mirror of
synced 2025-01-30 14:30:08 +08:00
850 lines
33 KiB
850 lines
33 KiB
import { LocaleMessageObject } from 'vue-i18n';
const msgs: LocaleMessageObject = {
general: {
close: 'Close',
submit: 'Submit',
save: 'Save',
comment: 'Comment',
change: 'Change',
donate: 'Donate',
continue: 'Continue',
create: 'Create',
delete: 'Delete',
or: 'Or',
reset: 'Reset',
edit: 'Edit',
required: 'Required',
add: 'Add',
name: 'Name',
link: 'Link',
send: 'Send',
home: 'Home',
message: 'Message',
refresh: 'Refresh',
confirm: 'Confirm',
error: {
invalidUrl: 'Invalid URL format',
hangar: {
projectSearch: {
query: 'Search in {0} projects, proudly made by the community...',
relevanceSort: 'Sort by relevance',
noProjects: 'There are no projects. 😢',
noProjectsFound: 'Found 0 projects. 😢',
subtitle: 'A Minecraft package repository',
sponsoredBy: 'Sponsored by',
pages: {
staffTitle: 'Staff',
authorsTitle: 'Authors',
headers: {
username: 'Username',
roles: 'Roles',
joined: 'Joined',
projects: 'Projects',
nav: {
login: 'Login',
signup: 'Signup',
user: {
notifications: 'Notifications',
flags: 'Flags',
projectApprovals: 'Project approvals',
versionApprovals: 'Version approvals',
stats: 'Stats',
health: 'Hangar Health',
log: 'User Action Log',
platformVersions: 'Platform Versions',
logout: 'Sign out',
error: {
loginFailed: 'Authentication Failed',
hangarAuth: "Couldn't connect to HangarAuth",
loginDisabled: 'Login is temporarily unavailable, please try again later',
fakeUserEnabled: 'Fake user is enabled. {0} is therefore disabled',
createNew: 'Create new...',
new: {
project: 'New Project',
organization: 'New Organization',
hangar: {
home: 'Homepage',
forums: 'Forums',
code: 'Code',
docs: 'Docs',
javadocs: 'JavaDocs',
hangar: 'Hangar (Plugins)',
downloads: 'Downloads',
community: 'Community',
project: {
stargazers: 'Stargazers',
noStargazers: 'There are no stargazers on this project yet 😢',
watchers: 'Watchers',
noWatchers: 'There are no watchers on this project yet 😢',
members: 'Members',
category: {
info: 'Category: {0}',
admin_tools: 'Admin Tools',
chat: 'Chat',
dev_tools: 'Developer Tools',
economy: 'Economy',
gameplay: 'Gameplay',
games: 'Games',
protection: 'Protection',
role_playing: 'Role Playing',
world_management: 'World Management',
misc: 'Miscellaneous',
actions: {
unwatch: 'Unwatch',
watch: 'Watch',
flag: 'Flag',
star: 'Star',
unstar: 'Unstar',
adminActions: 'Admin Actions',
flagHistory: 'Flag history ({0})',
staffNotes: 'Staff notes ({0})',
userActionLogs: 'User Action Logs',
forum: 'Forum',
flag: {
flagProject: 'Flag {0}?',
flagSend: 'Successfully flagged, thanks for making this community a better place!',
flagSent: 'Flag submitted for review',
flags: {
inappropriateContent: 'Inappropriate Content',
impersonation: 'Impersonation or Deception',
spam: 'Spam',
malIntent: 'Malicious Intent',
other: 'Other',
error: {
alreadyOpen: 'You can only have 1 unresolved flag on a project',
alreadyResolved: 'This flag is already resolved',
tabs: {
docs: 'Docs',
versions: 'Versions',
discuss: 'Discuss',
settings: 'Settings',
homepage: 'Homepage',
issues: 'Issues',
source: 'Source',
support: 'Support',
new: {
step1: {
title: 'User Agreement',
'A project contains your downloads and the documentation for your plugin.<br>Before continuing, please review the <a href="#">Hangar Submission Guidelines.</a>',
continue: 'Agree',
back: 'Abort',
step2: {
title: 'Basic Settings',
continue: 'Continue',
back: 'Back',
userSelect: 'Create as...',
projectName: 'Project name',
projectSummary: 'Project Summary',
projectCategory: 'Project Category',
step3: {
title: 'Additional Settings',
continue: 'Continue',
back: 'Back',
optional: 'Optional',
links: 'Links',
homepage: 'Homepage',
issues: 'Issue Tracker',
source: 'Source Code',
support: 'External Support',
license: 'License',
type: 'Type',
customName: 'Name',
url: 'URL',
seo: 'SEO',
keywords: 'Keywords',
step4: {
title: 'Import from Spigot',
continue: 'Continue',
back: 'Back',
optional: 'Optional',
convert: 'Convert',
saveAsHomePage: 'Save as Home Page',
convertLabels: {
bbCode: 'Paste your BBCode here',
output: 'Markdown Output',
