# ObjToSchematic A tool to convert .obj files into Minecraft Schematics :warning: This repo is in development and proper error handling is not currently my priority. Contributions are welcome. ![Preview](/resources/preview.png) ![MinecraftPreview](/resources/minecraft.png) ![DebugPreview](/resources/debug_preview.png) ![MeshingPreview](/resources/greedy_meshing.png) # Progress [0.1](https://github.com/LucasDower/ObjToSchematic/releases/tag/v0.1-alpha) * ✔️ **.json model loading** * ✔️ **Model voxelisation** * ✔️ **Optimised voxelisation & rendering overhaul** * ✔️ **Basic .obj file loader UI** [0.2](https://github.com/LucasDower/ObjToSchematic/releases/tag/v0.2-alpha) * ✔️ **Greedy voxel meshing** * ✔️ **Export to schematic** 0.3 * ✔️ ** Faster voxel splitting ** * Multithreading * Quality of life * Model centreing, scaling, voxel size preview, progress bar, limit warnings 0.4 * Export to litematic * .mtl support for block choice 0.5 * Building guides * Slice viewer * .fbx support * Block painting # Usage You can either download the [latest release](https://github.com/LucasDower/ObjToSchematic/releases) or build it yourself by following the instructions below. * Download and install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/). * Execute `git clone https://github.com/LucasDower/ObjToSchematic.git` in your command line. * Navigate to `/ObjToSchematic-main`. * Run `npm install`. * Run `npm start`.