API planAPI = Plan.getPlanAPI(); // Throws IllegalStateException if onEnable() method for Plan has not yet been called.
## Adding plugin's data to the 'plugins'-tab on Analysis and/or Inspect pages
Plan has a flexible data addition system since 3.1.0. With it you can add Averages, Totals, Percentages, Tables & Other Html elements to the Plugins tab on the Analysis and/or Inspect pages.
To add data a class that extends PluginData class is needed. One PluginData object should only contain data for one user, but tables & other elements are an exception.
### Basic Example
public class StepCounterSteps extends PluginData {
private StepCounterPlugin stepCounter; // This is the example plugin where the data is taken from.
// Constructor with the plugin as parameter.
public StepCounterSteps(StepCounterPlugin stepCounter) {
// A call to super constructor: PluginName, PlaceholderName
super("StepCounter", "stepsTaken");
this.stepCounter = stepCounter; // Setting the plugin
// Required method.
// This method is used with AnalysisType.HTML and for Inspect page's values.
// All return values should use parseContainer(String modifier, String value)-method, more on that down below.
public String getHtmlReplaceValue(String modifier, UUID uuid) {
**At the moment registering this data source will have Only show up on Inspect page.** It is disregarded on analysis page. Two variables inside PluginData determine what should be done with the datapoint:
analysisOnly is 'true' by default. - Thus Inspect page will ignore the data. (Except when using a super constructor without AnalysisType parameters. - then 'false'.)
AnalysisType.HTML is for all other elements you might want to add.
### Table Example
A good example is the [AdvancedAchievementsTable](/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/data/additional/advancedachievements/AdvanceAchievementsTable.java).
You can use the [Html Enum] to quickly create table html.
The Html Enum has easy lines for 2, 3 & 4 line columns - More than that will most likely not fit in the box.
the parse(String... p)-method takes as many strings as parameters as needed to replace all the REPLACE# placeholders on the line.
Let's deconstruct the constructor.
public AdvancedAchievementsTable(AdvancedAchievementsAPI aaAPI) {