Removed -q flag from //[h]sphere and the code to back it.

The speed difference between the "flexible" and the "quick" variant is so minor that it doesn't justify the aditional code complexity.
This commit is contained in:
TomyLobo 2011-10-28 15:10:14 +02:00
parent d9b86025d3
commit 318e81886c
2 changed files with 0 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -1976,74 +1976,6 @@ public int makeCylinder(Vector pos, Pattern block, double radius, int height)
return affected;
* Makes a sphere or ellipsoid.
* @param pos Center of the sphere or ellipsoid
* @param block The block pattern to use
* @param radiusX The sphere/ellipsoid's largest north/south extent
* @param radiusY The sphere/ellipsoid's largest up/down extent
* @param radiusZ The sphere/ellipsoid's largest east/west extent
* @param filled If false, only a shell will be generated.
* @return number of blocks changed
* @throws MaxChangedBlocksException
public int makeSphere(Vector pos, Pattern block, double radius, boolean filled) throws MaxChangedBlocksException {
int affected = 0;
radius += 0.5;
final double radiusSq = radius*radius;
final double radius1Sq = (radius - 1)*(radius - 1);
final int ceilRadius = (int) Math.ceil(radius);
for (int x = 0; x <= ceilRadius; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y <= ceilRadius; ++y) {
for (int z = 0; z <= ceilRadius; ++z) {
double dSq = lengthSq(x, y, z);
if (dSq > radiusSq) {
if (!filled) {
if (dSq < radius1Sq
|| (lengthSq(x + 1, y, z) <= radiusSq
&& lengthSq(x, y + 1, z) <= radiusSq
&& lengthSq(x, y, z + 1) <= radiusSq)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(x, y, z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(-x, y, z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(x, -y, z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(x, y, -z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(-x, -y, z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(x, -y, -z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(-x, y, -z), block)) {
if (setBlock(pos.add(-x, -y, -z), block)) {
return affected;
* Makes a sphere or ellipsoid.

View File

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ public static void cyl(CommandContext args, WorldEdit we,
aliases = { "/hsphere" },
usage = "<block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?]",
desc = "Generate a hollow sphere.",
flags = "q",
min = 2,
max = 3
@ -95,29 +94,6 @@ public static void hsphere(CommandContext args, WorldEdit we,
LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession)
throws WorldEditException {
if (args.hasFlag('q')) {
Pattern block = we.getBlockPattern(player, args.getString(0));
String[] radiuses = args.getString(1).split(",");
if (radiuses.length > 1) {
throw new InsufficientArgumentsException("Cannot specify q flag and multiple radiuses.");
double radius = Double.parseDouble(radiuses[0]);
boolean raised = args.argsLength() > 2
? (args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
: false;
Vector pos = session.getPlacementPosition(player);
if (raised) {
pos = pos.add(0, radius, 0);
int affected = editSession.makeSphere(pos, block, radius, false);
player.print(affected + " block(s) have been created.");
final Pattern block = we.getBlockPattern(player, args.getString(0));
String[] radiuses = args.getString(1).split(",");
final double radiusX, radiusY, radiusZ;
@ -157,7 +133,6 @@ public static void hsphere(CommandContext args, WorldEdit we,
aliases = { "/sphere" },
usage = "<block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?]",
desc = "Generate a filled sphere.",
flags = "q",
min = 2,
max = 3
@ -167,29 +142,6 @@ public static void sphere(CommandContext args, WorldEdit we,
LocalSession session, LocalPlayer player, EditSession editSession)
throws WorldEditException {
if (args.hasFlag('q')) {
Pattern block = we.getBlockPattern(player, args.getString(0));
String[] radiuses = args.getString(1).split(",");
if (radiuses.length > 1) {
throw new InsufficientArgumentsException("Cannot specify q flag and multiple radiuses.");
double radius = Double.parseDouble(radiuses[0]);
boolean raised = args.argsLength() > 2
? (args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| args.getString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
: false;
Vector pos = session.getPlacementPosition(player);
if (raised) {
pos = pos.add(0, radius, 0);
int affected = editSession.makeSphere(pos, block, radius, true);
player.print(affected + " block(s) have been created.");
Pattern block = we.getBlockPattern(player, args.getString(0));
String[] radiuses = args.getString(1).split(",");
final double radiusX, radiusY, radiusZ;