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<span class="color-green">Online: </span>{{ MCSERVER.username }}</div>
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RES.getToken(function (token) {
RES.TOKEN = token;
console.log('登陆的用户是:' + MCSERVER.username);
//初始化 Websocket
WS.init(function () {
WS.sendMsg('menu', '');
setTimeout(function () {
if (!MCSERVER.username) {
TOOLS.pushMsgWindow('[认证失败] 请登录您的账号,正在为您跳转....');
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = MCSERVER.URL("login");
}, 4200);
if (MCSERVER.username.substr(0, 1) == '#') {
RES.redirectPage('./template/index.html', 'index/update', '--- 更新页面 ---');
} else {
RES.redirectPage('./template/gen_home.html', 'genuser/home', '--- 更新页面 ---');
}, 300);
//建立 退出按钮 Vue
var vueLoginOut = new Vue({
el: '#loginOut',
methods: {
loginOut: function () {
type: 'POST',
url: './user/loginout',
success: function () {
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = MCSERVER.URL('login');
}, 2000);
error: function () {
VIEW_MODEL.newVueOnce('ToolsInfo', {
el: '#ToolsInfo',
data: {
show: false,
msg: ''
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