import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit // needed for fabric to know where FF executor is.... buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { name = "Fabric" url = uri("") } } dependencies { classpath("net.fabricmc:fabric-loom:${versions.loom}") } } plugins { id("org.enginehub.codecov") jacoco } if (!project.hasProperty("gitCommitHash")) { apply(plugin = "org.ajoberstar.grgit") ext["gitCommitHash"] = try { extensions.getByName("grgit").head()?.abbreviatedId } catch (e: Exception) { logger.warn("Error getting commit hash", e) "" } } logger.lifecycle(""" ******************************************* You are building WorldEdit! If you encounter trouble: 1) Read if you haven't yet 2) Try running 'build' in a separate Gradle run 3) Use gradlew and not gradle 4) If you still need help, ask on Discord! Output files will be in [subproject]/build/libs ******************************************* """) applyCommonConfiguration() applyRootArtifactoryConfig() val totalReport = tasks.register("jacocoTotalReport") { for (proj in subprojects) { proj.apply(plugin = "jacoco") proj.plugins.withId("java") { executionData( fileTree(proj.buildDir.absolutePath).include("**/jacoco/*.exec") ) sourceSets(proj.the().sourceSets["main"]) reports { xml.required.set(true) xml.outputLocation.set(rootProject.buildDir.resolve("reports/jacoco/report.xml")) html.required.set(true) } dependsOn(proj.tasks.named("test")) } } } afterEvaluate { totalReport.configure { classDirectories.setFrom( { fileTree(it).apply { exclude("**/*AutoValue_*") exclude("**/*Registration.*") } }) } } codecov { reportTask.set(totalReport) }