import { expect } from "chai"; Feature("Index Page"); Scenario("Test Project List", async ({ I, util, IndexPage }) => { util.openHangarPage("/"); // check that projects loaded let placeholder = await I.grabAttributeFrom(IndexPage.searchField, "placeholder"); expect(placeholder).to.not.eq("Search in 0 projects..."); I.dontSee("There are no projects."); // check that query works I.fillField(IndexPage.searchField, "Some Value That doesnt Exist"); I.waitInUrl("query"); I.see("There are no projects."); I.fillField(IndexPage.searchField, "Test"); // check that buttons work; I.waitInUrl("sort=-downloads"); I.waitToHide("//*[contains(text(),'There are no projects.')]"); }); Scenario("Test Project List Query", async ({ I, util, IndexPage }) => { util.openHangarPage("/?page=1&query=A&sort=-downloads&category=admin_tools"); // check that query works I.seeInField(IndexPage.searchField, "A"); I.seeElement(locate("button").withAttr({ "aria-label": "Page 2", disabled: "" })); I.seeElement(locate("").withText("Most Downloads")); // TODO test minecraft version (maybe selecting a sub version should open the tree too?) I.seeElement(locate("input").withAttr({ type: "checkbox", value: "admin_tools", checked: "" })); });