12 zarch
e700000820c7 wfisb VRR_VV0UU8 "scalar vector load fp integer scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840c7 wfixb VRR_VV0UU8 "scalar vector load fp integer scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000000c4 vfll VRR_VV0UU2 "vector fp load lengthened" arch12 zarch
e700000020c4 vflls VRR_VV "vector fp load lengthened" arch12 zarch
e700000820c4 wflls VRR_VV "scalar vector fp load lengthened short" arch12 zarch
e700000830c4 wflld VRR_VV "scalar vector fp load lengthened long" arch12 zarch
e700000000c5 vflr VRR_VV0UUU "vector fp load rounded" arch12 zarch
e700000030c5 vflrd VRR_VV0UU "vector fp load rounded long" arch12 zarch
e700000830c5 wflrd VRR_VV0UU8 "scalar vector fp load rounded long" arch12 zarch
e700000840c5 wflrx VRR_VV0UU8 "scalar vector fp load rounded extended" arch12 zarch
e700000000ef vfmax VRR_VVV0UUU "vector fp maximum" arch12 zarch
e700000020ef vfmaxsb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector fp maximum short" arch12 zarch
e700000030ef vfmaxdb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector fp maximum long" arch12 zarch
e700000820ef wfmaxsb VRR_VVV0U0 "scalar fp maximum scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000830ef wfmaxdb VRR_VVV0U0 "scalar fp maximum scalar long" arch12 zarch
e700000840ef wfmaxxb VRR_VVV0U0 "scalar fp maximum scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000000ee vfmin VRR_VVV0UUU "vector fp minimum" arch12 zarch
e700000020ee vfminsb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector fp minimum short" arch12 zarch
e700000030ee vfmindb VRR_VVV0U0 "vector fp minimum long" arch12 zarch
e700000820ee wfminsb VRR_VVV0U0 "scalar fp minimum scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000830ee wfmindb VRR_VVV0U0 "scalar fp minimum scalar long" arch12 zarch
e700000840ee wfminxb VRR_VVV0U0 "scalar fp minimum scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020e7 vfmsb VRR_VVV "vector fp multiply short" arch12 zarch
e700000820e7 wfmsb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp multiply scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840e7 wfmxb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp multiply scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e7000200008f vfmasb VRR_VVVV "vector fp multiply and add short" arch12 zarch
e7000208008f wfmasb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp multiply and add scalar short" arch12 zarch
e7000408008f wfmaxb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp multiply and add scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e7000200008e vfmssb VRR_VVVV "vector fp multiply and subtract short" arch12 zarch
e7000208008e wfmssb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp multiply and subtract scalar short" arch12 zarch
e7000408008e wfmsxb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp multiply and subtract scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e7000000009f vfnma VRR_VVVU0UV "vector fp negative multiply and add" arch12 zarch
e7000200009f vfnmasb VRR_VVVV "vector fp negative multiply and add short" arch12 zarch
e7000208009f wfnmasb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp negative multiply and add scalar short" arch12 zarch
e7000300009f vfnmadb VRR_VVVV "vector fp negative multiply and add long" arch12 zarch
e7000308009f wfnmadb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp negative multiply and add scalar long" arch12 zarch
e7000408009f wfnmaxb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp negative multiply and add scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e7000000009e vfnms VRR_VVVU0UV "vector fp negative multiply and subtract" arch12 zarch
e7000200009e vfnmssb VRR_VVVV "vector fp negative multiply and subtract short" arch12 zarch
e7000208009e wfnmssb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp negative multiply and subtract scalar short" arch12 zarch
e7000300009e vfnmsdb VRR_VVVV "vector fp negative multiply and subtract long" arch12 zarch
e7000308009e wfnmsdb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp negative multiply and subtract scalar long" arch12 zarch
e7000408009e wfnmsxb VRR_VVVV "scalar vector fp negative multiply and subtract scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020cc vfpsosb VRR_VV0U2 "vector fp perform sign operation short" arch12 zarch
e700000820cc wfpsosb VRR_VV0U2 "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000020cc vflcsb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation short" arch12 zarch
e700000820cc wflcsb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700001020cc vflnsb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation short" arch12 zarch
e700001820cc wflnsb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700002020cc vflpsb VRR_VV "vector fp perform sign operation short" arch12 zarch
e700002820cc wflpsb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840cc wfpsoxb VRR_VV0U2 "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000840cc wflcxb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700001840cc wflnxb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700002840cc wflpxb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp perform sign operation scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020ce vfsqsb VRR_VV "vector fp square root short" arch12 zarch
e700000820ce wfsqsb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp square root scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840ce wfsqxb VRR_VV "scalar vector fp square root scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e700000020e2 vfssb VRR_VVV "vector fp subtract short" arch12 zarch