preview: 'Preview',
tutorial: 'How to get the BBCode',
tutorialInstructions: {
line1: 'To get the BBCode of your Spigot project, do the following:',
line2: '1. Go to your project and click on "Edit Resource".',
line3: '2. Click on the wrench symbol in the description editor.',
line4: '3. Copy paste the new contents into the upper converter textbox, do changes to the output if you like, and hit save!',
step5: {
title: 'Finishing',
text: 'Creating...',
error: {
create: 'There was an error creating the project',
nameExists: 'A project with this name already exists',
slugExists: 'A project with this slug already exists',
invalidName: 'This name contains invalid characters',
tooLongName: 'Project name is too long',
tooLongDesc: 'Project description is too long',
tooManyKeywords: 'Project has too many keywords',
noCategory: 'Project must have a category',
noDescription: 'Project must have a description',
sendForApproval: 'Send for approval',
info: {
title: 'Information',
publishDate: 'Published on {0}',
views: '0 views | {0} view | {0} views',
totalDownloads: '0 total downloads | {0} total download | {0} total downloads',
stars: '0 stars | {0} star | {0} stars',
watchers: '0 watchers | {0} watcher | {0} watchers',
promotedVersions: 'Promoted Versions',
license: {
link: 'Licensed under ',
error: {
star: 'Could not toggle starred',
watch: 'Could not toggle watched',
settings: {
title: 'Settings',
category: 'Category',
categorySub: 'Categorize your project into one of 10 categories. Appropriately categorizing your project makes it easier for people to find.',
keywords: 'Keywords',
keywordsSub: 'These are special words that will return your project when people add them to their searches.',
homepage: 'Homepage',
'Having a custom homepage for your project helps you look more proper, official, and gives you another place to gather information about your project.',
issues: 'Issue tracker',
issuesSub: 'Providing an issue tracker helps your users get support more easily and provides you with an easy way to track bugs.',
source: 'Source code',
sourceSub: 'Support the community of developers by making your project open source!',
support: 'External support',
supportSub: 'An external place where you can offer support to your users. Could be a forum, a Discord server, or somewhere else.',
license: 'License',
licenseSub: 'What can people do (and not do) with your project?',
forum: 'Create posts on the forums',
forumSub: 'Sets if events like a new release should automatically create a post on the forums',
description: 'Description',
descriptionSub: 'A short description of your project',
icon: 'Icon',
iconSub: 'Upload an image representative of your project.',
iconUpload: 'Upload',
iconReset: 'Reset Icon',
apiKey: 'API Keys',
apiKeySub: 'Generate a unique deployment key to enable build deployment from Gradle',
apiKeyGenerate: 'Generate',
rename: 'Rename',
renameSub: 'Changing your projects name can have undesired consequences. We will not setup any redirects.',
delete: 'Delete',
deleteSub: 'Once you delete a project, it cannot be recovered.',
hardDelete: 'Hard Delete',
hardDeleteSub: 'Once you delete a project, it cannot be recovered. For real this time...',
save: 'Save changes',
optional: '(optional)',
licenseCustom: 'Custom Name',
licenseType: 'Type',
licenseUrl: 'URL',
donation: {
enable: 'Enable',
enableSub: 'Enable the donation form for this project',
email: 'Email',
emailSub: 'The email address of the paypal account, that should receive the donations',
defaultAmount: 'Default Amount',
defaultAmountSub: 'The preselected default amount',
oneTimeAmounts: 'One-Time Amounts',
oneTimeAmountsSub: 'List of the options you want to give users for one time donations. Users can always enter custom amounts',
monthlyAmounts: 'Monthly Amounts',
monthlyAmountsSub: 'List of the options you want to give users for monthly donations. Users can always enter custom amounts',
error: {
invalidFile: '{0} is an invalid file type',
noFile: 'No file submitted',
members: {
invalidUser: '{0} is not a valid user',
alreadyInvited: '{0} is already invited to the project',
