%uuid% |Players UUID or 'Hidden' if config setting for UUID visibility is disabled. | 88493cd1-567a-49aa-acaa-84197b5de595
%lastseen% | A formatted version of the last Epoch second the user was seen. | Feb 02 18:03:12
%logintimes% | How many times the user has logged in | 34
%geoloc% | Demographics geolocation of the user. | United States
%active% | 'Player is Active' or 'Player is Inactive' depending on [isActive](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/utilities/AnalysisUtils.java#L27)- method. |
%age% | 'Not Known' if age is not known (-1) or the users age. | 14
%gender% | 'Unknown', 'Male' or 'Female' |
%gm0% | A formatted version of milliseconds spent in SURVIVAL. | 1h 30m 4s
%gm1% | A formatted version of milliseconds spent in CREATIVE. | 1h 30m 4s
%gm2% | A formatted version of milliseconds spent in ADVENTURE. | 1h 30m 4s
%gm3% | A formatted version of milliseconds spent in SPECTATOR. | 1h 30m 4s
%gmdata% | Number array of seconds spent in each gamemode, used by piechart. | [32423, 5436, 432543, 23]
%gmlables% | Array of labels used by piechart. | ["Survival", "Creative", "Adventure", "Spectator"]
%gmcolors% | List of html color codes that depend on config values. | "#ffffff","#eeeeee","#000000","#213123"
%gmtotal% | A formatted version of milliseconds spent in All gamemodes. | 1h 30m 4s
%ips& | An array of users ip addresses or 'Hidden'. | []
%isonline& | `| <span class="color_2">Online</span>` or `| <span class="color_4">Offline</span>`
%deaths% | Number of deaths. | 24
%playerkills% | Number of Player kills the user has (Size of KillData list) | 14
%sessionstable% | Table containing up to 10 of the most recent online sessions. Example contains one line. | `<table class="sortable table"><thead><tr><th>Session Started</th><th>Session Ended</th><th>Session Length</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td sorttable_customkey="32674576">FORMATTED_TIME</td><td sorttable_customkey="432525345">FORMATTED_TIME</td><td sorttable_customkey="32213">FORMATTED_TIME</td></tr></tbody></table>`
%sessionaverage% | A formatted version of the average length of all of the sessions. | 10m 23s
%killstable% | Table containing up to 10 of the most recent player kills. Example contains one line. | `<table class="sortable table"><thead><tr><th>Date</th><th>Killed</th><th>With</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td sorttable_customkey="324123421">FORMATTED_TIME</td><td>Rsl1122</td><td>DIAMOND_SWORD</td></tr></tbody></table>`
%version% | Version of the plugin | 3.2.5
%planlite% | Replaced with an empty string. Old feature. |
%dataweek% | Array containing users online numbers for last 7 days, used by the graph. | [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
%labelsweek% | Array containing formatted time labels corresponding the data array. | ["Feb 02 18:03:12", "Feb 02 18:06:32"]
%playersgraphcolor% | Color code for the online graph in the config. | ffffff
%playersgraphfill% | Color code for fill of the online graph in the config. | 000000
%gm0col% | Color of the SURVIVAL box in the config | ffffff
%gm1col% | Color of the CREATIVE box in the config | 000000
%gm2col% | Color of the ADVENTURE box in the config | ffffff
%gm3col% | Color of the SPECTATOR box in the config | 000000
%inaccuratedatawarning% | Replaced with a warning if the player has registered 3 minutes ago | `<div class="warn">Data might be inaccurate, player has just registered.</div>`
## Additional Inspect placeholders
Additionally some placeholders will be replaced with plugin data, these can be found here:
%gm0% | Total percentage all players have spent in SURVIVAL | 66%
%gm1% | Total percentage all players have spent in CREATIVE | 19%
%gm2% | Total percentage all players have spent in ADVENTURE | 10%
%gm3% | Total percentage all players have spent in SPECTATOR | 5%
%active% | Number of [Active](https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/master/Plan/src/main/java/com/djrapitops/plan/utilities/AnalysisUtils.java#L27) players | 4
%inactive% | Number of Inactive players. | 43
%banned% | Number of Banned players. | 5
%joinleaver% | Number of players who have only joined once | 100
%activitytotal% | Total number of players in the database. | 152
%npday% | Number of new players who have joined in the last 24h | 5
%npweek% | Number of new players who have joined in the last 7d | 13
%npmonth% | Number of new players who have joined in the last 30d | 53
%commanduse% | Table format lines for commands & times used, sorted to descending order. | `<tr><td><b>/spawn</b></td><td>42</td></tr><tr><td><b>/plan</b></td><td>4</td></tr>`
%totalcommands% | Number of unique commands used | 2
%avgage% | 'Not Known' or an average of known user ages. | 14.5
%avgplaytime% | Formatted average playtime of all players. | 1h 30m 4s
%totalplaytime% | Formatted total playtime of all players. | 4d 2h 43m 5s
%op% | Amount of Operators on the server | 1
%refresh% | Formatted time since Epoch second of the last refresh. | 4m 5s
%totallogins% | Total number of logins of all players | 342
%top20mostactive% | Not in use, old feature. | Error: Replace rule was not set
%recentlogins% | Buttons with links to the inspect pages of most recent players | `<p><a class="button" href="http://localhost:8804/bAkEd/player/Rsl1122">Rsl1122</a> </p>`