- Changed format of all BukkitRunnables to be the same.
- Added a delayed task for cache clearing if data is being saved.
- Changed PlanLite packages from com.djrapitops.plan to
- Moved useful utilities to com.djrapitops.plan.utilities and removed
- Location Handling (and saving) disabled for now because of inefficient
saving to SQL.
- Added more javadocs
Fixed bugs:
- Locations not saved when player moves (Fixed, but location handling
will be disabled for now)
Known Bugs:
- Times don't update on inspect (Just need to call update if player is
online, one line missing.)
- ClassCastException on start-up when PlanLite is not installed. (Will
fix with try catch tomorrow.)
- Optimized GamemodeTimes table.
- Added LastPlayed to the users table.
Fixed bugs:
- Last Played now handling correctly
Known bugs:
- Locations not saved when player moves
- Times don't update on inspect
Fixed bugs:
- Logintimes now 1 instead of 2 after first login.
- Location ID now primary key
- Database now saves UserID correctly, might have been old database file
causing the error.
- Confirmed that database doesn't save multiples of entries
- API now handling deprecated methods through PlanLiteHook
- Optimized GamemodeTimesHandler code
- GameModeTimes Table is optimizable: Can save all entries on one line
instead of 4.
- OP and Banned are not checked yet.
Known bugs:
- LastPlayed is handling weird (0 on logout)
-> PlayTime is getting assigned wrong value
-> GamemodeTimes are getting assigned wrong value
- Locations not saved when player moves
Fixed Bugs:
- LastGameMode no longer null (PlayerLoginEvent > PlayerJoinEvent)
- Playtime no longer negative
- Logintimes now updated
- Serverdata now updating properly (PlayerLoginEvent > PlayerJoinEvent)
Known bugs:
- !! Database UserID is null when saving
- (GamemodeTimes is handling weird)
- (LastPlayed might be handling weird)
- (Database saves multiples of known things.)
- Locations not saved when player moves (UserID faulty)
- !! Location ID not primary key
Fixed Bugs:
- database now contains LoginTimes
- Commandlistener now gives proper command.
- Logintimes no longer null on inspect
- ServerData load SQL format fixed
- NickList and IpList changed to Set
Known bugs:
- (Id while saving might be faulty)
- (Database saves multiples of known things.)
- LastGameMode is set to null when player joins
- (Playtime is negative)
- ServerData not updating properly
- (DataBase saves non-existent ids)
- (LoginTimes is not updated)
- Locations not saved when player moves
- Location ID not primary key
- Async tasks for database.
- Proper save on disable.
- Debugging with inspect command.
- Database now manages to save and load data, data needs to be debugged.
Known bugs:
- CommandListener things every command is /
- LastGameMode is set to null when player joins
- NullPointerException: LoginTimes when player not online on inspect
- Some values are negative (Probably times)
- ServerData not updating properly
- (DataBase saves non-existent ids)
- LoginTimes is not updated
- LoginTimes not found from database with sqlite3
- Renamed old Plan to PlanLite with refractor
- Deprecated PlanLite API classes in Plan (Hook, DataPoint, DataType)
- API not yet changed
- extra hook calls passed onto PlanLite
- Created the new data structure that saves all the information needed
by analysis. (Not Bugtested)
- Refractored PlanDemographics code into DemographicsHandler
- Added Gender Enum
- Added Phrase Enum (plugin messages)
- Bugtest SQL
- Bugtest UserData
- Bugtest ServerData
- Inspect command
- Analysis
- Search command (No clue yet)
- Bugtest Listeners
- Bugtest Handlers
- Command listener
- ServerData newPlayers / day reset
- Config
- html webserver for results
Created two copies of the project, and left plugin yml with version so
version checking on current versions will not break.
Plan Lite:
- Current version
- Uses plugins to get the data
Plan Advanced:
- Will be almost complete rewrite of the plugin.
- Will be released as Plan 2.0.0 when ready
- Current Plan will be released as Plan Lite 1.6.3 when rewrite is
- Will gather data and save it
- Better consistency and Time axis to analysis.
- Better analysis, possibly web page creation for results
- Support for Plan Lite
- More options