mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 17:28:03 +08:00
Fixed the tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ class DBPatchMySQLRegressionTest extends DBPatchRegressionTest {
public static PluginMockComponent component;
private String serverTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_servers (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name varchar(100), web_address varchar(100), is_installed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, max_players integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY (id))";
private String usersTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_users (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, registered bigint NOT NULL, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, times_kicked integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id))";
private String userInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_user_info (user_id integer NOT NULL, registered bigint NOT NULL, opped boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, banned boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String geoInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ips (user_id integer NOT NULL, ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, geolocation varchar(50) NOT NULL, ip_hash varchar(200), last_used bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id))";
private String nicknameTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_nicknames (user_id integer NOT NULL, nickname varchar(75) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, last_used bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String sessionsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_sessions (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_start bigint NOT NULL, session_end bigint NOT NULL, mob_kills integer NOT NULL, deaths integer NOT NULL, afk_time bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), PRIMARY KEY (id))";
private String killsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_kills (killer_id integer NOT NULL, victim_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, weapon varchar(30) NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(killer_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(victim_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String pingTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ping (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, max_ping integer NOT NULL, min_ping integer NOT NULL, avg_ping double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String commandUseTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_commandusages (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, command varchar(20) NOT NULL, times_used integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String tpsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_tps (server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, tps double NOT NULL, players_online integer NOT NULL, cpu_usage double NOT NULL, ram_usage bigint NOT NULL, entities integer NOT NULL, chunks_loaded integer NOT NULL, free_disk_space bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String worldsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_worlds (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, world_name varchar(100) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String worldTimesTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_world_times (user_id integer NOT NULL, world_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, survival_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creative_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, adventure_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, spectator_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(world_id) REFERENCES plan_worlds(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id))";
private String securityTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_security (username varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, salted_pass_hash varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, permission_level integer NOT NULL)";
private String transferTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_transfer (sender_server_id integer NOT NULL, expiry_date bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, extra_variables varchar(255) DEFAULT '', content_64 MEDIUMTEXT, part bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(sender_server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String serverTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_servers (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name varchar(100), web_address varchar(100), is_installed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, max_players integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, PRIMARY KEY (id))";
private final String usersTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_users (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, registered bigint NOT NULL, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, times_kicked integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (id))";
private final String userInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_user_info (user_id integer NOT NULL, registered bigint NOT NULL, opped boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, banned boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String geoInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ips (user_id integer NOT NULL, ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, geolocation varchar(50) NOT NULL, ip_hash varchar(200), last_used bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id))";
private final String nicknameTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_nicknames (user_id integer NOT NULL, nickname varchar(75) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, last_used bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String sessionsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_sessions (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_start bigint NOT NULL, session_end bigint NOT NULL, mob_kills integer NOT NULL, deaths integer NOT NULL, afk_time bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), PRIMARY KEY (id))";
