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synced 2024-12-27 09:00:28 +08:00
Update locale_ZH_TW.yml (#2717)
* Update locale_ZH_TW.yml * Update locale_ZH_TW.yml
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ command:
description: "要將資料移入的資料庫類型。不能和之前一樣。"
description: "要清空資料的資料庫類型。"
exportKind: "導出類型"
exportKind: "匯出類型"
description: "要關閉的功能名稱:${0}"
name: "功能"
importKind: "導入類型"
importKind: "匯入類型"
description: "玩家的名稱或 UUID"
name: "名稱/uuid"
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ command:
failSameDB: "> §c不能在同一個資料庫中操作!"
failSameServer: "不能將此伺服器標記為已解除安裝(你在這個伺服器上)。"
hotswap: "§e請切換到新的資料庫(/plan db hotswap ${0})並重新載入插件。"
importers: "導入器:"
importers: "匯入器:"
preparing: "Preparing.."
progress: "${0} / ${1} 處理中..."
start: "> §2資料處理中..."
@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ command:
warnDbNotOpen: "§e資料庫狀態為 ${0} - 這可能需要比預期更長的時間..."
write: "正在寫入${0}..."
emptyString: "搜尋字串不能為空"
emptyString: "搜尋欄不能空白"
invalidArguments: "接受以下內容 ${0}: ${1}"
invalidUsername: "§c該使用者沒有 UUID。"
missingArguments: "§c需要參數 (${0}) ${1}"
missingFeature: "§e請設定要停用的功能!(目前支援 ${0})"
missingLink: "此使用者未綁定到你的帳戶,且你無權刪除其他使用者的帳戶。"
missingLink: "此使用者未綁定到您的帳戶,且您沒有權刪除其他使用者的帳戶。"
noPermission: "§c你沒有所需的權限。"
onAccept: "接受操作在執行時出錯: ${0}"
onDeny: "拒絕操作在執行時出錯: ${0}"
@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ command:
help: "§7將滑鼠游標懸停在參數或指令上來了解更多有關它們的訊息,或者使用 '/${0} ?'。"
failNoExporter: "§e導出器 '${0}' 不存在"
failNoImporter: "§e導入器 '${0}' 不存在"
failNoExporter: "§e匯出器 '${0}' 不存在"
failNoImporter: "§e匯入器 '${0}' 不存在"
featureDisabled: "§a暫時停用 '${0}' 直到下一次重載插件。"
noAddress: "§e沒有可用的地址 - 已使用 localhost 作為後備地址。在設定檔案中的 'Alternative_IP' 設定地址。"
noAddress: "§e沒有可用的位址 - 已使用 localhost 作為後備位址。在設定檔案中的 'Alternative_IP' 設定位址。"
noWebuser: "你可能沒有網頁帳戶,請使用 /plan register <password> 來註冊"
notifyWebUserRegister: "新使用者已註冊: '${0}' 權限等級: ${1}"
pluginDisabled: "§a Plan 系統現在已被停用。你仍然可以使用 reload 來重新啟動插件。"
@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ command:
description: "停用整個插件或停用插件的部分功能"
inDepth: "停用整個插件或停用插件的部分功能,直到下次重新載入/重新啟動。"
description: "手動導出 html 或 json 檔案"
inDepth: "把資料導出到設定檔案中指定的導出位置。"
description: "手動匯出 html 或 json 檔案"
inDepth: "把資料匯出到設定檔案中指定的匯出位置。"
description: "導入資料"
inDepth: "執行導入,將資料載入到資料庫。"
description: "匯入資料"
inDepth: "執行匯入,將資料載入到資料庫。"
description: "關於此插件的訊息"
inDepth: "顯示插件的目前狀態。"
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ command:
description: "將其他使用者從面板上登出。"
inDepth: "輸入使用者名稱作為參數可以註冊 Plan 上的一個使用者,輸入 * 作為參數可以註冊所有使用者。"
description: "Migrate offline uuid data to online uuids"
description: "將離線 uuid 資料遷移到在線 uuid "
description: "查看群組網路頁面"
inDepth: "獲得一個指向 /network page(群組網路) 的連接,只能在群組網路上這樣做。"
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ command:
description: "重啟 Plan"
inDepth: "關閉然後重新開啟本插件,會重新載入已更改的設定。"
description: "Remove join addresses of a specified server"
