2001-08-01 23:01:16 +08:00
# autoconf -- create `configure' using m4 macros
# Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
package Autom4te::General;
use 5.005;
use Exporter;
use File::Basename;
use Carp;
use strict;
use vars qw (@ISA @EXPORT $me);
@ISA = qw (Exporter);
2001-08-01 23:02:36 +08:00
@EXPORT = qw (&find_configure_ac &find_peer &mktmpdir &uniq &verbose &xsystem
2001-08-01 23:01:16 +08:00
$me $verbose $debug $tmp);
# Variable we share with the main package. Be sure to have a single
# copy of them: using `my' together with multiple inclusion of this
# package would introduce several copies.
use vars qw ($me);
$me = basename ($0);
use vars qw ($verbose);
$verbose = 0;
use vars qw ($debug);
$debug = 0;
# &find_configure_ac ()
# ---------------------
sub find_configure_ac ()
if (-f 'configure.ac')
if (-f 'configure.in')
warn "warning: `configure.ac' and `configure.in' both present.\n";
warn "warning: proceeding with `configure.ac'.\n";
return 'configure.ac';
elsif (-f 'configure.in')
return 'configure.in';
# find_peer($PEER, $BINDIR, $PEER-NAME)
# -------------------------------------
# Look for $PEER executables: autoconf, autoheader etc.
# $BINDIR is @bindir@, and $PEER-NAME the transformed peer name
# (when configured with --transform-program-names etc.).
# We could have it AC_SUBST'ed in here, but it then means General.pm
# is in builddir, hence more paths to adjust etc. Yick.
sub find_peer ($$$)
my ($peer, $bindir, $peer_name) = @_;
my $res = undef;
my $PEER = uc $peer;
my $dir = dirname ($0);
# We test "$dir/autoconf" in case we are in the build tree, in which case
# the names are not transformed yet.
foreach my $file ($ENV{"$PEER"} || '',
# FIXME: This prevents passing options... Maybe run --version?
if (-x $file)
$res = $file;
# This is needed because perl's '-x' isn't a smart as bash's; that
# is, it won't find `autoconf.sh' etc.
$res ||= $peer;
return $res;
# Our tmp dir.
use vars qw ($tmp);
$tmp = undef;
# mktmpdir ($SIGNATURE)
# ---------------------
# Create a temporary directory which name is based on $SIGNATURE.
sub mktmpdir ($)
my ($signature) = @_;
my $TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || '/tmp';
# If mktemp supports dirs, use it.
$tmp = `(umask 077 &&
mktemp -d -q "$TMPDIR/${signature}XXXXXX") 2>/dev/null`;
chomp $tmp;
if (!$tmp || ! -d $tmp)
$tmp = "$TMPDIR/$signature" . int (rand 10000) . ".$$";
mkdir $tmp, 0700
or croak "$me: cannot create $tmp: $!\n";
print STDERR "$me:$$: working in $tmp\n"
if $debug;
2001-08-01 23:02:36 +08:00
# @RES
# uniq (@LIST)
# ------------
# Return LIST with no duplicates.
sub uniq (@)
my @res = ();
my %seen = ();
foreach my $item (@_)
if (! exists $seen{$item})
$seen{$item} = 1;
push (@res, $item);
return wantarray ? @res : "@res";
2001-08-01 23:01:16 +08:00
# verbose
# -------
sub verbose (@)
print STDERR "$me: ", @_, "\n"
if $verbose;
# xsystem ($COMMAND)
# ------------------
sub xsystem ($)
my ($command) = @_;
verbose "running: $command";
(system $command) == 0
or croak ("$me: "
. (split (' ', $command))[0]
. " failed with exit status: "
. ($? >> 8)
. "\n");
1; # for require