private final String killsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_kills (killer_id integer NOT NULL, victim_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, weapon varchar(30) NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(killer_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(victim_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String pingTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ping (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, max_ping integer NOT NULL, min_ping integer NOT NULL, avg_ping double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String commandUseTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_commandusages (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, command varchar(20) NOT NULL, times_used integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String tpsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_tps (server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, tps double NOT NULL, players_online integer NOT NULL, cpu_usage double NOT NULL, ram_usage bigint NOT NULL, entities integer NOT NULL, chunks_loaded integer NOT NULL, free_disk_space bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String worldsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_worlds (id integer NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, world_name varchar(100) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String worldTimesTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_world_times (user_id integer NOT NULL, world_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, survival_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creative_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, adventure_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, spectator_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(world_id) REFERENCES plan_worlds(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id))";
private final String securityTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_security (username varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, salted_pass_hash varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, permission_level integer NOT NULL)";
private final String transferTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_transfer (sender_server_id integer NOT NULL, expiry_date bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, extra_variables varchar(255) DEFAULT '', content_64 MEDIUMTEXT, part bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(sender_server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private MySQLDB underTest;
@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
abstract class DBPatchRegressionTest {
private String insertServer = "INSERT INTO plan_servers (uuid) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.SERVER_UUID + "')";
private String insertUser = "INSERT INTO plan_users (uuid, name, registered) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.PLAYER_ONE_UUID + "', 'TestName', " + 1581687385 + ")";
private String insertUser2 = "INSERT INTO plan_users (uuid, name, registered) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.PLAYER_TWO_UUID + "', 'TestName2', " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ")";
private String insertUserInfo = "INSERT INTO plan_user_info (user_id, registered, server_id) VALUES (1, " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ", 1)";
private String insertIP = "INSERT INTO plan_ips (user_id, ip, geolocation, ip_hash, last_used) VALUES (1, '', 'Finland', 'hash', 1234)";
private String insertNickname = "INSERT INTO plan_nicknames (user_id, nickname, server_id, last_used) VALUES (1, 'Nickname', 1, 1234)";
private String insertSession = "INSERT INTO plan_sessions (user_id, server_id, session_start, session_end, mob_kills, deaths, afk_time) VALUES (1,1,1234,5678,2,2,2)";
private String insertKill = "INSERT INTO plan_kills (killer_id, session_id, server_id, victim_id, weapon, date) VALUES (1,1,1, 2, 'Sword', 3456)";
private String insertWorld = "INSERT INTO plan_worlds (server_id, world_name) VALUES (1, 'World')";
private String insertWorldTimes = "INSERT INTO plan_world_times (user_id, server_id, world_id, session_id, survival_time) VALUES (1,1,1,1,1234)";
private final String insertServer = "INSERT INTO plan_servers (uuid) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.SERVER_UUID + "')";
private final String insertUser = "INSERT INTO plan_users (uuid, name, registered) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.PLAYER_ONE_UUID + "', 'TestName', " + 1581687385 + ")";
private final String insertUser2 = "INSERT INTO plan_users (uuid, name, registered) VALUES ('" + TestConstants.PLAYER_TWO_UUID + "', 'TestName2', " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ")";
private final String insertUserInfo = "INSERT INTO plan_user_info (user_id, registered, server_id) VALUES (1, " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ", 1)";
private final String insertIP = "INSERT INTO plan_ips (user_id, ip, geolocation, ip_hash, last_used) VALUES (1, '', 'Finland', 'hash', 1234)";
private final String insertNickname = "INSERT INTO plan_nicknames (user_id, nickname, server_id, last_used) VALUES (1, 'Nickname', 1, 1234)";
private final String insertSession = "INSERT INTO plan_sessions (user_id, server_id, session_start, session_end, mob_kills, deaths, afk_time) VALUES (1,1,1234,5678,2,2,2)";
private final String insertKill = "INSERT INTO plan_kills (killer_id, session_id, server_id, victim_id, weapon, date) VALUES (1,1,1, 2, 'Sword', 3456)";
private final String insertWorld = "INSERT INTO plan_worlds (server_id, world_name) VALUES (1, 'World')";
private final String insertWorldTimes = "INSERT INTO plan_world_times (user_id, server_id, world_id, session_id, survival_time) VALUES (1,1,1,1,1234)";
void dropAllTables(SQLDB underTest) {
underTest.executeTransaction(new Transaction() {
@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ class DBPatchSQLiteRegressionTest extends DBPatchRegressionTest {
private PluginMockComponent component;
private String serverTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_servers (id integer PRIMARY KEY, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name varchar(100), web_address varchar(100), is_installed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, max_players integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1)";
