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#! @PERL@ -w
# autoscan - Create configure.scan (a preliminary for a package.
# Copyright 1994, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
1996-06-13 01:55:25 +08:00
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307, USA.
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Written by David MacKenzie <>.
require "";
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
use vars qw($autoconf $datadir $initfile $me $name $verbose
@cfiles @makefiles @shfiles
%functions_macros %headers_macros %identifiers_macros
%programs_macros %makevars_macros %needed_macros
%c_keywords %programs %headers %identifiers %makevars
%libraries %functions %printed);
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
2001-01-23 03:05:16 +08:00
# Find the lib files and autoconf.
2001-01-23 03:05:16 +08:00
($me = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
$verbose = 0;
# Reference these variables to pacify perl -w.
%identifiers_macros = ();
%makevars_macros = ();
%programs_macros = ();
%needed_macros = ();
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
if (-f '')
if (-f '')
print STDERR "warning: `' and `' both present.\n";
print STDERR "warning: proceeding with `'.\n";
&check_configure_ac ('');
elsif (-f '')
&check_configure_ac ('');
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
exit 0;
# find_autoconf
# -------------
# Find the lib files and autoconf.
sub find_autoconf
my $dir;
my $file;
$datadir = $ENV{"AC_MACRODIR"} || "@datadir@";
($dir = $0) =~ s,[^/]*$,,;
$autoconf = '';
# We test "$dir/autoconf" in case we are in the build tree, in which case
# the names are not transformed yet.
foreach $file ($ENV{"AUTOCONF"} || '',
if (-f $file)
$autoconf = $file;
# Display usage (--help).
sub print_usage
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print "Usage: $0 [OPTION] ... [SRCDIR]
Examine source files in the directory tree rooted at SRCDIR, or the
current directory if none is given. Search the source files for
common portability problems and create a file `configure.scan' which
is a preliminary `' for that package.
-h, --help print this help, then exit
-V, --version print version number, then exit
-v, --verbose verbosely report processing
Library directories:
-A, --autoconf-dir=ACDIR Autoconf's files location (rarely needed)
-l, --localdir=DIR location of `aclocal.m4' and `acconfig.h'
Report bugs to <bug-autoconf\>.\n";
exit 0;
# Display version (--version).
sub print_version
print "autoscan (@PACKAGE_NAME@) @VERSION@
Written by David J. MacKenzie.
Copyright 1994, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
exit 0;
# Process any command line arguments.
sub parse_args
my $srcdir;
Getopt::Long::config ("bundling");
Getopt::Long::GetOptions ("A|autoconf-dir|m|macrodir=s" => \$datadir,
"h|help" => \&print_usage,
"V|version" => \&print_version,
"v|verbose" => \$verbose)
or exit 1;
die "$me: too many arguments
Try `$me --help' for more information.\n"
if (@ARGV > 1);
($srcdir) = @ARGV;
$srcdir = "."
if !defined $srcdir;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print "srcdir=$srcdir\n" if $verbose;
chdir $srcdir || die "$me: cannot cd to $srcdir: $!\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
open (CONF, ">configure.scan") ||
die "$me: cannot create configure.scan: $!\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Put values in the tables of what to do with each token.
sub init_tables
my ($kind, $word, $macro);
# Initialize a table of C keywords (to ignore).
# Taken from K&R 1st edition p. 180.
# ANSI C, GNU C, and C++ keywords can introduce portability problems,
# so don't ignore them.
foreach $word ('int', 'char', 'float', 'double', 'struct', 'union',
'long', 'short', 'unsigned', 'auto', 'extern', 'register',
'typedef', 'static', 'goto', 'return', 'sizeof', 'break',
'continue', 'if', 'else', 'for', 'do', 'while', 'switch',
'case', 'default')
$c_keywords{$word} = 0;
# The data file format supports only one line of macros per function.
# If more than that is required for a common portability problem,
# a new Autoconf macro should probably be written for that case,
# instead of duplicating the code in lots of files.
foreach $kind ('functions', 'headers', 'identifiers', 'programs',
open(TABLE, "<$datadir/ac$kind") ||
die "$me: cannot open $datadir/ac$kind: $!\n";
while (<TABLE>)
# Ignore blank lines and comments.
if /^\s*$/ || /^\s*\#/;
unless (/^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/)
die "$me: cannot parse definition in $datadir/ac$kind:\n$_\n";
($word, $macro) = ($1, $2);
eval "\$$kind" . "_macros{\$word} = \$macro";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Collect names of various kinds of files in the package.
