2021-03-28 18:10:43 +08:00

391 lines
11 KiB

// Created by xzl on 2021/3/27.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Extension/Frame.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace mediakit;
//Session description
// v= (protocol version)
// o= (originator and session identifier)
// s= (session name)
// i=* (session information)
// u=* (URI of description)
// e=* (email address)
// p=* (phone number)
// c=* (connection information -- not required if included in
// all media)
// b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
// One or more time descriptions ("t=" and "r=" lines; see below)
// z=* (time zone adjustments)
// k=* (encryption key)
// a=* (zero or more session attribute lines)
// Zero or more media descriptions
// Time description
// t= (time the session is active)
// r=* (zero or more repeat times)
// Media description, if present
// m= (media name and transport address)
// i=* (media title)
// c=* (connection information -- optional if included at
// session level)
// b=* (zero or more bandwidth information lines)
// k=* (encryption key)
// a=* (zero or more media attribute lines)
enum class RtpDirection {
invalid = -1,
enum class DtlsRole {
invalid = -1,
enum class SdpType {
invalid = -1,
TrackType getTrackType(const string &str);
const char* getTrackString(TrackType type);
DtlsRole getDtlsRole(const string &str);
const char* getDtlsRoleString(DtlsRole role);
RtpDirection getRtpDirection(const string &str);
const char* getRtpDirectionString(RtpDirection val);
class SdpItem {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SdpItem>;
virtual ~SdpItem() = default;
virtual void parse(const string &str) {
value = str;
virtual string toString() const {
return value;
virtual const char* getKey() = 0;
mutable string value;
template <char KEY>
class SdpString : public SdpItem{
// *=*
const char* getKey() override { static string key(1, KEY); return key.data();}
class SdpCommon : public SdpItem {
string key;
SdpCommon(string key) { this->key = std::move(key); }
const char* getKey() override { return key.data();}
class SdpTime : public SdpItem{
//5.9. Timing ("t=")
// t=<start-time> <stop-time>
uint64_t start {0};
uint64_t stop {0};
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "t";}
class SdpOrigin : public SdpItem{
// 5.2. Origin ("o=")
// o=jdoe 2890844526 2890842807 IN IP4
// o=<username> <sess-id> <sess-version> <nettype> <addrtype> <unicast-address>
string username {"-"};
string session_id;
string session_version;
string nettype {"IN"};
string addrtype {"IP4"};
string address {""};
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "o";}
class SdpConnection : public SdpItem {
// 5.7. Connection Data ("c=")
// c=IN IP4
// c=<nettype> <addrtype> <connection-address>
string nettype {"IN"};
string addrtype {"IP4"};
string address {""};
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "c";}
class SdpBandwidth : public SdpItem {
//5.8. Bandwidth ("b=")
string bwtype {"AS"};
uint32_t bandwidth {0};
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "b";}
class SdpMedia : public SdpItem {
// 5.14. Media Descriptions ("m=")
// m=<media> <port> <proto> <fmt> ...
TrackType type;
uint16_t port;
string proto;
vector<uint32_t> fmts;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "m";}
class SdpAttr : public SdpItem{
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<SdpAttr>;
//5.13. Attributes ("a=")
SdpItem::Ptr detail;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "a";}
class SdpAttrGroup : public SdpItem{
//a=group:BUNDLE line with all the 'mid' identifiers part of the
// BUNDLE group is included at the session-level.
//a=group:LS session level attribute MUST be included wth the 'mid'
// identifiers that are part of the same lip sync group.
string type {"BUNDLE"};
vector<string> mids;
void parse(const string &str) override ;
string toString() const override ;
const char* getKey() override { return "group";}
class SdpAttrMsidSemantic : public SdpItem {
//3. The Msid-Semantic Attribute
// In order to fully reproduce the semantics of the SDP and SSRC
// grouping frameworks, a session-level attribute is defined for
// signalling the semantics associated with an msid grouping.
// This OPTIONAL attribute gives the message ID and its group semantic.
// a=msid-semantic: examplefoo LS
// The ABNF of msid-semantic is:
// msid-semantic-attr = "msid-semantic:" " " msid token
// token = <as defined in RFC 4566>
// The semantic field may hold values from the IANA registries
// "Semantics for the "ssrc-group" SDP Attribute" and "Semantics for the
// "group" SDP Attribute".
//a=msid-semantic: WMS 616cfbb1-33a3-4d8c-8275-a199d6005549
string msid{"WMS"};
string token;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "msid-semantic";}
class SdpAttrRtcp : public SdpItem {
// a=rtcp:9 IN IP4
uint16_t port;
string nettype {"IN"};
string addrtype {"IP4"};
string address {""};
void parse(const string &str) override;;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "rtcp";}
class SdpAttrIceUfrag : public SdpItem {
const char* getKey() override { return "ice-ufrag";}
class SdpAttrIcePwd : public SdpItem {
const char* getKey() override { return "ice-pwd";}
class SdpAttrFingerprint : public SdpItem {
//a=fingerprint:sha-256 22:14:B5:AF:66:12:C7:C7:8D:EF:4B:DE:40:25:ED:5D:8F:17:54:DD:88:33:C0:13:2E:FD:1A:FA:7E:7A:1B:79
string algorithm;
string hash;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "fingerprint";}
class SdpAttrSetup : public SdpItem {
DtlsRole role{DtlsRole::actpass};
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "setup";}
class SdpAttrMid : public SdpItem {
const char* getKey() override { return "mid";}
class SdpAttrExtmap : public SdpItem {
//a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
int index;
string ext;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "extmap";}
class SdpAttrRtpMap : public SdpItem {
//a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
uint8_t pt;
string codec;
int sample_rate;
int channel {0};
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "rtpmap";}
class SdpAttrRtcpFb : public SdpItem {
//a=rtcp-fb:98 nack pli
uint8_t pt;
vector<string> arr;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "rtcp-fb";}
class SdpAttrFmtp : public SdpItem {
//fmtp:96 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f
uint8_t pt;
vector<std::pair<string, string> > arr;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "fmtp";}
class SdpAttrSSRC : public SdpItem {
//a=ssrc:120276603 cname:iSkJ2vn5cYYubTve
//a=ssrc:<ssrc-id> <attribute>
//a=ssrc:<ssrc-id> <attribute>:<value>
uint32_t ssrc;
string attribute;
string attribute_value;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "ssrc";}
class SdpAttrSctpMap : public SdpItem {
//a=sctpmap:5000 webrtc-datachannel 1024
//a=sctpmap: sctpmap-number media-subtypes [streams]
uint16_t port;
string subtypes;
int streams;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "sctpmap";}
class SdpAttrCandidate : public SdpItem {
//15.1. "candidate" Attribute
//a=candidate:4 1 udp 2 58107 typ host
//a=candidate:<foundation> <component-id> <transport> <priority> <address> <port> typ <cand-type>
uint32_t foundation;
uint32_t component;
string transport {"udp"};
uint32_t priority;
string address;
uint16_t port;
string type;
vector<std::pair<string, string> > arr;
void parse(const string &str) override;
string toString() const override;
const char* getKey() override { return "candidate";}
class RtcMedia {
vector<SdpItem::Ptr> items;
string toString() const;
bool haveAttr(const char *attr) const;
string getAttrValue(const char *attr) const;
RtpDirection getDirection() const;
class RtcSdp {
vector<SdpItem::Ptr> items;
vector<RtcMedia> medias;
void parse(const string &str);
string toString() const;