notMember: '{0} is not a member of the project, therefore you cannot edit their role',
invalidRole: '{0} cannot be added/removed from the project',
success: {
changedIcon: 'Successfully changed the project icon',
resetIcon: 'Successfully reset the project icon',
rename: 'Successfully renamed the project to {0}',
softDelete: 'You have deleted this project',
hardDelete: 'You have fully deleted this project',
tabs: {
general: 'General',
optional: 'Optional',
management: 'Management',
donation: 'Donation',
discuss: {
login: 'Log in',
toReply: 'to reply to this discussion',
page: {
plural: 'Pages',
new: {
title: 'Create a new page',
error: {
minLength: 'Page contents are too short',
maxLength: 'Page contents are too long',
duplicateName: 'A page with that name already exists',
name: {
maxLength: 'Page name too long',
minLength: 'Page name too short',
invalidChars: 'Page name contained invalid characters',
save: 'Unable to save page',
name: 'Page Name',
parent: 'Parent Page (optional)',
delete: {
title: 'Delete page?',
text: 'Are you sure you want to delete this page? This cannot be undone.',
version: {
new: {
title: 'Create version...',
upload: 'Upload File',
uploadNew: 'Upload a new Version',
url: 'Enter a URL',
form: {
versionString: 'Version',
fileName: 'File name',
fileSize: 'File size',
externalUrl: 'External URL',
hangarProject: 'Hangar Project',
channel: 'Channel',
addChannel: 'Add Channel',
unstable: 'Unstable',
recommended: 'Recommended',
forumPost: 'Forum Post',
release: {
bulletin: 'Release Bulletin',
desc: "What's new in this release?",
platforms: 'Platforms',
dependencies: 'Plugin Dependencies',
error: {
metaNotFound: 'Could not load metadata from uploaded file',
jarNotFound: 'Could not open jar file',
fileExtension: 'Incorrect file extension',
unexpected: 'An unexpected error occurred',
invalidVersionString: 'Invalid version string found',
duplicateNameAndPlatform: 'A version with this name and compatible platform already exists',
invalidNumOfPlatforms: 'Invalid number of platforms',
duplicate: 'A version with this file already exists',
noFile: 'Could not find uploaded file',
mismatchedFileSize: 'File sizes do not match',
hashMismatch: 'File hashes do not match',
invalidPlatformVersion: 'Invalid MC version for a platform specified',
fileIOError: 'File IO Error',
unknown: 'An unknown error has occurred',
incomplete: 'Plugin file missing {0}',
noDescription: 'Must have a description',
invalidPluginDependencyNamespace: 'Declared plugin dependency has an invalid project namespace',
channel: {
noName: 'Must have a channel name specified',
noColor: 'Must have a channel color specified',
edit: {
platformVersions: 'Edit Platform Versions: {0}',
pluginDeps: 'Edit Plugin Dependencies: {0}',
error: {
noPlatformVersions: 'Must supply at least one valid platform version',
invalidVersionForPlatform: '{0} is an invalid version for {1}',
invalidProjectNamespace: '{0} is not a valid project namespace',
page: {
subheader: '{0} released this version on {1}',
dependencies: 'Dependencies',
platform: 'Platform',
required: '(required)',
adminMsg: '{0} approved this version on {1}',
reviewLogs: 'Review logs',
reviewStart: 'Start review',
setRecommended: 'Set as Recommended',
setRecommendedTooltip: 'Set this version as recommended for {0} platform',
delete: 'Delete',
hardDelete: 'Delete (forever)',
restore: 'Restore',
download: 'Download',
downloadExternal: 'Download External',
adminActions: 'Admin actions',
recommended: 'Recommended version',
partiallyApproved: 'Partially approved',
approved: 'Approved',
userAdminLogs: 'User Admin Logs',
channels: 'Channels',
editChannels: 'Edit Channels',
platforms: 'Platforms',
error: {
onlyOnePublic: 'You only have 1 public version left',
success: {
softDelete: 'You have deleted this version',
hardDelete: 'You have fully deleted this version',
restore: 'You have restored this version',
recommended: 'You have marked this version as recommended for {0} platform',
channel: {
modal: {
titleNew: 'Add a new channel',
titleEdit: 'Edit channel',
name: 'Channel Name',
color: 'Channel Color',
reviewQueue: 'Exclude from moderation review queue?',