e700000820e2 wfssb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp subtract scalar short" arch12 zarch
e700000840e2 wfsxb VRR_VVV "scalar vector fp subtract scalar extended" arch12 zarch
e7000000204a vftcisb VRI_VVU2 "vector fp test data class immediate short" arch12 zarch
e7000008204a wftcisb VRI_VVU2 "scalar vector fp test data class immediate scalar short" arch12 zarch
e7000008404a wftcixb VRI_VVU2 "scalar vector fp test data class immediate scalar extended" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
# Miscellaneous Instruction Extensions Facility 2
e30000000038 agh RXY_RRRD "add halfword to 64 bit value" arch12 zarch
e30000000047 bic RXY_URRD "branch indirect on condition" arch12 zarch
e3f000000047 bi RXY_0RRD "unconditional indirect branch" arch12 zarch
e30000000047 bi*8 RXY_0RRD "branch indirect on condition" arch12 zarch
b9ec mgrk RRF_R0RR2 "multiply 64x64reg -> 128" arch12 zarch
e30000000084 mg RXY_RRRD "multiply 64x64mem -> 128" arch12 zarch
e3000000003c mgh RXY_RRRD "multiply halfword 64x16mem -> 64" arch12 zarch
b9fd msrkc RRF_R0RR2 "multiply single 32x32 -> 32" arch12 zarch
b9ed msgrkc RRF_R0RR2 "multiply single 64x64 -> 64" arch12 zarch
e30000000053 msc RXY_RRRD "multiply single 32x32mem -> 32" arch12 zarch
e30000000083 msgc RXY_RRRD "multiply single 64x64mem -> 64" arch12 zarch
e30000000039 sgh RXY_RRRD "subtract halfword from 64 bit value" arch12 zarch
# Vector packed decimal facility
e60000000037 vlrlr VRS_RRDV "vector load rightmost with length" arch12 zarch
e60000000035 vlrl VSI_URDV "vector load rightmost with immediate length" arch12 zarch
e6000000003f vstrlr VRS_RRDV "vector store rightmost with length" arch12 zarch
e6000000003d vstrl VSI_URDV "vector store rightmost with immediate length" arch12 zarch
e60000000071 vap VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector add decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000077 vcp VRR_0VV0U "vector compare decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000050 vcvb VRR_RV0U "vector convert to binary 32 bit" arch12 zarch
e60000000052 vcvbg VRR_RV0U "vector convert to binary 64 bit" arch12 zarch
e60000000058 vcvd VRI_VR0UU "vector convert to decimal 32 bit" arch12 zarch
e6000000005a vcvdg VRI_VR0UU "vector convert to decimal 64 bit" arch12 zarch
e6000000007a vdp VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector divide decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000049 vlip VRI_V0UU2 "vector load immediate decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000078 vmp VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector multiply decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000079 vmsp VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector multiply and shift decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000034 vpkz VSI_URDV "vector pack zoned" arch12 zarch
e6000000005b vpsop VRI_VVUUU2 "vector perform sign operation decimal" arch12 zarch
e6000000007b vrp VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector remainder decimal" arch12 zarch
e6000000007e vsdp VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector shift and divide decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000059 vsrp VRI_VVUUU2 "vector shift and round decimal" arch12 zarch
e60000000073 vsp VRI_VVV0UU2 "vector subtract decimal" arch12 zarch
e6000000005f vtp VRR_0V "vector test decimal" arch12 zarch
e6000000003c vupkz VSI_URDV "vector unpack zoned" arch12 zarch
S/390: Add support for new cpu architecture - arch12. This adds support of new instructions to the S/390 specific parts. The important feature of the new instruction set is the support of single and extended precision floating point vector operations. Note: arch12 is NOT the official name of the new CPU. It just continues the series of archXX options supported as alternate names. The archXX terminology refers to the edition number of the Principle of Operations manual. The official CPU name will be added later while keeping support of the arch12 for backwards compatibility. No testsuite regressions. Committed to mainline. Bye, -Andreas- opcodes/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * s390-mkopc.c (main): Accept arch12 as cpu string and vx2 as facility. * s390-opc.c: Add new operand description macros, new instruction types, instruction masks, and new .insn instruction types. * s390-opc.txt: Add new arch12 instructions. include/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * opcode/s390.h (enum s390_opcode_cpu_val): New value S390_OPCODE_ARCH12. (S390_INSTR_FLAG_VX2): New macro definition. gas/ChangeLog: 2017-02-23 Andreas Krebbel <> * config/tc-s390.c (s390_parse_cpu): New entry for arch12. * doc/as.texinfo: Document arch12 as cpu type. * doc/c-s390.texi: Likewise. * testsuite/gas/s390/s390.exp: Run arch12 specific tests. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.d: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-arch12.s: New test. * testsuite/gas/s390/zarch-z13.d: Rename some mnemonics in the output patterns.
2017-01-02 23:40:29 +08:00
# Guarded storage facility
e3000000004c lgg RXY_RRRD "load guarded 64 bit" arch12 zarch
e30000000048 llgfsg RXY_RRRD "load logical and shift guarded 64 bit" arch12 zarch
e3000000004d lgsc RXY_RRRD "load guarded storage controls" arch12 zarch
e30000000049 stgsc RXY_RRRD "store guarded storage controls" arch12 zarch
# Message-Security-Assist Extension 8
b929 kma RRF_R0RR "cipher message with galois counter mode" arch12 zarch