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synced 2025-03-07 13:56:54 +08:00
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* Copyright (c) 2016 The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/xia-chu/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "DtlsTransport.hpp"
#include "IceServer.hpp"
#include "SrtpSession.hpp"
#include "StunPacket.hpp"
#include "Sdp.h"
#include "Util/mini.h"
#include "Poller/EventPoller.h"
#include "Network/Socket.h"
#include "Network/Session.h"
#include "Nack.h"
#include "TwccContext.h"
#include "SctpAssociation.hpp"
#include "Rtcp/RtcpContext.h"
namespace mediakit {
namespace Rtc {
extern const std::string kPort;
extern const std::string kTcpPort;
extern const std::string kTimeOutSec;
}//namespace RTC
class WebRtcInterface {
WebRtcInterface() = default;
virtual ~WebRtcInterface() = default;
virtual std::string getAnswerSdp(const std::string &offer) = 0;
virtual const std::string& getIdentifier() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& deleteRandStr() const { static std::string s_null; return s_null; }
std::string exchangeSdp(const WebRtcInterface &exchanger, const std::string& offer);
class WebRtcException : public WebRtcInterface {
WebRtcException(const SockException &ex) : _ex(ex) {};
~WebRtcException() override = default;
std::string getAnswerSdp(const std::string &offer) override {
throw _ex;
const std::string &getIdentifier() const override {
static std::string s_null;
return s_null;
SockException _ex;
class WebRtcTransport : public WebRtcInterface, public RTC::DtlsTransport::Listener, public RTC::IceServer::Listener, public std::enable_shared_from_this<WebRtcTransport>
, public RTC::SctpAssociation::Listener
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<WebRtcTransport>;
WebRtcTransport(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller);
~WebRtcTransport() override = default;
* 创建对象
virtual void onCreate();
* 销毁对象
virtual void onDestory();
* 创建webrtc answer sdp
* @param offer offer sdp
* @return answer sdp
std::string getAnswerSdp(const std::string &offer) override;
* 获取对象唯一id
const std::string& getIdentifier() const override;
const std::string& deleteRandStr() const override;
* socket收到udp数据
* @param buf 数据指针
* @param len 数据长度
* @param tuple 数据来源
void inputSockData(char *buf, int len, RTC::TransportTuple *tuple);
* 发送rtp
* @param buf rtcp内容
* @param len rtcp长度
* @param flush 是否flush socket
* @param ctx 用户指针
void sendRtpPacket(const char *buf, int len, bool flush, void *ctx = nullptr);
void sendRtcpPacket(const char *buf, int len, bool flush, void *ctx = nullptr);
void sendDatachannel(uint16_t streamId, uint32_t ppid, const char *msg, size_t len);
const EventPoller::Ptr& getPoller() const;
Session::Ptr getSession() const;
//// dtls相关的回调 ////
void OnDtlsTransportConnecting(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport) override;
void OnDtlsTransportConnected(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport,
RTC::SrtpSession::CryptoSuite srtpCryptoSuite,
uint8_t *srtpLocalKey,
size_t srtpLocalKeyLen,
uint8_t *srtpRemoteKey,
size_t srtpRemoteKeyLen,
std::string &remoteCert) override;
void OnDtlsTransportFailed(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport) override;
void OnDtlsTransportClosed(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport) override;
void OnDtlsTransportSendData(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) override;
void OnDtlsTransportApplicationDataReceived(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) override;
//// ice相关的回调 ///