error: {
invalidName: 'Invalid channel name',
maxChannels: 'This project already has the maximum number of channels: {0}',
duplicateColor: 'This project already has a channel with this color',
duplicateName: 'This project already has a channel with this name',
tooLongName: 'Channel name is too long',
cannotDelete: 'You cannot delete this channel',
manage: {
title: 'Release channels',
subtitle: 'Release channels represent the state of a plugin release. A project may have up to five release channels.',
channelName: 'Channel Name',
versionCount: 'Version Count',
reviewed: 'Reviewed',
edit: 'Edit',
trash: 'Trash',
editButton: 'Edit',
deleteButton: 'Delete',
add: 'Add Channel',
organization: {
new: {
title: 'Create a new Organization',
text: 'Organizations allow you group users provide closer collaboration between them within your projects on Hangar.',
name: 'Organization Name',
error: {
duplicateName: 'An organization/user with that name already exists',
invalidName: 'Invalid organization name',
tooManyOrgs: 'You can only create a maximum of {0} organizations',
notEnabled: 'Organizations are not enabled!',
jsonError: 'Error parsing the JSON response from HangarAuth',
hangarAuthValidationError: 'Validation Error: {0}',
unknownError: 'Unknown error while creating organization',
settings: {
members: {
invalidUser: '{0} is not a valid user',
alreadyInvited: '{0} is already invited to the organization',
notMember: '{0} is not a member of the organization, therefore you cannot edit their role',
invalidRole: '{0} cannot be added/removed from the organization',
form: {
memberList: {
addUser: 'Add User...',
create: 'Create',
editUser: 'Edit User',
invitedAs: '(Invited as {0})',
notifications: {
title: 'Notifications',
invites: 'Invites',
invited: 'You have been invited to join the {0}',
inviteAccepted: 'You have accepted an invitation to the {0}',
readAll: 'Mark all as read',
unread: 'Unread',
read: 'Read',
all: 'All',
invite: {
all: 'All',
projects: 'Projects',
organizations: 'Organizations',
btns: {
accept: 'Accept',
decline: 'Decline',
unaccept: 'Unaccept',
msgs: {
accept: 'You have joined {0}',
decline: 'You have declined to join {0}',
unaccept: 'You have left {0}',
empty: {
unread: 'You have no unread notifications.',
read: 'You have no read notifications.',
all: 'You have no notifications.',
invites: 'You have no invites',
project: {
reviewed: '{0} {1} has been reviewed and is approved',
reviewedPartial: '{0} {1} has been reviewed and is partially approved',
newVersion: 'A new version has been released for {0}: {1}',
invite: 'You have been invited to join the group {0} on the project {1}',
inviteRescinded: 'Your invite to you the group {0} in the project {1} has been rescinded',
removed: 'You have been removed from the group {0} in the project {1}',
roleChanged: 'You have been added to the {0} group in the project {1}',
organization: {
invite: 'You have been invited to join the group {0} in the organization {1}',
inviteRescinded: 'Your invite to you the group {0} in the organization {1} has been rescinded',
removed: 'You have been removed from the group {0} in the organization {1}',
roleChanged: 'You have been added to the {0} group in the organization {1}',
visibility: {
notice: {
'This project is new, and will not be shown to others until a version has been uploaded. If a version is not uploaded over a longer time the project will be deleted.',
needsChanges: 'This project requires changes',
needsApproval: 'You have sent the project for review',
softDelete: 'Project deleted by {0}',
name: {
new: 'New',
public: 'Public',
needsChanges: 'Needs Changes',
needsApproval: 'Needs Approval',
softDelete: 'Soft Delete',
changes: {
version: {
reviewed: 'due to approved reviews',
modal: {
activatorBtn: 'Visibility Actions',
title: "Change {0}'s visibility",
reason: 'Reason for change',
success: "You changed the {0}'s visibility to {1}",
author: {
watching: 'Watching',
stars: 'Stars',
orgs: 'Organizations',
viewOnForums: 'View on forums ',
taglineLabel: 'User Tagline',
editTagline: 'Edit Tagline',
memberSince: 'A member since {0}',
