import { LocaleMessageObject } from 'vue-i18n'; const msgs: LocaleMessageObject = { general: { close: 'Close', submit: 'Submit', comment: 'Comment', donate: 'Donate', continue: 'Continue', create: 'Create', delete: 'Delete', or: 'Or', reset: 'Reset', }, hangar: { projectSearch: { query: 'Search in {0} projects, proudly made by the community...', relevanceSort: 'Sort with relevance', }, subtitle: 'A Minecraft package repository', sponsoredBy: 'Sponsored by', }, pages: { authors: 'Authors', staff: 'Staff', }, nav: { login: 'Login', signup: 'Signup', user: { notifications: 'Notifications', flags: 'Flags', projectApprovals: 'Project approvals', versionApprovals: 'Version approvals', stats: 'Stats', health: 'Hangar Health', log: 'User Action Log', platformVersions: 'Platform Versions', logout: 'Sign out', }, createNew: 'Create new...', new: { project: 'New Project', organization: 'New Organization', }, hangar: { home: 'Homepage', forums: 'Forums', code: 'Code', docs: 'Docs', javadocs: 'JavaDocs', hangar: 'Hangar (Plugins)', downloads: 'Downloads', community: 'Community', }, }, project: { category: { info: 'Category: {0}', admin_tools: 'Admin Tools', chat: 'Chat', dev_tools: 'Developer Tools', economy: 'Economy', gameplay: 'Gameplay', games: 'Games', protection: 'Protection', role_playing: 'Role Playing', world_management: 'World Management', misc: 'Miscellaneous', }, actions: { unwatch: 'Unwatch', watch: 'Watch', flag: 'Flag', star: 'Star', unstar: 'Unstar', adminActions: 'Admin Actions', flagHistory: 'Flag history ({0})', staffNotes: 'Staff notes ({0})', userActionLogs: 'User Action Logs', forum: 'Forum', }, flag: { flagProject: 'Flag {0}?', }, tabs: { docs: 'Docs', versions: 'Versions', discuss: 'Discuss', settings: 'Settings', homepage: 'Homepage', issues: 'Issues', source: 'Source', support: 'Support', }, new: { step1: { title: 'User Agreement', text: 'A project contains your downloads and the documentation for your plugin.
Before continuing, please review the Hangar Submission Guidelines.', continue: 'Agree', back: 'Abort', }, step2: { title: 'Basic Settings', continue: 'Continue', back: 'Back', userselect: 'Create as...', projectname: 'Project name', projectsummary: 'Project Summary', projectcategory: 'Project Category', }, step3: { title: 'Additional Settings', continue: 'Continue', back: 'Back', optional: 'Optional', links: 'Links', homepage: 'Homepage', issues: 'Issue Tracker', source: 'Source Code', support: 'External Support', licence: 'Licence', type: 'Type', customName: 'Name', url: 'URL', seo: 'SEO', keywords: 'Keywords', }, step4: { title: 'Import from Spigot', continue: 'Continue', back: 'Back', optional: 'Optional', convert: 'Convert', preview: 'Preview', tutorial: 'How to get the BBCode', }, step5: { title: 'Finishing', text: 'Creating...', }, error: { create: 'There was an error creating the project', nameExists: 'A project with this name already exists', slugExists: 'A project with this slug already exists', invalidName: 'This name contains invalid characters', }, }, sendForApproval: 'Send for approval', info: 'Information', publishDate: 'Published on {0}', views: '{0} views', promotedVersions: 'Promoted Versions', license: { link: 'Licensed under ', }, error: { star: 'Could not toggle starred', watch: 'Could not toggle watched', }, }, page: { plural: 'Pages', new: { title: 'Create a new page', error: { minLength: 'Page contents are too short', maxLength: 'Page contents are too long', duplicateName: 'A page with that name already exists', name: { maxLength: 'Page name too long', minLength: 'Page name too short', invalidChars: 'Page name contained invalid characters', }, save: 'Unable to save page', }, name: 'Page Name', parent: 'Parent Page (optional)', }, delete: { title: 'Delete page?', text: 'Are you sure you want to delete this page? This cannot be undone.', }, }, version: { new: { title: 'Create version...', upload: 'Upload File', uploadNew: 'Upload a new Version', url: 'Enter a URL', form: { versionString: 'Version', fileName: 'File name', fileSize: 'File size', externalUrl: 'External URL', channel: 'Channel', addChannel: 'Add Channel', unstable: 'Unstable', recommended: 'Recommended', forumPost: 'Forum Post', release: { bulletin: 'Release Bulletin', desc: "What's new in this release?", }, }, error: { metaNotFound: 'Could not load metadata from uploaded file', jarNotFound: 'Could not open jar file', fileExtension: 'Incorrect file extension', unexpected: 'An unexpected error occurred', invalidVersionString: 'Invalid version string found', duplicateNameAndPlatform: 'A version with this name and compatible platform already exists', duplicate: 'A version with this file already exists', noFile: 'Could not find uploaded file', mismatchedFileSize: 'File sizes do not match', hashMismatch: 'File hashes do not match', invalidPlatformVersion: 'Invalid MC version for a platform specified', fileIOError: 'File IO Error', unknown: 'An unknown error has occurred', incomplete: 'Plugin file missing {0}', }, }, }, channel: { new: { title: 'Add a new channel', name: 'Channel Name', color: 'Channel Color', reviewQueue: 'Exclude from moderation review queue?', error: { invalidName: 'Invalid channel name', maxChannels: 'This project already has the maximum number of channels: {0}', duplicateColor: 'This project already has a channel with this color', duplicateName: 'This project already has a channel with this name', }, }, }, organization: { new: { title: 'Create a new Organization', text: 'Organizations allow you group users provide closer collaboration between them within your projects on Hangar.', name: 'Organization Name', }, }, form: { userSelection: { addUser: 'Add User...', create: 'Create', }, }, notifications: { title: 'Notifications', invites: 'Invites', invited: 'You have been invited to join {0}', readAll: 'Mark all as read', unread: 'Unread', read: 'Read', all: 'All', invite: { all: 'All', projects: 'Projects', organizations: 'Organizations', }, empty: { unread: 'You have no unread notifications.', read: 'You have no read notifications.', all: 'You have no notifications.', invites: 'You have no invites', }, }, visibility: { notice: { new: 'This project is new, and will not be shown to others until a version has been uploaded. If a version is not uploaded over a longer time the project will be deleted.', needsChanges: 'This project requires changes: {0}', needsApproval: 'You have sent the project for review', softDelete: 'Project deleted by {0}', }, }, author: { watching: 'Watching', stars: 'Stars', orgs: 'Organizations', viewOnForums: 'View on forums ', memberSince: 'A member since {}', numProjects: '{0} project(s)', addTagline: 'Add a tagline', }, linkout: { title: 'External Link Warning', text: 'You have clicked on an external link to "{0}". If you did not intend to visit this link, please go back. Otherwise, click continue.', abort: 'Go Back', continue: 'Continue', }, message: 'Good morning!', }; export default msgs;