# Called by &find on each file.
sub wanted
# Strip a useless leading `./'.
$name =~ s,^\./,,;
if (/^.*\.[chlymC]$/ || /^.*\.cc$/)
push(@cfiles, $name);
elsif (/^[Mm]akefile$/ || /^GNUmakefile$/)
# Wanted only if there is no corresponding
# Using Find, $_ contains the current filename with the current
# directory of the walk through.
push(@makefiles, $name)
if ! -f "$";
elsif (/^[Mm]akefile\.in$/)
push(@makefiles, $name);
elsif (/^.*\.sh$/)
push(@shfiles, $name);
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Read through the files and collect lists of tokens in them
# that might create nonportabilities.
sub scan_files
my $file;
if (defined $cfiles[0])
$initfile = $cfiles[0]; # Pick one at random.
if ($verbose)
print "cfiles:", join(" ", @cfiles), "\n";
print "makefiles:", join(" ", @makefiles), "\n";
print "shfiles:", join(" ", @shfiles), "\n";
foreach $file (@cfiles)
push (@{$programs{"cc"}}, $file);
foreach $file (@makefiles)
foreach $file (@shfiles)
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# scan_c_file(FILE)
# -----------------
sub scan_c_file
my ($file) = @_;
my ($in_comment) = 0; # Nonzero if in a multiline comment.
open(CFILE, "<$file") || die "$me: cannot open $file: $!\n";
while (<CFILE>)
# Strip out comments, approximately.
# Ending on this line.
if ($in_comment && m,\*/,)
$in_comment = 0;
# All on one line.
# Starting on this line.
if (m,/\*,)
$in_comment = 1;
# Continuing on this line.
next if $in_comment;
# Preprocessor directives.
if (/^\s*\#\s*include\s*<([^>]*)>/)
push (@{$headers{$1}}, "$file:$.");
# Ignore other preprocessor directives.
next if /^\s*\#/;
# Remove string and character constants.
# Tokens in the code.
# Maybe we should ignore function definitions (in column 0)?
while (s/\b([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*\(/ /)
push (@{$functions{$1}}, "$file:$.")
if !defined $c_keywords{$1};
while (s/\b([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\b/ /)
push (@{$identifiers{$1}}, "$file:$.")
if !defined $c_keywords{$1};
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
if ($verbose)
my ($word);
print "\n$file functions:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %functions)
print "$word: @{$functions{$word}}\n";
print "\n$file identifiers:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %identifiers)
print "$word: @{$identifiers{$word}}\n";
print "\n$file headers:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %headers)
print "$word: @{$headers{$word}}\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub scan_makefile
my ($file) = @_;
open(MFILE, "<$file") || die "$me: cannot open $file: $!\n";
while (<MFILE>)
# Strip out comments and variable references.
# Variable assignments.
while (s/\b([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*=/ /)
push (@{$makevars{$1}}, "$file:$.");
# Libraries.
while (s/\B-l([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\b/ /)
push (@{$libraries{$1}}, "$file:$.");
# Tokens in the code.
while (s/\b([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\b/ /)
push (@{$programs{$1}}, "$file:$.");
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
if ($verbose)
my ($word);
print "\n$file makevars:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %makevars)
print "$word: @{$makevars{$word}}\n";
print "\n$file libraries:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %libraries)
print "$word: @{$libraries{$word}}\n";
print "\n$file programs:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %programs)
print "$word: @{$programs{$word}}\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub scan_sh_file
my ($file) = @_;
open(MFILE, "<$file") || die "$me: cannot open $file: $!\n";
while (<MFILE>)
# Strip out comments and variable references.
# Tokens in the code.
while (s/\b([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\b/ /)
push (@{$programs{$1}}, "$file:$.");
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
if ($verbose)
my ($word);
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print "\n$file programs:\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %programs)
print "$word: @{$programs{$word}}\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Print a proto
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub output
my %unique_makefiles;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print CONF "# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.\n";
print CONF "AC_INIT\n";
if (defined $initfile)
print CONF "AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([$initfile])\n";
if (defined $cfiles[0])
print CONF "AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h])\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Change DIR/ to DIR/Makefile.