description: "移除指定伺服器的連接位址"
description: "搜尋玩家"
inDepth: "列出所有與給定名稱部分相符的玩家名稱。"
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ html:
authFailedTips: "- 確保你已使用 <b>/plan register</b> 來註冊使用者<br>- 檢查使用者名稱與密碼是否正確<br>- 使用者名稱與密碼區分大小寫<br><br>若您忘記了密碼,請讓工作人員刪除您的舊密碼並重新註冊。"
noServersOnline: "無可執行此請求的線上伺服器。"
playerNotSeen: "Plan 沒有找到此玩家。"
serverNotSeen: "Server doesn't exist"
serverNotSeen: "伺服器不存在"
none: "無"
@ -276,36 +276,36 @@ html:
afkTime: "掛機時間"
all: "全部"
allTime: "所有時間"
alphabetical: "Alphabetical"
apply: "Apply"
asNumbers: "資料"
alphabetical: "按字母順序"
apply: "確定"
asNumbers: "統計"
average: "平均"
averageActivePlaytime: "平均活躍時間"
averageAfkTime: "平均掛機時間"
averageChunks: "平均區塊數"
averageCpuUsage: "Average CPU Usage"
averageEntities: "平均實體書"
averageCpuUsage: "平均 CPU 使用率"
averageEntities: "平均實體"
averageKdr: "平均 KDR"
averageMobKdr: "平均生物 KDR"
averagePing: "平均延遲"
averagePlayers: "Average Players"
averagePlayers: "平均玩家數"
averagePlaytime: "平均遊玩時間"
averageRamUsage: "Average RAM Usage"
averageRamUsage: "平均 RAM 使用率"
averageServerDowntime: "Average Downtime / Server"
averageSessionLength: "平均會話時長"
averageSessions: "平均會話"
averageTps: "平均 TPS"
averageTps7days: "Average TPS (7 days)"
banned: "已被封禁"
averageTps7days: "平均 TPS (7天)"
banned: "已被封鎖"
bestPeak: "所有時間峰值"
bestPing: "最低延遲"
calendar: " 日歷"
calendar: " 日誌"
comparing7days: "對比 7 天的情況"
connectionInfo: "連接訊息"
country: "國家和地區"
country: "國家"
cpu: "CPU"
cpuRam: "CPU 和記憶體"
cpuUsage: "CPU Usage"
cpuRam: "CPU 和 RAM"
cpuUsage: "CPU 使用率"
currentPlayerbase: "目前玩家數量"
currentUptime: "Current Uptime"
dayByDay: "按天查看"
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ html:
insights30days: "30 天分析"
irregular: "偶爾上線"
joinAddress: "Join Address"
joinAddresses: "加入地址"
joinAddresses: "加入位址"
kdr: "KDR"
killed: "被擊殺數"
last24hours: "過去 24 小時"
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ html:
lastConnected: "最後連接時間"
lastPeak: "上次線上峰值"
lastSeen: "最後線上時間"
latestJoinAddresses: "Latest Join Addresses"
latestJoinAddresses: "最後加入位址"
length: " 遊玩時長"
links: "連接"
loadedChunks: "已載入區塊"
@ -355,8 +355,8 @@ html:
loneJoins: "單獨加入"
loneNewbieJoins: "單獨新玩家加入"
longestSession: "最長會話時間"
lowTpsSpikes: "低 TPS 時間"
lowTpsSpikes7days: "Low TPS Spikes (7 days)"
lowTpsSpikes: "最低TPS"
lowTpsSpikes7days: "最低TPS (7 天)"
maxFreeDisk: "最大可用硬碟空間"
medianSessionLength: "Median Session Length"
minFreeDisk: "最小可用硬碟空間"
@ -367,33 +367,33 @@ html:
mostPlayedWorld: "玩的最多的世界"
name: "名稱"
network: "群組網路"
networkAsNumbers: "群組網路資料"
networkAsNumbers: "群組網路統計"
networkOnlineActivity: "群組網路線上活動"
networkOverview: "群組網路簡介"
networkOverview: "群組網路概覽"
networkPage: "群組網路頁面"
new: "新"
newPlayerRetention: "新玩家留坑率"
newPlayerRetention: "新玩家留存率"
newPlayers: "新玩家"
newPlayers7days: "New Players (7 days)"
newPlayers7days: "新玩家 (7 days)"
nickname: "暱稱"
noDataToDisplay: "No Data to Display"
noDataToDisplay: "暫無資料"
