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Executable File
226 lines
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Executable File
* Copyright (c) 2016-present The ZLMediaKit project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of ZLMediaKit(https://github.com/ZLMediaKit/ZLMediaKit).
* Use of this source code is governed by MIT-like license that can be found in the
* LICENSE file in the root of the source tree. All contributing project authors
* may be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include "json/json.h"
#include "Common/Parser.h"
#include "Network/Socket.h"
#include "Http/HttpSession.h"
#include "Common/MultiMediaSourceMuxer.h"
// 配置文件路径 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8a373c2f]
// Configuration file path
extern std::string g_ini_file;
namespace mediakit {
// //////////RTSP服务器配置/////////// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:950e1981]
// //////////RTSP server configuration///////////
namespace Rtsp {
extern const std::string kPort;
} //namespace Rtsp
// //////////RTMP服务器配置/////////// [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8de6f41f]
// //////////RTMP server configuration///////////
namespace Rtmp {
extern const std::string kPort;
} //namespace RTMP
} // namespace mediakit
namespace API {
typedef enum {
NotFound = -500,//未找到
Exception = -400,//代码抛异常
InvalidArgs = -300,//参数不合法
SqlFailed = -200,//sql执行失败
AuthFailed = -100,//鉴权失败
OtherFailed = -1,//业务代码执行失败,
Success = 0//执行成功
} ApiErr;
extern const std::string kSecret;
}//namespace API
class ApiRetException: public std::runtime_error {
ApiRetException(const char *str = "success" ,int code = API::Success):runtime_error(str){
_code = code;
int code(){ return _code; }
int _code;
class AuthException : public ApiRetException {
AuthException(const char *str):ApiRetException(str,API::AuthFailed){}
class InvalidArgsException: public ApiRetException {
InvalidArgsException(const char *str):ApiRetException(str,API::InvalidArgs){}
class SuccessException: public ApiRetException {
using ApiArgsType = std::map<std::string, std::string, mediakit::StrCaseCompare>;
template<typename Args, typename First>
std::string getValue(Args &args, const First &first) {
return args[first];
template<typename First>
std::string getValue(Json::Value &args, const First &first) {
return args[first].asString();
template<typename First>
std::string getValue(std::string &args, const First &first) {
return "";
template<typename First>
std::string getValue(const mediakit::Parser &parser, const First &first) {
auto ret = parser.getUrlArgs()[first];
if (!ret.empty()) {
return ret;
return parser.getHeader()[first];
template<typename First>
std::string getValue(mediakit::Parser &parser, const First &first) {
return getValue((const mediakit::Parser &) parser, first);
template<typename Args, typename First>
std::string getValue(const mediakit::Parser &parser, Args &args, const First &first) {
auto ret = getValue(args, first);
if (!ret.empty()) {
return ret;
return getValue(parser, first);
template<typename Args>
class HttpAllArgs {
mediakit::Parser* _parser = nullptr;
Args* _args = nullptr;
const mediakit::Parser& parser;
Args& args;
HttpAllArgs(const mediakit::Parser &p, Args &a): parser(p), args(a) {}
HttpAllArgs(const HttpAllArgs &that): _parser(new mediakit::Parser(that.parser)),
_args(new Args(that.args)),
parser(*_parser), args(*_args) {}
~HttpAllArgs() {
if (_parser) {
delete _parser;
if (_args) {
delete _args;
template<typename Key>
toolkit::variant operator[](const Key &key) const {
return (toolkit::variant)getValue(parser, args, key);
using ArgsMap = HttpAllArgs<ApiArgsType>;
using ArgsJson = HttpAllArgs<Json::Value>;
using ArgsString = HttpAllArgs<std::string>;
#define API_ARGS_MAP toolkit::SockInfo &sender, mediakit::HttpSession::KeyValue &headerOut, const ArgsMap &allArgs, Json::Value &val
#define API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC API_ARGS_MAP, const mediakit::HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker
#define API_ARGS_JSON toolkit::SockInfo &sender, mediakit::HttpSession::KeyValue &headerOut, const ArgsJson &allArgs, Json::Value &val
