When the Steps component attempts to step one step back on its first
step, it attempts to lookup a negative-indexed step causing a client
To fix this, by default, the Steps component calls Router#back when
attempting to step back on the first step element.
This behaviour can be overwritten by defining a custom beforeBack
handler on the specific step, allowing individual components to inject
their own abort logic if wanted.
As <p> tags may be commonly used to title lists following them, their
general bottom margin is too large to associate them with the list that
This commit applies a negative margin to lists to move them closer to
their title.
To avoid this behaviour, users will have to explicitly define the space
with a plain <br/><br/>.
The markdown css stying is heavily subjected to tailwinds
typography plugin. While this in general works great, some specific
stylings added by tailwind however actively work against the desired
look of markdown in hangar.
This commit actively removes some of the major concerns, such as lost
padding on values in a tables first collum.
Beyond that, this commit also extracts any form of colouring from the
main markdown styling and extracts any specifics into a light and dark
theme, avoiding a parent-child relation between the light and dark