numProjects: 'No projects | {0} project | {0} projects',
addTagline: 'Add a tagline',
noOrgs: '{0} is not part of any organizations. 😢',
noWatching: '{0} has not starred any projects. 😢',
noStarred: '{0} is not watching any projects. 😢',
tooltips: {
settings: 'User Settings',
lock: 'Lock Account',
unlock: 'Unlock Account',
apiKeys: 'API Keys',
activity: 'User Activity',
admin: 'User Admin',
lock: {
confirmLock: "Lock {0}'s account?",
confirmUnlock: "Unlock {0}'s account?",
successLock: "Successfully locked {0}'s account",
successUnlock: "Successfully unlocked {0}'s account",
org: {
editAvatar: 'Edit avatar',
error: {
invalidTagline: 'Invalid tagline',
linkout: {
title: 'External Link Warning',
text: 'You have clicked on an external link to "{0}". If you did not intend to visit this link, please go back. Otherwise, click continue.',
abort: 'Go Back',
continue: 'Continue',
flags: {
header: 'Flags for',
noFlags: 'No flags found',
resolved: 'Yes, by {0} on {1}',
notResolved: 'No',
notes: {
header: 'Notes for',
noNotes: 'No notes found',
addNote: 'Add note',
notes: 'Notes',
placeholder: 'Add a note...',
stats: {
title: 'Stats',
plugins: 'Plugins',
reviews: 'Reviews',
uploads: 'Uploads',
downloads: 'Downloads',
totalDownloads: 'Total Downloads',
unsafeDownloads: 'Unsafe Downloads',
flags: 'Flags',
openedFlags: 'Opened Flags',
closedFlags: 'Closed Flags',
health: {
title: 'Hangar Health Report',
noTopicProject: 'Missing discussion topic',
erroredJobs: 'Failed jobs',
jobText: 'Job type: {0}, Error Type: {1}, Happened: {2}',
staleProjects: 'Stale projects',
notPublicProjects: 'Hidden projects',
noPlatform: 'No platform detected',
missingFileProjects: 'Missing File',
empty: 'Empty! All good!',
reviews: {
headline: '{0} released this version on {1}',
title: 'Review logs',
projectPage: 'Project Page',
downloadFile: 'Download File',
startReview: 'Start Review',
stopReview: 'Stop Review',
approve: 'Approve',
approvePartial: 'Approve Partial',
notUnderReview: 'This version is not under review',
reviewMessage: 'Review Message',
addMessage: 'Add Message',
reopenReview: 'Reopen Review',
undoApproval: 'Undo Approval',
hideClosed: 'Hide all finished reviews',
error: {
noReviewStarted: 'There is no unfinished review to add a message to',
notCorrectUser: 'You are not the user that started this review',
cannotReopen: 'Unable to reopen this review',
onlyOneReview: 'Cannot have more than 1 review for a version',
badUndo: 'Can only undo approval after an approval',
presets: {
message: '{msg}',
start: '{name} started a review',
stop: '{name} stopped a review: {msg}',
reopen: '{name} reopened a review',
approve: '{name} approved this version',
approvePartial: '{name} partially approved this version',
undoApproval: '{name} has undone their approval',
reviewTitle: "{name}'s Review",
state: {
ongoing: 'Ongoing',
stopped: 'Stopped',
approved: 'Approved',
partiallyApproved: 'Partially Approved',
lastUpdate: 'Last Update: {0}',
apiKeys: {
title: 'API Keys',
createNew: 'Create new key',
existing: 'Existing keys',
name: 'Name',
key: 'Key',
keyIdentifier: 'Key Identifier',
permissions: 'Permissions',
delete: 'Delete',
deleteKey: 'Delete Key',
createKey: 'Create key',
noKeys: 'There are no api keys yet. You can create one on the right side',
success: {
delete: 'You have deleted the key: {0}',
create: 'You have created the key: {0}',
error: {
notEnoughPerms: 'Not enough permissions to create that key',
duplicateName: 'Duplicate key name',
apiDocs: {
title: 'API Docs',
platformVersions: {
title: 'Configure Platform Versions',
platform: 'Platform',
versions: 'Versions',
addVersion: 'Add Version',
saveChanges: 'Save Changes',
success: 'Updated platform versions',
flagReview: {
title: 'Flags',
noFlags: 'There are no flags to review.',
msgUser: 'Message user',
msgProjectOwner: 'Message owner',
markResolved: 'Mark resolved',
line1: '{0} reported {1} on {2}',
line2: 'Reason: {0}',
line3: 'Comment: {0}',
userActivity: {
title: "{0}'s Activity",
reviews: 'Reviews',
flags: 'Flags',
reviewApproved: 'Review Approved',
flagResolved: 'Flag Resolved',
error: {
isOrg: 'Cannot show activity for organization users',