#define API_ARGS_JSON_ASYNC API_ARGS_JSON, const mediakit::HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker
#define API_ARGS_STRING toolkit::SockInfo &sender, mediakit::HttpSession::KeyValue &headerOut, const ArgsString &allArgs, Json::Value &val
#define API_ARGS_STRING_ASYNC API_ARGS_STRING, const mediakit::HttpSession::HttpResponseInvoker &invoker
#define API_ARGS_VALUE sender, headerOut, allArgs, val
// 注册http请求参数是map<string, variant, StrCaseCompare>类型的http api [AUTO-TRANSLATED:8a273897]
// Register http request parameters as map<string, variant, StrCaseCompare> type http api
void api_regist(const std::string &api_path, const std::function<void(API_ARGS_MAP)> &func);
// 注册http请求参数是map<string, variant, StrCaseCompare>类型,但是可以异步回复的的http api [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9da5d5f5]
// Register http request parameters as map<string, variant, StrCaseCompare> type, but can be replied asynchronously http api
void api_regist(const std::string &api_path, const std::function<void(API_ARGS_MAP_ASYNC)> &func);
// 注册http请求参数是Json::Value类型的http api(可以支持多级嵌套的json参数对象) [AUTO-TRANSLATED:c4794456]
// Register http request parameters as Json::Value type http api (can support multi-level nested json parameter objects)
void api_regist(const std::string &api_path, const std::function<void(API_ARGS_JSON)> &func);
// 注册http请求参数是Json::Value类型,但是可以异步回复的的http api [AUTO-TRANSLATED:742e57fd]
// Register http request parameters as Json::Value type, but can be replied asynchronously http api
void api_regist(const std::string &api_path, const std::function<void(API_ARGS_JSON_ASYNC)> &func);
// 注册http请求参数是http原始请求信息的http api [AUTO-TRANSLATED:72d3fe93]
// Register http request parameters as http original request information http api
void api_regist(const std::string &api_path, const std::function<void(API_ARGS_STRING)> &func);
// 注册http请求参数是http原始请求信息的异步回复的http api [AUTO-TRANSLATED:49feefa8]
// Register http request parameters as http original request information asynchronous reply http api
void api_regist(const std::string &api_path, const std::function<void(API_ARGS_STRING_ASYNC)> &func);
template<typename Args, typename First>
bool checkArgs(Args &args, const First &first) {
return !args[first].empty();
template<typename Args, typename First, typename ...KeyTypes>
bool checkArgs(Args &args, const First &first, const KeyTypes &...keys) {
return checkArgs(args, first) && checkArgs(args, keys...);
// 检查http url中或body中或http header参数是否为空的宏 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:9de001a4]
// Check whether the http url, body or http header parameters are empty
#define CHECK_ARGS(...) \
if(!checkArgs(allArgs,##__VA_ARGS__)){ \
throw InvalidArgsException("Required parameter missed: " #__VA_ARGS__); \
// 检查http参数中是否附带secret密钥的宏,的ip不检查密钥 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:7546956c]
// Check whether the http parameters contain the secret key, the ip of does not check the key
// 同时检测是否在ip白名单内 [AUTO-TRANSLATED:d12f963d]
// Check whether it is in the ip whitelist at the same time
#define CHECK_SECRET() \
do { \
auto ip = sender.get_peer_ip(); \
if (!HttpFileManager::isIPAllowed(ip)) { \
throw AuthException("Your ip is not allowed to access the service."); \
} \
CHECK_ARGS("secret"); \
if (api_secret != allArgs["secret"]) { \
throw AuthException("Incorrect secret"); \
} \
} while(false);
void installWebApi();
void unInstallWebApi();
#if defined(ENABLE_RTPPROXY)
uint16_t openRtpServer(uint16_t local_port, const mediakit::MediaTuple &tuple, int tcp_mode, const std::string &local_ip, bool re_use_port, uint32_t ssrc, int only_track, bool multiplex=false);
Json::Value makeMediaSourceJson(mediakit::MediaSource &media);
void getStatisticJson(const std::function<void(Json::Value &val)> &cb);
void addStreamProxy(const mediakit::MediaTuple &tuple, const std::string &url, int retry_count,
const mediakit::ProtocolOption &option, int rtp_type, float timeout_sec, const toolkit::mINI &args,
const std::function<void(const toolkit::SockException &ex, const std::string &key)> &cb);