now: "現在"
onlineActivity: "線上活動"
onlineActivityAsNumbers: "線上活動資料"
onlineOnFirstJoin: "第一次進入伺服器的線上玩家"
onlineActivityAsNumbers: "線上活動統計"
onlineOnFirstJoin: "第一次進入伺服器的玩家"
operator: "管理員"
overview: "簡介"
overview: "概覽"
perDay: "/ 天"
perPlayer: "/ 玩家"
perRegularPlayer: "/ 普通玩家"
performance: "性能"
performanceAsNumbers: "性能資料"
performance: "效能"
performanceAsNumbers: "效能統計"
ping: "延遲"
player: "玩家"
playerDeaths: "被玩家擊殺次數"
playerKills: "擊殺玩家數"
playerList: "玩家列表"
playerOverview: "玩家簡介"
playerOverview: "玩家概覽"
playerPage: "玩家頁面"
playerRetention: "Player Retention"
playerbase: "玩家資料"
@ -401,19 +401,19 @@ html:
playerbaseOverview: "Playerbase Overview"
players: "玩家"
playersOnline: "線上玩家"
playersOnlineNow: "Players Online (Now)"
playersOnlineOverview: "線上活動簡介"
playersOnlineNow: "線上玩家 (Now)"
playersOnlineOverview: "線上活動概覽"
playtime: "遊玩時間"
plugins: "插件"
pluginsOverview: "Plugins Overview"
pluginsOverview: "插件概覽"
punchcard: "打卡"
punchcard30days: "30 天打卡"
pvpPve: "PvP 和 PvE"
pvpPveAsNumbers: "PvP 和 PvE 資料"
pvpPveAsNumbers: "PvP 和 PvE 統計"
query: "進行查詢"
quickView: "快速瀏覽"
ram: "RAM"
ramUsage: "RAM Usage"
ramUsage: "RAM 使用率"
recentKills: "最近擊殺"
recentPvpDeaths: "最近的 PVP 死亡"
recentPvpKills: "最近的 PVP 擊殺"
@ -427,43 +427,43 @@ html:
seenNicknames: "使用過的暱稱"
server: "伺服器"
serverAnalysis: "伺服器分析"
serverAsNumberse: "伺服器資料"
serverCalendar: "Server Calendar"
serverAsNumberse: "伺服器統計"
serverCalendar: "伺服器日誌"
serverDowntime: "伺服器關機時間"
serverOccupied: "伺服器線上時間"
serverOverview: "伺服器簡介"
serverOverview: "伺服器概覽"
serverPage: "伺服器頁面"
serverPlaytime: "伺服器遊戲時間"
serverPlaytime30days: "最近 30 天內的伺服器遊玩時間"
serverSelector: "Server selector"
serverSelector: "伺服器選擇器"
servers: "伺服器"
serversTitle: "伺服器"
session: "會話次數"
sessionCalendar: "Session Calendar"
sessionCalendar: "會話日誌"
sessionEnded: " 會話結束"
sessionMedian: "平均會話長度"
sessionStart: "會話開始於"
sessions: "會話"
sortBy: "Sort By"
stacked: "Stacked"
themeSelect: "主題選擇"
sortBy: "排序方式"
stacked: "堆疊的"
themeSelect: "主題色選擇"
thirdDeadliestWeapon: "第三致命的 PvP 武器"
thirtyDays: "30 天"
thirtyDaysAgo: "30 天前"
timesKicked: "被踢出次數"
toMainPage: "回到主頁面"
total: "Total"
total: "總計"
totalActive: "總活躍時長"
totalAfk: "總掛機時長"
totalAfk: "總掛機時間"
totalPlayers: "總玩家數"
totalPlayersOld: "總遊玩時長"
totalPlayersOld: "總玩家數"
totalPlaytime: "總遊玩時間"
totalServerDowntime: "Total Server Downtime"
totalServerDowntime: "總停機時間"
tps: "TPS"
trend: "趨勢"
trends30days: "30 天趨勢"
uniquePlayers: "獨立玩家"
uniquePlayers7days: "Unique Players (7 days)"
uniquePlayers7days: "獨立玩家 (7 days)"
veryActive: "非常活躍"
weekComparison: "每週對比"
weekdays: "'星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期日'"
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ html:
and: "外加"
start: "查詢玩家:"
text: "加入地址"
text: "加入位址"
nonOperators: "非管理員"
notBanned: "未被封禁"
@ -619,8 +619,8 @@ plugin:
geoDBWrite: "儲存已下載的 GeoLite2 地理位置資料庫時發生問題"
webServer: "網頁伺服器沒有初始化!"