userAdmin: {
title: 'Edit User',
organizations: 'Organizations',
organization: 'Organization',
projects: 'Projects',
project: 'Project',
owner: 'Owner',
role: 'Role',
accepted: 'Accepted',
sidebar: 'Other Administration',
hangarAuth: 'HangarAuth Profile',
forum: 'Forum Profile',
userActionLog: {
title: 'User Action Log',
user: 'User',
address: 'IP Address',
time: 'Time',
action: 'Action',
context: 'Context',
oldState: 'Old State',
newState: 'New State',
markdownView: 'Markdown View',
diffView: 'Diff View',
types: {
ProjectVisibilityChanged: 'The project visibility state was changed',
ProjectRename: 'The project was renamed',
ProjectFlagged: 'The project got flagged',
ProjectSettingsChanged: 'The project settings were changed',
ProjectIconChanged: 'The project icon was changed',
ProjectFlagResolved: 'The flag was resolved',
ProjectChannelCreated: 'A project channel was created',
ProjectChannelEdited: 'A project channel was edited',
ProjectChannelDeleted: 'A project channel was deleted',
ProjectInvitesSent: 'Project invites were sent',
ProjectInviteDeclined: 'A project invite was declined',
ProjectInviteUnaccepted: 'A project invite was unaccepted',
ProjectMemberAdded: 'A project member was added',
ProjectMembersRemoved: 'Project members were removed',
ProjectMemberRolesChanged: 'Project members had their roles updated',
ProjectPageCreated: 'A project page was created',
ProjectPageDeleted: 'A project page was deleted',
ProjectPageEdited: 'A project page was edited',
VersionVisibilityChanged: "The version's visibility state was changed",
VersionDeleted: 'The version was deleted',
VersionCreated: 'A new version was uploaded',
VersionDescriptionEdited: 'The version description was edited',
VersionReviewStateChanged: "The version's review state was changed",
VersionPluginDependencyAdded: 'A plugin dependency was added',
VersionPluginDependencyEdited: 'A plugin dependency was edited',
VersionPluginDependencyRemoved: 'A plugin dependency was removed',
VersionPlatformDependencyAdded: 'A platform dependency was added',
VersionPlatformDependencyRemoved: 'A platform dependency was removed',
UserTaglineChanged: 'The user tagline changed',
UserLocked: 'This user is locked',
UserUnlocked: 'This use is unlocked',
UserApikeyCreated: 'An apikey was created',
UserApikeyDeleted: 'An apikey was deleted',
OrganizationInvitesSent: 'Organization invites were sent',
OrganizationInviteDeclined: 'An organization invite was declined',
OrganizationInviteUnaccepted: 'An organization invite was unaccepted',
OrganizationMemberAdded: 'An organization member was added',
OrganizationMembersRemoved: 'Organization members were removed',
OrganizationMemberRolesChanged: 'Organization members had their roles updated',
versionApproval: {
title: 'Version Approvals',
inReview: 'In Review',
approvalQueue: 'Approval queue',
queuedBy: 'Queued by',
status: 'Status',
project: 'Project',
date: 'Date',
version: 'Version',
started: 'Started: {0}',
ended: 'Ended: {0}',
statuses: {
ongoing: '{0} ongoing',
stopped: '{0} stopped',
approved: '{0} approved',
projectApproval: {
title: 'Project Approvals',
sendForApproval: 'You have sent the project for approval',
noProjects: 'No projects',
needsApproval: 'Needs Approval',
awaitingChanges: 'Awaiting Changes',
description: '{0} requested changes on {1}',
donate: {
title: 'Donate to {}',
monthly: 'Monthly',
oneTime: 'One-Time',
selectAmount: 'Select an amount above or enter an amount below',
legal: 'By donating to {0} you agree to Y and that tacos are delicious',
cta: 'Donate',
submit: 'Donate {0}',
validation: {
required: '{0} is required',
maxLength: 'Maximum length is {0}',
minLength: 'Minimum length is {0}',
invalidFormat: '{0} is invalid',
invalidUrl: 'Invalid URL format',
prompts: {
confirm: 'Got it!',
changeAvatar: {
title: 'Change your avatar!',
message: "Welcome to your new organization! Start by changing it's avatar by clicking on it.",
error: {
userLocked: 'Your account is locked.',
401: 'You must be logged in for this',
403: 'You do not have permission to do that',
404: '404 Not found',
unknown: 'An error occurred',
export default msgs;