You can either download the [latest release]( or build it yourself by following the instructions below.
* Download and install [Node.js](
* Run `git clone` in your command line.
* Navigate to `/ObjToSchematic-main`.
* Run `npm install`.
* Run `npm start`.
* Note, for now, all .obj models **must** be triangulated before importing.
Support for choosing the block palette is not yet supported. Instead, you can edit `/tools/default-ignore-list.txt` to include blocks you don't want to be used and then run `npm run-script atlas`. You can also place custom textures in `/tools/blocks/` for more accurate block-colour matching when building with resource packs.
This is an non-commercial **unofficial** tool that is neither approved, endorsed, associated, nor connected to Mojang Studios. Block textures used are from Minecraft and usage complies with the [Mojang Studios Brand And Assets Guidelines](