void OnIceServerSendStunPacket(const RTC::IceServer *iceServer, const RTC::StunPacket *packet, RTC::TransportTuple *tuple) override;
void OnIceServerConnected(const RTC::IceServer *iceServer) override;
void OnIceServerCompleted(const RTC::IceServer *iceServer) override;
void OnIceServerDisconnected(const RTC::IceServer *iceServer) override;
void OnSctpAssociationConnecting(RTC::SctpAssociation* sctpAssociation) override;
void OnSctpAssociationConnected(RTC::SctpAssociation* sctpAssociation) override;
void OnSctpAssociationFailed(RTC::SctpAssociation* sctpAssociation) override;
void OnSctpAssociationClosed(RTC::SctpAssociation* sctpAssociation) override;
void OnSctpAssociationSendData(RTC::SctpAssociation* sctpAssociation, const uint8_t* data, size_t len) override;
void OnSctpAssociationMessageReceived(RTC::SctpAssociation *sctpAssociation, uint16_t streamId, uint32_t ppid,
const uint8_t *msg, size_t len) override;
virtual void onStartWebRTC() = 0;
virtual void onRtcConfigure(RtcConfigure &configure) const;
virtual void onCheckSdp(SdpType type, RtcSession &sdp) = 0;
virtual void onSendSockData(Buffer::Ptr buf, bool flush = true, RTC::TransportTuple *tuple = nullptr) = 0;
virtual void onRtp(const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t stamp_ms) = 0;
virtual void onRtcp(const char *buf, size_t len) = 0;
virtual void onShutdown(const SockException &ex) = 0;
virtual void onBeforeEncryptRtp(const char *buf, int &len, void *ctx) = 0;
virtual void onBeforeEncryptRtcp(const char *buf, int &len, void *ctx) = 0;
virtual void onRtcpBye() = 0;
void sendRtcpRemb(uint32_t ssrc, size_t bit_rate);
void sendRtcpPli(uint32_t ssrc);
void sendSockData(const char *buf, size_t len, RTC::TransportTuple *tuple);
void setRemoteDtlsFingerprint(const RtcSession &remote);
RtcSession::Ptr _offer_sdp;
RtcSession::Ptr _answer_sdp;
std::shared_ptr<RTC::IceServer> _ice_server;
mutable std::string _delete_rand_str;
std::string _identifier;
EventPoller::Ptr _poller;
std::shared_ptr<RTC::DtlsTransport> _dtls_transport;
std::shared_ptr<RTC::SrtpSession> _srtp_session_send;
std::shared_ptr<RTC::SrtpSession> _srtp_session_recv;
Ticker _ticker;
// 循环池
ResourcePool<BufferRaw> _packet_pool;
RTC::SctpAssociationImp::Ptr _sctp;
class RtpChannel;
class MediaTrack {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<MediaTrack>;
const RtcCodecPlan *plan_rtp;
const RtcCodecPlan *plan_rtx;
uint32_t offer_ssrc_rtp = 0;
uint32_t offer_ssrc_rtx = 0;
uint32_t answer_ssrc_rtp = 0;
uint32_t answer_ssrc_rtx = 0;
const RtcMedia *media;
RtpExtContext::Ptr rtp_ext_ctx;
//for send rtp
NackList nack_list;
RtcpContext::Ptr rtcp_context_send;
//for recv rtp
std::unordered_map<std::string/*rid*/, std::shared_ptr<RtpChannel> > rtp_channel;
std::shared_ptr<RtpChannel> getRtpChannel(uint32_t ssrc) const;
struct WrappedMediaTrack {
MediaTrack::Ptr track;
explicit WrappedMediaTrack(MediaTrack::Ptr ptr): track(ptr) {}
virtual ~WrappedMediaTrack() {}
virtual void inputRtp(const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t stamp_ms, RtpHeader *rtp) = 0;
struct WrappedRtxTrack: public WrappedMediaTrack {
explicit WrappedRtxTrack(MediaTrack::Ptr ptr)
: WrappedMediaTrack(std::move(ptr)) {}
void inputRtp(const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t stamp_ms, RtpHeader *rtp) override;
class WebRtcTransportImp;
struct WrappedRtpTrack : public WrappedMediaTrack {
explicit WrappedRtpTrack(MediaTrack::Ptr ptr, TwccContext& twcc, WebRtcTransportImp& t)
: WrappedMediaTrack(std::move(ptr))
, _twcc_ctx(twcc)
, _transport(t) {}
TwccContext& _twcc_ctx;
WebRtcTransportImp& _transport;
