# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.49d) AC_INIT(GNU Autoconf, 2.49d, bug-autoconf@gnu.org) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(acgeneral.m4) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(autoconf, 2.49d) # Initialize the test suite. AT_CONFIG(..) AC_PATH_PROG(EXPR, expr) # We use a path for GNU m4 so even if users have another m4 first in # their path, the installer can configure with a path that has GNU m4 # first and get that path embedded in the installed autoconf and # autoheader scripts. AC_PROG_GNU_M4 if test x"$ac_cv_prog_gnu_m4" != xyes; then AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU m4 1.4 is required]) fi # This is needed because Automake does not seem to realize there is # a AC-SUBST inside AC-PROG-GNU-M4. Grmph! AC_SUBST(M4) # `autoconf' and `ifnames' use AWK. AC_PROG_AWK # Generating man pages. AM_MISSING_PROG(HELP2MAN, help2man, $missing_dir) # We use a path for perl so the #! line in autoscan will work. AC_PATH_PROG(PERL, perl, no) AC_SUBST(PERL)dnl AC_SUBST(PERLSCRIPTS)dnl if test "$PERL" != no; then PERLSCRIPTS=autoscan else AC_MSG_WARN([autoscan will not be built since perl is not found]) fi AC_PROG_INSTALL # Work with the GNU or Cygnus source tree layout. if test -f $srcdir/standards.texi; then AC_SUBST(standards_texi, standards.texi)dnl fi AC_OUTPUT(Makefile m4/Makefile man/Makefile doc/Makefile tests/Makefile tests/atconfig) # Report the state of this version of Autoconf if this is a beta. case AC_PACKAGE_VERSION in *[[a-z]]*) sed -n '/^\* Status/,$p' $srcdir/BUGS;; esac