private String usersTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_users (id integer PRIMARY KEY, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, registered bigint NOT NULL, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, times_kicked integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)";
private String userInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_user_info (user_id integer NOT NULL, registered bigint NOT NULL, opped boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, banned boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String geoInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ips (user_id integer NOT NULL, ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, geolocation varchar(50) NOT NULL, ip_hash varchar(200), last_used bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id))";
private String nicknameTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_nicknames (user_id integer NOT NULL, nickname varchar(75) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, last_used bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String sessionsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_sessions (id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_start bigint NOT NULL, session_end bigint NOT NULL, mob_kills integer NOT NULL, deaths integer NOT NULL, afk_time bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String killsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_kills (killer_id integer NOT NULL, victim_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, weapon varchar(30) NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(killer_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(victim_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String pingTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ping (id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, max_ping integer NOT NULL, min_ping integer NOT NULL, avg_ping double NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String commandUseTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_commandusages (id integer PRIMARY KEY, command varchar(20) NOT NULL, times_used integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String tpsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_tps (server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, tps double NOT NULL, players_online integer NOT NULL, cpu_usage double NOT NULL, ram_usage bigint NOT NULL, entities integer NOT NULL, chunks_loaded integer NOT NULL, free_disk_space bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String worldsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_worlds (id integer PRIMARY KEY, world_name varchar(100) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private String worldTimesTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_world_times (user_id integer NOT NULL, world_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, survival_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creative_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, adventure_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, spectator_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(world_id) REFERENCES plan_worlds(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id))";
private String securityTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_security (username varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, salted_pass_hash varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, permission_level integer NOT NULL)";
private String transferTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_transfer (sender_server_id integer NOT NULL, expiry_date bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, extra_variables varchar(255) DEFAULT '', content_64 varchar(1), part bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(sender_server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String serverTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_servers (id integer PRIMARY KEY, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, name varchar(100), web_address varchar(100), is_installed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, max_players integer NOT NULL DEFAULT -1)";
private final String usersTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_users (id integer PRIMARY KEY, uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE, registered bigint NOT NULL, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, times_kicked integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)";
private final String userInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_user_info (user_id integer NOT NULL, registered bigint NOT NULL, opped boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, banned boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String geoInfoTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ips (user_id integer NOT NULL, ip varchar(39) NOT NULL, geolocation varchar(50) NOT NULL, ip_hash varchar(200), last_used bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id))";
private final String nicknameTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_nicknames (user_id integer NOT NULL, nickname varchar(75) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, last_used bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String sessionsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_sessions (id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_start bigint NOT NULL, session_end bigint NOT NULL, mob_kills integer NOT NULL, deaths integer NOT NULL, afk_time bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String killsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_kills (killer_id integer NOT NULL, victim_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, weapon varchar(30) NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(killer_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(victim_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String pingTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_ping (id integer PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, max_ping integer NOT NULL, min_ping integer NOT NULL, avg_ping double NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String commandUseTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_commandusages (id integer