void inputRtp(const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t stamp_ms, RtpHeader *rtp) override;
class WebRtcTransportImp : public WebRtcTransport {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<WebRtcTransportImp>;
~WebRtcTransportImp() override;
uint64_t getBytesUsage() const;
uint64_t getDuration() const;
bool canSendRtp() const;
bool canRecvRtp() const;
void onSendRtp(const RtpPacket::Ptr &rtp, bool flush, bool rtx = false);
void createRtpChannel(const std::string &rid, uint32_t ssrc, MediaTrack &track);
void removeTuple(RTC::TransportTuple* tuple);
void safeShutdown(const SockException &ex);
void OnIceServerSelectedTuple(const RTC::IceServer *iceServer, RTC::TransportTuple *tuple) override;
WebRtcTransportImp(const EventPoller::Ptr &poller,bool preferred_tcp = false);
void OnDtlsTransportApplicationDataReceived(const RTC::DtlsTransport *dtlsTransport, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) override;
void onStartWebRTC() override;
void onSendSockData(Buffer::Ptr buf, bool flush = true, RTC::TransportTuple *tuple = nullptr) override;
void onCheckSdp(SdpType type, RtcSession &sdp) override;
void onRtcConfigure(RtcConfigure &configure) const override;
void onRtp(const char *buf, size_t len, uint64_t stamp_ms) override;
void onRtcp(const char *buf, size_t len) override;
void onBeforeEncryptRtp(const char *buf, int &len, void *ctx) override;
void onBeforeEncryptRtcp(const char *buf, int &len, void *ctx) override {};
void onCreate() override;
void onDestory() override;
void onShutdown(const SockException &ex) override;
virtual void onRecvRtp(MediaTrack &track, const std::string &rid, RtpPacket::Ptr rtp) = 0;
void updateTicker();
float getLossRate(TrackType type);
void onRtcpBye() override;
void onSortedRtp(MediaTrack &track, const std::string &rid, RtpPacket::Ptr rtp);
void onSendNack(MediaTrack &track, const FCI_NACK &nack, uint32_t ssrc);
void onSendTwcc(uint32_t ssrc, const std::string &twcc_fci);
void registerSelf();
void unregisterSelf();
void unrefSelf();
void onCheckAnswer(RtcSession &sdp);
bool _preferred_tcp;
uint16_t _rtx_seq[2] = {0, 0};
uint64_t _bytes_usage = 0;
Ptr _self;
Timer::Ptr _timer;
Ticker _alive_ticker;
//pli rtcp计时器
Ticker _pli_ticker;
//twcc rtcp发送上下文对象
TwccContext _twcc_ctx;
MediaTrack::Ptr _type_to_track[2];
std::unordered_map<uint32_t/*ssrc*/, MediaTrack::Ptr> _ssrc_to_track;
std::unordered_map<uint8_t/*pt*/, std::unique_ptr<WrappedMediaTrack>> _pt_to_track;
class WebRtcTransportManager {
friend class WebRtcTransportImp;
static WebRtcTransportManager &Instance();
WebRtcTransportImp::Ptr getItem(const std::string &key);
WebRtcTransportManager() = default;
void addItem(const std::string &key, const WebRtcTransportImp::Ptr &ptr);
void removeItem(const std::string &key);
mutable std::mutex _mtx;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<WebRtcTransportImp> > _map;
class WebRtcArgs {
WebRtcArgs() = default;
virtual ~WebRtcArgs() = default;
virtual variant operator[](const std::string &key) const = 0;
class WebRtcPluginManager {
using onCreateRtc = std::function<void(const WebRtcInterface &rtc)>;
using Plugin = std::function<void(Session &sender, const WebRtcArgs &args, const onCreateRtc &cb)>;
static WebRtcPluginManager &Instance();
void registerPlugin(const std::string &type, Plugin cb);
void getAnswerSdp(Session &sender, const std::string &type, const WebRtcArgs &args, const onCreateRtc &cb);
WebRtcPluginManager() = default;
mutable std::mutex _mtx_creator;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Plugin> _map_creator;
}// namespace mediakit