Locale | 2.5.0 | String | default | Two letter Locale combination. Can be set to one of the Available locales. If a faulty combination is used, default locale will be used. [Available locales](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/tree/master/Plan/localization)
UseTextUI | 3.0.0 | boolean | false | Redirects */plan inspect* and */plan analyze* commands to display same messages as */plan qinspect*&*/plan qanalyze*
LogProgressOnConsole | 2.4.0 | boolean | false | More detailed analysis progress to console.
NotifyWhenFinished | 3.0.0 | boolean | true | Enables ["Analysis Complete"-message](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/Phrase.java#L73) will be shown on the console after analysis is complete.
MinutesPlayedUntilConsidiredActive | 2.0.0 | Integer | 10 | This setting affects how the Analysis treats player's activity. Whether or not a player is active is determined with 3 values: Last Login, Playtime and Login Times. If the player has logged in in the last 2 weeks, has playtime higher than in the config, and has logged in 3 times, the player is considered active. Otherwise the player is counted as inactive.
RemoveOutliersFromVisualization | 3.4.0 | boolean | true | This setting attempts to remove big spikes from data visualization.
Export.Enabled | 3.4.0 | boolean | false | Enables export of html pages after analysis
Export.DestinationFolder | 3.4.0 | String | 'Analysis Results' | Path to the export folder. Will be created if doesn't exist. If contains ':' will be regarded as full filepath.
DataCache.SaveEveryXMinutes | 2.0.0 | Integer | 2 | Determines how often cache is saved to the Database.
DataCache.ClearCacheEveryXSaves | 2.0.0 | Integer | 5 | Determines how often cache clear attempt is made. This is done in case some data is left lingering even after the player has been gone for a long time.
## WebServer settings
Config.Point | Version introduced | Type | Default | Description
Port | 2.0.0 | Integer |8804 | Port of the Webserver
InternalIP | 3.0.0 | String | | Internal InetAddress to start the WebSocketServer on. [Code enabling the socket server](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/ui/webserver/WebSocketServer.java#L56)
ShowAlternativeServerIP | 2.0.0 | boolean | false | Enables the use of the link below in the inspect and analyze commands.
AlternativeIP | 2.0.0 | String | `your.ip.here:%port%` | Address to use as link in inspect and analyze commands if setting above is enabled. %port% will be replaced with the Port automatically. If you have port-forwarded an alternate address to the webserver port, %port% is not required.
Security.DisplayIPsAndUUIDs | 2.5.0 | boolean | true | Toggles visibility of UUIDs and IPs on player Inspect page.
Security.AddressSecurityCode | 2.5.0 | String | bAkEd | This string is added to the url so that outsiders can not access the `/server` and `/player/<playername>` pages just by knowing your IP and that your server uses Plan. Example: bAkEd -> `localhost:8804/bAkEd/server`
Graphs.PlayersOnlineGraph.UseMaxPlayersAsScale | 3.4.2 | boolean | true | Determines whether or not to use max players in server.yml as the default scale for Players Online graphs.
Formats.TimeAmount | 3.3.0 | String | '%days%d ' | Changes the format used when formatting Time Amounts. Include %zero% to add a 0 in front of single numbers.
database.type | 2.0.0 | String | sqlite |Determines the type of database the plugin will use. **sqLite** - sqLite database file will be created. **MySQL** - MySQL settings are used.
mysql.host |2.0.0 |String |localhost |IP of the MySQL-database
mysql.port | 2.0.0 | Integer | 3306 | Port of the MySQL-database
mysql.database |2.0.0 | String |Plan |Name of the database that has already been created. Please note, that you have to create this database in your mysql solution (eg. MariaDB)!