PRIMARY KEY, command varchar(20) NOT NULL, times_used integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String tpsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_tps (server_id integer NOT NULL, date bigint NOT NULL, tps double NOT NULL, players_online integer NOT NULL, cpu_usage double NOT NULL, ram_usage bigint NOT NULL, entities integer NOT NULL, chunks_loaded integer NOT NULL, free_disk_space bigint NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String worldsTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_worlds (id integer PRIMARY KEY, world_name varchar(100) NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private final String worldTimesTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_world_times (user_id integer NOT NULL, world_id integer NOT NULL, server_id integer NOT NULL, session_id integer NOT NULL, survival_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, creative_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, adventure_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, spectator_time bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(user_id) REFERENCES plan_users(id), FOREIGN KEY(world_id) REFERENCES plan_worlds(id), FOREIGN KEY(server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id), FOREIGN KEY(session_id) REFERENCES plan_sessions(id))";
private final String securityTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_security (username varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, salted_pass_hash varchar(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE, permission_level integer NOT NULL)";
private final String transferTable = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS plan_transfer (sender_server_id integer NOT NULL, expiry_date bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type varchar(100) NOT NULL, extra_variables varchar(255) DEFAULT '', content_64 varchar(1), part bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, FOREIGN KEY(sender_server_id) REFERENCES plan_servers(id))";
private SQLiteDB underTest;
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Path;
public interface DatabaseTestComponent extends DBPreparer.Dependencies {
default void enable() {
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ public interface DatabaseTestComponent extends DBPreparer.Dependencies {
PlanConfig config();
@ -67,14 +67,15 @@ public class H2Test implements DatabaseTest,
private static Database database;
private static DatabaseTestComponent component;
private static DBPreparer preparer;
static void setupDatabase(@TempDir Path temp) throws Exception {
static void setupDatabase(@TempDir Path temp) {
component = DaggerDatabaseTestComponent.builder()
database = new DBPreparer(component, TEST_PORT_NUMBER).prepareH2()
preparer = new DBPreparer(component, TEST_PORT_NUMBER);
database = preparer.prepareH2()
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ public class H2Test implements DatabaseTest,
System.out.println("Database state after close: " + database.getState().name());
@ -73,14 +73,15 @@ class MySQLTest implements DatabaseTest,
private static Database database;
private static DatabaseTestComponent component;
private static DBPreparer preparer;
static void setupDatabase(@TempDir Path temp) throws Exception {
component = DaggerDatabaseTestComponent.builder()
Optional<Database> mysql = new DBPreparer(component, TEST_PORT_NUMBER).prepareMySQL();
preparer = new DBPreparer(component, TEST_PORT_NUMBER);
Optional<Database> mysql = preparer.prepareMySQL();
database = mysql.get();
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class MySQLTest implements DatabaseTest,
static void disableSystem() {
if (database != null) database.close();
@ -67,14 +67,15 @@ public class SQLiteTest implements DatabaseTest,
private static Database database;
private static DatabaseTestComponent component;
private static DBPreparer preparer;
static void setupDatabase(@TempDir Path temp) throws Exception {
component = DaggerDatabaseTestComponent.builder()
database = new DBPreparer(component, TEST_PORT_NUMBER).prepareSQLite()
preparer = new DBPreparer(component, TEST_PORT_NUMBER);
database = preparer.prepareSQLite()
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ public class SQLiteTest implements DatabaseTest,
static void disableSystem() {
if (database != null) database.close();
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
package utilities;
import com.djrapitops.plan.PlanSystem;
import com.djrapitops.plan.exceptions.EnableException;
import com.djrapitops.plan.SubSystem;
import com.djrapitops.plan.settings.config.PlanConfig;
import com.djrapitops.plan.settings.config.paths.DatabaseSettings;
import com.djrapitops.plan.settings.config.paths.WebserverSettings;
@ -46,23 +46,23 @@ public class DBPreparer {
this.testPortNumber = testPortNumber;
public Optional<Database> prepareSQLite() throws EnableException {
public Optional<Database> prepareSQLite() {
String dbName = DBType.SQLITE.getName();
return Optional.of(prepareDBByName(dbName));
public Optional<Database> prepareH2() throws EnableException {
public Optional<Database> prepareH2() {
String dbName = DBType.H2.getName();
return Optional.of(prepareDBByName(dbName));
private SQLDB prepareDBByName(String dbName) throws EnableException {
private SQLDB prepareDBByName(String dbName) {
PlanConfig config = dependencies.config();
config.set(WebserverSettings.PORT, testPortNumber);
config.set(DatabaseSettings.TYPE, dbName);
DBSystem dbSystem = dependencies.dbSystem();
SQLDB db = (SQLDB) dbSystem.getActiveDatabaseByName(dbName);
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class DBPreparer {
return Optional.of(formattedDatabase);
public Optional<Database> prepareMySQL() throws EnableException {
public Optional<Database> prepareMySQL() {
PlanConfig config = dependencies.config();
Optional<String> formattedDB = setUpMySQLSettings(config);
if (formattedDB.isPresent()) {
@ -113,7 +113,11 @@ public class DBPreparer {
return Optional.empty();
public interface Dependencies {
public void tearDown() {
public interface Dependencies extends SubSystem {
PlanConfig config();
DBSystem dbSystem();
@ -127,6 +131,16 @@ public class DBPreparer {
this.system = system;
public void enable() {
public void disable() {
public PlanConfig config() {
return system.getConfigSystem().getConfig();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user