badIP: " 不是有效的地址,請修改 Alternative_IP 設定. 否則可能會導致網頁地址錯誤!"
emptyIP: "server.properties 中的 IP 為空且未使用備用 IP。這可能會導致地址出錯!"
badIP: " 不是有效的位址,請修改 Alternative_IP 設定. 否則可能會導致網頁地址錯誤!"
emptyIP: "server.properties 中的 IP 為空且未使用備用 IP。這可能會導致位址出錯!"
geoDisabled: "已關閉地理位置收集。(Data.Geolocations: false)"
geoInternetRequired: "Plan 需要在首次執行時連接網路以下載 GeoLite2 地理位置資料庫。"
storeSessions: "正在儲存之前關機前留下的會話。"
@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ plugin:
dbNotifySQLiteWAL: "此伺服器版本不支援 SQLite WAL 模式,正使用預設模式。這可能會影響性能。"
dbPatchesAlreadyApplied: "已應用所有資料庫補丁。"
dbPatchesApplied: "已成功應用所有資料庫補丁。"
dbSchemaPatch: "Database: Making sure schema is up to date.."
loadedServerInfo: "Server identifier loaded: ${0}"
dbSchemaPatch: "資料庫: 確認架構是最新的..."
loadedServerInfo: "載入的伺服器識別碼:${0}"
loadingServerInfo: "正在載入伺服器識別資訊"
no: "否"
today: "'今天'"
@ -658,11 +658,11 @@ plugin:
authDisabledConfig: "網頁伺服器: 使用者登入已關閉! (已在設定檔案中禁止)"
authDisabledNoHTTPS: "網頁伺服器:已禁止使用者登入!(HTTP 方式不安全)"
certificateExpiresOn: "Webserver: Loaded certificate is valid until ${0}."
certificateExpiresPassed: "Webserver: Certificate has expired, consider renewing the certificate."
certificateExpiresSoon: "Webserver: Certificate expires in ${0}, consider renewing the certificate."
certificateNoSuchAlias: "Webserver: Certificate with alias '${0}' was not found inside the keystore file '${1}'."
http: "網頁伺服器:無證書 -> 正使用 HTTP 伺服器提供可視化效果。"
certificateExpiresOn: "網頁伺服器: 載入的憑證在 ${0} 之前有效。"
certificateExpiresPassed: "網頁伺服器: 憑證已過期,請考慮更新憑證。"
certificateExpiresSoon: "網頁伺服器: 憑證在 ${0} 到期,請考慮續約憑證。"
certificateNoSuchAlias: "網頁伺服器: 在憑證庫文件“${1}”中找不到別名為“${0}”的憑證。"
http: "網頁伺服器:無憑證 -> 正使用 HTTP 伺服器提供可視化效果。"
ipWhitelist: "網頁伺服器: IP 白名單已啟用。"
ipWhitelistBlock: "網頁伺服器:${0} 被拒絕訪問 '${1}'. (不在白名單中)"
noCertFile: "網頁伺服器:找不到證書密鑰檔案:${0}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user