foreach $_ (@makefiles)
join ("\n ", keys(%unique_makefiles)), "])\n";
print CONF "AC_OUTPUT\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
close CONF;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Print Autoconf macro $1 if it's not undef and hasn't been printed already.
sub print_unique
my ($macro, @where) = @_;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
if (defined $macro && !defined $printed{$macro})
print CONF "$macro\n";
$printed{$macro} = 1;
push (@{$needed_macros{$macro}}, @where);
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub output_programs
my $word;
print CONF "\n# Checks for programs.\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %programs)
&print_unique($programs_macros{$word}, @{$programs{$word}});
foreach $word (sort keys %makevars)
&print_unique($makevars_macros{$word}, @{$makevars{$word}});
sub output_libraries
my ($word);
print CONF "\n# Checks for libraries.\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %libraries)
print CONF "# FIXME: Replace `main' with a function in `-l$word':\n";
print CONF "AC_CHECK_LIB([$word], [main])\n";
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub output_headers
my $word;
my @have_headers;
print CONF "\n# Checks for header files.\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %headers)
if (defined $headers_macros{$word})
if ($headers_macros{$word} eq 'AC_CHECK_HEADERS')
push (@have_headers, $word);
push (@{$needed_macros{"AC_CHECK_HEADERS([$word])"}},
&print_unique ($headers_macros{$word}, @{$headers{$word}});
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print CONF "AC_CHECK_HEADERS([" . join(' ', sort(@have_headers)) . "])\n"
if @have_headers;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub output_identifiers
my $word;
my @have_types;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print CONF "\n# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %identifiers)
if (defined $identifiers_macros{$word})
if ($identifiers_macros{$word} eq 'AC_CHECK_TYPES')
push (@have_types, $word);
push (@{$needed_macros{"AC_CHECK_TYPES([$word])"}},
&print_unique ($identifiers_macros{$word},
print CONF "AC_CHECK_TYPES([" . join(', ', sort(@have_types)) . "])\n"
if @have_types;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
sub output_functions
my $word;
my @have_funcs;
print CONF "\n# Checks for library functions.\n";
foreach $word (sort keys %functions)
if (defined $functions_macros{$word})
if ($functions_macros{$word} eq 'AC_CHECK_FUNCS')
push (@have_funcs, $word);
push (@{$needed_macros{"AC_CHECK_FUNCS([$word])"}},
&print_unique ($functions_macros{$word},
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
print CONF "AC_CHECK_FUNCS([" . join(' ', sort(@have_funcs)) . "])\n"
if @have_funcs;
1994-04-30 09:42:39 +08:00
# Use autoconf to check if all the suggested macros are included
# in `'
sub check_configure_ac
my ($configure_ac) = $@;
my ($trace_option) = '';
my ($word);
my ($macro);
foreach $macro (sort keys %needed_macros)
$macro =~ s/\(.*//;
$trace_option .= " -t $macro";
2001-01-23 03:05:16 +08:00
open (TRACES, "$autoconf -A $datadir $trace_option $configure_ac|") ||
die "$me: cannot create read traces: $!\n";
while (<TRACES>)
my ($file, $line, $macro, @args) = split (/:/, $_);
# To be rigorous, we should distinguish between space and comma
# separated macros. But there is no point.
foreach $word (split (/\s|,/, $args[0]))
if ($macro eq "AC_CHECK_MEMBERS"
&& $word =~ /^stat.st_/)
$word = "struct " . $word;
print STDERR "DELETE: $macro($word)\n";
delete ($needed_macros{"$macro([$word])"});
delete ($needed_macros{$macro});
close (TRACES) ||
die "$me: cannot close traces: $!\n";
foreach $macro (sort keys %needed_macros)
print STDERR "warning: missing $macro wanted by: @{$needed_macros{$macro}}\n";